2012-03-29 11:24:00 CEST

2012-03-29 11:25:00 CEST


Islandic English
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

Government Debt Management’s purchase of Treasury bonds concurrent with Central Bank of Iceland foreign exchange auction

In an announcement from Government Debt Management (GDM) dated 14 March 2012,
it is stated that purchasers of foreign currency in upcoming Central Bank of
Iceland auctions can sell the GDM their Treasury bills and bonds maturing
before year-end 2013 so as to finance the purchases. On 22 March, GDM announced
the terms offered to purchasers of foreign currency in the auction, held
yesterday, 28 March. 

On behalf of the Treasury, GDM purchased, at nominal value, the following
Treasury bonds: 

            RIKV 12 0416    Nominal amount:  2,140 m. kr.

It should be noted that the Treasury bonds must be delivered to Government Debt
Management no later than 11:00 hrs. on 2 April. Payments will take place
following the delivery of the bonds, and no later than at 16:00 hrs. that same

Further information can be obtained from Björgvin Sighvatsson, Government Debt
Management, at tel +354 569 9633.