2007-06-29 10:20:00 CEST 2007-06-29 10:20:00 CEST REGULATED INFORMATION BasWare - Company AnnouncementBasWare sold its Tampere premises to Varma Mutual Pension Insurance CompanySTOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE JUNE 29, 2007 BasWare Corp. has on June 29 sold its Tampere office premises to Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company and agreed to stay in the premises on a long-term lease. The selling price is EUR 2 771 thousand. Earlier in the spring BasWare has sold the office premise in Lassila, Helsinki, and together these sales have a positive effect on the financial result. The sales of the business premises have a EUR 439 thousand one off improvement on the quarterly result of BasWare Corporation. BasWare Corp. rents the sold office premises from Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company based on a seven-year lease contract and the company's operations at Tampere continue as before. For more information, please contact CEO Ilkka Sihvo, BasWare Corp., tel. +358 40 501 8251 BASWARE CORP. Ilkka Sihvo Distribution: Helsingin Stock Exchange Key media www.basware.com |