2016-02-23 07:00:55 CET

2016-02-23 07:00:55 CET


Finnish English
Restamax Oyj - Financial Statement Release

RESTAMAX PLC INTERIM REPORT FOR 1 JANUARY-31 DECEMBER 2015: Turnover increased by over 31 per cent and profitability improved

Restamax Plc

INTERIM REPORT 23/02/2016 at 08:00 am

Turnover increased by over 31 per cent and profitability improved


Group's result for October-December 2015

Entire Group:
The Group's turnover was MEUR 31.5 (MEUR 26.4), growth of 19.4 per cent. EBITDA
was MEUR 5.5 (MEUR 4.5), growth of 22.8 per cent. Operating profit was MEUR 3.0
(MEUR 2.3), growth of 28.9 per cent.

Restaurant business:
The turnover of the restaurant business segment was MEUR 27.5 (MEUR 24.6),
growth of 12.0 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 5.3 (MEUR 4.1), growth of 28.8 per
cent. Operating profit was MEUR 3.0 (MEUR 2.2), growth of 37.6 per cent.

Labour hire business:
The turnover of the labour hire business was MEUR 6.6 (MEUR 4.2), growth of
58.3 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 0.3 (MEUR 0.5), decrease 35.5 per cent. Operating
profit was MEUR 0.0 (MEUR 0.2), decrease 91.1 per cent.

Labour hire became part of the Group on 1 August 2014.

In the labour hire business segment, the development of turnover was affected by
the bankruptcy of a customer company of our labour hire subsidiary Smile
Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy, as a result of which our company suffered a write-off
totalling €700,000.

Group's result for January-December 2015

Entire Group:
The Group's turnover was MEUR 113.6 (MEUR 86.7), growth of 31.1 per cent. EBITDA
was MEUR 16.5 (MEUR 12.0), growth of 37.7 per cent. Operating profit was MEUR
7.3 (MEUR 5.3), growth of 38.0 per cent.

Restaurant business:
The turnover of the restaurant business segment was MEUR 100.3 (MEUR 83.7),
growth of 19.9 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 14.8 (MEUR 11.4), growth of 29.3 per
cent. Operating profit was MEUR 6.5 (MEUR 5.0), growth of 31.0 per cent.

Labour hire business:
The turnover of the labour hire business was MEUR 24.2 (MEUR 6.8), growth of
253.4 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 2.2 (MEUR 0.7), growth of 210.4 per cent.
Operating profit was MEUR 0.8 (MEUR 0.3), growth of 151.4 per cent.

Labour hire became part of the Group on 1 August 2014.

Restamax Group's result for 2015 is significantly better than that of the
previous year. The turnover of the entire Group increased by over 31 per cent
from the previous year, EBITDA by nearly 38 per cent and operating profit by 38
per cent. The increase in turnover was fuelled by the investments made and
corporate acquisitions completed in 2014, which have been fully available to the
company in 2015. The development of operating profit was hindered by a write-off
of €700,000 caused by the bankruptcy of a customer company of our subsidiary
engaged in the labour hire business.

Prospects for 2016

Result management (as of 23 February 2016):

Restamax expects the Group's turnover to increase and profitability to remain on
a good level in the 2016 financial year.

The company's goal is to reach a turnover of MEUR 180 by the end of 2018.

|KEY FIGURES                     |           |           |          |          |
|                                |           |           |          |          |
|Restamax Group in total         |           |           |          |          |
|(EUR thousand)                  | 10-12/2015| 10-12/2014| 1-12/2015| 1-12/2014|
|KEY FIGURES, entire Group       |           |           |          |          |
|Turnover                        |     31,470|     26,358|   113,618|    86,653|
|EBITDA                          |      5,548|      4,520|    16,536|    12,008|
|EBITDA, %                       |      17.6%|      17.1%|     14.6%|     13.9%|
|Operating profit                |      2,975|      2,308|     7,266|     5,265|
|Operating profit, %             |       9.5%|       8.8%|      6.4%|      6.1%|
|Review period result            |      2,049|      1,554|     4,809|     3,334|
|To shareholders of the parent   |      2,019|      1,499|     5,050|     3,451|
|company                         |           |           |          |          |
|To minority shareholders        |         30|         55|      -241|      -117|
|Earnings per share (euros) to   |       0.12|       0.09|      0.31|      0.22|
|the shareholders of the parent  |           |           |          |          |
|company                         |           |           |          |          |
|Interest-bearing net liabilities|           |           |    29,313|    18,944|
|Gearing ratio, %                |           |           |     73.2%|     48.1%|
|Equity ratio, %                 |           |           |     44.4%|     47.2%|
|Return on investment, % (p.a.)  |           |           |     10.8%|     10.5%|
|Net financial expenses          |           |           |     1,195|       548|
|                                |           |           |          |          |
|Restaurant business             |           |           |          |          |
|(EUR thousand)                  | 10-12/2015| 10-12/2014| 1-12/2015| 1-12/2014|
|Turnover                        |     27,516|     24,565|   100,315|    83,666|
|EBITDA                          |      5,311|      4,122|    14,801|    11,444|
|EBITDA, %                       |      19.3%|      16.8%|     14.8%|     13.7%|
|Operating profit                |      2,961|      2,151|     6,492|     4,957|
|Operating profit, %             |      10.8%|       8.8%|      6.5%|      5.9%|
|                                |           |           |          |          |
|KEY FIGURES                     |           |           |          |          |
|Material margin, %              |      76.1%|      74.7%|     74.3%|     74.0%|
|Staff expenses, %               |      26.7%|      28.5%|     28.5%|     29.6%|
|                                |           |           |          |          |
|Labour hire business            |           |           |          |          |
|(EUR thousand)                  | 10-12/2015| 10-12/2014| 1-12/2015| 1-12/2014|
|Turnover                        |      6,647|      4,199|    24,151|     6,833|
|EBITDA                          |        342|        530|     2,161|       696|
|EBITDA, %                       |       5.1%|      12.6%|      8.9%|     10.2%|
|Operating profit                |         14|        157|       775|       308|
|Operating profit, %             |       0.2%|       3.7%|      3.2%|      4.5%|
|                                |           |           |          |          |
|KEY FIGURES                     |           |           |          |          |
|Staff expenses, %               |      86.0%|      84.3%|     85.2%|     84.0%|


