2008-02-07 13:00:00 CET

2008-02-07 13:01:26 CET


Finnish English
Salcomp Oyj - Financial Statement Release


Salcomp Plc  Stock Exchange Release 7 February 2008 at 14:00 Finnish time       

Salcomp Plc Financial Statements Release 2007                                   
SOLID GROWTH, STRONG PROFITS                                                    

October-December 2007:                                                          
-Net sales grew by 7% to EUR 84.0 million (EUR 78.6 million).                   
-Number of delivered chargers rose by 17% to 81.5 million chargers (69.6        
-Operating result grew by 24% to EUR 8.3 million (EUR 6.7 million).             
-Market share in mobile phone chargers was about 24% (24 %).                    
-Earnings per share, excluding the deferred tax, were EUR 0.17 (EUR 0.14).      
-Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 18.0 million (EUR 7.8 million).    

January-December 2007:                                                          
-Net sales grew by 10% to EUR 286.2 million (EUR 259.0 million).                
-Number of delivered chargers rose by 14% to 262.4 million chargers (230.5      
-Operating profit grew by 67% to EUR 25.8 million (EUR 15.5 million).           
-Market share in mobile phone chargers was 23% (23 %).                          
-Earnings per share, excluding the deferred tax, nearly doubled to EUR 0.54 (EUR
-Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 36.6 million (EUR 3.9 million).    

Outlook for the Financial Year 2008:                                            
Net sales in 2008 are expected to continue to grow. However, due to declining   
mobile phone charger prices the operating profit in value is expected to grow   
only to some extent or to remain on 2007 level.                                 

Salcomp Plc's Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance
with the IFRS and IAS standards which Salcomp has been applying since 1 January 
2005. This Financial Statements Release is based on the audited Financial       

Markku Hangasjärvi, President and CEO:                                          
”Our business continued to develop favorably during the entire year 2007. Our   
net sales grew by some 10% and at the exchange rates of 2006 the increase in net
sales would have been 21%. Our profitability also developed positively and the  
operating profit in 2007 grew by 67%. I would like to thank our skilled and     
professional personnel for the excellent year.                                  

According to the estimates published by various market research companies and to
Salcomp's own estimates, approximately 1.1 billion mobile phones were sold in   
2007 which is some 14% more than in the previous year. Salcomp's mobile phone   
charger market share, approximately 23%, was at the same level as the previous  

In 2008, the mobile phone market is expected to grow by some 12%, which         
translates into a sales volume of some 1.3 billion mobile phones, and,          
therefore, chargers. This forms a good basis to achieve further growth in our   
delivered charger volumes and in net sales in 2008. In addition, our target is  
to broaden the customer portfolio in other selected charger segments, such as   
bluetooth headsets and cordless fixed-line phones.”                             

Financial Development in October-December 2007                                  
During the last quarter of the year the net sales grew by 7% to EUR 84.0 million
(EUR 78.6 million in October-December 2006). At the exchange rates of 2006, the 
increase in net sales would have been 20%. The number of chargers delivered     
increased by 17% to 81.5 million chargers (69.6 million), which makes some 32   
percentage units more than during the third quarter in 2007.                    

According to the market research companies and Salcomp's own estimates, some 330
million mobile phones were sold in the fourth quarter of 2007, representing a   
year-over-year increase of approximately 16%. Salcomp's market share was some   
24% (24%), which makes some 2 percentage units more than in the third quarter of

Operating profit increased to EUR 8.3 million (EUR 6.7 million), boosted by     
increase in net sales and a slightly higher gross margin than in the comparison 
period. The operating profit percentage was 9.9% (8.5 %).                       

The fourth-quarter result amounted to EUR 5.9 million (EUR 4.6 million).        
Earnings per share were EUR 0.15 (EUR 0.12) and earnings per share, excluding   
the deferred tax, were EUR 0.17 (EUR 0.14). The deferred tax results from the   
parent company's tax-deductible goodwill amortization. Basic earnings per share 
were EUR 0.15.                                                                  

Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 18.0 million positive (EUR 7.8      
million positive), mainly due to the favorable profit development and a decrease
in working capital. The cash flow was positively affected by the EUR 5.2 million
increase in sold receivables from the third quarter of the financial year.      
Without the increase in sold receivables, the cash flow would have been EUR 12.8

FINANCIAL YEAR 2007                                                             

Business Environment                                                            
During 2007, the mobile phone market grew by approximately 14%. Approximately   
1.1 billion mobile phones, and accordingly mobile phone chargers, were sold.    
Consolidation in the market continued, and Salcomp's main customers, major      
mobile phone manufacturers, increased their combined market share. According to 
Salcomp's estimates, the top-5 mobile phone manufacturers represented as much as
83% of the market (81%) in 2007. Competition tightened in the mobile phone      
charger market due to new manufacturers. On the other hand, some of the smaller 
charger companies withdrew from the market.                                     

