2008-02-14 08:00:00 CET

2008-02-14 08:00:00 CET


OKO Pankki Oyj - Company Announcement

Proposal for Renaming of OP Bank Group Central Cooperative

Proposal for Renaming of OP Bank Group Central Cooperative                      

The Executive Board of OP Bank Group Central Cooperative proposes to the General
Meeting that Central Cooperative be renamed. Central Cooperative's Supervisory  
Board has discussed this proposal, whereby OP Bank Group Central Cooperative be 
renamed OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative (the new business name in Finnish  
OP-Keskus osk (abbr. OPK) and in Swedish OP-Centralen anl (abbr. OPC)).         

The new business name better describes Central Cooperative's role as OP-Pohjola 
Group's central institution. This business name change forms part of the recent 
renaming process: OP Bank Group was renamed OP-Pohjola Group in September 2007  
and OKO Bank plc was renamed Pohjola Bank plc effective as of 1 March 2008.     

OP Bank Group Central Cooperative                                               

Markku Koponen                                                                  
Senior Vice President                                                           

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
London Stock Exchange                                                           
SWX Swiss Exchange                                                              
Major media                                                                     

FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT:                                           
Markku Koponen, Senior Vice President (Corporate Communications), tel. +358 10  
252 2648