2008-11-05 07:30:00 CET

2008-11-05 07:30:02 CET


Finnish English
Marimekko - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Marimekko Corporation        INTERIM REPORT                                     
                             5 November 2008 at 8.30 a.m.                       

NET SALES AND EARNINGS RISE AS PREDICTED                                        

In the January-September period of 2008, the Marimekko Group's net sales rose by
8% to EUR 59.0 million (EUR 54.6 million). Operating profit improved by 14% to  
EUR 8.1 million (EUR 7.1 million). Profit after taxes for the period grew by 15%
to EUR 6.0 million (EUR 5.2 million). Earnings per share rose to EUR 0.75 (EUR  
0.65). Deliveries for individual promotions in Finland and one-off income from  
sales of licensed products had a favourable impact on net sales growth and      
earnings. The full-year estimate is unchanged: in 2008, net sales growth and the
Group's relative profitability are expected to remain at the same level as in   

                               1-9/     1-9/    Change,    1-12/                
                               2008     2007          %     2007                

Net sales, EUR 1,000         59,046   54,608        8.1   77,264                
Exports and income from                                                         
 international operations,                                                      
 % of net sales                29.9     28.0                26.5                
Operating profit, EUR 1,000   8,111    7,105       14.2   10,487                
Profit before taxes,                                                            
 EUR 1,000                    8,124    7,067       15.0   10,442                
Profit for the period,                                                          
 EUR 1,000                    6,012    5,231       14.9    7,717                
Earnings per share, EUR        0.75     0.65       14.9     0.96                
Equity per share, EUR          3.75     3.35       12.2     3.66                
Return on equity (ROE), %      26.9     25.9                27.4                
Return on investment (ROI), %  33.8     31.5                35.0                
Equity ratio, %                71.8     68.1                72.7                

All of Marimekko's stock exchange releases are available on the company's       
website www.marimekko.com under Investors/Releases.                             

For additional information, contact:                                            
Mika Ihamuotila, President and CEO, tel. +358 9 758 71                          
Thomas Ekström, CFO, tel. +358 9 758 7261                                       

MARIMEKKO CORPORATION                                                           
Group Communications                                                            

Marja Korkeela                                                                  
Tel. +358 9 758 7238                                                            
Fax  +358 9 759 1676                                                            
Email: marja.korkeela@marimekko.fi                                              

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
Principal media                                                                 
Marimekko's website www.marimekko.com

Marimekko is a leading Finnish textile and clothing design company that was     
established in 1951. The company designs, manufactures and markets high-quality 
clothing, interior decoration textiles, bags and other accessories under the    
Marimekko brand, both in Finland and abroad. Marimekko products are also        
manufactured under license in various countries. In 2007, the company's net     
sales amounted to EUR 77.3 million. Exports and income from international       
operations accounted for 26.5% of the Group's net sales. The Group employs about
400 people. The company's share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. For   
further information, visit www.marimekko.com.                                   


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34:                
Interim Financial Reporting and applying the same accounting policy as for the  
2007 financial statements. The information presented in this interim report is  

NET SALES                                                                       

July - September                                                                
In the July-September period of 2008, the Marimekko Group's net sales rose by   
5.9%, amounting to EUR 21,913 thousand (EUR 20,699 thousand). Net sales in      
Finland rose by 6.1% to EUR 15,776 thousand (EUR 14,876 thousand). A significant
part of the growth was generated by an individual promotional delivery. Exports 
and income from international operations rose by 5.4% and totalled EUR 6,137    
thousand (EUR 5,823 thousand). Growth was notably slower than in the            
corresponding period of the previous year.                                      

January - September                                 
In the January-September period of 2008, the Marimekko Group's net sales rose by
8.1%, amounting to EUR 59,046 thousand (EUR 54,608 thousand). Net sales in      
Finland grew by 5.3% to EUR 41,413 thousand (EUR 39,319 thousand). The growth   
was mainly generated by individual promotional deliveries. Exports and income   
from international operations rose by 15.3% and totalled EUR 17,633 thousand    
(EUR 15,289 thousand). Exports and income from international operations         
accounted for 29.9% (28.0%) of the Group's net sales.                           

