2008-10-31 07:00:00 CET

2008-10-31 07:00:00 CET


Finnish English
Nokian Renkaat - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Nokian Tyres plc Interim Report     31 October 2008 at 8:00 a.m.            


Sales were up and operating profit improved.                                    

Nokian Tyres' net sales were up 21.6% to EUR 813.2 million (EUR 668.6 million   
1-9/2007). Operating profit amounted to EUR 200.5 million (EUR 140.8 million),  
and EPS rose to EUR 1.22 (EUR 0.88). In 2008, the company is positioned to      
achieve growth in sales and to outperform the previous year's results.          

Key figures, EUR million:                                                       

                          7-9/08   7-9/07   1-9/08   1-9/07      2007 

Net sales                  282.8    236.0    813.2    668.6   1,025.0           
Operating profit            71.9     51.6    200.5    140.8     234.0           
Profit before tax           67.5     46.4    185.9    128.8     213.8           
Net profit                  52.4     37.4    151.5    107.5     168.9           
Earnings per share, EUR     0.42     0.30     1.22     0.88      1.37           
Equity ratio, %                               51.6     53.1      61.8           
Cash flow from operations,                                                      
(Cash Flow II)            -141.8    -89.6   -288.7   -213.8     105.6           
RONA, % (rolling 12 months)                   26.0     22.9      24.2           
Gearing, %                                    63.6     60.9      14.3           

Kim Gran, President and CEO:                                                    

“The sales of Nokian Tyres continued to grow steeply, and operating profit      
improved also in the third quarter. Most of the growth came from winter tyre    
deliveries to Russia and Ukraine. Winter pre-sales were higher than expected in 
the Nordic countries and North America. The average tyre prices were higher than
the year before as a result of price increases and a good sales mix. Production 
capacity was at full use in all operations. Russian manufacture increased in    
line with targets, and the advantages thereof improved profitability. The steep 
economic slowdown decreased clearly the demand for forestry tyres and truck     
tyres. The outlook for the rest of the year has weakened due to the financial   
crisis. In Russia slower sales of new cars will have a negative impact on winter
tyre sales. Conditions for better sales in Ukraine, Scandinavia and North       
America as well as a strong demand for pre-season summer tyre sales in Russia   
and Ukraine will help to offset the loss in the car dealer business.            

The changing market in Russia and CIS is an opportunity and in 2008-2010 Nokian 
Tyres will continue to improve its market leader position. The share of lower   
cost production in Russia will be increased and we will continue to build our   
distribution network.”                                                          

Market situation                                                                

Growth continued in the replacement market for passenger car tyres in Russia and
the other CIS countries, but the market shrank in Western Europe. In North      
America, the winter tyre market grew as a result of the new winter tyre         
legislation that took effect in Quebec. The Nordic tyre markets grew slightly.  
The strongest growing product segments were winter tyres, SUV tyres and         
high-speed summer tyres. The slowdown in the global economy reduced the         
manufacture of industrial machinery and equipment. The demand for forestry tyres
decreased clearly. Several tyre manufacturers raised their prices in response to
the higher raw material prices.                                                 

The slowing global economy, drop in oil prices and the financial crisis in      
Russia had only a minor impact on demand in Russia and the other CIS countries. 
Growth was boosted by the strong performance of car trade in early 2008. It     
slowed toward the end of the review period, but continued stronger than in the  
previous year also in the third quarter.                                        

The risks in Russia and CIS have increased and growth has slowed down. The 7%   
growth of Russia's GDP in 2008 is expected to drop to 4-5% in 2009. The impact  
of the financial crisis on car and tyre demand for 2009 is not yet fully        
visible. The decline in car sales of 5-10% is currently forecasted with recovery
starting in 2010. Consumer demand remains very strong in the replacement market,
but lack of financing will restrict growth for some time before picking up      

Nokian Tyres Group                                                              
July-September 2008                                                             

In the third quarter, the Nokian Tyres Group recorded net sales of EUR 282.8    
million (EUR 236.0 million), representing a year-over-year increase of 19.8%.   
Sales in the Nordic countries increased by 4.2%, in Russia and the other CIS    
countries by 54.9%, in Eastern Europe by 1.6% and in the USA by 15.4%.          

Raw material purchase prices in manufacturing (EUR/kg) increased by             
approximately 10% in the third quarter compared to the corresponding period a   
year earlier. Fixed costs amounted to EUR 73.0 million (EUR 63.4 million) and   
their share of net sales decreased to 25.8% (26.8%).                  

