2008-02-14 08:45:00 CET

2008-02-14 08:45:00 CET


English Finnish
Scanfil - Financial Statement Release



January - December                                                              
- Turnover for the year 2007 totalled EUR 224.6 million (241,4 year 2006)       
  decrease of 7,0%                                                              
- Operating profit was EUR 18.6 (11.4) million, which is 8.3 (4.7) % of         
- Profit for the review period was EUR 14.1 (8.2) million                       
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.24 (0.14)                                       
- The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting a dividend      
  of EUR 0,08 (0,10) and an additional dividend of EUR 0,04 per share           

October - December                                                              
- Turnover for the fourth quarter totalled EUR 54.4 million (51.5 in the        
  corresponding period in 2006), increase of 5.7%                               
- Operating profit was EUR 5.5 (2.7) million representing 10.2 (5.2)% of        
- Earnings per share amounted EUR 0.06 (0.05)                                   

DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONS                                                       

Harri Takanen, President of Scanfil plc:                                        
“The year 2007 was challenging in many ways. In the midst of tough price        
competition and structural changes in the business, we achieved our goals and   
retained profitability at a satisfactory level. Profitable business is the only 
means of ensuring the company's future and development. Therefore, maintaining  
profitability will continue to be Scanfil's primary goal. The Company's         
excellent financial position is the result of Scanfil's cost-efficient          
operations, competitiveness, good service competence and successful             
implementation of the chosen strategy. We have been more successful than our    
competitors in managing the changes in the business and the market. With correct
timing, this gives Scanfil the opportunity to grow and strengthen its market    

In the industrial electronics products market, both the volume of production and
the sales continued to grow steadily throughout the year.  Scanfil's customers  
have been successful in the market. Building and modernisation of infrastructure
in developing regions, higher energy prices, increasing environmental awareness 
and concern over the warming of climate are global factors that have had a      
positive effect on the markets where Scanfil's industrial electronics customers 

In 2007, the telecommunications network products market was characterised by    
corporate restructurings implemented by large players in the field. These       
affected the operations of contract manufacturers of network products. The      
lower-cost product and supply structures of new products have cut the value and 
volume of the material flow through contract manufacturers. The network         
suppliers' increasing engagement in service business activities has contributed 
to slower growth in the equipment market. For Scanfil plc's operations, the main
effects of this development included downsizing of operations in Finland,       
relocation of production to lower-cost plants in Europe and Asia and a drop in  
turnover compared with the year before.                                         

Telecommunications customers accounted for about 69 (72)% and industrial        
electronics customers for about 31 (28)% of the turnover.                       

The reorganisation of operations in Finland was completed during the year, and  
the operations in Finland were concentrated in Sievi and Vantaa. The            
reorganisation of production was completed successfully and did not cause any   
significant extra costs. All the resources assigned to the reorganisation of    
operations in Finland were released and engaged in business development again by
the end of the year.                                                            

The Chinese subsidiaries' sales accounted for 39% of the Group's sales during   
the review period (32% in 2006), including deliveries to the Group's other      
plants.  Of the Group's personnel, 54% (46) worked in China at the end of 2007, 
and a total of 75% (70%) worked in the international subsidiaries on 31 December

Scanfil plc's Belgian subsidiary Scanfil N.V. sold its plant site in Belgium on 
20 March 2007. In Finland, Scanfil plc sold its Äänekoski plant site on 8       
October 2007. In addition, the Company has initiated the process to sell the    
Oulu plant site.  The plant site deals were concluded at prices that were higher
than their balance sheet values. In addition, on 17 September 2007 the Company  
announced that it is investigating the option to sell its plant sites in Vantaa,
Estonia and Hungary. If these deals are concluded, the Company will continue its
operations at the sites as a tenant.                                            

The Company's new President Harri Takanen, MSc(Eng), took up his duties on 15   
May 2007.                                                                       

Near the end of the review period, the Company initiated negotiations with      
Helkama Forste Oy to start co-operation in manufacturing in Hungary.            
The planned co-operation would involve manufacturing of sheet metal components  
and lease of production facilities from Scanfil's Hungarian subsidiary Kft.     
The negotiations continue.                                                      

FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT                                                           

The Group's turnover in 2007 was EUR 224.6 (241,4) million, showing a decrease  
of 7.0% over the previous year. Distribution of turnover based on the location  
of customers was as follows: Finland 43 (43)%, rest of Europe 25 (29)%, Asia 30 
(25)%, USA 1 (1)% and the others 1 (2)%.                                        

Competitiveness can only be maintained by continual development of production   
activities and by efficient management of costs with respect to the increasingly
complex logistic supply chains. Scanfil has taken into account the changes in   
its operating environment. By planning and reorganising production within the   
Group, the Company has been able to retain its profitability at a satisfactory  
level. Operating profit for the review period totalled EUR 18.6 (11.4) million, 
representing 8.3 (4.7)% of turnover. Net profit amounted to EUR 14.1 (8.2)      
million or 6.3 (3.4)% of turnover. Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.24      
(0.14) and return on investment was 14.1 (9.0)%.                                
A total of EUR 1.4 million of non-recurring income items have been recorded for 
the year 2007, most of which are profits from the sale of fixed assets.         
Write-downs of the material and product stores of terminated products totalled  
EUR 1.5 million. Year of comparison 2006 result was burdened by a non-recurring 
expense item of EUR 7.6 million related to the termination of the Belgian       
subsidiary's production.                                                        

Income tax includes taxes corresponding to the result for the financial year. A 
deferred tax liability of EUR 1.2 million was entered for the total retained    
earnings of the Estonian subsidiary, as the retained earnings will be paid out  
as dividends in 2008. Taxes based on result have not been entered before.       

Turnover in October - December was EUR 54.4 (51.5) million. Operating profit in 
the fourth quarter totalled EUR 5.5 (2.7) million, representing 10.2 (5.2)% of  
turnover. Earnings per share were EUR 0.06 (0.05). When comparing the figures of
the periods, it should be kept in mind that operations in the final quarter of  
2006 were exceptional because of a very rapid and dramatic drop in demand, due  
to structural arrangements in the sector. In the final quarter of 2007, both    
operations and performance were normal, and comparison with the third quarter of
2007 gives the correct picture of the development.                              

Owing to the structure of the company's operations, the effects of changes in   
exchange rates on the result were minimal. If the US dollar remains weak or     
continues to weaken, it will mainly have a declining impact on the turnover and 
expenses of the Asian operations. Changes in the US dollar exchange rate will   
not have a significant effect on the relative profitability of the Asian        

FINANCING AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                               

The Group enjoys a strong financial position. Liabilities amounted to EUR 47.9  
(46.2) million, EUR 40.4 (38.7) million of which were non-interest-bearing and  
EUR 7.5 (7.5) million interest-bearing.                                         
Liquid cash assets totalled EUR 50.0 (31.8) million. The equity ration was 73.6 
(73.6)% and gearing -31.8 (-19.1)%.                                             

Cash flow from operating activities in the review period was positive at EUR    
20.2 (18.8) million. Cash flow from investments was EUR 4.9 (-5.0) million, and 
cash flow from funding stood at EUR -5.9 (-19.1) million. Change in working     
capital during the financial period was EUR 0.4 (2.9) million and dividends for 
previous financial period were paid to the amount of EUR 5.9 (6.0) million.     

Gross investments in fixed assets totalled EUR 1.4 (8.5) million, which is 0.6  
(3.5)% of turnover. Investments consists mainly machinery and equipment         
purchases. Depreciations were EUR 7.2 (8.3) million. During the financial period
the company sold its industrial property in Äänekoski (Finland) and Hoboken     

BOARD OF DIRECTORS' AUTHORISATION                                               

On 12 April 2007, the Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors  
to decide on the repurchase of a maximum of 4,000,000 company shares, using     
non-restricted equity, and on the disposal of a maximum of 5,998,449 company    

The Board of Directors has no existing share issue authorisations or            
authorisations to issue convertible bonds with warrants.                        

