2015-12-09 16:00:50 CET

2015-12-09 16:00:50 CET


English Finnish
Aspo - Company Announcement

Juha Pankakoski and Hanna-Mari Parkkinen appointed to Kaukomarkkinat Board of Directors

ASPO Plc   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE     December 9, 2015, at 17:00 p.m.


Kaukomarkkinat Ltd, part of Aspo Group, has appointed new members to its Board
of Directors as of December 9, 2015. New members are Juha Pankakoski (48, M.Sc.
Eng.), Chief Digital Officer and CIO of Konecranes Plc, and Hanna-Mari Parkkinen
(46, MBA), Group Business Design Director at Fjord Design & Innovation. At the
same time, Kimmo Liukkonen (M.Sc. Eng.) and Risto Kyhälä (M.Sc. Eng.) have
announced that they will step down from the Board of Directors of

According to its revised strategy, Kaukomarkkinat aims to become the leading
expert and supplier in advanced mobile knowledge work, first in Finland and
later expanding to other countries. Digitalization is changing the ways of
working, and it is essential to combine professional needs with IT.

Juha Pankakoski has extensive experience in evaluating how digitalization and
the Internet of Things will change demanding working environments in the future.
Pankakoski currently works as the Chief Digital Officer at Konecranes Plc.

Hanna-Mari Parkkinen has leading international experience in evaluating how the
usability of IT can be combined with improved efficiency in the working
community. Parkkinen serves as the Group Business Design Director at Fjord
Design & Innovation which is part of Accenture Interactive.

Pirja Heiskanen, Vice President of Futurice Oy, will continue as a member of the
Board and Aki Ojanen, CEO of Aspo Plc, will continue as chairman of the Board.

"I am very satisfied that the Board of Directors of Kaukomarkkinat is now ready
to respond to the challenge we have set for ourselves. We want to continue to
develop the efficiency of work and the suitability of IT for mobile working
environments," says Aki Ojanen, chairman of the Board of Directors of


Aki Ojanen

Kaukomarkkinat is a former expert in technical trade. The new Kaukomarkkinat is
an expert in advanced mobile working environments, with the aim of offering
demanding mobile knowledge workers with the best tools to make their work more
effective. www.kaukomarkkinat.com

Aspo is a conglomerate that owns and develops business operations in Northern
Europe and growth markets focusing on demanding B-to-B customers. Our strong
company brands - ESL Shipping, Leipurin, Telko and Kaukomarkkinat - aim to be
the market leaders in their sectors. They are responsible for their own
operations, customer relationships and the development of these. Together they
generate Aspo's goodwill. Aspo's Group structure and business operations are
continually developed without any predefined schedules.

Further information:
Aki Ojanen, CEO of Aspo Plc, Chairman of the Board of Kaukomarkkinat Ltd, tel.
+358 9 521 4010, aki.ojanen@aspo.com

Nasdaq Helsinki
Key Media
