2008-04-03 18:20:39 CEST

2008-04-03 18:21:40 CEST


English Islandic
Flaga Group hf. - Notice to general meeting

- Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 17 April 2008

The Annual General Meeting of Flaga Group hf. will be held on Thursday 17 April
2008 at 10:00am at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica, Sudurlandsbraut 2, Reykjavik. 


1.  Presentation of the Report of the Board of Directors on activities of the
    Company in 2007. 

2.  Presentation of the Operation of business segments of the Company during

3.  The Financial Statement of the Company during 2007, including an audit
    report submitted for confirmation. 

4.  Decision in respect of dividends for the year 2007.

5.  Election of the Board of Directors.

6.  Election of an Audit Firm.

7.  Decision of remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors of the

8.  Proposal for amendment to the Company's Articles of Association:

    a.  Amendment to Article 4, Paragraph 3, of the Articles of Association
        regarding the authorization to increase the share capital by the amount
        resulting from the possible conversion of convertible subordinated bonds
        issued by the Company to Kaupthing Bank hf. on 21 November 2003, the
        maturity  date of which can now be extended to 15 January 2009. 

9.  Other matters.

    a.  Presentation on the thoughts of the Board of Directors towards continued
        listing of the Company on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange. 

The following individuals have submitted their candidacy for the Board of
Directors for the fiscal year 2008: 

Bogi Pálsson			          Alternates: 
Eggert Dagbjartsson		          Helgi Jóhannesson
Erlendur Hjaltason		          Hildur Árnadóttir
Hákon Sigurhansson
Sveinn Þór Stefánsson

Shareholders' proposals must be submitted to the Board at least seven days
before the General Meeting. 

The agenda, final submissions and financial statements will be available for
examination by shareholders by request to the the group's Chief Financial
Officer, Criss Sakala via email at criss.sakala@embla.com. The documents will
also be posted for examination at www.flagagroup.com. 

Ballots and other documents will be available at the Hilton Reykjavik Nordica
from 09:30am on the day of the Annual General Meeting. 

Reykjavik,  April 2008
Flaga Group hf. Board of Directors