2016-11-03 07:00:01 CET

2016-11-03 07:00:01 CET


Suomių Anglų
eQ Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)



3 November 2016 at 8:00 a.m.

January to September 2016 in brief

  -- During the period under review, the Group's net revenue grew by 20 per cent
     to EUR 26.2 million (EUR 21.7 million from 1 Jan. to 30 Sept. 2015).

  -- The Group’s net fee and commission income increased to EUR 24.7 million
     (EUR 20.1 million).
  -- The Group’s net investment income from own investment operations was EUR
     1.5 million (EUR 1.6 million).

  -- The Group’s operating profit grew by 27 per cent to EUR 12.1 million (EUR
     9.5 million).
  -- The Group’s profit was EUR 9.5 million (EUR 7.5 million). 
  -- The consolidated earnings per share grew by 27 per cent to EUR 0.26 (EUR
  -- The net cash flow from own investment operations was EUR 2.4 million (EUR
     6.2 million from 1 Jan. to 30 Sept. 2015) and the change in fair value was
     EUR -1.0 million (EUR 0.3 million).

July to September 2016 in brief

  -- In the third quarter, the Group’s net revenue grew by 17 per cent to EUR
     7.8 million (EUR 6.7 million from 1 July to 30 Sept. 2015).

  -- The Group’s net fee and commission income increased to EUR 6.9 million (EUR
     6.0 million).
  -- The Group’s net investment income from own investment operations was EUR
     0.9 million (EUR 0.7 million).

  -- The Group’s operating profit grew by 23 per cent to EUR 4.0 million (EUR
     3.2 million).
  -- The Group’s profit was EUR 3.2 million (EUR 2.6 million). 
  -- The consolidated earnings per share grew by 24 per cent to EUR 0.09 (EUR

Key ratios           1-9/16  1-9/15  Change %  7-9/16  7-9/15  Change %  1-12/15
Net revenue, Group,    26.2    21.7       20%     7.8     6.7       17%     30.5
----------------------                                                  --------
Net revenue, Asset     18.6    16.2       15%     6.5     5.0       30%     21.7
 Management, M€                                                                 
----------------------                                                  --------
Net revenue,            6.3     4.2       50%     0.5     1.1      -53%      7.0
 Corporate Finance,                                                             
----------------------                                                  --------
Net revenue,            1.3     1.4       -7%     0.8     0.6       33%      1.8
 Investments, M€                                                                
----------------------                                                  --------
Net revenue, Group                                                              
----------------------                                                  --------
and eliminations, M€    0.0     0.0        0%     0.0     0.0        0%      0.0
----------------------                                                  --------
----------------------                                                  --------
Operating profit,      12.1     9.5       27%     4.0     3.2       23%     13.2
 Group, M€                                                                      
----------------------                                                  --------
Operating profit,       8.8     7.3       20%     3.4     2.4       44%      9.6
 Asset Management,                                                              
----------------------                                                  --------
Operating profit,       3.0     1.9       59%     0.0     0.5      -99%      3.4
 Corporate Finance,                                                             
----------------------                                                  --------
Operating profit,       1.3     1.4       -7%     0.8     0.6       33%      1.8
 Investments, M€                                                                
----------------------                                                  --------
Operating profit,      -1.0    -1.1        9%    -0.3    -0.2       -9%     -1.6
 administration, M€                                                             
----------------------                                                  --------
----------------------                                                  --------
Profit for the          9.5     7.5       27%     3.2     2.6       24%     10.5
 period, M€                                                                     