The operating profit of Nokian Tyres improved, amounting to EUR 71.9 million    
(EUR 51.6 million). Net financial expenses were EUR 4.4 million (EUR 5.2        

Profit before tax was EUR 67.5 million (EUR 46.4 million). Net profit amounted  
to EUR 52.4 million (EUR 37.4 million), while earnings per share increased to   
EUR 0.42 (EUR 0.30).                                                            

Income financing after the change in working capital, investments and the       
disposal of fixed assets (cash flow II) was EUR -141.8 million (EUR -89.6       

January-September 2008                                                          

Nokian Tyres Group's net sales in January-September 2008 were EUR 813.2 million 
(EUR 668.6 million), representing a year-over-year growth rate of 21.6%. The    
Group's invoicing to the Nordic countries grew by 6.9%, to Russia and the other 
CIS countries by 54.1% and to the USA by 28.9%. Invoicing to Eastern Europe was 
down 0.5% from the previous year.                                               

Raw material purchase prices in manufacturing (EUR/kg) increased by 8% in       
January-September compared to the corresponding period a year earlier. Fixed    
costs amounted to EUR 221.3 million (EUR 192.9 million) and accounted for 27.2% 
(28.9%) of net sales.                                                           

Nokian Tyres Group's operating profit rose to EUR 200.5 million (EUR 140.8      
million). The figure includes a fee of EUR 2.7 million for technical and        
management support given to the joint venture in Kazakhstan, as well as credit  
loss reserves to a total of EUR 5.4 million (EUR 6.6 million). In compliance    
with IFRS 2, an option scheme write-off of EUR 13.5 million (EUR 9.0 million)   
was recognised in profit and loss.                                              

Net financial expenses were EUR 14.6 million (EUR 12.0 million). Financial      
expenses include EUR 5.4 million (EUR 1.8 million) in non-cash expenses related 
to convertible bonds. Net financial expenses include EUR 0.1 million (EUR -0.5  
million) of exchange rate differences.                                          

Profit before tax was EUR 185.9 million (EUR 128.8 million). The Group's tax    
rate was 18.5% (16.6%). Net profit amounted to EUR 151.5 million (EUR 107.5     
million), and EPS was EUR 1.22 (EUR 0.88).                                      

Return on net assets (RONA, rolling 12 months) was 26.0% (22.9%). Income        
financing after the change in working capital, investments and the disposal of  
fixed assets (cash flow II) was EUR -288.7 million (EUR -213.8 million). The    
equity ratio was 51.6% (53.1%).                                                 

The Group employed an average of 3,766 (3,414) people, and 3,877 (3,646) at the 
end of the period. The Vianor tyre chain had 1,506 (1,395) employees at the end 
of the period. The number of employees in Russia was 671 (474).                 

Tax rate                                                                        

The company's tax rate has decreased as a consequence of the tax relief in      
Russia. The tax relief is valid for as long as the company accrues tax on yields
corresponding to the amount of the Russian investment, and for two years        

Since the tax relief from Russia has been realised according to the agreements, 
and the uncertainty related to the relief has reduced considerably, the company 
has revised its estimate of the recognition of tax assets in the balance sheet. 
From now on, tax assets related to the tax relief will be recognised at their   
probable realisation value. Owing to this change in estimate, the first half of 
2008 includes EUR 6.5 million of non-recurring tax relief from the latter half  
of 2007.             

Due to the amendments of subvention laws that were enforced in the second       
half-year of 2008, these tax subventions became subject to corporate tax. The   
changes were also applied to all tax subventions not yet cashed; thus the tax   
subventions are now reported net of tax.                                        

PASSENGER CAR TYRES                                                             

EUR million       Q3/08   Q3/07  Change 1-9/08   1-9/07  Change  2007           
                                  %                       %                     

Net sales         212.1   169.7   25.0   597.8    457.7   30.6  691.2           
Operating profit   72.9    54.2   34.4   201.7(*  137.8   46.4  212.0           
Operating profit,% 34.4    32.0           33.7(*   30.1          30.7           
RONA, %                                   34.9     29.5          31.2           
(rolling 12 months)                                                             
The net sales of Nokian passenger car tyres in January-September were EUR 597.8 
million (EUR 457.7 million), representing an increase of 30.6% (33.0%) over the 
previous year. Operating profit rose to EUR 201.7 million (EUR 137.8 million),  
and the operating profit percentage was 33.7% (30.1%).                          
(x The figure includes a fee of EUR 2.7 million for technical and management    
support given to the joint venture in Kazakhstan.                               

Both summer and winter tyre sales were up from the previous year, with sales    
focusing on pre-sales of winter tyres. Growth was strongest in Russia, the other
CIS countries and North America. Sales increased also in the Nordic countries.  
The best-selling winter tyres were the studded Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5, as well  
as the new Nokian Hakkapeliitta R - the friction tyre that was launched to      
consumers for the first time this season. Both tyres have scored several top    
rankings in trade magazines' tyre tests in the Nordic countries and Russia. The 
sales of SUV tyres also grew strongly in Russia and the other CIS countries.    

The average tyre price rose as a result of improved sales mix, new products and 
successfully implemented price increases. The price increases by approximately. 
3% planned for the latter part of the year were implemented and took effect on 1
October 2008.                                                                   

The production volume rose following the planned capacity increase  at the      
Russian plant. Increased capacity was not, however, sufficient to meet the      
demand for tyres, and sales in Central European countries had to be restricted. 