Net Sales                                                                       
Salcomp Group's net sales in 2007 increased by 10% to EUR 286.2 million (EUR    
259.0 million in 2006). The increase in net sales was due to the number of      
chargers sold growing by 14% to 262.4 million chargers (230.5 million). The     
market share in mobile phone chargers for the entire year was approximately 23% 

The Group's operating profit increased by 67% to EUR 25.8 million (EUR 15.5     
million). The operating profit was improved by an increase in the number of     
units delivered and a higher gross margin compared to last year, which was due  
to more effective production and purchasing operations and continuous           
improvements in product cost structure. The Group's operating profit percentage 
was 9.0% (6.0%).                                                                

The Group's net financial expenses were EUR 3.2 million (EUR 4.3 million).      
Financial expenses were decreased by a smaller amount of debt. The financial    
items include EUR 0.7 million income, resulting from currency differences       
related to intra-group loans. Taxes for the period totaled EUR 4.3 million (EUR 
3.6 million). They include a deferred tax of EUR 3.0 million (EUR 3.0 million), 
resulting from the parent company's tax-deductible goodwill amortization.       

Salcomp's net result totaled EUR 18.3 million (EUR 7.6 million). Earnings per   
share were EUR 0.47 (EUR 0.20) and earnings per share, excluding the deferred   
tax, EUR 0.54 (EUR 0.28). Basic earnings per share were EUR 0.47.               

During the financial year, the Group's R&D expenditure was EUR 4.8 million (EUR 
5.4 million), or 1.7% of net sales (2.1%). Over the year, an average of 110     
people was working in R&D. The focus was on the development of new mobile phone 
chargers for current and new customers and on the continued improvement of the  
product cost structure.                                                         

In the autumn, Salcomp introduced to the market a new Cosmo charger product     
platform that enables charging mobile phones and other mobile devices with a USB
cable. The USB standard-based chargers open new opportunities for Salcomp to    
expand its customer base beyond the mobile phone charger segment.               

Capital Expenditure                                                             
Capital expenditure for the year totaled EUR 11.3 million (EUR 9.3 million). It 
mainly involved construction of the India plant and boosting the production     
capacity in China and Brazil.                                                   

Customer deliveries at the Salcomp's charger plant in Chennai, India began in   
June. The construction work, commenced in autumn 2006, progressed according to  
the schedule and budget. The total value of the capital expenditure was         
approximately EUR 9 million. The capacity at the end of the year was some 50    
million chargers, and it can be raised to some 100 million chargers. The leased 
land also allows expansion of the production building.                          

The cash flow from operating activities was EUR 36.6 million (EUR 3.9 million). 
The increase in cash flow was mainly due to the positive profitability          
development, as well as good working capital management. The cash flow was      
positively affected by the EUR 9.7 million increase in sold receivables. Without
the increase in sold receivables, the cash flow would have been EUR 26.9        
The Group's equity ratio at the end of the year was 37.7% (30.5%), and gearing  
was 34.0% (83.7%). The key figures of the balance sheet were improved by good   
cash flow and a smaller amount of debt. At the end of the year, interest-bearing
net debt stood at EUR 23.3 million (EUR 44.4 million).                          

Environment and Quality                                                         
The management of Salcomp's environmental and quality issues is based on the    
Group's environmental and quality policies, development programs and guidelines,
as well as its risk management policy. The focus in the management of           
environmental and quality issues is to minimize and prevent the effects on the  
environment and people.                                                         

The total amount of harmful chemicals used in production is small, and no       
harmful emissions are caused by the processes.                                  

The Group's production plants are ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certified. In addition,
Salcomp has the environmental permits required for its operations.              

In addition to Salcomp's own quality and environmental control, customers and   
authorities regularly conduct quality and environmental audits, and the results 
of the audits are used for constant development of the processes.               

