2007-04-26 08:00:00 CEST

2007-04-26 08:00:00 CEST


Suomi Englanti
Elcoteq - Quarterly report


Elcoteq SE     Stock Exchange Release   April 26, 2007, at 9.00 am (EET)


Elcoteq SE's net sales between January and March totaled 952.5 million
euros (981.1 in January-March 2006). Operating income was -52.4 million
euros (8.3) and excluding restructuring costs -22.3 million euros.

- Net sales 952.5 million euros (981.1)
- Operating income -52.4 million euros (8.3)
- Operating income includes 30.1 million euros in one-time restructuring
costs. An additional 5 million euros in restructuring costs in 2007 will
be recognized later.
- Operating income excluding restructuring costs -22.3 million euros
- Income before taxes -59.0 million euros (2.9)
- Earnings per share (EPS) -1.49 euros (0.07)
- Cash flow after investing activities -40.9 million euros (14.2)
- Rolling 12-month return on capital employed -2.9% (16.0%)
- Gearing 0.7 (0.3)

This interim report has been prepared using IFRS recognition and
measuring principles. The tables have been prepared in compliance with
the IAS 34 requirements approved by the EU.

Net Sales and Result

Elcoteq recorded net sales of 952.5 million euros (981.1) between January
and March. Operating income,
 -52.4 million euros (8.3), included restructuring costs totaling 30.1
million euros related to the company's action plan to restore its
profitability and competitiveness. The weak operating income is due to
low production volumes, price pressure experienced by the Communications
Networks business area, and production problems in Mexico.

The Group's net financial expenses were 6.4 million euros (5.1). Income
before taxes was -59.0 million euros (2.9) and net income totaled -46.9
million euros (2.1). Earnings per share (EPS) were -1.49 euros (0.07).

The Group's gross capital expenditures on fixed assets between January
and March were 11.2 million euros (16.0) or 1.2% of net sales.
Depreciation amounted to 20.1 million euros (18.9).

Financing and Cash Flow

Cash flow after investing activities was -40.9 million euros (14.2). Cash
flow was burdened, in addition to the weak result, by a deterioration in
turnover of net working capital compared to the end of 2006, caused by
the timing and customer breakdown of deliveries and by changes to certain
agreements. Furthermore, the cash flow received by the Group from sold
accounts receivable decreased by 17.4 million euros from the end of 2006
(187.7 million euros) to a total of 170.3 million euros at the end of
March. The solvency ratio was 22.5% (23.5%) and gearing was 0.7 (0.3).

At the end of March Elcoteq has unused but immediately available credit
limits totaling 294.9 million euros (293.8 million euros at the end of
2006), which included a syndicated loan with a committed credit limit of
230 million euros. Commercial papers issued by the Group had a total
nominal value of 30.0 million euros on March 31, 2007.

Business Areas

Elcoteq has two business areas: Terminal Products and Communications
Networks. In the first quarter Terminal Products contributed 81% (82%)
and Communications Networks 19% (18%) to the Group's net sales.

Elcoteq's sales to companies within the Ericsson and Nokia groups during
the first quarter decreased by roughly 20% compared to the same period
last year and the aggregate contribution of these companies to Elcoteq's
consolidated net sales amounted to 58.5% (72.0%). These figures do not
include business activities with Sony Ericsson. Net sales from customers
not belonging to the Nokia and Ericsson groups, in contrast, increased by
more than 40% from the comparison period and Research in Motion (RIM)
rose to become Elcoteq's second largest customer.

Net sales of the Terminal Products business area were slightly lower in
the first quarter than one year earlier, standing at 767.2 million euros
(808.0). The segment's operating income was -36.9 million euros (15.9),
or -4.8% of its net sales. Operating income excluding restructuring costs
was -8.6 million euros. Operating income was weakened by lower production
volumes, lower prices and production problems in Mexico.

