2017-07-27 13:20:32 CEST

2017-07-27 13:20:32 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Valmet Corporation - Half Year financial report

Valmet's Half Year Financial Review January 1 - June 30, 2017: Orders received increased - profitability at the previous year's level

Valmet Oyj's stock exchange release on July 27, 2017 at 2:20 p.m. EET

Figures in brackets, unless otherwise stated, refer to the comparison period,
i.e. the same period of the previous year.
April-June 2017: Orders received more than doubled in the Paper business line

  * Orders received increased to EUR 796 million (EUR 692 million).

      * Orders received increased in the Paper and Automation business lines,
        remained at the previous year's level in the Services business line and
        decreased in the Pulp and Energy business line.
      * Orders received increased in China and South America, remained at the
        previous year's level in Asia-Pacific and EMEA (Europe, Middle East and
        Africa), and decreased in North America.
  * Net sales remained at the previous year's level at EUR 803 million (EUR 804

      * Net sales increased in the Paper business line, remained at the previous
        year's level in the Automation and Services business lines, and
        decreased in the Pulp and Energy business line.
  * Comparable earnings before interest, taxes and amortization (Comparable
    EBITA) were EUR 57 million (EUR 57 million) and the corresponding Comparable
    EBITA margin was 7.1 percent (7.1%).
  * Earnings per share were EUR 0.22 (EUR 0.21).
  * Items affecting comparability amounted to EUR -1 million (EUR -1 million).
  * Cash flow provided by operating activities was EUR 31 million (EUR 33
January-June 2017: Orders received increased more than 20 percent

  * Orders received increased to EUR 1,802 million (EUR 1,495 million).

      * Orders received increased in the Paper, Automation and Services business
        lines and remained at the previous year's level in the Pulp and Energy
        business line.
      * Orders received increased in China, Asia-Pacific, North America and EMEA
        and decreased in South America.
  * Net sales remained at the previous year's level at EUR 1,475 million (EUR
    1,456 million).

      * Net sales increased in the Paper business line and remained at the
        previous year's level in the other business lines.
  * Comparable earnings before interest, taxes and amortization (Comparable
    EBITA) were EUR 91 million (EUR 88 million), and the corresponding
    Comparable EBITA margin was 6.2 percent (6.1%).
  * Earnings per share were EUR 0.34 (EUR 0.28).
  * Items affecting comparability amounted to EUR 2 million (EUR -3 million).
  * Cash flow provided by operating activities was EUR 125 million (EUR 36
Valmet reiterates its guidance for 2017

Valmet  reiterates  its  guidance  presented  on April 12, 2017, in which Valmet
estimates  that net  sales in  2017 will increase  in comparison  with 2016 (EUR
2,926 million)  and Comparable  EBITA in  2017 will increase  in comparison with
2016 (EUR 196 million).

Short-term outlook

General economic outlook

The  mood  in  the  global  economy  has  brightened  during the past year, with
confidence  indicators and industrial production  increasing, and investment and
trade  improving in most economies. Global  growth is projected to rise modestly
from  3 percent  in  2016 to  just  over 3.5 percent by 2018. However, financial
stability  risks  persist  and  could  affect  the modest recovery. Geopolitical
shocks  and trade  protectionism could  catalyze snap-backs  in asset prices and
realize   downside   risks   through  a  variety  of  channels.  Current  market
expectations  imply a rising divergence in short-term interest rates between the
major  advanced  economies  in  the  coming  years.  This  creates risk of sharp
exchange  rate  movements,  or  other  instabilities in financial markets. (OECD
Economic Outlook, June 7, 2017)

Short-term market outlook

Valmet reiterates the good short-term market outlook for services, energy, board
and paper, and tissue, the satisfactory short-term market outlook for automation
and the weak short-term market outlook for pulp.

President  and  CEO  Pasi  Laine:  High  customer  activity continued and orders
received increased

"The  first six months  of 2017 were characterized  by high market activity, and
since the beginning of the year, Valmet was able to increase its orders received
over  20 percent.  In  the  capital  business,  the tissue, board and paper, and
energy  markets have  been active.  Orders received  in the  Paper business line
increased  almost 90 percent during the first half of the year, while the orders
in  the Pulp and Energy business line  remained at the previous year's level. In
the  stable business, orders received in  the Automation business line increased
10 percent and the order growth in the Services business line was 7 percent.

Despite  the  success  in  orders,  we  need  to  continue to focus on improving
profitability.  Comparable EBITA  margin in  the second  quarter remained at the
previous year's level at 7.1 percent, and for the last 12 months we now stand at
6.8 percent.  There is still some way to go to reach our long-term margin target
of  8-10 percent. It is an  ambitious target, but I  strongly believe we can get

In June, we launched our new Industrial Internet offering. With our new offering
of reliability and performance services, and by opening a Performance Center for
each  of our  four customer  industries, we  are taking  our Industrial Internet
services to the next level. Valmet is the leading process technology, automation
and  services provider for  the pulp, paper  and energy industries globally, and
our  Industrial Internet applications  and services are  built on the experience
and know-how we have gained from this unique offering over the years."