HEAVY TYRES                                                                     

EUR million       Q3/08  Q3/07  Change 1-9/08  1-9/07 Change    2007            
                                   %                     %                      
Net sales          24.4   23.1    5.7    77.8    73.6   5.7    100.8            
Operating profit    4.1    5.0  -18.9    15.5    16.9  -8.6     22.3           
Operating profit,% 16.7   21.8           19.9    23.0           22.1            
RONA, %                                  32.0    38.8           39.0            
(rolling 12 months)                                                             

The net sales of Nokian Heavy Tyres in January-September were EUR 77.8 million  
(EUR 73.6 million), up 5.7% from the corresponding period the previous year. The
operating profit of Heavy Tyres was EUR 15.5 million (EUR 16.9 million), and the
operating profit percentage was 19.9% (23.0%).                                  

The slowdown in the global economy and the resulting uncertainty, as well as the
decline in the manufacture of forestry machinery, reduced clearly the demand for
forestry tyres in the third quarter.                                            
As a result, the focus of manufacture in Nokian Heavy Tyres was turned from     
forestry tyres to products with strong demand, i.e. to harbour, mining,         
agricultural and industrial machinery tyres. These products sold well, but their
margins are lower compared to forestry tyres. The production capacity was in    
full use in the review period.                                                  

The price increases planned for the latter part of the year were implemented and
took effect on 1 October 2008.                                                  


EUR million         Q3/08   Q3/07  Change 1-9/08  1-9/07 Change  2007           
                                      %                    % 
Net sales            64.5    56.2   14.7   191.8   170.4  12.6  278.5           
Operating profit     -2.2    -1.4  -55.8    -6.7    -3.4 -94.3    8.4           
Operating profit, %  -3.4    -2.5           -3.5    -2.0          3.0           
RONA, %                                      3.4     3.6          6.0           
(rolling 12 months)                                                             

Vianor's net sales in January-September were EUR 191.8 million (EUR 170.4       
million), representing a year-over-year increase of 12.6%. The growth in net    
sales was impacted by acquisitions in the USA. Operating profit was EUR -6.7    
million (EUR -3.4 million), and the operating profit percentage was -3.5%       

The expenses related to the opening and takeover of new Vianor outlets as well  
as the low demand for truck tyres weakened profitability in the period under    

The car summer tyre season sales were good in the Nordic countries and Russia.  
Winter tyre wholesales increased and service sales accounted for a bigger share 
than in the previous year. The uncertainty of the general economic outlook      
reduced demand for new truck tyres in the Nordic countries.                     

At the end of the review period, the Vianor network comprised a total of 469    
outlets in the Nordic countries, Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, the Baltic       
countries, the USA and Eastern Europe. Of these, 289 were partner and           
franchising outlets. In the third quarter, a total of 42 new Vianor outlets were

OTHER OPERATIONS                                                                

The net sales of Nokian truck tyres in January-September were EUR 24.4 million  
(EUR 21.3 million), up 14.6% on the previous year. Sales grew especially in     
Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The unit's product range mainly consists of     
winter products, which sell best during the second half of the year.            

RUSSIA AND THE CIS COUNTRIES                                                    

Sales in Russia and the CIS countries increased by 54.1% year-over-year during  
the period under review, and market shares improved. The distribution network   
was extended by signing distribution agreements and by expanding the Vianor tyre

The number of production lines at the Russian plant increased in the second     
quarter. The plant now has six lines, which run constantly in three shifts. The 
plant's production volume and quality were in line with targets. Production     
capacity has increased on schedule, and the new lines were launched into a      
full-scale operation at the beginning of the third quarter. Production capacity 
will be increased in the last quarter with one additional production line.      

The roofing ceremonies of the mixing department and the expanded warehouse were 
celebrated at the end of the review period. The installation of mixing equipment
will start in November 2008, as scheduled. Part of the warehouse expansion will 
be taken into use in late 2008. The Hakkapeliitta Village, a housing area for   
the personnel, is also under construction.                                      


On 19 October 2007, Nokian Tyres announced it had signed an agreement with the  
Kazakhstanian conglomerate Ordabasy Corporation JSC to build a greenfield       
passenger car tyre factory in Kazakhstan. Nokian Tyres has a 10% stake in the   
joint venture, with the option to increase its ownership to a minimum of 50%.   

The total investment will be approximately EUR 160 million, financed through    
equity of approximately EUR 40 million and external loans. Nokian Tyres has     
signed a long-term technical support and management aid agreement with Ordabasy 
Corporation. The agreement is valued at EUR 12 million. According to the        
agreement the sum sum will be entered as income over the next three years.      

The project is on hold until further notice, due to tighter financing           
conditions. The income recognition of technical support has been halted.        


Investments in the third quarter amounted to EUR 33.9 million (EUR 25.3 million)
and EUR 114.2 million (EUR 83.1 million) for the entire review period. The      
company's total investments in 2008 will be approximately EUR 162 million (EUR  
117 million). Around EUR 110 million (EUR 92 million) will be spent on the      
Russian plant's operations and extension. The remainder comprises production    
investments in the Nokia plant, moulds for new products and the Vianor expansion

OTHER MATTERS                                                                   

1. Stock options on the Main List of the Helsinki Stock Exchange                

The Board of Directors of Nokian Tyres plc has decided to apply for the listing 
of stock options 2004C on the Helsinki Stock Exchange effective as of 1 March   
There are a total of 245,000 2004C stock options. Each of them entitles the     
holder to subscribe for ten Nokian Tyres plc shares. The subscription period for
options 2004C commenced on 1 March 2008 and expires on 31 March 2010. The total 
number of shares available for subscription with options 2004C is 2,450,000. The
current subscription price with stock options 2004C is EUR 11.78/share. The     
annually paid dividends shall be deducted from the share subscription price.    