Net sales of the Communications Networks business area increased by
roughly 7% on last year's first quarter to 185.3 million euros (173.1).
The segment's operating income was -4.7 million euros (4.6), or -2.5% of
its net sales and, excluding the restructuring costs, -3.3 million euros.
Underlying the weaker operating income were heavy pressure on prices,
especially in Europe, and lower than forecast production volumes from new
customers acquired during the second half of 2006.

In March Elcoteq signed a multi-year manufacturing services contract with
Redline Communications. Elcoteq is Redline's primary EMS provider of
manufacturing services for WiMAX Forum Certified base station and end-
user devices as well as its RedCONNEX backhaul products.

Geographical Areas

Elcoteq has three geographical areas: Europe, Asia-Pacific and Americas.
Elcoteq's first-quarter net sales were derived from these areas as
follows: Europe 507.6 million euros (530.5), Asia-Pacific 231.2 million
euros (253.8) and Americas 213.6 million euros (196.8).


At the end of March the Elcoteq Group employed 23,452 people (21,842):
666 (881) in Finland and 22,786 (20,961) elsewhere. The geographical
distribution of the workforce was as follows: Europe 10,822 (10,568),
Asia-Pacific 7,459 (7,403) and Americas 5,171 (3,871). The average number
of Elcoteq employees on the company's direct payroll between January and
March was 19,065 (15,748).

Progress in Action Plan

The action plan initiated in order to restore Elcoteq's cost-efficiency,
profitability and competitiveness has proceeded according to plan. The
aim of the plan, which particularly concerns the company's operations in
Europe and Americas, is to achieve annual savings in the region of 20
million euros.

The actions taken in Europe include, among other things, personnel
negotiations concerning the Lohja manufacturing plant and the NPI
organization in Finland, which have resulted in 242 redundancies on
production and economic grounds and the closure of the Lohja plant by the
end of August.

The personnel negotiations in Finland also applied to the Group's
corporate office and product development organization and have resulted
in 84 redundancies on production and economic grounds. At the same time
the company decided to close the Elcoteq Design Center in Turku and move
this unit's operations to Salo.

In Americas, Elcoteq has decided to close the Juarez plant in Mexico by
the end of the year. The plant's production will be moved mainly to China
and partly also to the Monterrey plant in Mexico. The Juarez plant had
2,335 employees at the end of March. Additionally, the company's Americas
office in Dallas, USA, will be moved to the premises occupied by the
Dallas NPI Center.

The action plan will induce one-time restructuring costs totaling roughly
35 million euros, 30.1 million euros of which has been entered in the
first-quarter result. The Lohja plant accounts for almost 5 million euros
of the restructuring costs, the Juarez plant for approximately 9 million
euros, the product development organization for about 6 million euros,
and the writedowns of the design-related Cellon holding and receivables
for around 14 million euros.

The costs arising at the Lohja and Juarez plants relate mainly to
redundancies, rent commitments, writedowns of fixed assets and production
transfers. Of these items, certain costs related to the termination of
employment contracts and to production transfers were not entered in the
first-quarter result but will be recognized under restructuring costs as
they occur during the current year. These costs amount to approximately 5
million euros.

The restructuring costs arising from Elcoteq's own product development

organization are mainly attributable to a 3.4 million euro writedown of
goodwill, as well as writedowns of the balance sheet carrying values of
certain projects, and the termination of employee and rental contracts.
The value of the Cellon holding has been based primarily on the value in
use of the EMS services made available to Elcoteq through Cellon. Owing
to the changes in Elcoteq's own product development organization and to
Cellon's financial and structural situation, utilizing this partnership
in the originally intended manner no longer seems possible and the entire
holding has been written down. Cellon International is a wireless
terminal products design company in which Elcoteq has held a minority
stake since the co-operation agreement was signed in 2003.

Approximately 12 million euros of the 35 million euro restructuring costs
affect the company's cash flow. The cash flow items will mostly be
recognized during 2007, although it is possible that items related to
lease commitments could also be paid during 2008 and 2009.

In addition to the action plan, Elcoteq is also undertaking other
streamlining measures including a global program to raise production
efficiency at all the company's manufacturing plants and the adoption of
a new contract and invoicing model in Europe.

