2010-09-24 12:46:11 CEST

2010-09-24 12:47:18 CEST


SEB Bankas AB - Total number of voting rights and capital

Base prospectus for issuing non-equities approved

On 23 September, 2010, the Lithuanian Securities Commission approved SEB Bank's
Base prospectus for issuing non-equities (certificate number 4R-15). 

In accordance with the Base prospectus SEB Bank has a right to issue one or
several unsubordinated, unsecured and unconvertible issues of non-equities with
the maturity of less than 1 year as well as of 1 to 10 years. 

In accordance with the Base prospectus SEB Bank has a right to issue the
following non-equities: 
	coupon bonds;
	zero-coupon bonds;
	equity-linked notes;
	investment notes;
	other combinations of the above non-equities.

The maximum total nominal value of the non-equities to be issued in accordance
with the Base prospectus shall not exceed LTL 1 500 000 or the equivalent sum
in other currencies. 

The issue terms that are not established at the moment of issuing the Base
prospectus shall be defined in the final terms of each of the non-equities

Evaldas Čepulis
Deputy Director
Trading and Capital Markets
(8 5) 268 2375