2010-04-09 12:30:00 CEST

2010-04-09 12:30:01 CEST


English Finnish
Westend ICT Oyj - Notice to convene extr.general meeting


WESTEND ICT PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE April 9, 2010 at 13.30 Finnish time

NOTICE TO THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING                                     

Notice is given to the shareholders of Westend ICT Plc to the extraordinary     
general meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 4, 2010, at 10:00 in the conference  
room of Radisson Blu Seaside Hotel at Ruoholahdenranta 3, 00180 Helsinki. The   
reception of persons who have registered for the meeting will commence at 9:30  
a.m. at the meeting location.                                                   

A. Matters on the agenda of the general meeting                                 

At the general meeting, the following matters will be considered:               

1. Opening of the meeting                                                       

2. Calling the meeting to order                                                 

3. Election of persons to scrutinize the minutes and to supervise the counting  
of votes                                                                        

4. Recording the legality of the meeting                                        

5. Recording the attendance at the meeting and adoption of the list of votes    

6. Acceptance of the financial arrangement agreement                            

The Board of Directors proposes the general meeting to accept the financial     
arrangement agreement signed by the company and Tuomo Tilman on April 9, 2010. A
prerequisite for the agreement to become valid is that the general meeting      
accepts the agreement. The main points of the agreement are as follows:         

(i) 	Redemption; the company will pay off EUR 250,000.00 of the convertible loan
to Tuomo Tilman;                                                                
(ii) 	Selling shares; the company will sell to Tuomo Tilman 999,678 of its GROUP
Business Software AG shares at the price of EUR 0.60 per share. The total sale  
price of EUR 599,806.80 will be set off against receivable from the company;    
(iii)	Converting the convertible loan decided by the general meeting on March   
27, 2003 and its amendments; Tuomo Tilman will convert to company shares 1,178  
promissory notes in accordance with the company's convertible loan and valued at
EUR 1,000.00 each, each of which entitles to 6,400 new shares of the company.   
Thus, Tilman will receive 7,539,200 new shares of the company. The remainder of 
the loan, EUR 843.40, will be paid in cash; and                                 
(iv)	Share issue; the company will direct to Tuomo Tilman a share issue in which
Tilman is offered 16,000,000 new shares of the company at the subscription price
of EUR 0.05 per share. The total subscription price of EUR 800,000.00 will be   
set off against receivable from the company.                                    

7. Acceptance of the financial arrangement agreement                            

The Board of Directors proposes the general meeting to accept the financial     
arrangement agreement signed by the company and Jyrki Salminen on April 9, 2010.
A prerequisite for the agreement to become valid is that the general meeting    
accepts the agreement. The main points of the agreement are as follows:         

(i) 	Redemption; the company will pay off EUR 250,000.00 of the convertible loan
to Jyrki Salminen;               
(ii) 	Selling shares; the company will sell to Jyrki Salminen 999,679 of its    
GROUP Business Software AG shares at the price of EUR 0.60 per share. The total 
sale price of EUR 599,806.80 will be set off against receivable from the        
(iii)	Converting the convertible loan decided by the general meeting on March   
27, 2003 and its amendments; Jyrki Salminen will convert to company shares 1,178
promissory notes in accordance with the company's convertible loan and valued at
EUR 1,000.00 each, each of which entitles to 6,400 new shares of the company.   
Thus, Salminen will receive 7,539,200 new shares of the company. The remainder  
of the loan, EUR 842.80, will be paid in cash; and                              
(iv)	Share issue; the company will direct to Jyrki Salminen a share issue in    
which Salminen is offered 16,000,000 new shares of the company at the           
subscription price of EUR 0.05 per share. The total subscription price of EUR   
800,000.00 will be set off against receivable from the company.                 

The financial arrangement agreements together, including the share issue of     
section 8, will improve the equity in the balance sheet of the confirmed        
financial statement of December 31, 2009, directly by EUR 3,956,000.00 and      
through the result by the amount of the sales profit, EUR 319,897.12, that is,  
by a total of EUR 4,275,897.12, after which the company's equity is EUR         

8. Directed share issue                                                         

Pertaining to the conditions of the financial arrangement agreements in sections
6. and 7. above, the Board of Directors proposes the general meeting to decide  
on a directed share issue in which 32,000,000 new shares of the company will be 
offered, deviating from the subscription rights of shareholders, to be          
subscribed at the subscription price of EUR 0.05 in such a manner that Tuomo    
Tilman will be offered 16,000,000 new shares for subscription and Jyrki Salminen
will be offered 16,000,000 new shares for subscription. The subscription price  
will be set off against receivable from the company. The proposal for the share 
issue is enclosed in the notice to the general meeting as Appendix 1.           