Short-Term Risks and Uncertainty Factors

The most important short-term challenges with respect to Elcoteq's
business operations concern the company's ability to improve its cost
structure and thus its profitability sufficiently fast as market
conditions become increasingly tight, coupled with its ability to offer
relevant service packages corresponding to customer demand and needs.

Shares and Shareholders

At the end of March 2007 the company had 31,539,877 shares divided into
20,962,877 Series A shares and 10,577,000 Series K shares. All the K
shares are held by the company's three principal owners.

Elcoteq had 11,078 shareholders on March 31, 2007. There were a total of
8,480,438 nominee-registered and foreign-registered shares, or 26.9% of
the share capital and 6.7% of the votes outstanding.

Altogether 550 new Elcoteq A shares were subscribed between December 14,
2006 and January 26, 2007 under Elcoteq SE's 2001 stock option scheme.
The share subscription price was 6.53 euros as stipulated in the option
scheme's conditions. Elcoteq's share capital rose by altogether 220 euros
as a result of these subscriptions to 12,615,950.80 euros. The share
subscription period ends on April 30, 2007.

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting

Elcoteq SE's Annual General Meeting took place in Helsinki, Finland, on
March 22, 2007. The Meeting approved the Board's proposal to distribute a
dividend of 0.20 euros per share on the financial year 2006. The Meeting
decided that the company's domicile will be transferred from the city of
Lohja in Finland to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The transfer is
currently expected to take place on January 1, 2008.

The Meeting also authorized the Board of Directors to issue Series A
shares and/or to issue specific rights entitling to shares pursuant to
Chapter 10 §1 of the Finnish Companies Act, in the total amount of
15,527,573 Series A shares, as well as to purchase the company's own
Series A shares. The authorization to issue shares includes the right to
disapply the pre-emptive subscription right of the shareholders. The
authorization to issue shares is in effect for five years and the
authorization to purchase the company's own Series A shares 18 months
from the Meeting's decision. Both authorizations, however, become void on
transfer of the company's domicile, which is currently expected to take
place on January 1, 2008.

The Meeting elected seven members to the Board of Directors. The
composition of the Board remained unchanged. The following persons were
re-elected: President Martti Ahtisaari; Mr Heikki Horstia, Vice
President, Treasurer, Wärtsilä Corporation; Dr Eero Kasanen, Rector of
the Helsinki School of Economics; Mr Antti Piippo, principal owner and
founder-shareholder of Elcoteq SE; Mr Henry Sjöman, founder-shareholder
of Elcoteq SE; Mr Juha Toivola, MSc, and Mr Jorma Vanhanen, founder-
shareholder of Elcoteq SE. The terms of office of the Board members
extend until the end of the following Annual General Meeting. Ahtisaari,
Horstia, Kasanen and Toivola are independent Board members, and they
represent more than half of the Board's members.

At its constitutive meeting after the AGM, the Board of Directors elected
Antti Piippo as its chairman and Juha Toivola as its deputy chairman.
Antti Piippo was elected chairman of the Nomination Committee and the
Working Committee and Henry Sjöman, Jorma Vanhanen and Juha Toivola as
the other members of these committees. Juha Toivola was elected chairman
of the Compensation Committee and Audit Committee and Martti Ahtisaari,
Heikki Horstia and Eero Kasanen as the other members of these committees.

The Meeting decided that the firm of authorized public accountants KPMG
Oy Ab under the supervision of principal auditor Mr Mauri Palvi (APA)
will continue as the company's auditors. From the transfer of domicile,
which is currently expected to take place on January 1, 2008, the
auditors will be KPMG Audit S.à.r.l. until the end of the following
Annual General Meeting.


Elcoteq forecasts that its full-year net sales will increase only
slightly on last year's and that its operating income excluding
restructuring costs will be on a break-even level.

Net sales in the second quarter of 2007 are expected to be slightly
higher than in the first quarter. Operating income excluding
restructuring costs is forecast to improve on the first quarter but still
to be negative.