Personnel and Management Team                                                   
The number of Group personnel at the end of the year totaled 9,722 (7,910):     
6,815 were employed in China, 1,586 in Brazil and 1,253 in India. The increase  
in the number of personnel was mostly due to the start-up of the India plant and
increased production volumes.                                                   

Salcomp's President and CEO during the financial year was Markku Hangasjärvi.   
Other Managements Team members were Antti Salminen (CFO), Antero Palo (VP, Sales& Marketing), Juha Raussi (VP, R&D), Osmo Oja (VP, Global Operations), Markku   
Saarikannas (VP, Strategic Planning) and Päivi Luoti (Communications Manager).  
In addition, Niilo Oksa was appointed VP, Human Resources and a member of the   
Management Team as of 19 October 2007. From the other members of the Management 
Team, Heikki Turtiainen, CTO, retired as planned at the end of June, and Juha   
Samsten, VP, Quality and Environment, passed away unexpectedly in July. They    
were not replaced by new Management Team members.                               

Shares and Shareholders                                                         
Salcomp's registered share capital amounts to EUR 9,832,735.12, divided into    
38,975,190 fully paid shares. The company has one series of shares, and all the 
shares entitle the shareholder to equal rights in the company.                  

During the financial year, the Salcomp share price fluctuated between EUR 2.63  
and EUR 5.03. The closing price at the end of the year was EUR 3.92 and the     
average price EUR 3.76. Share trade amounted to EUR 72.1 million and 19.0       
million shares. According to the book-entry system, Salcomp had 1,210           
shareholders at the end of the year. The foreign ownership was 60.3%, and the   
market value for the total number of shares EUR 153 million.                    

On May, 2007, DWS Investment GmbH, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG, announced  
that its holding of Salcomp Plc's shares and voting rights had decreased to less
than 5%. At the time of the announcement, DWS Investment GmbH held 1,755,000    
shares, corresponding to 4.5% of Salcomp's shares and voting rights.            

EQT II B.V., acting on behalf of EQT II Swedish Non-Registered Partnership, and 
Nordstjernan AB announced on 25 June 2007 that they had signed a sale and       
purchase agreement under which EQT sold 11,653,581 Salcomp shares to            
Nordstjernan. In addition, Nordstjernan had the option to acquire the remaining 
shares held by EQT and Nordstjernan used the option on 16 August 2007. After the
relevant authority approvals had been received, the acquisition was completed on
12 September 2007. After this, Nordstjernan owned 20,382,131 Salcomp shares     
which corresponded to 52.3% of the share capital and votes. EQT's holding       
decreased to zero.                                                              

According to the Securities Market Act, Nordstjernan was obliged to make a      
mandatory bid for all outstanding shares and securities entitling to the shares 
in Salcomp at the highest price for which Nordstjernan had acquired shares in   
Salcomp during the previous six months, i.e. EUR 4.01 per share and EUR 0.98 per
option right. The offer period of the tender offer commenced on 14 September    
2007 and expired on 5 October 2007. Seventy shareholders, holding 850,622 shares
in Salcomp and representing 2.2% of the shares and votes, tendered their shares 
in Nordstjernan's public tender offer. Nordstjernan's holding rose to 21,232,753
shares and 54.5% of the outstanding shares. At the end of the year,             
Nordstjernan's holding in Salcomp was 56.0%.                                    

General Meetings                                                                
The Annual General Meeting of Salcomp was held on 29 March 2007 in Helsinki. The
2006 Financial Statements were approved at the AGM and the members of the Board 
and the President and CEO were discharged from liability.                       

In accordance with the Board's proposal, the AGM decided to pay dividend of EUR 
0.06 per share. The dividend was paid out on 12 April 2007.                     

The AGM decided to leave the composition of the Board of Directors unchanged.   
Thus, the Members of the Board of Directors were Kari Vuorialho as its Chairman,
Jorma Terentjeff as Vice Chairman, as well as Panu Halonen, Timo Leinilä, Petri 
Myllyneva and Andreas Tallberg. The AGM decided that the remuneration for the   
Board of Directors also remained unchanged.                                     

The Authorized Public Accountants KPMG Oy Ab continued as the Company auditor.  