2. Shares subscribed for with stock options                                     

After the increase in share capital registered on 20 December 2007, a total of  
898,690 shares were subscribed for with the 2004A stock options attached to the 
Nokian Tyres' Option Scheme of 2004, and 35,730 shares with the 2004B options.  
The increase in share capital resulting from the subscription, EUR 186,884, was 
entered in the Trade Register on 26 February 2008. Trading of the shares, along 
with the old shares, began on 27 February 2008. Following the increase, the     
number of Nokian Tyres shares is 124,630,700 and the share capital is EUR       

After the increase in share capital, registered on 26 February 2008, a total of 
192,150 shares were subscribed for with the 2004A stock options attached to the 
Nokian Tyres' Option Scheme of 2004, 3,130 shares with the 2004B options and    
1,560 shares with the 2004C options. As a result of the subscriptions, an       
increase in share capital totalling EUR 39,368 was entered in the Trade Register
on 20 May 2008. Trading of the shares, along with the old shares, began on 21   
May 2008. Following the increase, Nokian Tyres has a total of 124,827,540 shares
and a share capital of EUR 24,965,508.                                          

After the increase in share capital, registered on 20 May 2008, a total of 2,550
shares were subscribed for with the 2,004B stock options attached to the Nokian 
Tyres' Option Scheme of 2004 and 1,100 shares with the 2004C stock options. The 
increase in share capital resulting from the subscription, EUR 730, was entered 
in the Trade Register on 20 August 2008. Trading of the shares, along with the  
old shares, began on 21 August 2008. Following the increase, the number of      
Nokian Tyres shares is 124,831,190 and the share capital is EUR 24,966,238.     

3. Share price development                                                      

Nokian Tyres' share price was EUR 16.80 at the end of the review period (EUR    
27.46). The average share price during the period was EUR 26.62 (EUR 21.97), the
highest EUR 33.73 (EUR 27.79) and the lowest EUR 16.28 (EUR 13.99). A total of  
208,230,495 shares were traded during the review period (189,751,084),          
representing 167% (154%) of the company's overall share capital. The company's  
market value at the end of the period was EUR 2.097 billion (EUR 3.386 billion).
Finnish nationals accounted for 28.0% (30.7%) and foreign nationals registered  
in the nominee register for 72.0% (69.3%) of the company's shareholders. The    
latter figure includes Bridgestone's ownership of approximately 16%.            

4. Decisions made at the Annual General Meeting                                 

The Annual General Meeting of Nokian Tyres, held on 3 April 2008, approved the  
financial statements for 2007 and discharged the Board of Directors and the     
President from liability. The final dividend was set at EUR 0.50 per share. The 
record date was 8 April 2008 and the payment date 15 April 2008.                

4.1 Board of Directors and auditor                                              

The number of Board members was set at seven. Kim Gran, Hille Korhonen, Hannu   
Penttilä, Koki Takahashi, Aleksey Vlasov and Petteri Walldén will continue as   
Board members. Kai Öistämö was elected as a new member of the Board. At its     
meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, the Board elected Petteri Walldén
as Chairman of the Board.                                                       

Authorised public accountants KPMG Oy Ab continue as auditors.                  

4.2 Remuneration of the Board members                                           

The monthly fee paid to the Chairman of the Board was set at EUR 5,833, or EUR  
70,000 per year, while that paid to Board members was set at EUR 2,917, or EUR  
35,000 per year. The Annual General Meeting also decided that each member of the
Committee will receive a meeting fee of EUR 500 for each Committee meeting      

A decision was made to follow existing practices and pay 60% of the annual fee  
in cash and 40% in company shares, so that in the period from 4 April to 30     
April 2008, EUR 28,000 of Nokian Tyres plc shares will be purchased at the stock
exchange on behalf of the Chairman of the Board and EUR 14,000 of shares on     
behalf of each Board member. This decision means that the final remuneration    
paid to Board members is tied to the company's share performance. No separate   
compensation will be paid to the President and CEO for Board work.              

4.3 Amendments to the Articles of Association                                   

The Annual General Meeting decided to make the following amendments to the      
Articles of Association:                                                        

- Sections 3 and 4 of the present Articles of Association will be removed, and  
the numbering will be revised correspondingly.                                  

- Section 5 of the Articles of Association will be changed to the following:    
“The company's shares belong to the book-entry securities system.”              

- Section 8 of the Articles of Association will be changed to the following:    
“Both the Managing Director and the Chairman of the Board may represent the     
company alone, and of the Members of the Board, two together.”                  