Elcoteq's forecasts are based on the company's view of market growth and
on the project-specific forecasts of its customers, based on which
Elcoteq makes its own forecasts of the realization of agreed and planned
new projects.

Elcoteq's Board of Directors has approved a plan that will significantly
increase and broaden Elcoteq's current service offering (EMS) into
integrated electronics manufacturing services (IEMS). The change includes
development of existing operating models, as well as M&A arrangements and
various forms of collaboration with other companies operating in the same

Espoo, Finland
April 25, 2007

Board of Directors

Further information:
Jouni Hartikainen, President and CEO, +358 10 413 11
Teo Ottola, CFO, tel. +358 10 413 1240
Reeta Kaukiainen, Director, Communications and IR, tel. +358 10 413 1742
or +358 50 522 0924

Press Conference and Webcast

Elcoteq will hold a combined press conference, conference call and
webcast in English at 2.30 pm (EET) on Thursday April 26, in the Akseli
Gallen-Kallela Room of Hotel Kämp (address: Pohjoisesplanadi 29,
Helsinki, Finland).

To participate by phone, please call 5 - 10 minutes before the start of
the conference on +44 20 7162 0025 (Europe) or +1 334 323 6201 (the USA),
code Elcoteq.

The press conference can also be followed as a live webcast or later as a
recording via Elcoteq's website www.elcoteq.com.

The presentation material used at the press conference (pdf file) will be
available on the company's website www.elcoteq.com from approximately
11.00 am (EET) on April 26.

Elcoteq will publish its second-quarter interim report at 9.00 am (EET)
on Wednesday, July 25, 2007.

1 Income statement
2 Balance sheet
3 Cash flow statement
4 Calculation of changes in shareholders' equity
5 Calculation of key figures
6 Key figures
7 Writedowns of non-current assets
8 Business areas
9 Assets pledged and contingent liabilities
10 Quarterly figures

APPENDIX 1                                              
INCOME STATEMENT,              1-3/     1-3/   Change,     1-12/
MEUR                           2007     2006         %      2006
NET SALES                     952.5    981.1      -2.9   4,284.3
Change in work in                                               
and finished goods              1.3     12.6      90.0      17.3
Other operating                 1.0      1.7     -40.9       7.0
Operating expenses           -957.0   -968.2      -1.2  -4,182.0
Restructuring costs           -30.1        -                   -
Depreciation and                                                
writedowns                    -20.1    -18.9       6.5     -82.7
OPERATING INCOME              -52.4      8.3                43.9
% of net sales                 -5.5      0.8                 1.0
Financial income and                                            
expenses                       -6.4     -5.1      25.9     -23.7
Share of profits and                                            
losses of associates           -0.3     -0.3     -13.6      -1.0
INCOME BEFORE TAXES           -59.0      2.9                19.2
Income taxes                   12.4     -0.8                -4.7
NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD     -46.6      2.1                14.6
ATTRIBUTABLE TO:                                        
Equity holders of the         -46.9      2.1                12.1
parent company *)
Minority interests              0.3     -0.0                 2.5
                              -46.6      2.1                14.6
Income tax is the amount corresponding to the result for the
period based on the estimated tax rate for the full year.

*) The Group´s reported net income for the
APPENDIX 2                                    
                             March  Dec. 31,   Change,%
BALANCE SHEET, MEUR            31,      2006         
Non-current assets                                    
 Intangible assets            38.8      45.4     -14.4
 Tangible assets             227.3     245.0      -7.2
 Investments                   2.6      13.7     -80.7
 Long-term                    28.6      15.3      86.7
Non-current assets,          297.4     319.4      -6.9
Current assets                                        
 Inventories                 346.4     359.0      -3.5
 Current receivables         390.1     402.9      -3.2
 Cash and equivalents         75.4      82.3      -8.3
 Assets classified as          6.7         -          
 held for sale *)
Current assets, total        818.6     844.2      -3.0
ASSETS, TOTAL              1,116.0   1,163.6      -4.1
*) Assets classified as held for sale are measured at fair value.
Asset writedowns are recognized under restructuring costs.

