2011-07-08 18:16:19 CEST

2011-07-08 18:17:20 CEST


Islandic English
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

Repurchase price for Treasury bonds concurrent with second Central Bank of Iceland foreign currency auction

In an announcement from Government Debt Management (GDM) dated 6 July 2011, it
was stated that purchasers of foreign currency in Central Bank of Iceland
auctions can sell the Treasury their Treasury bills and bonds maturing before
year-end 2013 so as to finance the purchases.   The announcement specified the
terms offered to customers if they use Treasury bills or RIKB 11 0722 to
purchase foreign currency in the 12 July auction.  It was also stated that the
terms offered for the sale of RIKB 12 0824 and RIKB 13 0517 would be announced