OWN SHARES                                                                      

On 31 December 2007, the company owned a total of 1,998,449 of its own shares,  
the counter-book value of which totalled EUR 499,612 and which represented 3.3% 
of the company's share capital and votes.                                       
During the review period, the company disposed of 1,551 of its own shares in    
conjunction with the share-based profit-sharing scheme of the Group's Management

SHARE TRADING AND SHARE PERFORMANCE                                             

The highest trading price during the review period was EUR 2.49 and the lowest  
EUR 1.92, the closing price for the period standing at EUR 1.95. A total of     
8,947,228 shares were traded during the period, corresponding to 14.7% of the   
total number of shares. The market value of the shares on 31 December 2007 was  
EUR 118,4 million.                                                              

GROUP STRUCTURE                                                                 

On 31 December 2007, the Scanfil Group consisted of parent company Scanfil plc  
(Sievi), Scanfil (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and Scanfil (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. in China,  
Scanfil Kft. (Biatorbagy) in Hungary and Scanfil Oü (Pärnu) in Estonia.         
Scanfil's Belgian subsidiary Scanfil N.V. (Hoboken) has not been engaged in any 
production activities after the year 2006. The Group holds the entire share     
capital in all of its subsidiaries.                                             

CPS Elektroniikka Oy, a subsidiary of the Scanfil Group, was dissolved on       
15 June 2007 in accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting. The 
company has not engaged in any production activities since 30 April 2005.       


At the end of the review period the Group employed 2,061 (2,073) people, of whom
1548 (1444) worked abroad. The Group employed an average 2,105 (2,213) people   
during the year.                                                                


Dividend for 2007                                                               
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of
EUR 0.08 per share be paid based on the annual result of the financial year     
ending on 31 December 2007 according to the dividend policy, plus an additional 
dividend of EUR 0.04 per share, totalling EUR 7,045,898.52.                     

The Board proposes that the matching date for payment of dividend be 8 April    
2008 and that the dividend is paid on 15 April 2008.                    

OTHER EVENTS IN THE REVIEW PERIOD                                               

The prosecutor pressed charges against Scanfil plc's Chairman of the Board of   
Directors and Group CEO Jorma J. Takanen and the President at that time, who is 
no longer working for Scanfil plc, in a suspected information offence concerning
alleged delay of profit warning at the turn of 2005-2006. The prosecutor called 
for Scanfil plc to be sentenced to a fine imposed on a corporation of EUR       
25,000.  Scanfil plc denied all charges.                                        

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

In its decision issued on 21 January 2008, the District Court of Helsinki       
dismissed all charges against the Chairman of Scanfil plc's Board of Directors  
and Scanfil plc's former President in legal proceedings that concerned a delayed
profit warning at the turn of 2005-2006.                                        

The District Court of Helsinki also dismissed the prosecutor's call to sentence 
Scanfil plc to a fine imposed on a corporation of EUR 25,000.                   

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                

Demand in the industrial electronics sector is expected to continue growing in  
2008. In addition, negotiations are in progress with potential new customers in 
the industrial electronics sector.                                              

The growth of the telecommunications equipment market is generally estimated to 
remain very low in 2008. Turnover from telecommunications equipment supplied by 
Scanfil is expected to remain unchanged from year-end 2007.                     

Scanfil expects its turnover in 2008 to be about the same as in 2007.           
Profitability for the full year is estimated to be at a satisfactory level.     
However, market predictability is still poor.                                   

The Company's good financial position provides an opportunity to actively seek  
various means and arrangements that will put Scanfil's operations back on a     
growth track.                                                                   

OPERATIONAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                             

The most important operational uncertainties and risks associated with          
telecommunications technology contract manufacturing include low visibility in  
the market and extremely poor predictability, tough price competition,          
availability of materials and rapid and significant fluctuation of demand.      

In the industrial electronics sector, the demand looks more stable, with risks  
and uncertainties mainly associated with global economic development and        
subsequent changes in demand.                                                   

For more information on risk management, please visit the Company website at    
www.scanfil.com. Select Investors and Corporate Governance.                     


