2010-06-30 10:52:26 CEST

2010-06-30 10:53:25 CEST


Finnish English
GeoSentric Oyj - Decisions of general meeting


GEOSENTRIC OYJ 	STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE  June 30, 2010 at 11:52                  


The following resolutions were made by the Annual General Meeting of GeoSentric 
Oyj held on June 30, 2010:                                                      

1. Confirming the annual accounts and deciding on handling the result for the   
period according to the confirmed balance sheet                                 

The Annual General Meeting of GeoSentric Oyj confirmed the Income Statement and 
the Balance Sheet of the company from the financial year 2009. The General      
Meeting further resolved that the result from the period shall be booked on the 
previous years' profit/loss account and that no dividend is paid.               

2. Discharge the members of the Board and CEO from liability                    

The Annual General Meeting resolved to discharge from liability the members of  
the Board and the Managing Director.                                            

3. Resolution on the remuneration and incentives of the members of the Board of 
Directors and the Auditor                                                       

The Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Directors remuneration and     
incentives as proposed. The gross meeting fee will be 1.500€ per attended       
meeting for at maximum eight (8) meetings per year. A similar fee will be paid  
for each committee meeting. In addition the Non-Executive Chairman and          
Non-Executive Board members shall be entitled to equity incentives as according 
to the proposal posted on Company's web site.                                   

The Annual General Meeting further resolved that the fees of the auditor shall  
be paid in accordance with their reasonable invoice.                            

4. Resolution on the number of the members of the Board of Directors and        
election of members of the Board of Directors                                   

The Annual General Meeting resolved that the number of Board members is seven   
(7) and elected the following persons to the Board: Hans van der Velde, Dan     
Harple, Mike Vucekovich, Gary Bellot, Andy van Dam, Winston Guillory and Mike Po
as a new member.                                                                

The Board convened immediately after the Annual General Meeting and appointed   
Hans van der Velde to continue as the Non-Executive Chairman of the Board.      

5. Election of auditors                                                         

The Annual General Meeting re-elected Ernst & Young Oy, CPA Mr. Erkka Talvinko  
acting as its responsible auditor, to its auditor, and PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy
to the deputy auditor.                                                          

6. Amendment of the Articles of Association                                     

The Annual General Meeting decided to amend the Articles of Association as      
proposed. The Board of Directors' proposal can be found on Company's web site at

7. New financing and amendments to the Preferred Convertible Note 2009 issued by
GeoSolutions Holdings N.V. and to the terms and conditions of the Convertible   
Bond Loan 2008-B                                                                

The Annual General Meeting decided to approve the proposal for the new financing
and amending the term of the Preferred Convertible Note 2009 issued by          
GeoSolutions Holdings N.V. and the terms and conditions of the Convertible Bond 
Loan 2008-B substantially as proposed. The Board of Directors' proposal can be  
found on Company's web site at www.geosentric.com.                              

8. Issuance of special subscription rights                                      

The Annual General Meeting decided to issue up to 948,750,000 special           
subscription rights to the holders of the notes participating the financing as  
proposed. The Board of Directors' proposal can be found on Company's web site at

9. Authorizing the Board of Directors to decide on increasing share capital, and
issue of shares, option rights and special rights entitling to shares           

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board to issue up to        
850,000,000 new shares, option rights and/or special rights entitling to shares,
and upon the increase of the Company's share capital as proposed. The Board of  
Directors' proposal can be found on Company's web site at www.geosentric.com.   

10. Authorizing the Board of Directors to commence negotiations on divesting    
Company's mobile handset business.                                              

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board to commence           
negotiations for divesting the Company's mobile handset business that is not in 
the focus area of the new strategy as proposed. The Board of Directors' proposal
can be found on Company's web site at www.geosentric.com.                       

GeoSentric Oyj                                                                  

For more information, please contact: investors@gypsii.com                      

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
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