- Section 10 of the Articles of Association will be changed to the following:   
“The company will have one auditor who must be approved by the Central Chamber  
of Commerce. The term of office of the auditor ends with the election of the    
following auditor at the Annual General Meeting.”                               

- Section 11 of the Articles of Association will be changed to the following:   
“The invitation to the Annual General Meeting must be published no earlier than 
three months and no later than one week before the date referred to in Chapter  
4, section 2, subsection 2 of the Limited Liabilities Companies Act, in         
accordance with the Board decision, on the company's website and in one national
and in one Tampere regional daily newspaper.”                                   

- Section 12 of the Articles of Association will be changed to the following:   
“In order to participate in the Annual General Meeting, shareholders must inform
the company no later than the day stated in the meeting invitation, which may be
no earlier than ten days before the meeting.  The method of voting is determined
by the chairman of the Annual General Meeting.”                                 

- Section 13 of the Articles of Association will be changed to the following:   
“The Annual General Meeting must be held annually on a date specified by the    
Board of Directors before the end of May. The Annual General Meeting is held in 
accordance with the decision by the Board, either at the registered office of   
the company or in Tampere or in Helsinki.                                       

The Annual General Meeting must present                                         
1. the annual accounts, including the profit and loss account, balance sheet and
annual report,                                                                  
2. the auditor's report;                                                        must decide on                                                                  
3. the confirmation of the company's annual accounts,                           
4. the use of profit based on the balance sheet,                                
5. the discharge from liability of the Board members and the Managing Director, 
6. the remuneration for the Board members and auditor,                          
7. the number of Board members                                                  
must elect                                                                      
8. the Board members,                                                           
9. the auditor.                                                                 

- Section 14 of the Articles of Association will be changed to the following:   
”The annual accounts, the Board's annual report and other documents relating to 
company operations must be submitted to the auditor by the end of March, and the
auditor must submit his/her report to the Board before the 15th of April.”      

CHANGES IN SHARE OWNERSHIP                                                      

On 5 May 2008, Nokian Tyres received a notification from Grantham, Mayo, Van    
Otterloo & CO LLC, according to which Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co LLC's   
holding in Nokian Tyres had dropped under the limit of 5% as a consequence of   
the share transaction on 30 April 2008. Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co LLC   
now holds a total of 6,220,002 Nokian Tyres' shares, which represents 4.99% of  
the company's 124,630,700 shares and voting rights.                             


Roughly 35% of the Group's net sales are generated from euro-denominated sales. 
The most important sales currencies in addition to the euro are the Russian     
rouble, the US dollar and the Swedish and Norwegian krona. A change of one per  
cent in the EUR/RUB exchange rate would cause a change of approximately EUR 4.0 
million in the company's net sales. A corresponding change in the EUR/USD       
exchange rate would cause a change of approximately EUR 0.5 million in the      
company's net sales. A change of one per cent in the EUR/SEK and EUR/NOK        
exchange rates would cause a change of roughly EUR 1 million in the company's   
net sales.                                                                      

Nokian Tyres' future risks and uncertainty factors are based on the development 
of the growing markets in Russia and CIS, the success of winter tyre sales in   
the key markets, the repatriation of receivables and the development of the     
financial markets and raw material prices. The share of Russian receivables is a
half of Nokian Tyres' total receivables. The continued uncertainty in the       
financial sector may postpone part of the cash flow towards the end of the last 
quarter. The Russian plant capacity increase has been implemented as planned,   
but future success depends on the availability of skilled personnel.            

Nokian Tyres has certain pending legal proceedings and litigations in some      
countries. At the moment, the company does not expect these proceedings to have 
any material impact on the performance or future outlook.                       

MATTERS AFTER THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW                                           

Changes in share ownership                                                      

On 16 October 2008, Nokian Tyres was notified of the ownership of Varma Mutual  
Pension Insurance Company (business ID 0533297-9) exceeding the 5% limit        
following share transactions carried out on 16 October 2008. Varma Mutual       
Pension Insurance Company announced its ownership of 6,870,657 Nokian Tyres     
shares, which represents 5.50% of the company's 124,831,190 shares and voting   

OUTLOOK FOR 2008                                                                

In Russia and the CIS countries, the economy and new car sales growth have      
slowed down considerably. In the Nordic countries, demand is expected to remain 
at last year's level. The winter tyre stocks of Central European tyre           
distributors are exceptionally high, and manufacture in the automobile and tyre 
industry has been restricted from the summer onwards. The manufacture of        
industrial machinery and equipment is expected to continue to decrease.         

The peak in raw material prices has been reached, and the prices for early 2009 
are declining. The average price of raw materials in 2008 is expected to be some
10% higher than in 2007.                                                        

Nokian Tyres will execute its growth projects in 2008 as planned. The schedule  
of any significant additional investment decisions will depend on the general   
development of the economy. In the event of a recession, Nokian Tyres will carry
out investments that can be funded with income financing.                       