Based on the Board of Directors' proposal, a decision was made to amend the     
Articles of Association to better comply with the new Companies Act, valid from 
1 September 2006.                                                               

The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to decide on offering a maximum of    
8,000,000 new shares for subscription. The authorization is valid until 30 June 
2008. The authorization has not been used.                                      

The AGM decided, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to reduce the share   
premium account on the Parent Company's balance sheet on 31 December 2006 by    
transferring the total amount of the share premium account, EUR 23,690,992.21,  
into the Company's invested free equity fund. The realization of the decision   
was completed in August 2007.                                                   

The Board proposal of granting stock options to the company's key personnel was 
approved. The stock options will give the right to subscribe for up to 2,047,500
shares of the company. At the end of 2007, a total of 610,000 option rights     
2007A were in the holding of Salcomp's key personnel. The rest of the stock     
options were granted to Salcomp Manufacturing Oy. The share subscription period 
for stock options 2007A will be 1 April 2010 - 31 March 2012, for stock options 
2007B 1 April 2011 - 31 March 2013 and for stock options 2007C 1 April 2012 - 31
March 2014. In accordance with the Board resolution, the share subscription     
period for 2007A will begin on 1 April 2010, at the earliest, provided that the 
total shareholder return of Salcomp Plc (value increase + dividends) has been at
least 8% per annum.                                                             

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Salcomp was held in Helsinki on 4 September
2007. The EGM re-elected Kari Vuorialho, Andreas Tallberg and Jorma Terentjeff  
as members of the Board of Directors and elected Mats Heiman and Peter          
Hofvenstam as new members of the Board of Directors. At its organizing meeting  
following the EGM, the Salcomp Board of Directors elected Mats Heiman as        
Chairman of the Board and Kari Vuorialho as Vice Chairman.                      

Risks and Uncertainties in the Near Future                                      
Salcomp's business involves uncertainty factors that may affect the company's   
financial development in the near future. These include the general development 
of the mobile phone markets, substantial changes in the purchase prices of      
charger components, and significant changes in competition in the mobile phone  
charger markets. Salcomp's customer base is concentrated and a deterioration in 
the financial position of a major customer may have a negative effect on        
Salcomp's sales and profitability. Furthermore, the standardization of mobile   
phone chargers, including USB-type chargers, can, in the future, lead to a      
development where the charger is not always necessarily included in the mobile  
phone sales package which can have an impact on Salcomp's current business      
model. In addition, major changes in exchange rates can be considered as an     
uncertainty factor, especially the exchange rate of the US dollar in relation to
the euro and to currencies in those countries in which Salcomp has operations.  
Risks are managed to the extent that the company has influence over them.       

The Board's Proposal for Profit Distribution                                    
The Board of Directors has adopted dividend principles whereby the Board intends
to propose annually to the General Meeting of Shareholders that no more than    
one-third of the average long-term result be distributed as dividends, provided 
that the growth requirements stated in the company strategy are not jeopardized.
The amount of future dividend, if any, will be subject to the company's future  
result, its financial position, cash flow, working capital needs, capital       
expenditure, terms and conditions of financial agreements and covenants among   
other factors.                                                                  

The Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that a     
dividend of EUR 0.15 per share for 2007 be distributed, a total of EUR 5.8      
million, and the remainder of the distributable equity to be carried over as    
retained earnings.                                                              

Dividends determined at the General Meeting shall be distributed to all         
shareholders who on the balancing date of 15 April 2008, have been entered in   
the shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities         

Outlook for 2008                                                                
According to the estimates published by Salcomp's main customers and by the     
various market research companies, the mobile phone market is expected to grow  
during 2008 by approximately 12%, compared with 2007. Measured by the number of 
units, this would mean approximately 1.3 billion mobile phones, and therefore,  
mobile phone chargers, to be sold in 2008. This forms a good basis to achieve   
further increases in Salcomp's net sales in 2008. In addition, Salcomp's target 
is to broaden the customer portfolio in other selected charger segments, such as
bluetooth headsets and cordless fixed-line phones.                              

Net sales in 2008 are expected to continue to grow. However, due to declining   
mobile phone charger prices the operating profit in value is expected to grow   
only to some extent or to remain on 2007 level.                                 