 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
   Share capital              12.6      12.6       0.0
   Other                     228.5     281.0     -18.7
 shareholders' equity
 Equity attributable to      241.1     293.7     -17.9
 equity holders of the
 parent company, total
 Minority interests           10.1       9.6       5.0
Total equity                 251.2     303.3     -17.2
Long-term liabilities                                 
 Long-term loans             179.6     179.7       0.0
 Other long-term debt          4.5       5.2     -12.3
Long-term                    184.1     184.8      -0.4
liabilities, total
Current liabilities                                   
 Current loans                64.8      30.6     112.2
 Other current               607.3     643.1      -5.6
 Provisions                    8.5       1.8     365.7
Current liabilities,         680.6     675.5       0.8
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                  
AND LIABILITIES,           1,116.0   1,163.6      -4.1
APPENDIX 3                                      
                              1-3/      1-3/   Change,%       1-12/
                              2007      2006                 2006
Cash flow before change in                                        
working capital               -4.3      25.2                 114.2
Change in working            -18.4      12.6                 -16.1
capital *)
Financial items and           -8.6      -7.3      17.7       -33.2
Cash flow from operating                                          
activities                   -31.2      30.6                  65.0
Purchases of non-current     -10.4     -17.4     -40.2      -108.9
Disposals of non-current       0.7       1.1     -36.4        23.2
Cash flow before financing                                        
activities                   -40.9      14.2                 -20.8
Proceeds from share            0.0       0.5                   2.9
Change in current             34.4      -1.7                  -7.5
Issuance of long-term            -      29.8                  29.8
Repayment of long-            -0.2         -                  -0.5
term debt
Dividends paid                   -         -                 -20.6
Cash flow from financing                                          
activities                    34.3      28.6      19.8         4.2
Change in cash and            -6.6      42.8                 -16.5
Cash and equivalents on       82.3     101.4     -18.8       101.4
January 1
Effect of exchange rate                                           
changes on cash held          -0.3      -0.7     -64.1        -2.5
Cash and equivalents at                                           
the end of the period         75.4     143.5     -47.4        82.3
*)The change in working capital includes the change in
sold accounts receivable.
The impact of this change is to weaken cash flow by 17.4
million euros during the reporting period 1-3/2007 and to
improve cash flow by 41.7 million euros during 1-3/2006.