The demand for winter tyres, UHP summer tyres and SUV tyres is still good in    
Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe. The outlook has improved in the   
North American winter tyre market, as a result of the new winter tyre           
legislation in Quebec. Nokian Heavy Tyres will target its sales at the          
replacement market, the goal being to boost sales and increase market shares in 
harbour and mining tyres, as well as in other special products. In these product
groups, the delivery capacity of Nokian Heavy Tyres has improved from the       
previous year.                                                                  

Tyres manufactured in Russia represent an increasingly large portion of the     
Group's sales, which contributes to sustaining a good profit margin. The share  
of lower cost production in Russia will be increased and capacities in Finland  
will be adjusted to reflect the market demand. Nokian Tyres' will increase      
prices by approximately 3% October 1, 2008 and cut costs in all operations.     

The last six months of the year, and especially the fourth quarter, have        
traditionally had the biggest impact on the sales and performance of Nokian     
Tyres, owing to the seasonal nature of operations and the high share of winter  
tyres. Growth in Russia and the higher share of pre-sales of tyres have balanced
clearly the seasonality, which shows in sales and profits being distributed more
evenly over the year.                                                           
In 2008, the company is positioned to achieve growth in sales and to outperform 
the previous year's results in terms of operating profit and EPS. Q4/2008       
results will be below Q4/2007. The outlook for the rest of the year has weakened
due to the financial crisis. In Russia slower sales of new cars will have a     
negative impact on winter tyre sales. Conditions for better sales in Ukraine,   
Scandinavia and North America as well as a strong demand for pre-season summer  
tyre sales in Russia and Ukraine will help to offset the loss in the car dealer 
business. The changing market in Russia and CIS is an opportunity and in        
2008-2010 Nokian Tyres will continue to improve its market leader position. The 
company maintains its target net sales of EUR 1,150-1,200 billion, which        
corresponds to a growth of approximately 15%. Achieving the target requires a   
successful winter tyre season in core markets.                                  
This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IFRS compliant         
recognition and measurement principles and the same accounting policies as in   
the most recent annual financial statements, but it has not been prepared in    
compliance with all requirements set out in IAS 34 'Interim Financial
The interim report figures are unaudited.               

NOKIAN TYRES                                                                    
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
Million euros                                                                   
                  7-9/08 7-9/07 1-9/08 1-9/07 Last 12  1-12/07 Change
                                               months            %          
Net sales          282.8  236.0  813.2  668.6 1,169.6  1,025.0   21.6           
Cost of                                                                         
sales             -150.9 -133.1 -435.9 -372.5  -632.5   -569.1   17.0           
Gross profit       131.9  103.0  377.3  296.1   537.1    455.8   27.4           
Other operating                                                                 
income               0.4    0.5    1.0    1.4     1.9      2.4  -31.5           
Selling and                                                                     
expenses           -47.0  -40.5 -143.3 -124.4  -198.3   -179.4   15.2           
expenses            -6.5   -5.1  -17.9  -16.0   -25.4    -23.5   11.6           
Other operating                                                                 
expenses            -6.9   -6.3  -16.6  -16.3   -21.6    -21.3    1.8           
Profit              71.9   51.6  200.5  140.8   293.7    234.0   42.4           
Income               5.3    7.3   27.2   20.9    69.4     63.1   30.2           
expenses            -9.8  -12.5  -41.8  -32.9   -92.2    -83.3   27.0           
Profit before                                                                   
tax                 67.5   46.4  185.9  128.8   270.9    213.8   44.4           
Tax expense (1     -15.1   -8.9  -34.5  -21.3   -58.0    -44.9   61.7           
Profit for the                                                                  
period              52.4   37.4  151.5  107.5   212.9    168.9   40.9           

Attributable to:                                                                
Equity holders of the parent                                                    
                    52.4   37.4  151.5  107.5   212.9    168.9                  
Minority interest                                                               
                     0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0     0.0      0.0                  

Earnings per share from the profit                                              
attributable to equity holders of                                               
the parent                                                                      
basic, euros                                                                    
                    0.42   0.30   1.22   0.88    1.73     1.37   39.0           
diluted, euros      0.43   0.29   1.17   0.84    1.68     1.31   40.0 

KEY RATIOS                    
                                   30.9.08 30.9.07 31.12.07  Change %           

Equity ratio, %                       51.6    53.1     61.8                     
Gearing, %                            63.6    60.9     14.3                     
Equity per share, euro                6.57    5.27     5.76      24.8           
Interest-bearing net debt,                                                      
mill. euros                          521.6   395.5    102.0                     
Capital expenditure,                                                            
mill. euros                          114.2    83.1    117.1                     
Depreciation and amortisations                                                  
mill. euros                           40.8    34.7     47.1                     
Personnel, average                   3,766   3,414    3,462                     

Number of shares (million units)                                                
at the end of period                124.83  123.31   123.70                     
in average                          124.54  122.81   122.95                     
in average, diluted                 132.40  128.15   129.09                     

1) Tax expense in the consolidated income statement is                          
based on the taxable profit for the period.                                     