Helsinki 7 February 2008                                                        

Board of Directors                                                              

Further information:                                                            
Markku Hangasjärvi, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 7310 114                    
Antti Salminen, CFO, tel. +358 40 535 1216                                      

The briefing for analysts and media will be held on 7 February 2008 at 4:00 p.m.
Finnish time at Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä, Simonkatu 9, Helsinki.               

Salcomp's Annual Report 2007 will be published in March during week 12 and the  
Interim Report for January-March on 12 May 2008.                                

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT |              |              |                |
| (EUR 1 000)                   |              |              |                |
|                               |        1-12/ |        1-12/ |         Change |
|                               |         2007 |         2006 |              % |
| Net sales                     |      286 231 |      259 049 |          10.5% |
| Cost of sales                 |     -244 785 |     -228 794 |           7.0% |
| Gross margin                  |       41 446 |       30 255 |          37.0% |
|                               |              |              |                |
| Other operating income        |          482 |          363 |          32.8% |
| Sales and marketing expenses  |       -2 471 |       -1 981 |          24.7% |
| Administrative expenses       |       -8 701 |       -7 503 |          16.0% |
| Research and development      |       -4 845 |       -5 421 |         -10.6% |
| expenses                      |              |              |                |
| Other operating expenses      |         -117 |         -240 |         -51.3% |
| Operating profit              |       25 794 |       15 473 |          66.7% |
|                               |              |              |                |
| Financial income              |          958 |          276 |         247.1% |
| Financial expenses            |       -4 203 |       -4 547 |          -7.6% |
| Profit before tax             |       22 549 |       11 202 |         101.3% |
|                               |              |              |                |
| Income tax expenses           |       -4 281 |       -3 573 |          19.8% |
|                               |              |              |                |
| Profit for the period         |       18 268 |        7 629 |         139.5% |
|                               |              |              |                |
| Basic earnings per share, EUR |         0.47 |         0.20 |         135.0% |
| Diluted earnings per share,   |         0.47 |              |                |
| EUR                           |              |              |                |

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT   |            |             |                 |
| (EUR 1 000)                     |            |             |                 |
|                                 |     10-12/ |      10-12/ |          Change |
|                                 |       2007 |        2006 |               % |
| Net sales                       |     84 005 |      78 642 |            6.8% |
| Cost of sales                   |    -71 515 |     -67 598 |            5.8% |
| Gross margin                    |     12 490 |     11 044  |           13.1% |
|                                 |            |             |                 |
| Other operating income          |         86 |          84 |            2.4% |
| Sales and marketing expenses    |       -655 |        -571 |           14.7% |
| Administrative expenses         |     -2 221 |      -2 393 |           -7.2% |
| Research and development        |     -1 270 |      -1 285 |           -1.2% |
| expenses                        |            |             |                 |
| Other operating expenses        |       -106 |        -185 |          -42.7% |
| Operating profit                |      8 324 |       6 694 |           24.4% |
|                                 |            |             |                 |
| Financial income                |          0 |          32 |         -100.0% |
| Financial expenses              |     -1 133 |      -1 115 |            1.6% |
| Profit before tax               |      7 191 |       5 611 |           28.2% |
|                                 |            |             |                 |
| Income tax expense              |     -1 301 |        -966 |           34.7% |
|                                 |            |             |                 |
| Profit for the period           |      5 890 |       4 645 |           26.8% |
|                                 |            |             |                 |
| Basic earnings per share, EUR   |       0.15 |        0.12 |           25.0% |
| Diluted earnings per share, EUR |       0.15 |             |                 |

