2017-03-02 08:00:23 CET

2017-03-02 08:00:23 CET


Finnish English
BasWare - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Basware Executive Team members to make significant investments into Basware shares as company launches new long-term incentive structure

Basware Corporation, stock exchange release, March 2, 2017 at 09:00

Basware Executive Team members to make significant investments into Basware
shares as company launches new long-term incentive structure

The Board of Directors of Basware Corporation has resolved to establish a new
long-term incentive plan structure for the Group key employees. The renewed
structure entails three share based plans:

  * a Matching Share Plan 2017-2019, where Basware Executive Team members
    personally invest in Basware shares and have their investments matched by
  * a Performance Share Plan 2017-2019, which steers key employees toward
    realizing established strategic objectives and increasing shareholder value,
  * a Restricted Share Plan 2017, for selected key contributors in key markets.

The aim of the new plans is to further align the objectives of shareholders and
key employees, to retain key employees at the company, and to offer them
competitive reward plans based on acquiring, receiving and holding the company's

The potential rewards from the incentive plans will be paid partly in Basware
shares and partly in cash. The cash proportion is intended to cover taxes and
tax-related costs arising from the reward to the key employee. As a rule, no
reward will be paid if a key employee's employment or service ends before the
reward payment.

The share plans entail a shareholding requirement for members of the Basware
Executive Team and a shareholding recommendation for other participants, where a
considerable number of received shares must be held for the long term.

The last earning period 2017 of the current share-based incentive plan
2015-2017 will be replaced by the new Performance Share Plan.

Matching Share Plan 2017-2019

The prerequisite for receiving reward on the basis of the Matching Share Plan is
that a member of the Basware Executive Team acquires Basware shares. The Basware
Executive Team Member will as a reward, receive matching shares for each share
subject to the share ownership prerequisite after a matching period of three
years. Receipt of matching shares is contingent on the continuation of
employment or service upon reward payment.

The rewards to be paid in aggregate to the Basware Executive Team on the basis
of the Matching Share Plan correspond to the value of a maximum total of 60,000
Basware Corporation shares (including also the proportion to be paid in cash).

The Plan as a whole entails an aggregate share ownership interest of
approximately 90,000 shares for the Basware Executive Team members, via personal
share acquisitions and the right to future share ownership through the Matching
Share Plan.

Performance Share Plan 2017-2019

The Performance Share Plan includes three performance periods, calendar years
2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. The Board of Directors will resolve on the
performance criteria and on the required performance levels for each criterion
at the beginning of each performance period. The plan is directed to
approximately 60 key employees, including the members of the Basware Executive

The potential reward from the performance period 2017-2018 will be based on the
company's Total Shareholder Return (TSR) and the Group's accumulative Cloud
Revenue during 2017-2018. The rewards to be paid on the basis of the performance
period 2017-2018 correspond to the value of a maximum total of 156,000 Basware
Corporation shares (including also the proportion to be paid in cash).

Restricted Share Plan 2017

The Restricted Share Plan is directed to selected key contributors in Basware.
The reward from the Restricted Share Plan will be paid after a vesting period of
one to three years. The total rewards to be allocated on the basis of the plan
will amount to a maximum of 20,000 Basware Corporation shares (including also
the proportion to be paid in cash).

Board of Directors

For more information, please contact:

Hannu Vaajoensuu, Chairman of the Board, Basware Corporation
Tel. +358 40 501 8250, hannu.vaajoensuu@basware.com

Nasdaq Helsinki
Key media

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