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
                                   30.9.08 30.9.07 31.12.07                     
Non-current assets                                                              
Property, plant and equipment        493.3   399.3    419.9                     
Goodwill                              54.9    52.8     52.8                     
Other intangible assets               13.8     7.6      7.5                     
Investments in associates              0.1     0.1      0.1                     
financial assets                       0.3     0.2      0.2                     
Other receivables                     14.0     8.6     12.8                     
Deferred tax assets                   27.8    25.7     17.7                     
Total non-current assets             604.2   494.3    511.0                     

Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                          275.0   225.3    193.2                     
Trade receivables                    598.1   434.7    225.3                     
Other receivables                    101.2    61.4     67.7                     
Cash and cash equivalents             13.8    10.3    158.1                     
Total current assets                 988.0   731.6    644.3                     

Share capital                         25.0    24.7     24.7                     
Share premium                        155.0   146.6    149.0                     
Translation reserve                  -14.7    -7.8    -12.8                     
Fair value and hedging reserves        0.1     0.0      0.0                     
Retained earnings                    655.2   486.1    551.9                     
Minority interest                      0.0     0.0      0.0                     
Total equity                         820.6   649.6    712.8                     

Non-current liabilities                                                         

Deferred tax liabilities              28.0    28.6     30.1                     
Interest-bearing liabilities         295.6   298.5    248.7                     
Other liabilities                      2.2     1.8      2.4                     
Total non-current liabilities        325.8   328.8    281.1                     

Current liabilities                                                             
Trade and other payables             204.9   139.2    148.9                     
Provisions                             1.1     1.0      1.1                     
Interest-bearing liabilities         239.8   107.3     11.4                     
Total current liabilities            445.8   247.5    161.4                     

Total assets                       1,592.2 1,225.9  1,155.4                     

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
                                    1-9/08  1-9/07  1-12/07                     
Million euros                                                                   

Cash flows from operating activities:                                           
Cash generated from                          
operations                          -158.8  -126.7    206.2                     
Financial items and taxes            -78.0   -34.7    -36.3                     
Net cash from operating                                                         
activities                          -236.8  -161.4    169.9                     

Cash flows from investing activities:                                           
Net cash used in investing                                                      
activities                          -126.2   -83.3   -117.7                     

Cash flows from financing activities:                                           
Proceeds from issue of share                                                    
capital                                6.3     4.1      6.5                     
Change in current financial                                                     
receivables and debt                 228.6    53.0    -44.4                     
Change in non-current financial                                                 
receivables and debt                  45.9   196.1    143.9                     
Dividends paid                       -62.3   -38.0    -38.0                     
Net cash from financing                                                         
activities                           218.5   215.2     68.0                     

Net change in cash and cash                                                     
equivalents                         -144.5   -29.5    120.3                     

Cash and cash equivalents at                                                    
the beginning of the period          158.1    39.0     39.0                     
Effect of exchange rate changes       -0.2    -0.7      1.2                     
Cash and cash equivalents at                                                    
the end of the period                 13.8    10.3    158.1                     
                                    -144.5   -29.5    120.3     

The effect of exchange rate changes -0.2 million euros                          
are included in the net cash from operating activities.                         
Year 2007 that effect was -0.7 million euros.                                   

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
Million euros                                                                   
                                        value             Mino-                 
                                Trans-  and               rity                  
                Share   Share   lation  hedging  Retained inte-                 
                capital premium reserve reserves earnings rest  Total           
1 Jan 2007      24.5    142.7   -2.2    -0.1     391.6    0.0   556.6           
Interest rate                                                                   
swaps, net of                                                                   
tax                                      0.2                      0.2           
differences                     -6.6                             -6.6           
from hedge of                                                                   
net investments                                                                 
in foreign                                                                      
net of tax                       0.9                              0.9           
Profit for                                                                      
the period                                       107.5          107.5           
Total recogni-                                                                  
sed income and                                                                  
expenses for                                                                    
the period       0.0      0.0   -5.7     0.2     107.5    0.0   102.0           
Dividends paid                                   -38.0          -38.0           
warrants         0.2      3.9                                     4.0           
payments                                           9.0            9.0           
Equity component                                                                
of the                                                                          
convertible bond                                  16.0           16.0           
Other changes                                                     0.0           
Change in                                                                       
minority interest                                                 0.0           
30 Sep 2007     24.7    146.6   -7.8     0.0     486.2    0.0   649.6           

1 Jan 2008      24.7    149.0  -12.8     0.0     551.9    0.0   712.8           
Interest rate                                                                   
swaps, net of                                                                   
tax                                      0.1                      0.1           
differences                     -2.7                             -2.7           
from hedge of             
net investments                                                                 
in foreign                                                                      
net of tax                       0.9                              0.9           
Profit for                                                                      
the period                                       151.5          151.5           
Total recogni-                                                                  
sed income and                                                                  
expenses for                                                                    
the period       0.0      0.0   -1.8     0.1     151.5    0.0   149.8           
Dividends paid                                   -62.3          -62.3           
warrants         0.2      6.1                                     6.3           
payments                                          13.5           13.5           
Equity component                                                                
of the                                                                          
convertible bond                                                  0.0           
Other changes                                      0.4            0.4           
Change in                                                                       
minority interest                                                 0.0           
30 Sep 2008     25.0    155.0  -14.7     0.1     655.2    0.0   820.6           