The breakdown of the Group's net sales by product line was as follows: clothing,
39.6%; interior decoration, 42.0%; and bags, 18.4%. Net sales by market area    
were: Finland, 70.1%; the other Nordic countries, 13.2%; the rest of Europe,    
6.4%; North America, 4.9%; and other countries (Japan and other regions outside 
Europe and North America), 5.4%.                                                

During the review period, sales in Marimekko's own retail stores in Finland rose
by 2.5% (0.1%). Sales to retailers in Finland did not change year-on-year.      

MARKET SITUATION                                                                

The international economic outlook weakened at an accelerating rate during the  
third quarter, and economic growth slowed down globally. Finland also           
experienced a distinct slowdown of growth compared with the early part of the   
year, which has caused a notable drop in both industry and consumer confidence  
indicators. In the January-September period of 2008, the value of retail sales  
in Finland grew by 7.1% (Statistics Finland: Retail trade quick estimate,       
September 2008). Retail sales of clothing grew by 1.4%. Sales of womenswear were
up 1.2% and childrenswear 3.3%. Sales of menswear were at the same level as a   
year ago. Sales of bags grew by 8.9%, while sales of home textiles were down    
0.5% (Textile and Fashion Industries TMA). In the January-August period of 2008,
exports of clothing (SITC 84) decreased by 3%; imports rose by 3%.  Exports of  
textiles (SITC 65) grew by 0.5%, while imports fell by 5% (National Board of    
Customs, monthly review, August/2008).                                          

REVIEWS BY BUSINESS UNIT                                                        

In the January-September period of 2008, net sales of clothing rose by 2.0%,    
amounting to EUR 23,367 thousand (EUR 22,900 thousand). A fall was seen in sales
in Finland. International sales development varied greatly by country. Vigorous 
growth was registered in the market area referred to as “other Nordic           
countries”. This growth was boosted in the second quarter by substantial one-off
royalty income from licensing co-operation between Marimekko and H & M Hennes &
Mauritz AB. Rapid growth was also seen in the market area referred to as “other 
countries”. The opening of new Marimekko concept stores in Japan contributed to 
the favourable development. Year-on-year sales in the United States did not     
change, but sales clearly fell in the market area referred to as “the rest of   
Europe”. Exports and income from international operations accounted for 29.2% of
net sales of clothing.                                                          

Interior decoration                                                             
Net sales of interior decoration products rose by 7.0% to EUR 24,812 thousand   
(EUR 23,194 thousand). The majority of the growth seen in Finland was generated 
by deliveries for individual promotions. International growth was clearly more  
sluggish than a year ago except in Japan, where growth was vigorous. To some    
extent, the year-on-year growth of the interior decoration product line was     
slowed down by lower income from sales of licensed products, both in Finland and
abroad. Exports and income from international operations accounted for 30.8% of 
net sales of interior decoration products.                                      

Net sales of bags rose by 27.6% to EUR 10,867 thousand (EUR 8,514 thousand).    
Growth picked up both in Finland and the export market. In Finland, sales were  
boosted by a substantial delivery for a one-off promotional campaign. Vigorous  
growth was seen in all export markets except North America, which experienced a 
fall in sales. The greatest relative growth in sales of bags was seen in the    
market areas referred to as “other countries” and “the rest of Europe”. Exports 
and income from international operations accounted for 29.1% of net sales of    

Business-to-business sales                                                      
Business-to-business sales (former “business gifts and contract sales”) rose by 
53.9%. The growth was generated by an individual delivery for a promotional     

Exports and international operations                                            
Exports and income from international operations rose by 15.3% and totalled EUR 
17,633 thousand (EUR 15,289 thousand). Growth continued in all the main markets,
but towards the end of the period, a distinct slowdown was seen in many         
countries. The major countries for exports were Sweden, Japan, the United       
States, Denmark, Norway and Germany.                                            

In the market area referred to as “the other Nordic countries”, net sales rose  
by 21.6% to EUR 7,809 thousand (EUR 6,423 thousand). Sales of clothing and bags 
grew substantially, while sales of interior decoration products slowed down     
clearly, remaining at the same level as in the comparison period. One-off income
generated in the second quarter by licensing co-operation with H & M Hennes &
Mauritz AB had a significant impact on the growth seen in sales of clothing.    

