2011-02-02 08:45:00 CET

2011-02-02 08:45:02 CET


Suomi Englanti
Outokumpu Oyj - Financial Statement Release

Outokumpu's Annual Accounts Bulletin 2010 - stainless markets recovered in 2010, operating loss reduced


February 2, 2011 9.45 am EET

Outokumpu's Annual Accounts Bulletin 2010 - stainless markets recovered in
2010, operating loss reduced 

Year 2010 highlights

-       Operating profit was EUR -83 million (2009: EUR -441 million),
underlying operational result some EUR -91 million (2009: some EUR -343

-       EBITDA EUR 172 million (2009: EUR -212 million), operative cash flow
EUR -497 million. 

-       Deliveries increased by 28% to 1 315 000 tonnes.

-       Major investment decisions totalling approximately EUR 550 million:
ferrochrome capacity to be doubled, position in quarto plate to be

-       The Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of EUR 0.25 per share
(2009: EUR 0.35). 

Fourth-quarter highlights

-       Operating profit EUR -85 million (III/2010: EUR -49 million),
underlying operational result EUR -68 million (III/2010: EUR -10 million). 

-       EBITDA EUR -4 million (III/2010: EUR 12 million).

-       Deliveries totalled 336 000 tonnes (III/2010: 307 000 tonnes).

-       Inventories reduced, cash flow positive at EUR 18 million (III/2010:
EUR -111 million). 

Group key figures                                                               
                                              IV/10  III/10  IV/09   2010   2009
Sales                                    EUR  1 162   1 014    736  4 229  2 641
Operating profit                         EUR    -85     -49    -31    -83   -441
EBITDA                                   EUR     -4      12     26    172   -212
Non-recurring items in operating         EUR    -17      --     --    -17    -20
profit                               million                                    
Profit before taxes                      EUR    -86     -88    -38   -143   -479
Non-recurring items in financial         EUR      9      --     --      9     --
income and expenses                  million                                    
Net profit for the period                EUR    -91     -56     -6   -124   -336
Earnings per share                       EUR  -0.50   -0.31  -0.04  -0.68  -1.86
Return on capital employed                 %   -8.0    -4.6   -3.5   -2.1  -11.7
Net cash generated from operating        EUR     18    -111   -111   -497    201
activities                           million                                    
Capital expenditure                      EUR     48      40     83    161    248
Net interest-bearing debt at end         EUR  1 837   1 831  1 191  1 837  1 191
of period                            million                                    
Debt-to-equity ratio at end of             %   77.3    74.9   48.6   77.3   48.6
Stainless steel deliveries             1 000    336     307    277  1 315  1 030
Stainless steel base price 1)       EUR/tonn  1 213   1 245  1 297  1 252  1 161
Personnel at the end of period                8 104   8 048  7 754  8 104  7 754
1)Stainless steel: CRU - German base price                                      
(2 mm cold rolled 304 sheet).                                                   

Following the softer market situation that characterised late 2010, demand for
standard grades of stainless steel began to pick-up in the new-year. The
increase in the nickel price supported buying by distributors and lead times
for standard grades are currently somewhat above the usual 6-8 weeks.
Distributor inventories in Europe are estimated to be approximately at normal
level. Demand from investment-driven end-use segments has not yet shown any
major recovery. 

Outokumpu's order intake has been encouraging from the beginning of 2011. After
the decline in base prices in late 2010, Outokumpu has been able to increase
prices, but this will only have an impact on average prices towards the end of
the first quarter. 

Based on current order intake, Outokumpu estimates that delivery volumes in the
first quarter of 2011 will be some 10-20% higher than in the fourth quarter of
2010. Outokumpu's operating profit in the first quarter is expected to be
around break-even or slightly positive with some positive impact from raw
material-related timing gains (at current metal prices). 

CEO Juha Rantanen:

“The market environment in 2010 continued to be difficult in our home market,
Europe. Demand for stainless was well below the pre-crisis levels, especially
for investment-driven applications. The resulting still rather low capacity
utilisation and deteriorated cost-efficiency were the main reasons for the
clearly loss-making result in 2010. Currently, the overall economic development
indicates better stainless markets for this year. Our focus stays on the
essentials; better profitability, stronger balance sheet and implementation of
our strategy. Last year we made good progress on many operational areas, like
safety, inventory levels and delivery performance. It gives me confidence to
expect significant progress on our financial performance this year.” 

Changes in disclosure procedure

Outokumpu Oyj is now adopting the new disclosure procedure enabled by the
Standard 5.2b published by the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority. This is
a summary of Outokumpu's Annual Accounts Bulletin 2010 and the complete report
with tables is available as an attachment to this stock exchange release and is
also available on the Outokumpu website at: www.outokumpu.com/investors. 

The attachments present the Management analysis of the fourth quarter 2010
operating result and a summary of the Review by the Board of Directors for
January-December 2010 as well as extracts from the financial statements. The
report is based on restated financial information for the Group's brass
operations previously reported as discontinued operations.All full-year figures
have beenaudited. 

For further information, please contact:

Päivi Lindqvist, SVP - Communications and IR

tel. +358 9 421 2432, mobile +358 40 708 5351


Ingela Ulfves, VP - Investor Relations and Financial Communications

tel. +358 9 421 2438, mobile +358 40 515 1531


Esa Lager, CFO

Tel. +358 9 421 2516


News conference and live webcast today at 1.00 pm

A combined news conference, conference call and live webcast concerning
Outokumpu's annual accounts 2010 will be held on 2 February 2011 at 1.00 pm EET
(6.00 am US EST, 11.00 am UK time, 12.00 pm CET) at Restaurant Bank, meeting
rooms 12-14, address Unioninkatu 20, 00130 Helsinki, Finland. 

To participate via the conference call, please dial in 5-10 minutes before the
beginning of the event: 

UK                                +44 20 3043 2436

US & Canada    +1 866 458 4087

Sweden                        +46 8 505 598 53

Password                     Outokumpu

The news conference can be viewed live via the Internet at www.outokumpu.com. A
stock exchange release and presentation material will be available before the
news conference at: 


An on-demand webcast of the news conference will be available at
www.outokumpu.com on February 3, 2011 from around 3.00 pm. 


Corporate Management