2015-12-14 08:00:00 CET

2015-12-14 08:31:31 CET


Finska Engelska
Kesko Oyj - Company Announcement

Kesko's sales increased in November


Kesko's sales increased in November

Kesko Group's sales in November 2015 totalled €675.4 million. In comparable
terms excluding Anttila, sales increased by 1.7% in local currencies. 

"In November, Kesko's sales increased particularly in Finland in the building
and home improvement trade and in sports trade. In the grocery trade, sales
were at the level of the previous year and the general decline in prices
continued", says Kesko's President and CEO Mikko Helander. 

In Kesko's grocery trade, sales in November were €378.7 million, an increase of
0.5% in local currencies. 

In the home improvement and speciality goods trade, sales in November were
€239.1 million, and comparable sales excluding Anttila increased by 6.1% in
local currencies. In Finland, comparable sales were up by 8.7%. Outside
Finland, comparable sales grew by 3.7% in local currencies. In the building and
home improvement trade, sales increased by 6.1% in local currencies. 

In the car trade, sales in November were €56.2 million, down 7.3% from the
previous year. 

Kesko Group's sales in euros, excluding VAT, in November 2015:

                                          November 2015                Change, %
                                               €  Change     in local currencies
                                          millio     , %           excl. Anttila
Grocery trade, total                       378.7    -0.1                    +0.5
Home improvement and speciality goods      120.0   -16.1                    +8.7
 trade, Finland                                                                 
Home improvement and speciality goods      119.1    -4.3                    +3.7
 trade, other countries                                                         
Home improvement and speciality goods      239.1   -10.6                    +6.1
 trade, total                                                                   
Car trade, total                            56.2    -7.3                    -7.3
Common operations and eliminations           1.4                                
Grand total                                675.4    -4.2                    +1.7
Finland, total                             547.0    -4.4                    +0.7
Other countries, total                     128.4    -3.4                    +5.8
Grand total                                675.4    -4.2                    +1.7

Kesko Group's sales in euros, excluding VAT, in January-November 2015:

                                              1.1. -                   Change, %
                                               €  Change     in local currencies
                                         million     , %           excl. Anttila
Grocery trade, total                     4,250.8    -1.7                    -0.9
Home improvement and speciality goods    1,639.3   -12.5                    -1.2
 trade, Finland                                                                 
Home improvement and speciality goods    1,448.8    -3.5                    +5.6
 trade, other countries                                                         
Home improvement and speciality goods    3,088.1    -8.5                    +2.1
 trade, total                                                                   
Car trade, total                           707.7    -3.5                    -3.5
Common operations and eliminations           7.6                                
Grand total                              8,054.2    -4.3                     0.0
Finland, total                           6,512.2    -4.5                    -1.8
Other countries, total                   1,542.0    -3.4                    +7.4
Grand total                              8,054.2    -4.3                     0.0

Change, %, indicates the change compared to the corresponding period of the
previous year. 

In November 2015, the number of selling days in Kesko's wholesale in Finland
was 21, which was one more than in the previous year. The total number of
selling days in January-November was the same as in the previous year. The
number of retail selling days in November was 29, which was one more than in
the previous year. The total number of retail selling days in January-November
was the same as in the previous year. 

Kesko releases advance information on the K-Group's retail sales quarterly, in
connection with interim reports. 

Further information is available from Vice President, Group Controller Eva
Kaukinen, tel. +358 105 322 338. 

Kesko Corporation

Merja Haverinen
Vice President, Group Communications

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