In the market area referred to as “the rest of Europe”, net sales rose by 1.6%  
to EUR 3,767 thousand (EUR 3,708 thousand). Sales of bags continued to grow     
briskly. Sales of interior decoration products increased slightly, but sales of 
clothing fell.                                                                  

A distinct slowdown of sales growth was seen in North America. Net sales rose by
2.1% to EUR 2,877 thousand (EUR 2,817 thousand). Sales of interior decoration   
products and clothing increased slightly, but bag sales experienced a notable   

In the market area referred to as “other countries”, net sales rose by 35.8% to 
EUR 3,180 thousand (EUR 2,341 thousand). Vigorous sales growth was seen in all  
product lines. Growth was boosted by the opening of new concept stores in       
Sapporo, Sendai and Osaka in Japan. At the end of the period, there were a total
of thirteen Marimekko concept stores and shop-in-shops in Japan.                

Royalty earnings from sales of licensed products rose substantially during the  
period. This growth was wholly generated during the second quarter through      
royalty income from co-operation with the Swedish company H & M Hennes & Mauritz
AB. In other countries, royalty earnings clearly fell.                          

During the review period, the production volume of the Herttoniemi textile      
printing factory decreased by 5%. This was due to a reduction in the amount of  
clothing and bag materials printed in the company's own factory. At the Sulkava 
and Kitee factories, production was at the same level as last year.             


July - September                                                                
In the July-September period, the Group's operating profit fell by 5.5% on the  
comparison period, amounting to EUR 3,747 thousand (EUR 3,965 thousand).        
Earnings per share were down to EUR 0.35 (EUR 0.36). Earnings for the period    
were hampered by the slowdown of sales growth and increased operating           

January - September                                                             
In the January-September period of 2008, the Group's operating profit improved  
by 14.2% to EUR 8,111 thousand (EUR 7,105 thousand). Operating profit as a      
percentage of net sales was 13.7% (13.0%). Marketing expenses for the period    
totalled EUR 2,561 thousand (EUR 2,945 thousand), representing 4.3% (5.4%) of   
net sales.                                                                      

The Group's depreciation amounted to EUR 983 thousand (EUR 982 thousand),       
representing 1.7% (1.8%) of net sales. Net financial income totalled EUR 13     
thousand (net financial expenses: EUR 38 thousand), representing 0.0% (0.1%) of 
net sales.                                                                      

Profit for the period after taxes rose by 14.9% to EUR 6,012 thousand (EUR 5,231
thousand), representing 10.2% (9.6%) of net sales. Earnings per share improved  
to EUR 0.75 (EUR 0.65).                                                         

In addition to growth in exports, earnings for the period were improved by sales
growth generated by individual promotions in Finland, substantial one-off income
from sales of licensed products, and reduced marketing expenses. Earnings trends
were weakened by increased operating expenses.                                  


The Group's gross investments amounted to EUR 803 thousand (EUR 1,164 thousand),
representing 1.4% (2.1%) of net sales. The major investments included           
renovations of the Herttoniemi property, the construction of the store opened in
Turku at the end of August 2008, and acquisition of information management      
systems and equipment.                                                          

EQUITY RATIO AND FINANCING                                                      

Equity ratio was 71.8% at the end of the period (68.1% at 30 September 2007,    
72.7% at 31 December 2007). The ratio of interest-bearing liabilities minus     
financial assets to shareholders' equity (gearing) was -6.2%, while it was 5.8% 
at the end of the corresponding period in 2007 (-15.2% at 31 December 2007).    

At the end of the period, the Group's financial liabilities stood at EUR 3,820  
thousand (EUR 4,711 thousand). The Group's financing from operations was EUR    
6,995 thousand (EUR 6,213 thousand). The Group's financial assets at the end of 
the period amounted to EUR 5,704 thousand (EUR 3,147 thousand).                 

