2013-03-13 09:29:17 CET

2013-03-13 09:30:19 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

The Company has appealed against the suspension of Procurement of Engineering, Procurement and Construction Works for Natural Gas Pipeline System

On 12 March 2013 Klaipėdos Nafta AB (hereinafter, the “Company”) filed a
separate appeal against the ruling of the Klaipėda Regional Court of 8 March
2013 according to which the request of claimants AB Kauno Dujotiekio Statyba
and UAB Šiaulių Dujotiekio Statyba on imposition of interim measures was
satisfied and the international procurement “Procurement of engineering,
procurement and construction works for natural gas pipeline system (EPC)”
performed under the negotiated procedure with a publication of notice was
suspended until the day when a decision of the court in this case is passed and
comes into force. 

By its separate appeal the Company requests to annul the ruling of the Klaipėda
Regional Court of 8 March 2013, by which the interim measures were imposed. In
case the court of first instance annuls the ruling on imposition of interim
measures itself, the Company requests to allow execution of the ruling on
lifting of the interim measures in the urgent manner. 

The Company notified on imposition of the aforementioned interim measures on 8
March 2013, by announcing a notification on material event. 

         Director of Finance and Administration Department, Mantas Bartuška,
+370 46 391 763