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET   |              |               |                |
| (EUR 1 000)                  |              |               |                |
|                              |   31.12.2007 |    31.12.2006 |       Change % |
| Non-current assets           |              |               |                |
| Property, plant and          |       24 808 |        20 139 |          23.2% |
| equipment                    |              |               |                |
| Goodwill                     |       66 412 |        66 412 |           0.0% |
| Other intangible assets      |          481 |           229 |         110.0% |
| Deferred tax assets          |        3 184 |         3 024 |           5.3% |
|                              |       94 885 |        89 803 |           5.7% |
|                              |              |               |                |
| Current assets               |              |               |                |
| Inventories                  |       24 114 |        21 918 |          10.0% |
| Trade and other receivables  |       48 475 |        54 923 |         -11.7% |
| Cash and cash equivalents    |       14 611 |         7 845 |          86.2% |
|                              |       87 200 |        84 686 |           3.0% |
|                              |              |               |                |
| Total assets                 |      182 085 |       174 489 |           4.4% |
|                              |              |               |                |
|                              |              |               |                |
| Equity                       |              |               |                |
| Share capital                |        9 833 |         9 833 |           0.0% |
| Premium fund                 |            0 |        22 035 |        -100.0% |
| Invested unrestricted equity |       22 035 |             0 |                |
| Retained earnings            |       36 773 |        21 113 |          74.2% |
|                              |       68 641 |        52 981 |          29.6% |
|                              |              |               |                |
| Non-current liabilities      |              |               |                |
| Deferred tax liabilities     |       12 075 |         8 195 |          35.4% |
| Interest-bearing liabilities |       28 542 |        43 797 |         -34.8% |
| Provisions                   |           40 |            40 |           0.0% |
|                              |       40 657 |        52 752 |         -22.9% |
|                              |              |               |                |
| Current liabilities          |              |               |                |
| Trade and other payables     |       63 382 |        60 351 |           5.0% |
| Interest-bearing current     |        9 405 |         8 405 |          11.9% |
| liabilities                  |              |               |                |
|                              |       72 787 |        68 756 |           5.9% |
|                              |              |               |                |
| Total equity and liabilities |      182 085 |       174 489 |           4.4% |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                  |
| (EUR 1 000)                                                                  |
| Attributable to equity holders of the parent                                 |
|   |           | Share  | Share | Premium | Invest | Trans- | Re-tai | Total  |
|   |           | capita | issue | fund    | -ed    | lation | ned    | equity |
|   |           | l      |       |         | unres- | diffe- | ear-ni |        |
|   |           |        |       |         | tricte | rences | ngs    |        |
|   |           |        |       |         | d      |        |        |        |
|   |           |        |       |         | equity |        |        |        |
| Equity at     |  8 285 |   105 |  5 934  |        |    618 | 13 258 | 28 200 |
| January 1,    |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
| 2006          |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Translati |      0 |     0 |       0 |        |   -392 |      0 |   -392 |
|   | on        |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | differenc |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | es        |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Profit    |      0 |     0 |       0 |        |      0 |  7 629 |  7 629 |
|   | for       |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | the       |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | period    |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Total     |      0 |     0 |       0 |        |   -392 |  7 629 |  7 237 |
|   | recognize |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | d income  |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | and       |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | expense   |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | for the   |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | period    |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Share     |  1 548 |  -105 |  16 101 |        |      0 |      0 | 17 544 |
|   | issue     |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
| Equity at     |  9 833 |     0 |  22 035 |        |    226 | 20 887 | 52 981 |
| December 31,  |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
| 2006          |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
| Equity at     |  9 833 |     0 |  22 035 |        |    226 | 20 887 | 52 981 |
| January 1,    |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
| 2007          |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Translati |      0 |     0 |       0 |        |   -445 |      0 |   -445 |
|   | on        |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | differenc |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | es        |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Profit    |      0 |     0 |       0 |        |      0 | 18 268 | 18 268 |
|   | for       |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | the       |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | period    |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Total     |      0 |     0 |       0 |        |   -445 | 18 268 | 17 823 |
|   | recognize |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | d income  |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | and       |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | expense   |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | for the   |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | period    |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Option    |      0 |     0 |       0 |        |      0 |    176 |    176 |
|   | cost      |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Transfer  |        |       | -22 035 | 22 035 |        |        |      0 |
|   | from      |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | premium   |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | fund to   |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | invested  |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | unrest-ri |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | cted      |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | equity    |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
|   | Dividends |     0  |     0 |       0 |      0 |      0 | -2 339 | -2 339 |
| Equity at     |  9 833 |     0 |       0 | 22 035 |   -219 | 36 992 | 68 641 |
| December 31,  |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |
| 2007          |        |       |         |        |        |        |        |