Appendix 1: Consolidated profit and loss statements and balance sheet           
Appendix 2: Consolidated cash flow statement                                    
Appendix 3: Key indicators                                                      
Appendix 4: Calculation of changes in shareholders' equity                      
Appendix 5: Segment information                                                 
Appendix 6: Consolidated contingent liabilities                                 
Appendix 7: Key indicators quarterly                                            

Financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and  
measurement principles of the IFRS.                                             
Individual figures and grand totals have been rounded to the nearest million    
euros, so they will not always add up. The figures are unaudited.                                                                   APPENDIX 1 

CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT                                          
EUR million                                                                     
                                             2007      2006      2007      2006 
                                          10 - 12   10 - 12    1 - 12    1 - 12 

NET SALES                                    54.4      51.5     224.6     241.4 
Increase or decrease of                                                         
inventory of finished products                1.0       0.7    -  0.6   -   0.4 
Manufacturing for own use                                                   0.0 
Other operating income                        0.0       1.2       2.1       2.1 
Expenses                                  -  48.3   -  49.0    -200.3   - 223.5 
Depreciation                              -   1.6   -   1.7    -  7.2   -   8.3 
OPERATING PROFIT                              5.5       2.7      18.6      11.4 
Financial income and expenses                 0.1       0.7       0.4       0.7 
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES                           5.7       3.3      19.0      12.1 
Direct tax                                -   2.3   -   0.3    -  4.9   -   3.8 

NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                     3.4       3.0      14.1       8.2 
Attributable to:                                                                
  Equity holders of the Company               3.4       3.0      14.1       8.2 

Earnings/share (EPS), EUR                    0.06      0.05      0.24      0.14 

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR million                                                   30.12.     31.12. 
                                                                2007       2006 

Long-term assets                
 Tangible current assets                                        36.5       43.1 
 Goodwill                                                        2.5        2.5 
 Other intangible assets                                         1.1        1.0 
 Sellable investments                                            0.0        0.3 
 Receivables                                                     0.2        0.2 
 Deferred tax receivables                                        0.4        0.2 
Long-term assets total                                          40.8       47.4 

Short-term assets                                                               
 Inventories                                                    33.6       41.4 
 Sales and other receivables                                    52.3       43.0 
 Prepayments                                                     0.1        0.0 
 Financing assets with result                                                   
 impact entered at current value                                            8.9 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                      50.0       22.9 
Short-term assets total                                        136.1      116.2 

Non-current assets held for sale                                 4.6       10.0 

ASSETS TOTAL                                                   181.5      173.6 

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            

Shareholders' equity that belongs to                                            
the owners of the parent company                                                
 Share capital                                                  15.2       15.2 
 Premium fund                                                   16.1       16.1 
 Own shares                                                  -   6.9    -   6.9 
 Other funds                                                     2.6        1.9 
 Translation differences                                     -   2.6    -   0.7 
 Value change fund                                                          0.1 
 Profits accrued                                               109.3      101.7 
Shareholders' equity that belongs to                                            
the owners of the parent company total                         133.6      127.4 

Shareholders' equity total                                     133.6      127.4 

Long-term liabilities                                                           
 Deferred tax liabilities                                        2.3        1.4 
 Reserves                                                        7.0        8.5 
 Interest-bearing liabilities                                               7.5 
Long-term liabilities total                                      9.3       17.4 

Short-term liabilties                                                           
 Procurement and other liabilities                              30.4       28.2 
 Current income tax liabilities                                  0.7        0.6 
 Interest-bearing liabilities                                    7.5            
Short-term liabilities total                                    38.6       28.8 

Liabilities total                                               47.9       46.2 

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                                                        
LIABILITIES TOTAL                                              181.5      173.6 
                                                                     APPENDIX 2 

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                 2007      2006 
EUR million                                                    1 - 12    1 - 12 
Cash flow from operations                                          
Net profit                                                       14.1       8.2 
  Adjustment for the net profit of the period                     8.7      13.6 
  Change in net working capital                                   0.4       2.9 
  Interests paid and other financial expenses                  -  0.4    -  0.7 
  Interests received                                              1.3       0.8 
  Taxes paid                                                   -  4.0    -  6.1 
Net cash flow from operations                                    20.2      18.8 