Key figures(1)
                                    Q2/2017 Q2/2016 Change Q1-Q2/ Q1-Q2/ Change
 EUR million                                                 2017   2016
 Orders received                        796     692    15%  1,802  1,495    21%

 Order backlog(2)                     2,551   2,106    21%  2,551  2,106    21%

 Net sales                              803     804     0%  1,475  1,456     1%

 Comparable earnings before
 interest, taxes and amortization        57      57     0%     91     88     4%
 (Comparable EBITA)

 % of net sales                        7.1%    7.1%          6.2%   6.1%

 Earnings before interest, taxes         56      55     1%     93     85     9%
 and amortization (EBITA)

 % of net sales                        6.9%    6.9%          6.3%   5.8%

 Operating profit (EBIT)                 48      47     2%     77     66    17%

 % of net sales                        6.0%    5.8%          5.2%   4.5%

 Profit before taxes                     45      44     3%     72     60    19%

 Profit / loss                           33      31     7%     52     43    21%

 Earnings per share, EUR               0.22    0.21     8%   0.34   0.28    22%

 Earnings per share, diluted, EUR      0.22    0.21     8%   0.34   0.28    22%

 Equity per share, EUR                 5.82    5.58     4%   5.82   5.58     4%

 Cash flow provided by operating         31      33    -7%    125     36  >100%

 Cash flow after investments             15      16    -4%     95      8  >100%

 Return on equity (ROE)                                       12%    10%

 Return on capital employed (ROCE)                            13%    11%
 before taxes (annualized)

(1) The calculation of key figures is presented on page 38.
(2 )At the end of period.
 Equity to assets ratio and         As at As at June 30,   As at March 31, 2017
 gearing                    June 30, 2017           2016
 Equity to assets ratio at            38%            36%                    37%
 end of period

 Gearing at end of period              4%            27%                    -3%

                              Q2/2017 Q2/2016 Change Q1-Q2/ Q1-Q2/ Change
 Orders received, EUR million                          2017   2016
 Services                         321     321     0%    676    634     7%

 Automation                        91      82    12%    163    148    10%

 Pulp and Energy                  141     180   -22%    406    417    -3%

 Paper                            243     109  >100%    557    295    88%
 Total                            796     692    15%  1,802  1,495    21%

                                    As at         As at Change     As at
                            June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016        March 31,
 Order backlog, EUR million                                         2017
 Total                              2,551         2,106    21%     2,613

                        Q2/2017 Q2/2016 Change Q1-Q2/ Q1-Q2/ Change
 Net sales, EUR million                          2017   2016
 Services                   302     304    -1%    554    561    -1%

 Automation                  73      73    -1%    132    131     1%

 Pulp and Energy            245     262    -7%    449    443     1%

 Paper                      184     165    12%    340    321     6%
 Total                      803     804     0%  1,475  1,456     1%

News conference and webcast for analysts, investors and media

Valmet  will arrange a  news conference in  English for analysts, investors, and
media  on  Thursday,  July  27, 2017 at  4:00 p.m.  Finnish time (EET). The news
conference  will  be  held  at  Valmet  Head  Office  in Keilaniemi, Keilasatama
5, 02150 Espoo, Finland. The news conference can also be followed through a live
webcast at www.valmet.com/webcasts.

It  is also possible  to take part  in the news  conference through a conference
call.  Conference  call  participants  are  requested  to  dial in at least five
minutes   prior  to  the  start  of  the  conference,  at  3:55 p.m.  (EET),  at
+44 1452 560304. The  participants  will  be  asked  to  provide  the  following
conference ID: 50508494.

During the webcast and the conference call, all questions should be presented in
English.  After the webcast and the conference  call, media has a possibility to
interview the management in Finnish.

The event can also be followed on Twitter at www.twitter.com/valmetir.

Further information, please contact:
Calle Loikkanen, Director, Investor Relations, Valmet, tel. +358 10 672 0020
Kari Saarinen, CFO, Valmet, tel. +358 10 672 9603


Kari Saarinen

Calle Loikkanen
Director, Investor Relations

Valmet is the leading global developer and supplier of process technologies,
automation and services for the pulp, paper and energy industries. We aim to
become the global champion in serving our customers.

Valmet's strong technology offering includes pulp mills, tissue, board and paper
production lines, as well as power plants for bioenergy production. Our advanced
services and automation solutions improve the reliability and performance of our
customers' processes and enhance the effective utilization of raw materials and

Valmet's net sales in 2016 were approximately EUR 2.9 billion. Our 12,000
professionals around the world work close to our customers and are committed to
moving our customers' performance forward - every day. Valmet's head office is
in Espoo, Finland and its shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki.

Read more www.valmet.com, www.twitter.com/valmetglobal

Follow Valmet IR on Twitter www.twitter.com/valmetir
