2009-03-30 21:17:00 CEST

2009-03-30 21:17:53 CEST


Føroya Banki P/F - Decisions of general meeting

Minutes of Annual General meeting 30. March 2009

Announcement no. 9/2009

Annual general meeting of Føroya Banki

At the annual general meeting of Føroya Banki on Monday, March 30, 2009, the

• Approved the Chairman's report, Annual Report 2008, and the allocation of net
• Re-elected Klaus Rasmussen, Jens Erik Christensen, Keld Søndergaard Holm and
Wilhelm Eyðinsson Petersen to the Board of Directors 
• Appointed Rasmussen & Weihe, together with PricewaterhouseCoopers as external
• Renewed the authorisation of Føroya Banki to acquire its own shares

Immediately after the annual general meeting the Board of Directors met to
elect its Chairman and Vice Chairman. 

Klaus Rasmussen continues as Chairman and Jens Erik Christensen continues as
Vice Chairman. 

The Board of Directors of Føroya Banki hereafter consists of:

• Klaus Rasmussen, Chairman of the Board
• Jens Erik Christensen, Vice Chairman of the Board
• Wilhelm Eyðinsson Petersen, Board Member
• Keld Søndergaard Holm, Board Member
• Sigmar B. Jacobsen, Board Member elected by the employees
• Olav Enomoto, Board Member elected by the employees


Føroya Banki
Board of Directors Secretariat

Bjarki Mohr 	Arne Mikkelsen