2016-04-29 16:00:01 CEST

2016-04-29 16:00:01 CEST


English Lithuanian
Klaipedos Nafta - Interim information

Interim financial information regarding the three months of 2016

SC Klaipedos Nafta (hereinafter – the Company) net profit for the 3 months of
2016 amounts to Eur 6,857 thousand or higher by53.3 per cent when compared to
the same period of 2015 – Eur 4,473 thousand. Profit before tax, interest and
depreciation (EBITDA) for the 3 months of 2016 is higher by 27.9 per cent,
comparing to the same period of 2015, and comprise Eur 10,889 thousand. 

The Company’s sales revenue for the 3 months of 2016 comprise to Eur 30,596
thousand; it has increased by 15.0 per cent compared to the same period of 2015
(Eur 26,614 thousand). 

The financial results and profitability for the first quarter of 2016 comparing
to 2015 has increased in relation with the higher volumes of the petroleum
products transhipment which grew up by 54.8 per cent and comprised 2,321
thousand tons for the 1st quarter of 2016. 

Unaudited interim financial report for the 3 months of 2016 is enclosed.

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of Finance and Administration
Department, tel. 8 46 391763
