2016-01-08 18:11:46 CET

2016-01-08 18:11:46 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

SC Klaipedos Nafta preliminary transhipment and revenue results for the December 2015

During December 2015 SC Klaipedos Nafta (hereinafter – “the Company”) reloaded
697 thousand tons of petroleum products into its storage tanks of Klaipeda oil
terminal and Subacius fuel base (SFB), i.e. grater by 8.9 percent compared to
December 2014, when 640 thousand tons were reloaded. 

During the twelve months of 2015 the Company reloaded 6,461 thousand tons of
petroleum products into its storage tanks or greater by 15.6 percent compared
to the same period of 2014 when 5,587 thousand tons were reloaded. The main
reason for the transhipment volume growth in 2015 is the larger volume of
petroleum products delivered from SC Orlen Lietuva refinery because of
favourable macroeconomic conditions and attracted new customers that caused the
larger transit cargos of petroleum products. 

During December 2015 in the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal of the Company
188 thousand MWh (total during the twelve months of 2015 – 4,559 thousand MWh)
of the natural gas were re-gasified and supplied to the natural gas
transmission system (this activity started to be carried out on 27 December

The preliminary sales revenues of the Company’s LNG Terminal for December 2015
comprise EUR 8.6 million (LTL 29.7 million) and the preliminary revenue of the
LNG terminal for the year 2015 comprise EUR 68.0 million (LTL 234.8 million),
which is equal to the sum of factual security supplement fee for the year 2015
and LNG terminal funds collected in 2013 that in accordance to the legislation
are dedicated for compensation of the LNG terminal necessary costs of 2015. 

The preliminary sales revenues for the twelve months 2015 of SC Klaipedos Nafta
oil terminal and SFB comprise EUR 39.8 million and are greater by 18.1 percent
compared to the same period of 2014 (EUR 33.7). Total preliminary sales
revenues of the Company for the 12 months of 2015 comprise Eur 107.8 million. 

Petroleum products transhipment and LNG re-gasification

                                          December          January – December  
                                    2015  2014   Change,   2015   2014   Change,
                                                   %                       %    
Petroleum products transhipment,     697   640    8,9%    6.461  5.587   15,6%  
 thousand tons                                                                  
LNG re-gasification, thousand MWh    188   -       -      4.559    -       -    

Preliminary revenues of the Company, EUR million

                                       December          January – December  
                                2015  2014  Change, %   2015  2014  Change, %
Klaipeda oil terminal activity   3,5   3,1    12,9%     37,3  31,8    17,3%  
Subacius fuel base activity      0,3   0,2    50,0%     2,5    1,9    31,6%  
LNG terminal activity            8,6   6,0    43,3%     68,0   6,0   1033,3% 
Total:                          12,4   9,3    33,3%    107,8  39,7   171,5%  

         Mantas Bartuska, General Manager, tel. 8 46 391772