2009-05-12 08:30:00 CEST

2009-05-12 08:30:02 CEST


Finnish English
Tiimari Oyj Abp - Company Announcement


Tiimari Plc         Stock Exchange Release 12, May 2009 at 9.30                 

TIIMARI GROUP'S NET SALES IN APRIL 2009 (preliminary)                           

Tiimari Group's preliminary net sales in April 2009 was MEUR 6.2, 6% more than  
during the comparison period. A part of the Easter sales realized during April  
this year and it improved the sales numbers. April accumulated sales totaled    
MEUR 22,0, which was 8% less than the accumulated sales last year. The          
accumulated decrease compared to last year was thus significantly reduced during
April. Currency exchange rate development has a negative impact on sales numbers
especially regarding Gallerix and the Swedish market.                           

Tiimari Group's sales in April 2009                                             

|              |       monthly sales    |      accumulated sales     |         |
|              | 4/2009 | 4/2008 |  chg | 1-4/2009 | 1-4/2008|   chg | 12/2008 |
|              |        |        |      |          |         |       |         |
| Tiimari      |  5 098 |  4 718 |  8 % |   17 620 |  19 017 |  -7 % |  70 926 |
| Gallerix     |  1 068 |  1 040 |  3 % |    4 062 |   4 451 |  -9 % |  13 624 |
| TiiMore      |     66 |    107 |  -38 |      275 |     330 | -17 % |   1 094 |
|              |        |        |    % |          |         |       |         |
| Group total  |  6 232 |  5 865 |  6 % |   21 957 |  23 798 |  -8 % |  85 644 |
|              |        |        |      |          |         |       |         |
| Finland      |  4 666 |  4 339 |  8 % |   15 865 |  17 414 |  -9 % |  63 875 |
| Sweden       |  1 159 |  1 022 | 13 % |    4 372 |   4 389 |   0 % |  14 317 |
| Other        |    341 |    397 |  -14 |    1 445 |   1 665 | -13 % |   6 337 |
| countries    |        |        |    % |          |         |       |         |
| Retail       |        |        |      |          |         |       |         |
| concepts     |  6 166 |  5 758 |  7 % |   21 682 |  23 468 |  -8 % |  84 529 |
| total        |        |        |      |          |         |       |         |
| Tiimore      |     66 |    107 |  -38 |      275 |     330 | -17 % |   1 115 |
| (Finland)    |        |        |    % |          |         |       |         |
| Group total  |  6 232 |  5 865 |  6 % |   21 957 |  23 798 |  -8 % |  85 644 |

Tiimari Plc                                                                     
Hannu Krook                                                                     

Further information: CEO Hannu Krook                                            
tel. + 358 (0)3 812911, e-mail hannu.krook@tiimari.fi                           

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                               
important news media                                                            

Tiimari Plc is a listed company. The group consists of three retail shop        
concepts: Tiimari, Gallerix and Paperazzi. These three concepts do business in  
eight countries within the Baltic Sea region and there are altogether nearly 300
shops. All three concepts belong to the forerunners of their market segment. In 
the corporation there is also a company called Tiimore Oy which specialises in  
corporate gifts and sales promotion solutions.