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT |             |              |              |
| (EUR 1 000)                      |             |              |              |
|                                  |       1-12/ |        1-12/ |       Change |
|                                  |        2007 |         2006 |            % |
| Cash flow before change in       |      30 690 |       20 618 |        48.9% |
| working capital                  |             |              |              |
| Change in working capital        |       9 625 |      -10 765 |      -189.4% |
| Financial items and taxes        |      -3 723 |       -6 000 |       -37.9% |
| Net cash flow from operating     |      36 592 |        3 853 |       849.7% |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Purchases                        |     -11 053 |       -8 893 |        24.3% |
| Sales                            |          86 |          319 |       -73.0% |
| Cash flow from investing         |     -10 967 |       -8 574 |        27.9% |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Cash flow before financing       |      25 625 |       -4 721 |      -642.8% |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Withdrawal of borrowings         |       5 000 |       68 993 |       -92.8% |
| Repayment of borrowings          |     -19 611 |      -77 615 |       -74.7% |
| Dividends                        |      -2 339 |            0 |              |
| Paid share issue                 |           0 |       16 962 |      -100.0% |
| Net cash flow from financing     |     -16 950 |        8 340 |      -303.2% |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Change in cash and cash          |       8 675 |        3 619 |       139.7% |
| equivalents                      |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents        |       7 845 |        5 726 |        37.0% |
| at the beginning of the period   |             |              |              |
| Translation correction to        |      -1 909 |       -1 500 |        27.3% |
| cash and cash equivalents        |             |              |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents        |      14 611 |        7 845 |        86.2% |
| at the end of the period         |             |              |              |

| KEY FIGURES                  |               |               |               |
|                              |         1-12/ |         1-12/ |        Change |
|                              |          2007 |          2006 |             % |
| Sold chargers, Mpcs          |         262.4 |         230.5 |         13.8% |
| Average sales price, EUR     |          1.09 |          1.12 |         -2.6% |
| Net sales, MEUR              |         286.2 |         259.0 |         10.5% |
| EBITDA, MEUR                 |          30.6 |          20.7 |         47.8% |
| EBITDA%, %                   |         10.7% |          8.0% |               |
| Operating profit, MEUR       |          25.8 |          15.5 |         66.5% |
| Operating profit percentage, |          9.0% |          6.0% |               |
| %                            |               |               |               |
| Basic earnings per share,    |          0.47 |          0.20 |        135.0% |
| EUR                          |               |               |               |
| Diluted earnings per share,  |          0.47 |               |               || EUR                          |               |               |               |
| Earnings per share excluding |          0.54 |          0.28 |         92.9% |
| deferred tax, EUR            |               |               |               |
| Equity per share, EUR        |          1.76 |          1.36 |         29.4% |
| Return on equity, %          |         30.0% |         18.8% |               |
| Return on capital employed,  |         25.3% |         16.2% |               |
| %                            |               |               |               |
| Return on net assets, %      |         72.3% |         54.1% |               |
| Equity ratio, %              |         37.7% |         30.5% |               |
| Gearing, %                   |         34.0% |         83.7% |               |
| Capital expenditure, MEUR    |          11.3 |           9.3 |         21.5% |
| Capital expenditure, % of    |          3.9% |          3.6% |               |
| net sales                    |               |               |               |
| Personnel on average         |         8 622 |         7 567 |         13.9% |
| Personnel at end of period   |         9 722 |         7 910 |         22.9% |
| Number of shares on average  |    38 975 190 |    37 808 067 |               |
| Number of shares at the end  |    38 975 190 |    38 975 190 |               |
| of period                    |               |               |               |
| Diluted number of shares on  |    39 057 819 |               |               |
| average                      |               |               |               |
| Highest share price, EUR     |          5.03 |          3.69 |               |
| Lowest share price, EUR      |          2.63 |          2.13 |               |
| Average share price, EUR     |          3.76 |          2.88 |               |
| Traded shares, Mpcs          |          19.0 |          29.2 |               |
| Traded shares, MEUR          |          72.1 |          88.7 |               |

| LIABILITIES                     |             |              |               |
| (EUR 1 000)                     |             |              |               |
|                                 |       1-12/ |        1-12/ |        Change |
|                                 |        2007 |         2006 |             % |
| For own debt                    |             |              |               |
|       | Company and real estate |     170 000 |      170 000 |          0.0% |
|       | mortgages               |             |              |               |
|       | Others                  |         209 |          254 |        -17.7% |
| Leasing and rental liabilities  |       8 311 |        5 291 |         57.1% |
|                                 |     178 520 |      175 545 |          1.7% |