Cash flow from investments                                                      
  Investments in tangible and                                                   
  intangible assets                                            -  1.7    -  7.8 
  Proceeds from sale of tangible                                                
  and intangible assets                                           6.3       2.8 
  Proceeds from sale of other investments                         0.2       0.0 
Net cash flow from investments                                    4.9    -  5.0 
Cash flow from funding                                                          
  Acquiring of own shares                                         0.0    -  2.8 
  Repayment of long-term loans                                           - 10.4 
  Dividends paid                                              -   5.9    -  6.0 
Net cash flow from funding                                    -   5.9    - 19.1 

Change in assets                                                 19.2    -  5.3 

Liquid assets at the beginning                                                  
of the period                                                    31.8      37.8 
Changes in exchange rates                                      -  0.6    -  0.9 
Changes in fair value of investments                           -  0.3       0.1 
Liquid assets at the end of the period                           50.0      31.8 

                                                                     APPENDIX 3 
KEY INDICATORS                                                   2007      2006 
                                                               1 - 12    1 - 12 

Return on equity, %                                              10.8       6.4 
Return on investment, %                                          14.1       9.0 
Interest-bearing liabilities,                                                   
EUR million                                                       7.5       7.5 
Gearing, %                                                     - 31.8    - 19.1 
Equity ratio, %                                                  73.6      73.6 
Gross investments in fixed                                                      
assets, EUR million                                               1.4       8.5 
% of net turnover                                                 0.6       3.5 
Personnel, average                                              2 105     2 213 
Earnings per share, EUR                                          0.24      0.14 
Shareholders' equity per share, EUR                              2.27      2.17 
Dividend per share, EUR                                          0.12      0.10 
Dividend per earnings, %                                         49.8      72.4 
Effective dividend yield, %                                      6.15      4.22 
Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E)                                     8.1      17.2 

Share price                                                                     
Year's lowest share price, EUR                                   1.92      2.30 
Year's highest share price, EUR                                  2.49      4.67 
Average share price for year, EUR                                2.19      3.47 
Share price at year's end, EUR                                   1.95      2.37 
Market capitalisation at end of year, EUR million               118.4     143.9 
Number of shares at                                                             
the end of period, 000's                                       60 714    60 714 
- not counting own shares                                      58 716    58 714 
- weighted average                                             58 716    59 557 
The company does not have any liabilities resulting from derivative instruments.
Owing to the nature of the sector, the company's order book covers only a short 
period of time and does not give an accurate picture of future development.     

                                                                     APPENDIX 4 

CALCULATION OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                  
EUR million                                                                     

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Premium fund                                                                
C = Own shares                                                                  
D = Other reserves                                                              
E = Translation differences                                                     
F = Fair value reserve                                                          
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Total                                                                       
I = Shareholder's equity total                                                  
SHAREHODER'S               A     B      C    D     E     F      G      H      I 
1.1.2006                15.2  16.1   -4.1  1.3   2.5   0.1  100.0  131.1  131.1 

Translation difference                         - 3.1               - 3.1  - 3.1 
NET INCOME RECOGNIZED                                                           
DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                             - 3.1               - 3.1  - 3.1 

Net profit for the period                                     8.2    8.2    8.2 
TOTAL RECOGNIZED INCOME                                                         
AND EXPENCE                                    - 3.1          8.2    5.1    5.1 

Payment of dividend                                         - 6.0  - 6.0  - 6.0 
Transfer to funds                          0.6              - 0.6      0      0 
Acquiring of own shares             - 2.8                          - 2.8  - 2.8 

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY                                                            
31.12.2006              15.2  16.1  - 6.9  1.9 - 0.7   0.1  101.7  127.4  127.4 

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY       A     B      C    D     E     F      G      H      I 
1.1.2007                15.2  16.1  - 6.9  1.9 - 0.7   0.1  101.7  127.4  127.4 

Value change                                         - 0.1         - 0.1  - 0.1 
Translation difference                         - 2.0               - 2.0  - 2.0 
NET INCOME RECOGNIZED                                                           
DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                             - 2.0 - 0.1         - 2.1  - 2.1 

Net profit for the period                                    14.1   14.1   14.1 
TOTAL RECOGNIZED INCOME                                                         
AND EXPENCE                                    - 2.0         14.1   12.0   12.0 

Payment of dividend                                        -  5.9  - 5.9  - 5.9 
Transfers to funds                         0.7             -  0.7      0      0 
Acquiring of own shares               0.0                            0.0    0.0 

