2010-04-19 14:36:23 CEST

2010-04-19 14:37:22 CEST


Lithuanian English
VST AB - Notification on material event

Updated agenda of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of VST, AB which will be held on April 30, 2010.

The Board of VST, AB on April 19, 2010 adopted the decision to update the
agenda of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting which will be held on April
30, 2010 and approved the following agenda of the meeting: 

1. Consideration of the 2009 annual report of VST, AB.
2. Approval of the 2009 set of financial statements of VST, AB.
3. Distribution of 2009 profit (loss) of VST, AB.
4. Formation of Audit Committee of VST, AB.
5. Election of the member of the Board of VST, AB.

Initiator of the shareholders meeting: the Board of VST, AB.
The date and time of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting: April 30, 2010,
10.00 AM. 
The account date of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: the April 23,
2010. Shareholders that own VST, AB shares on the end of the working day of
April 23, 2010, shall have the right to participate in convened Ordinary
General Meeting. 
The account date of the rights of Shareholders: 14th of May, 2010. Only the
persons, who will be the Shareholders of the Company in the end of the account
date (14th of May, 2010) will have the rights of Shareholders, provided in
Article 15 paragraph 1 article's 1-4, of the Law of Companies. 
The shareholders meeting place: Vilnius, J. Jasinskio str. 16C (5th floor). 
Registration starts: April 30, 2010, 9.25 AM.
Registration ends: April 30, 2010, 9.55 AM.

More information about the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of VST, AV
(the draft decisions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, power of
attorney to represent at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, voting
bulletin of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and other information)
can be found on the web page of the company http://www.vst.lt/. 

Rimantas Vaitkus
Chief Executive Officer

Person for contacts: 
Jolita Faktorovičienė 
Lawyer of Legal Department 
Phone +370 5 2781270