2008-12-12 09:00:00 CET

2008-12-12 09:00:00 CET

Finnska Enska
Scanfil - Financial Calendar


SCANFIL PLC          STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    12 DECEMBER 2008 10.00 A.M.      

SCANFIL PLC'S FINANCIAL INFORMATION IN 2009                                     

Scanfil plc will release the 2008 Financial Statements Bulletin on Thursday 12  
February 2009. The printed Financial Statements and the electronic Annual Report
on the Scanfil website (www.scanfil.com) will be available during week 12 March 
The Annual General Meeting of Scanfil plc will be held on Thursday 26 March     

In 2009  Scanfil plc will publish interim reports as follows:                   
- for January - March       on Thursday   23 April 2009                         
- for January - June        on Tuesday     4 August 2009                        
- for January - September   on Friday     23 October 2009                       

Scanfil plc

Harri Takanen                                                                   

Distribution         NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                        
                     Major Media                                                

Scanfil plc is a global contract manufacturer and systems supplier for          
communication and industrial electronics with over 30 years experience in       
demanding contract manufacturing                                                

Scanfil offers contract-manufacturing services as a systems supplier to the     
telecommunication industry, mainly to wireless communication sector, as well as 
to the industrial electronics industry. Main telecommunication products are     
among others integrated enclosure systems for mobile phone and ADSL networks and
assembly and testing of modules related to enclosure systems. Examples of       
industrial electronics products include box-built tested devices, various       
electronic modules, backplanes and assembled circuit boards as well as cable    
assemblies. Production plants are situated in China, Hungary, Estonia and       