**) The change in current debt during the reporting period 1-
3/2007 includes the change in issurance of commercial papers
with a nominal value of 30 million euros.
APPENDIX 4                                     
                 Attributable to equity holders of    Minority  Total
                                        the parent
                                                     interests equity
                  Share  Additi  Othe Trans-   Retai- Total            
                  capit      o-     r lation     ned    
                     al     nal  rese differ-    
                          paid-    r-         earn-
                             in   ves
                         capital       ences   ings                  
Balance at Jan.                                                      
1, 2007            12.6  218.7   8.4    -1.9  55.8  293.7   9.6  303.3
 Issue of share     0.0    0.0                       0.0          0.0
 Equity hedge of                         0.3         0.3          0.3
 Translation                             0.3         0.3   0.2    0.5
 Share-based                                   0.1   0.1          0.1
 Dividends                                    -6.3  -6.3         -6.3
 Net income                                      -     -   0.3  -46.6
                                              46.9  46.9
 Balance at                                                          
 March             12.6   218.7   8.4   -1.3    2.7  241.1  10.1  251.2
 31, 2007                                              
 Balance at                                                          
 Jan. 1, 2006      12.4   216.0   8.4   -2.9   63.1  297.0  6.9  303.9
   Issue of         0.0     0.5                       0.5         0.5
   Equity hedge                          0.4          0.4         0.4
   Translation                          -0.4         -0.4    -   -0.5
   differences                                             0.1
   Share-based                                  0.5   0.5         0.5
   Dividends                                      -     -       -20.6
                                               20.6  20.6
   Net income                                   2.1   2.1  0.0    2.1
 Balance at                                                          
 March  31,        12.5   216.4   8.4   -2.9   45.1  279.5 6.7  286.3
APPENDIX 5                                    
   Return on equity    Net income x 100                  
   (ROE) =
                       Total equity, average of opening and closing
   Return on           
   investments         (Income before taxes + interest and other
   (ROI/ROCE) =        financial expenses) x 100
                       Total assets - non-interest bearing
                       liabilities, average of opening and closing
   Earnings per share  Net income attributable to equity holders of
   (EPS) =             the parent
                       Adjusted average number of shares
                       outstanding during the period
   Diluted earnings    
   per share, (EPS) =  Net income attributable to equity holders of
                       the parent
                       Adjusted average number of shares
                       outstanding during the period
                        +effect of dilution on the number of shares
   Current ratio =     Current assets
                       Current liabilities
   Solvency =          Total equity x 100
                       Total assets - advance payments
   Gearing =           Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and
   equity per share =  Equity attributable to equity holders of the
                       parent company
                       Adjusted number of shares outstanding at the
                       end of the period
APPENDIX 6                                       
KEY FIGURES                      1-3/       1-3/  Change, %    1-12/
                                 2007       2006                2006
Personnel on average                                                
during the period              19,065     15,748       21.1   16,651
Gross capital                                                       
expenditures, MEUR               11.2       16.0      -30.0    116.9
Return on equity                -16.8        0.7                 4.8
(ROE), %
Return on investment                                                
(ROI/ROCE), %                   -10.3        1.8                 9.1
From 12 preceding                                                   
Return on equity                -12.7       14.3                 4.8
(ROE), %
Return on investment                                                
(ROI/ROCE), %                    -2.9       16.0                 9.1
Earnings per share              -1.49       0.07                0.38
Diluted earnings per                                                
share (EPS), EUR                -1.47       0.07                0.37
Current ratio                     1.2        1.2                 1.2
Solvency, %                      22.5       23.5                26.1
Gearing                           0.7        0.3                 0.4
Shareholders' equity per                                            
share, EUR                       7.64       8.97      -14.8     9.31
liabilities, MEUR               244.6      219.1       11.6    210.3
Interest-bearing net                                                
debt, MEUR                      169.2       75.6      123.8    128.0
liabilities, MEUR               620.1      714.6      -13.2    650.0
APPENDIX 7                         
WRITEDOWNS MADE TO THE NON-                     
CURRENT ASSETS, MEUR                    1-3/2007
Writedowns made to the non-current assets
 Intangible assets                           4.2
 Tangible assets                             3.0
 Investments                                10.9
Writedowns made to the                      18.1
non-current assets,
The writedowns made to non-current assets have
been entered as restructuring costs in the
income statement.
APPENDIX 8                             
BUSINESS AREAS, MEUR              1-3/      1-3/     1-12/
                                  2007      2006      2006
Net sales                                                 
     Terminal                    767.2     808.0   3,512.1
     Communications              185.3     173.1     772.3
Total                            952.5     981.1   4,284.3
Segment´s operating                                       
     Terminal                    -36.9      15.9      68.4
     Communications               -4.7       4.6      22.4
     Group´s non-allocated       -10.8     -12.3     -46.8
Total                            -52.4       8.3      43.9
Of the 30.1 million euro restructuring costs recognized in the
first quarter of 2007, 28.3 million euros have been entered
against Terminal Products' operating income, 1.4 million euros
against Communications Networks' operating income and 0.4 million
euros under Group's non-allocated expenses.

Elcoteq´s share of associated company results in the first
quarter of 2007 totaled -0.3 million euros (-0.3). Associated
company results for the full year 2006 totaled -1.0 million
euros. The share of associated company results is allocated to
the Group's non-allocated expenses/income.