| QUARTERLY INFORMATION                                                        |
|                |  10-12/ |    7-9/ |    4-6/ |    1-3/ |   10-12/ |     7-9/ |
|                |      07 |      07 |      07 |      07 |       06 |       06 |
| Sold chargers, |  81 534 |  61 827 |  63 363 |  55 632 |   69 587 |   60 464 |
| kpcs           |         |         |         |         |          |          |
| Net sales,     |  84 005 |  70 478 |  69 475 |  62 273 |   78 642 |   67 445 |
| kEUR           |         |         |         |         |          |          |
| Operating      |   8 324 |   6 300 |   6 048 |   5 122 |    6 694 |    4 505 |
| profit, kEUR   |         |         |         |         |          |          |
| Operating      |    9.9% |    8.9% |    8.7% |    8.2% |     8.5% |     6.7% |
| profit         |         |         |         |         |          |          |
| percentage, %  |         |         |         |         |          |          |
| Average sales  |    1.03 |    1.14 |    1.10 |    1.12 |     1.13 |     1.12 |
| price, EUR     |         |         |         |         |          |          |

OPTION RIGHTS                                                                   
During the financial year the General Meeting of Shareholders established an    
option program with totally 2,047,500 option rights that entitles to subscribe  
the same amount of new shares of the company. The option program is divided to  
symbols 2007A, 2007B and 2007C. The Board of Directors granted 622,500 options  
to the Group key personnel during the financial year. The share based incentives
are conditional. The vesting conditions (for 2007A) are based on that the total 
shareholder return is at least 8% per annum. Options are lost when a person is  
leaving the company before the settlement period begins. The Board of Directors 
can decide in these cases that the stock option owner is entitled to keep the   
options or a part of them. The fair value has been determined by using the      
Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial model.                                             

| Symbol        |              2007A |              2007B |              2007C |
| Number of     |            657 500 |            682 500 |            707 500 |
| options       |                    |                    |                    |
| Vesting       | 1.4.2007-31.3.2010 | 1.4.2008-31.3.2011 | 1.4.2009-31.3.2012 |
| period        |                    |                    |                    |
| Options       |                  0 |                  0 |                  0 |
| granted       |                    |                    |                    |
| before the    |                    |                    |                    |
| current       |                    |                    |                    |
| financial     |                    |                    |                    |
| year          |                    |                    |                    |
| Options       |            622 500 |                  0 |                  0 |
| granted       |                    |                    |                    |
| during the    |                    |                    |                    |
| current       |                    |                    |                    |
| financial     |                    |                    |                    |
| year          |                    |                    |                    |
| Options       |            -12 500 |                  0 |                  0 |
| forfeited     |                    |                    |                    |
| during the    |                    |                    |                    |
| current       |                    |                    |                    |
| financial     |                    |                    |                    |
| year          |                    |                    |                    |
| Settlement    |                  1 |                  1 |                  1 |
| (shares /     |                    |                    |                    |
| option)       |                    |                    |                    |
| Settlement    | 1.4.2010-31.3.2012 | 1.4.2011-31.3.2013 | 1.4.2012-31.3.2014 |
| period        |                    |                    |                    |
| Grant date    |           02.05.07 |                    |                    |
| Exercise      |               3.03 |                    |                    |
| price         |                    |                    |                    |
| Share price   |               3.51 |                    |                    |
| at grant date |                    |                    |                    |
| The fair      |               1.44 |                    |                    |
| value of      |                    |                    |                    |
| option at     |                    |                    |                    |
| grant date    |                    |                    |                    |

CALCULATION OF FINANCIAL RATIOS                                                 

Average personnel: Average of the amount of personnel at end of each month      

Return on equity (%) = Profit for the period x 100 : Equity on average          

Return on capital employed (%) = (Profit before taxes + interest charges and    
other financial costs) x 100 : (Balance sheet total less interest-free debt (on 

Return on net assets (%) = Operating profit x 100 : (Fixed assets  less goodwill
and deferred tax assets + inventory + short-term receivables less short-term    
interest-free debt on average)                                                  

Equity ratio (%) = Equity x 100 : Balance sheet total less received advance     

Gearing (%) = (Interest-bearing debt less cash and cash equivalents) x 100 :    

Earnings per share = Profit for the period: Weighted average number of shares   
Equity per share = Equity : number of shares outstanding on 31 December         

Earnings per share, diluted = Profit for the period : Weighted average number of
shares outstanding, adjusted for the share issue