Key ratios                1-9/16  1-9/15  Change  7-9/16  7-9/15  Change  1-12/1
                                               %                       %       5
Earnings per share, €       0.26    0.21     27%    0.09    0,07     24%    0.29
-------------------------                                                -------
Equity per share, €         1.65    1.82     -9%    1.65    1.82     -9%    1.91
-------------------------                                                -------
Cost/income ratio,          52.6    54.7     -4%    47.1    50.0     -6%    55.1
 Group, %                                                                       
-------------------------                                                -------
-------------------------                                                -------
Liquid assets, M€           12.1    18.1    -33%    12.1    18.1    -33%    21.6
-------------------------                                                -------
Private equity              20.6    23.0    -10%    20.6    23.0    -10%    22.5
 investments, M€                                                                
-------------------------                                                -------
Interest-bearing             0.0     0.0      0%     0.0     0.0      0%     0.0
 liabilities, M€                                                                
-------------------------                                                -------
-------------------------                                                -------
Assets under management,     8.4     7.4     14%     8.4     7.4     14%     7.6
 € billion                                                                      

Janne Larma, CEO

eQ’s favourable profit development continued. In the first nine months, the net
revenue of the Group grew by 20 per cent to EUR 26.2 million and the operating
profit by 27 per cent to EUR 12.1 million. 

eQ Asset Management’s success continued

The business operations of eQ Asset Management developed in an excellent manner
in the third quarter. In the first nine months, the net revenue of the Asset
Management segment increased by 15 per cent to EUR 18.6 million and the
operating profit by 20 per cent to EUR 8.8 million. The increase of the net
revenue was based on the growth of real estate and private equity asset
management. The strong sales of the real estate funds continued, and during the
nine-month period, subscriptions worth EUR 176 million were made in the two
real estate funds. Within traditional asset management, the fee and commission
income grew compared with the two first quarters, but was at a lower level than
the year before during the nine-month period. Our portfolio management was very
successful during the first nine months of the year, as 64% of the funds under
our own management exceeded their benchmark indices. 

During the past year, eQ has markedly improved its position as institutional
asset manager in Finland.  According to a study by SFR, the use of eQ as asset
manager grew clearly the most, and we are the third most widely used
institutional asset manager in Finland. 

Advium’s result grew

Advium’s net revenue increased by 50 per cent to EUR 6.3 million and the
operating profit grew by 59 per cent to EUR 3.0 million. In the third quarter,
Advium acted as advisor in one finalised transaction when the DEGI Europe Fund
managed by Aberdeen sold Tieto’s head office property to Veritas Pension
Insurance Company. The market continues to be very active, and no change is
visible in the market situation. In September, Advium was ranked the best
Finnish investment bank in the real estate sector in an enquiry by the
distinguished Euromoney magazine already for the 10th time. 

The result of the Investments segment almost at previous year's level

The net revenue and operating profit of the Investments segment grew in the
third quarter, as compared with the two previous quarters. The net revenue and
operating profit for the nine-month period were almost at the same level as the
year before, i.e. EUR 1.3 million (EUR 1.4 million from 1 Jan. to 30 Sept.
2015). The net cash flow from investments was EUR 2.4 million (EUR 6.2

eQ’s market position is very good

Political and economic uncertainty in Europe, the presidential election in the
U.S. and the Brexit negotiations are themes that investors will monitor during
coming months. Regardless of their outcome, we believe that eQ has an excellent
position in the asset management market based on its strong market position
within real estate and private equity asset management. In addition, the eQ
Forest fund established in the third quarter is well suited for the present
market situation. Together with traditional asset management, the above
mentioned cornerstones lay a good foundation for the future development of our
business operations. The strong market position of Advium also offers good
preconditions for the future. 


eQ’s interim report 1 January to 30 September 2016 is enclosed to this release
and it will also be available on the company website at www.eQ.fi. 

Additional information: Janne Larma, CEO, tel. +358 9 6817 8920

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, www.eQ.fi, media

eQ Group is a Finnish group of companies specialising in asset management and
corporate finance business. eQ Asset Management offers a wide range of asset
management services (including private equity funds and real estate asset
management) for institutions and individuals. The assets managed by the Group
total approximately EUR 8.4 billion. Advium Corporate Finance, which is part of
the Group, offers services related to mergers and acquisitions, real estate
transactions and equity capital markets. 

More information about the Group is available on our website www.eQ.fi.