APPENDIX 9                                               
                              March      March   Change,      Dec.
                           31, 2007   31, 2006         %  31, 2006
ON BEHALF OF OTHERS                                               
 Guarantees                     0.0        0.0                 0.0
LEASING COMMITMENTS                                               
 Operating leases. production                            
 and equipment (excl.          42.1       42.2      -0.2      48.2
 Rental commitments,                                              
 real-estate (excl.            27.9       29.4      -5.1      27.6
DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS                                              
 Currency forward contracts,                             
 transaction risk
   Nominal value              280.3      283.6      -1.2     275.4
   Fair value                  -0.9       -3.1     -71.0      -5.1
 Currency forward contracts,                             
 translation risk
   Nominal value               39.9       26.9      48.3      35.5
   Fair value                   0.3        0.2      50.0       0.3
 Currency forward contracts,                             
 financial risk
   Nominal value              150.8      132.2      14.1     131.1
   Fair value                  -0.0       -0.3    -100.0      -0.0
 Interest rate and foreign exchange swap                 
   Nominal value                 4.0       2.5      60.0       4.0
   Fair value                    0.1      -0.1                 0.1
The derivative contracts have been valued using the market prices
and the exchange reference rates of the European Central Bank on
the balance sheet date. The figures also include closed

APPENDIX 10                                            
QUARTERLY FIGURES                                  
INCOME STATEMENT,           Q1/     Q4/       Q3/      Q2/          Q1/
MEUR                       2007    2006      2006     2006         2006
NET SALES                 952.5 1,104.6   1,169.1  1,029.6        981.1
Change in work                                                         
in progress
and finished goods          1.3    -8.1      19.4     -6.5         12.6
Other operating             1.0     3.2       1.0      1.1          1.7
Operating expenses       -957.0       -  -1,151.0   -991.9       -968.2
Restructuring costs       -30.1       -         -        -            -
Depreciation and          -20.1   -22.0     -21.8    -20.1        -18.9
OPERATING INCOME          -52.4     6.9      16.6     12.2          8.3
% of net sales             -5.5     0.6       1.4      1.2          0.8
Financial income and                                                   
expenses                   -6.4    -7.4      -6.2     -5.0         -5.1
Share of profits and                                                   
losses of associates       -0.3    -0.3      -0.2     -0.2         -0.3
INCOME BEFORE TAXES       -59.0    -0.8      10.1      7.0          2.9
Income taxes               12.4     1.6      -3.4     -2.0         -0.8
NET INCOME FOR THE        -46.6     0.8       6.7      5.0          2.1
ATTRIBUTABLE TO:                                                       
Equity holders of the     -46.9    -0.3       5.9      4.4          2.1
parent company
Minority interests          0.3     1.1       0.8      0.6         -0.0
                          -46.6     0.8       6.7      5.0          2.1
BALANCE SHEET, MEUR         Q1/     Q4/       Q3/      Q2/          Q1/
                           2007    2006      2006     2006         2006
Non-current assets                                                     
 Intangible assets         38.8    45.4      47.8     49.4         48.2
 Tangible assets          227.3   245.0     263.6    242.1        238.2
 Investments                2.6    13.7      14.0     14.0         14.0
 Long-term                 28.6    15.3      14.2     11.2         10.6
Non-current assets,       297.4   319.4     339.6    316.7        311.0
Current assets                                                         
 Inventories              346.4   359.0     407.4    366.1        339.6
 Current receivables      390.1   402.9     518.1    447.9        425.7
 Cash and                  75.4    82.3     102.4     41.0        143.5
 Assets classified          6.7       -         -        -            -
 as held for sale
Current assets, total     818.6   844.2   1,028.0    854.9        908.9
ASSETS, TOTAL           1,116.0 1,163.6   1,367.6  1,171.7      1,219.9
 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent        
   Share capital           12.6    12.6      12.6     12.6         12.5
   shareholders'          228.5   281.0     279.9    272.9        267.1
 Equity attributable to equity                              
 of the parent                                                         
 company, total           241.1   293.7     292.5    285.4        279.5
 Minority interests        10.1     9.6       7.9      7.0          6.7
Total equity              251.2   303.3     300.4    292.5        286.3