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY                                                            
31.12.2007               15.2  16.1  - 6.9  2.6 - 2.6  0.0  109.3  133.6  133.6 

                                                                   APPENDIX 5   


EUR million                                                     2007       2006 
                                                              1 - 12     1 - 12 
Europe                                                         150.2      188.1 
Asia                                                            92.4       72.5 
Turnover between segments                                     - 18.0     - 19.1 
Total                                                          224.6      241.4 
OPERATING PROFIT                                                                
Europe                                                           7.5        4.9 
Asia                                                            11.1        6.5 
Total                                                           18.6       11.4 

The Group operates in single sector.                                            

                                                                     APPENDIX 6 

CONSOLIDATED CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                             
EUR million                                                     2007       2006 
                                                              1 - 12     1 - 12 

Real estate mortgages                                                       6.2 
Business mortgages                                              16.4       16.4 
Guarantees pledged                                               0.7        0.7 
Rental liabilities                                               0.7        0.5 

The parent company has arranged a EUR 7.8 million bank guarantee to secure the  
payment of contributions related to Scanfil NV's restructuring. Scanfil NV's    
balance sheet includes a corresponding provision.                               
                                                                     APPENDIX 7 
KEY INDICATORS QUARTERLY                                                        
EUR million                                                                     
                    Q4/07   Q3/07   Q2/07   Q1/07   Q4/06  Q3/06  Q2/06   Q1/06 
Turnover, MEUR       54.4    59.1    58.9    52.2    51.5   67.5   62,4    60,1 
profit, MEUR          5.5     5.6     4.0     3.6     2.7    7.0    5.1  -  3.4 
Operating profit, %  10.2     9.4     6.7     6.8     5.2   10.4    8.2  -  5.7 
Net income, MEUR      3.4     4.5     3.2     3.1     3.0    6.1    3.7  -  4.5 
EPS, EUR             0.06    0.08    0.05    0.05    0.05   0.10   0.06  - 0.08 

The company's Annual Report for 2007 will be published in week 13. The company  
will publish interim reports in 2008 as follows: January-March on 25 April,     
January-June on 5 August and January-September on 24 October.                   

Scanfil plc's Annual General Meeting will be held on 3 April 2008 at the        
company's head office in Sievi, Finland, at 2.00 pm.                            

SCANFIL PLC                                                                     

Harri Takanen                                                                   

Additional information:                                                         President Harri Takanen                                                         
Tel +358 8 4882 111                                                             

Distribution         Helsinki Exchanges                                         
                     Major Media                                                

Scanfil plc is a global contract manufacturer and systems supplier for          
communication and industrial electronics with over 30 years experience in       
demanding contract manufacturing                                                

Scanfil offers contract-manufacturing services as a systems supplier to the     
telecommunication industry, mainly to wireless communication sector, as well as 
to the industrial electronics industry. Main telecommunication products are     
among others integrated enclosure systems for mobile phone and ADSL networks and
assembly and testing of modules related to enclosure systems. Examples of       
industrial electronics products include box-built tested devices, various       
electronic modules, backplanes and assembled circuit boards as well as cable    
assemblies. Production plants are situated in China, Hungary, Estonia and       

Not for release over US newswire services. Forward looking statements: certain  
statements in this stock exchange release may constitute "forward-looking"
statements which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other       
factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of Scanfil  
Oyj to be materially different from any future results, performance or          
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. When used 
in this stock exchange release, such statements use such words as "may,""will,""expect,""anticipate,""project,""believe,""plan" and other similar          
terminology. New risk factors may arise from time to time and it is not possible
for management to predict all of those risk factors or the extent to which any  
factor or combination of factors may cause actual results, performance and      
achievements of Scanfil Oyj to be materially different from those contained in  
forward-looking statements. Given these risks and uncertainties, investors      
should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of
actual results. The forward-looking information contained in this stock exchange
release is current only as of the date of this stock exchange release. There    
should not be an expectation that such information will in all circumstances be 
updated, supplemented or revised, except as provided by the law or obligatory   
regulations, whether as a result of new information, changing circumstances,    
future events or otherwise.