2015 went as planned

In January-December 2015, the turnover of our Group increased by more than 31
per cent, EBITDA by nearly 38 per cent and operating profit by 38 per cent in
comparison with the previous financial period.

The last quarter of 2015 positively exceeded our expectations. In November we
specified our profit forecast and increased our turnover estimate from MEUR 100
to some MEUR 110. Our expectations were fulfilled and our turnover for the 2015
financial year was MEUR 113.6. We also forecast that EBITDA and operating profit
would improve relatively in comparison to the previous financial period. Our
profitability improved significantly, which is evident in the EBITDA, and there
was also improvement in operating profit.

In the restaurant business segment, the pre-Christmas party season was rather
successful and the consumption of our company's restaurant services was
creditable at the end of the year. The good result was made possible by our wide
and diverse restaurant portfolio, which offered customers plenty of choice from
food restaurants to game and entertainment centres.

In October-December, we opened the Hollywood Bowling & Billiards entertainment
centre in Jyväskylä, as well as the Academy 32 nightclub targeted at young
adults. We strengthened our position in Tampere by acquiring a majority
shareholding in the popular restaurant Hook. In Oulu, we opened the
Viihdemaailma Ilona nightclub and the Sticky Wingers chicken wings restaurant,
and in Ruka the Alpine-spirited Les Alpes restaurant. We also bought a majority
shareholding in Hernesaarenranta Oy, which engages in the restaurant business at
Hernesaari in Helsinki, and we acquired a minority shareholding in SuperPark Oy,
which operates indoor activity parks.

In the labour hire business segment, the result of a successful pre-Christmas
party season was affected by the bankruptcy of a customer company of our labour
hire subsidiary Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy, as a result of which our company
suffered a write-off totalling €700,000 in the review period. In spite of this
write-off, we were able to stick to the statement we had given, even though the
write-down hindered the development of our operating profit.

New strategic goals guiding operations

During the past financial period, we achieved a turnover of MEUR 100, which our
Board of Directors had set as our long-term target in 2013.

In December 2015, we published the new long-term financial targets set by our
company's Board for the strategy period 2016-2018. It is our intention to expand
our restaurant business abroad, both through company acquisitions and
organically. At the same time, we will also continue our profitable growth in
Finland in the restaurant and labour hire businesses. Our turnover target for
2018 is MEUR 180. EBITDA and operating profit are expected to remain on a good

Many of our restaurant concepts are exportable and can be established abroad. We
are actively studying different markets in order to integrate ourselves into new
markets abroad, while continuing our strong growth in Finland in both business

Swimming against the current in a general economic downturn

The tourism and restaurant industry has gone through its fourth difficult year.
2015, however, was slightly better than expected for companies in the sector. An
economic review compiled by the Finnish Hospitality Association (MaRa) based on
an economic barometer published in January 2016 by the Confederation of Finnish
Industries EK says, however, that companies in the sector will continue to
experience an economic situation that is weaker than average. Economic prospects
have brightened a little, but remain very modest. In the coming months, however,
sales figures are expected to show small growth. According to an estimate by
MaRa, during the next five years investments in the tourism and restaurant
business will reach one billion euros, which indicates confidence in the
recovery of the sector.

In recent years, the average growth in turnover for the tourism and restaurant
industry has been about one percentage point and the annual change in GDP volume
has even been negative.

In spite of the poor economic situation, we have increased our turnover and
improved our result considerably more strongly than the general market trend. At
the time of our stock exchange listing in 2013, our turnover was MEUR 65. Two
years on, it is more than MEUR 113, representing growth of nearly 75 per cent.
We have therefore almost doubled our turnover during our time as a listed
company, and at the same time we have been able to maintain good profitability.

