2013-10-30 15:53:39 CET

2013-10-30 15:54:44 CET


Lithuanian English
SEB Bankas AB - Notification on material event

Regarding the extraordinary meeting of the shareholders of SEB bankas AB

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2013-10-30 15:53 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On the 29th of
October 2013, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB SEB
bankas took place and decisions on all issues on the agenda were adopted: 

1.Decision on reorganization of AB SEB bankas by merging AB “SEB lizingas” into
AB SEB bankas was adopted. After completion of the reorganization AB SEB bankas
shall continue its activities as a legal entity, whereas AB “SEB lizingas“
shall terminate its activities as a legal person. 
2. Reorganization terms of AB SEB bankas and AB “SEB lizingas” were approved
(Annex No. 1). 
3. New wording of the Articles of Association of AB SEB bankas were approved
(Annex No. 2) authorizing Raimondas Kvedaras, the president of AB SEB bankas,
to sign new wording of the Articles of Association of AB SEB bankas. 
4. New Supervisory Council of AB SEB bankas was elected for the period of 4
years. Knut Jonas Martin Johansson, Mark Barry Payne, Stefan Stignäs, Ted Tony
Kylberg, David Bamforth Teare were elected as members of the Supervisory
5. It was stipulated that newly elected members of Supervisory Council shall
commence their activities since the end of the Meeting. 
6. Knut Jonas Martin Johansson was assigned to call a meeting of the newly
elected Supervisory Council and provide meeting's agenda including the election
of the chairman of the Council. 
7. Chairman of the Management Board of AB SEB bankas (the President) was
authorized to perform all the necessary actions related to the implementation
of this decision allowing him to reauthorize other persons. 

This notification is non-confidential.

Raimondas Kvedaras, President of AB SEB bankas.

30 October, 2013, Vilnius

         Ieva Kulvinskaitė, the Head of Communications of AB SEB bankas, tel.
+370 5 268 2423, is authorized to provide additional information regarding the
material event.