Long-term liabilities                                                  
 Long-term loans          179.6   179.7     179.9    179.9        180.0
 Other long-term debt       4.5     5.2       4.3      4.1          3.7
liabilities, total        184.1   184.8     184.3    184.0        183.7
Current liabilities                                                    
 Current loans             64.8    30.6      92.0     26.2         38.7
 Other current            607.3   643.1     788.3    666.3        708.9
 Provisions                 8.5     1.8       2.5      2.7          2.5
Current liabilities,      680.6   675.5     882.9    695.2        750.0
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                   
AND LIABILITIES,        1,116.0 1,163.6   1,367.6  1,171.7      1,219.9
Personnel on average                                                   
during the period        19,065  17,431    16,930   16,581       15,748
Gross capital                                                          
expenditures, MEUR         11.2    32.3      38.5     30.1         16.0
ROI/ROCE from 12                                                       
preceding months, %        -2.9     9.1      12.1     15.7         16.0
Earnings per share                                                     
(EPS), EUR                -1.49   -0.01      0.19     0.14         0.07
Solvency, %                22.5    26.1      22.0     25.0         23.5
CONSOLIDATED CASH           Q1/     Q4/       Q3/      Q2/          Q1/
FLOW STATEMENT, MEUR       2007    2006      2006     2006         2006
Cash flow before           -4.3    23.8      36.8     28.4         25.2
change in working
Change in working         -18.4    30.7      13.7    -73.1         12.6
Financial items and        -8.6   -11.6      -7.7     -6.6         -7.3
Cash flow from                                                         
operating activities      -31.2    43.1      42.6    -51.3         30.6
Purchases of non-                                                      
current assets            -10.4   -18.2     -48.8    -24.5        -17.4
Disposals of non-                                                      
current assets              0.7    16.4       1.5      4.2          1.1
Cash flow before                                                       
financing activities      -40.9    41.2      -4.7    -71.5         14.2
Proceeds from share         0.0     0.5       0.5      1.4          0.5
Change in current          34.4   -60.9      65.4    -10.3         -1.7
Issuance of long-term         -       -         -        -         29.8
Repayment of long-                                                     
term debt                  -0.2    -0.2      -0.1     -0.2            -
Dividends paid                -       -         -    -20.6            -
Cash flow from                                                         
financing activities       34.3   -60.6      65.9    -29.7         28.6
Change in cash and                                                     
equivalents                -6.6   -19.3      61.1   -101.1         42.8
Cash and equivalents                                                   
at the beginning of        82.3   102.4      41.0    143.5        101.4
the period
Effect of exchange                                                     
rate changes on cash       -0.3    -0.8       0.4     -1.4         -0.7
Cash and equivalents                                                   
at the end of period       75.4    82.3     102.4     41.0        143.5
                            Q1/     Q4/       Q3/      Q2/          Q1/
BUSINESS AREAS, MEUR       2007    2006      2006     2006         2006
Net sales                                                              
     Terminal             767.2   898.6     967.9    837.6        808.0
     Communications       185.3   206.0     201.2    192.0        173.1
Total                     952.5 1,104.6   1,169.1  1,029.6        981.1
Segment´s operating                                                    
     Terminal             -36.9    13.2      18.6     20.7         15.9
     Communications        -4.7     5.7       8.8      3.2          4.6
     Group´s non-         -10.8   -12.1     -10.8    -11.6        -12.3
Total                     -52.4     6.9      16.6     12.2          8.3
Of the 30.1 million euro restructuring costs recognized in the
first quarter of 2007, 28.3 million euros have been entered
against Terminal Products' operating income, 1.4 million euros
against Communications Networks' operating income and 0.4 million
euros under Group's non-allocated expenses.
                          Q1/      Q4/      Q3/      Q2/            Q1/
GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS,      2007     2006     2006     2006           2006
Net sales                                                              
   Europe               507.6    635.8    659.4    599.7          530.5
   Asia-Pacific         231.2    260.3    307.2    272.8          253.8
   Americas             213.6    208.5    202.4    157.1          196.8
Total                   952.5  1,104.6  1,169.1  1,029.6          981.1