SEGMENT INFORMATION   7-9/08  7-9/07  1-9/08  1-9/07  1-12/07  Change           
Million euros						  %                          

Net sales                                                                       
Passenger car tyres    212.1   169.7   597.8   457.7    691.2    30.6           
Heavy tyres             24.4    23.1    77.8    73.6    100.8     5.7           
Vianor                  64.5    56.2   191.8   170.4    278.5    12.6           
Others and                                                                      
eliminations           -18.2   -13.0   -54.2   -33.2    -45.6   -63.2           
Total                  282.8   236.0   813.2   668.6  1,025.0    21.6           

Operating result                                                                
Passenger car tyres     72.9    54.2   201.7   137.8    212.0    46.4           
Heavy tyres              4.1     5.0    15.5    16.9     22.3    -8.6           
Vianor                  -2.2    -1.4    -6.7    -3.4      8.4   -94.3           
Others and                                                                      
eliminations            -2.8    -6.3   -10.0   -10.5     -8.7     5.1           
Total                   71.9    51.6   200.5   140.8    234.0    42.4           

Operating result,                                                               
% of net sales                                                                  
Passenger car tyres     34.4    32.0    33.7    30.1     30.7                   
Heavy tyres             16.7    21.8    19.9    23.0     22.1                   
Vianor                  -3.4    -2.5    -3.5    -2.0      3.0                   
Total                   25.4    21.9    24.7    21.1     22.8                   

Cash Flow II                                                                    
Passenger car tyres   -142.6   -77.1  -244.1  -186.1    102.3   -31.2           
Heavy tyres             -4.0     2.5    -7.9     5.2     21.0  -252.3           
Vianor                 -13.1    -8.5   -30.3   -19.2     -5.6   -58.0           
Total                 -141.8   -89.6  -288.7  -213.8    105.6   -35.1           

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES             30.9.08 30.9.07 31.12.07                     
Million euros                                                                   

FOR OWN DEBT                                                                    
Mortgages                              1.0     1.0      1.0                     
Pledged assets                        42.4     0.0      0.0                     

OTHER OWN COMMITMENTS                                                           
Guarantees                             1.9     1.0      1.0                     
Leasing and rent commitments         103.2    82.1     89.9                     
Purchase commitments of                                                         
property, plant and equipment          2.4    26.4     28.2                     

INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES                                                       
Interest rate swaps                                                             
Notional amount                       14.6    15.1     15.0                     
Fair value                             0.1     0.0      0.1                     

FOREIGN CURRENCY DERIVATIVES                                                    
Currency forwards                                                               
Notional amount                      651.3   396.4    312.1                     
Fair value                            -0.1     1.2      2.6                     
Currency options, purchased                                                     
Notional amount                       40.8    83.2      4.8                     
Fair value                             1.4     1.0      0.1                     
Currency options, written                                                       
Notional amount                       74.2    63.3      4.8                     
Fair value                            -1.2    -0.6      0.0                     

The fair value of interest rate derivatives is defined by cash flows            
due to contracts. Interest rate swaps are wholly designated as cash             
flow hedges and their changes in fair value relating to the effective           
portion of the hedge are recognised in equity and the potential                 
ineffective portion is recognised in the income statement.                      

The fair value of forward exchange contracts is calculated at the               
forward rates on the balance sheet closing date on the basis of cash            
flows arising from contracts. The fair value of currency options is             
calculated by using the Garman-Kohlhagen option valuation model.                

Foreign currency derivatives are only used to hedge the Group's net             
exposure. The changes in fair value of foreign currency derivatives             
are reported in the income statement excluding the foreign currency             
derivatives that are hedging the foreign currency denominated net               
investment in a foreign subsidiary. Hedge accounting is applied for             
those hedges and for hedges meeting the hedge accounting criteria the           
changes in the fair value are wholly deferred in equity except for              
the potential ineffective portion and the time value of currency                
options, which are recognised in the income statement.                          

The notional amount of foreign currency derivatives is the euro                 
equivalent of the contracts' currency denominated amount on the                 
balance sheet closing date.                                                     

Nokian Tyres plc                                                                

Raila Hietala-Hellman                                                           
Vice President, Corporate Communications                                        

Further information: Kim Gran, President and CEO,                               
tel. +358 10 401 7336.                                                          

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX and the key media                                      


Nokian Tyres will publish the January-September 2008 Interim Report on Friday 31
October 2008 at 8:00 am.                                                        
The results will be presented in English at an event for analysts and the press 
on the same day at 10:00 am at Hotel Kämp in Helsinki.                          

The event can be followed live on the Internet on Friday 31 October 2008, 10:00 
am, at:                                                                         

A telephone conference in English will be arranged in conjunction with the      
event. To participate in the conference, dial the following number 5 to 10      
minutes before the event: +44 (0)20 7162 0025. The password is "Nokian Tyres".  
The stock exchange release and presentation material will be available for      
download before the beginning of the event at:                                  

A recording of the telephone conference will be available from the same page    
after the event.                                                                

Nokian Tyres 2008 result will be published on February, 2009. Releases and      
company information will be found from Internet www.nokiantyres.com