In ruling number 3/214/2010, issued on April 9, 2010, the Financial Supervisory 
Authority has granted Tuomo Tilman and Jyrki Salminen exceptions from the offer 
brief defined in Chapter 6, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act, allowing  
Tilman's and Salminen's ownership shares of all company share votes to exceed   
3/10 without an offer brief for all other stocks of the company.  The conditions
for the ruling to remain valid are that (i) the applicants will not act together
as described by the Chapter 6, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act in order
to gain control of Westend ICT Plc and (ii) that the applicants will not acquire
or subscribe to any more Westend ICT Plc stocks or in other ways increase their 
share of votes in Westend ICT Plc.                                              

9. Closing of the meeting                                                       

B. Documents of the general meeting                                             

The share issue proposal of the Board of Directors with its appendices along    
with this notice to the general meeting are available on the Internet site of   
Westend ICT Plc at www.westendict.fi. The documents are also available in the   
head office of the company at Vänrikinkuja 2, 02600 Espoo, and at the general   
meeting. Copies of the documents will be sent to shareholders upon request.     

C. Instructions for the participants in the general meeting                     

1. The right to participate and registration                                    

Each shareholder, who is registered on April 22, 2010, in the shareholders'     
register of the company held by Euroclear Finland Ltd., has the right to        
participate in the general meeting. A shareholder, whose shares are registered  
on his/her personal Finnish book-entry account, is registered in the            
shareholders' register of the company.                                          

A shareholder, who wants to participate in the general meeting, shall register  
for the meeting no later than April 29, 2010, at 16:00, by giving a prior notice
of participation. Such notice can be given:                                     

by e-mail: yhtiokokous@westendict.com;                                          
by phone: +358 207 916700;                                                      
by fax: +358 207 916701; or                                                     
by regular mail to Westend ICT Plc, Registration for the general meeting,       
Vänrikinkuja 2, 02600 Espoo                                                     

The notice must arrive before the end of the registration period. In connection 
with the registration, a shareholder shall notify his/her name, personal        
identification number, contact information, and the name of a possible assistant
or proxy representative and the personal identification number of a proxy       
representative. The personal information given to the company is used only in   
connection with the general meeting and with the processing of related          

Pursuant to Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Companies Act, a shareholder who is    
present at the general meeting has the right to request information with respect
to the matters to be considered at the meeting.                                 

2. Proxy representatives and powers of attorney                                 

A shareholder may participate in the general meeting and exercise his/her rights
at the meeting by way of proxy representation.                                  

A proxy representative shall produce a dated proxy document or otherwise in a   
reliable manner demonstrate his/her right to represent the shareholder at the   
general meeting. When a shareholder participates in the general meeting by means
of several proxy representatives representing the shareholder with shares at    
different securities accounts, the shares by which each proxy representative    
represents the shareholder shall be identified in connection with the           
registration for the general meeting.                                           

Possible proxy documents should be delivered in originals to Westend ICT Plc,   
Registration for the general meeting, Vänrikinkuja 2, 02600 Espoo, before the   
last date for registration.                                                     

3. Holders of nominee registered shares                                         

A holder of nominee registered shares is advised to request without delay       
necessary instructions regarding the registration in the shareholders' register 
of the company, the issuing of proxy documents and registration for the general 
meeting from his/her custodian bank. The account management organization of the 
custodian bank will register a holder of nominee registered shares, who wants to
participate in the general meeting, to be temporarily entered into the          
shareholders' register of the company at the latest on the date required by the 
regulations of Euroclear Finland Ltd., that is, April 29, 2010 at 10:00. For    
nominee registered shares, this is considered as registration for the general   

4. Other instructions and information                                           

At the date of this notice to the general meeting, April 9, 2010, the total     
number of shares and votes in Westend ICT Plc is 128,492,696.                   

We welcome the shareholders to the general meeting.                             

Espoo, April 9, 2010                                                            

WESTEND ICT PLC