Our success is based not only on our competent and committed staff, but also on
our dozens of different restaurant concepts, which can be tailored to suit
different locations. We listen to consumers and the market and are constantly
developing our business. In that way, we can keep our restaurant portfolio
interesting. The market clearly exists and, through our efficient operating
models, we have achieved exceptionally strong market profitability and growth
over a long period of time.

The efficient operations of the restaurant business are indicated by, for
example, our staff expense percentage of 28.5, which is excellent. This enables
efficient operating models for our subsidiary Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy, for

A significant youth employer in society

With its turnover of over MEUR 24 in the last financial year, the labour hire
business has grown rapidly into an increasingly important part of our Group, and
a basis for comparison for its development has gradually formed.

According to the Private Employment Agencies' Association HPL, the overall
turnover of the employment agencies' sector, which is developing rapidly, is
constantly growing. The demand for labour hire and the volume of part-time
employment are growing strongly. From the point of view of youth employment in
particular, the role of the labour hire sector in our society is significant.

The share of people under the age of 26 working in the tourism and restaurant
industry is as much is 30 per cent. The workforce of our subsidiary Smile
Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy, one of the major operators in the labour hire sector,
numbers more than 3,200 people, 59 per cent of whom are under the age of 26.
Because of this, we are a significant youth employer in Finland.

The business of Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut has been dominated by the restaurant
sector, but growth opportunities are seen in many other sectors too, such as
healthcare and trade. In the near future, we will particularly be seeking strong
growth in labour hire in the retail sector. The liberalisation of retail opening
hours can be seen as a positive opportunity in this sector.

Future brighter than the general market trend

In the near future, we expect a reform of the Alcohol Act. The Government's so
far unimplemented plans to cut Sunday and overtime pay would also have been
positive news for our industry. In the future, we hope for good decisions from
the government to boost employment in the sector. Through the legislative
reforms, Finnish drinking and restaurant culture will have better conditions to
develop and diversify.

In spite of the challenges set by the general economic situation and
legislation, every year we have succeeded in growing our business. At the same
time, we have been able to maintain good profitability, which is clearly above
the average profitability within the industry. Strong development in our
earnings per share has also taken place.

We believe that our profitable business and growth will continue despite the
prevailing market situation. The targets set for 2015 have been achieved, and we
strongly believe that we will also reach the long-term targets in the coming
strategy period.

Markku Virtanen, CEO


Restamax Plc's distributable funds on 31 December 2015 were EUR 47,931,699.32,
of which the share of the profit of the financial period is EUR 5,233,008.84.
There have been no significant changes to the company's financial situation
since the end of the financial period.

Restamax Plc's Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting to be
held on 27 April 2016 that EUR 0.27 (0.22) per share, a total of EUR
4,422,497.40 (16,379,620 shares), be paid as dividend for the financial period
ended on 31 December 2015 based on the adopted balance sheet.


The Group's operating net cash flow in 2015 was MEUR 12.4 (MEUR 8.2).

Corporate acquisitions and growth investments made during the current review
period include the acquisition of a majority shareholding in Hernesaarenranta Oy
and Suomen Siipiravintolat Oy, the acquisition of a minority shareholding in
SuperPark Oy, the openings of the Hollywood Bowling & Billiards entertainment
centre and the Academy 32 nightclub in Jyväskylä, the opening of the
Viihdemaailma Ilona nightclub and Sticky Wingers restaurant in Oulu, and the
opening of the Les Alpes restaurant in Ruka.

The Group's interest-bearing net liabilities at the end of December were MEUR
29.3 (MEUR 18.9). The net financial expenses in January-December were EUR 1.2
(EUR 548,400). Equity ratio was 44.4 per cent (47.2 per cent) and gearing ratio
was 73.2 per cent (48.1 per cent).


Restamax Group's 2015 annual report will be published during week 14. The
interim reports for 2016 will be published as follows:

January-March 10 May 2016
January-June 9 August 2016
January-September 8 November 2016

Restamax Oyj's Annual General Meeting will be held in Tampere on Wednesday 27
April 2016. The invitation to the AGM will be published during week 14.

The full Restamax interim report for January-December 2015 is appended to this
release in PDF format. The interim report is also available on the company's
website at www.restamax.fi.

APPENDIX: Restamax Plc Interim Report 2015

Tampere, 23 February 2016


Board of Directors

Further information:
Markku Virtanen, Restamax Plc, CEO, tel. +358 400 836 477
Jarno Suominen, Restamax Plc, CFO, tel. +358 40 721 5655

Major media

Restamax Plc is a Finnish restaurant business and labour hire services group
established in 1996. The company, which listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in 2013
and became the first Finnish listed restaurant company, has continued to grow
strongly throughout its history. The group companies include approximately 100
restaurants, nightclubs and entertainment centres all over Finland. Well-known
restaurant concepts of the group include Stefan's Steakhouse, Viihdemaailma
Ilona and Classic American Diner. In 2015, Restamax Plc's turnover was MEUR
113.6 and EBITDA MEUR 16.5. Depending on the season, some 1,000 persons work at
the Group. The workforce of Restamax subsidiary Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy is
over 3,000.

Restamax company website: www.restamax.fi, Restamax consumer website:
www.ravintola.fi, Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut: www.smilepalvelut.fi