SHARES AND SHARE PRICE TREND                                                    

Share capital                                                                   
At the end of the period, the company's fully paid-up share capital, as recorded
in the Trade Register, amounted to EUR 8,040,000, and the number of shares      
totalled 8,040,000.                                                             

According to the book-entry register, Marimekko had 5,967 (5,277) shareholders  
at the end of the period. Of the shares, 16.3% were registered in a nominee's   
name and 14.8% were in foreign ownership. At the end of the period, the number  
of shares owned either directly or indirectly by members of the Board of        
Directors and the President of the company was 1,071,089, representing 13.3% of 
the total share capital and - taking into account the voting authorisation      
granted by Workidea Oy to Muotitila Ltd on 31 October 2007 - 23.3% of the votes 
conferred by the company's shares.                                              

The largest shareholders according to the book-entry register on 30 September   

                                   Percentage of holding and votes              
1.  Muotitila Ltd                              13.00       *)23.00              
2.  Fautor S.P.R.L.                            10,58         10,58              
3.  Workidea Oy                                10.00        *)0.00              
4.  ODIN Finland                                4.14          4.14              
5.  Evli Select Fund                            1.87          1.87              
6.  Varma Mutual Employment                                                     
    Pension Insurance Company                   1.34          1.34              
7.  Ilmarinen Mutual                                                            
    Pension Insurance Company                   0.89          0.89              
8.  Foundation for                                                              
    Economic Education                          0.62          0.62              
9.  Miettinen Kari                              0.60          0.60              
10. Scanmagnetics Oy                            0.50          0.50              
11. Mutual Fund Tapiola Finland                 0.44          0.44              
12. Fromond Elsa                                0.40          0.40              
13. Westerberg Olof                             0.37          0.37              
14. Karvonen Eero                               0.35          0.35              
15. Mäki Uolevi                                 0.34          0.34              
Total                                          45.44         45.44              
Nominee-registered                             16.34         16.34              
Others                                         38.22         38.22              
Total                                         100.00        100.00              

*)Taking into account the voting authorisation granted by Workidea Oy to        
Muotitila Ltd on 31 October 2007. Detailed information on the authorisation was 
given in the section “Share and Shareholders/Flagging notifications” in         
Marimekko's 2007 Annual Report.                                                 

Morgan Stanley & Co Incorporated's share of Marimekko Corporation's share       
capital and voting rights rose to 5.44%, or 438,083 shares, as a result of a    
transaction made on 7 April 2008; and then fell to 0.90%, or 73,083 shares, as a
result of a transaction made on 9 April 2008.                                   

At the end of the review period, the Board of Directors had no valid            
authorisations to carry out share issues or issue convertible bonds or bonds    
with warrants, or to acquire or surrender Marimekko shares.                     

Share trading                                                                   
During the review period, a total of 1,026,776 Marimekko shares were traded,    
representing 12.8% of the shares outstanding. The total value of Marimekko's    
share turnover was EUR 14,635,869. The lowest price of the Marimekko share was  
EUR 11.45, the highest was EUR 18.20, and the average price was EUR 14.23. At   
the end of the review period, the final price of the share was EUR 11.90. The   
company's market capitalisation on 30 September 2008 was EUR 95,676,000 (EUR    
113,042,400 on 30 September 2007, EUR 146,328,000 on 31 December 2007).         


The number of Marimekko's personnel increased by 2.0% in the January-September  
period of 2008. During the period, the number of employees averaged 410 (402).  
At the end of the period, the Group employed 409 (406) people, of whom 16 (16)  
worked abroad.                                                                  

CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S MANAGEMENT                                             

On 1 February 2008, Mika Ihamuotila, Ph.D. (Econ.), became the company's new    
president and the following were appointed to the company's Management Group:   
Mika Ihamuotila as Chairman with members Thomas Ekström (Chief Financial        
Officer), Marja Korkeela (Group communications and investor relations), Päivi   
Lonka (exports and licensing sales), Sirpa Loukamo (clothing and accessories),  
Mervi Metsänen-Kalliovaara (domestic wholesale, business-to-business sales,     
sales development), Piia Rossi (company-owned retail stores), Kirsi Räikkönen   
(brand and marketing communications) and Helinä Uotila (production, purchases,  
and interior decoration). On 1 August 2008, Niina Nenonen joined the Management 
Group and assumed responsibility for the company's clothing portfolio and its   
profitability. She continues the work of Sirpa Loukamo, who retired on 1        
September 2008.                                                                 

RISK MANAGEMENT AND MAJOR RISKS                                                 

Marimekko's risk management policy and the major risks to the company's business
operations have been detailed in the 2007 Annual Report. During the review      
period, uncertainties affecting Marimekko's operating environment increased     
because of the rapid weakening of the international economic outlook. Otherwise,
no notable changes in the risks have occurred.                                  

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                        

The company's product planning and development costs arise from the design of   
collections. Design costs are recorded in expenses.                             


Responsibility for the environment and nature is an integral aspect of          
Marimekko's business. The co-operation agreements require Marimekko's           
subcontractors and other partners to commit themselves to shouldering their     
environmental responsibilities. In environmental matters, the company's business
supervision is largely based on legislation and other regulations. Marimekko's  
production processes do not generate any waste that is classified as hazardous  
waste or detrimental to health. The environmental impacts of production and     
other business operations are monitored regularly by testing the materials used 
in the products and improving the production processes and methods. During the  
financial year 2008, Marimekko has continued the project launched at the end of 
2007 to establish a corporate social responsibility management system.          

DECISIONS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                         

Marimekko Corporation's Annual General Meeting, held on 3 April 2008, adopted   
the company's financial statements for 2007, discharged the President and       
members of the Board from liability and approved the Board of Directors'        
proposal for payment of a dividend for 2007 of EUR 0.65 per share, totalling    
EUR 5,226,000.00. The record date was 8 April 2008 and the dividend payout date 
15 April 2008.                                                                  

The Annual General Meeting resolved that the company's Board of Directors shall 
have five (5) members. Tarja Pääkkönen was re-elected to the Board of Directors.
Ami Hasan, Mika Ihamuotila, Joakim Karske and Pekka Lundmark were elected as new
members. At its organisation meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, the 
Board of Directors elected Pekka Lundmark as Chairman and Mika Ihamuotila as    
Vice Chairman of the Board. The Board of Directors' term of office runs until   
the end of the next Annual General Meeting.             

The Annual General Meeting also resolved that the remuneration to the Chairman  
of the Board will be EUR 20,000 per year and the remuneration to each one of the
other Board members will be EUR 15,000 per year. In addition, the Annual General
Meeting resolved that the President of Marimekko Corporation will not receive   
remuneration for being a member of the Board.                                   

The Annual General Meeting elected PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd, Authorised Public
Accountants, as the company's auditor, with Kim Karhu, Authorised Public        
Accountant, as chief auditor. It was decided that the auditor's fee will be paid
according to invoice.                                                           

DISAGREEMENTS CONCERNING UNIKKO TRADEMARK                                       

In a stock exchange release dated 2 July 2008, Marimekko announced that Dolce &
Gabbana S.r.l. and Dolce & Gabbana Industria S.p.A. had submitted an application
to the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) for a declaration 
of invalidity concerning Marimekko's red figure mark Unikko in classes 24       
(Textiles and textile goods) and 25 (Clothing and headgear). During the spring  
and summer of 2008, as part of the regular supervision and protection of its    
intellectual property rights, Marimekko reacted to Dolce & Gabbana's use of a   
floral pattern in certain Dolce & Gabbana products. Marimekko had not authorised
the said use and took action in Germany to terminate such use. On the basis of  
Marimekko's application, the District Court of Hamburg imposed a sales and      
marketing injunction on certain Dolce & Gabbana products in Germany.            



ODIN Forvaltning AS's share of Marimekko Corporation's share capital and voting 
rights rose to 5.14%, or 413,253 shares, as a result of a transaction concluded 
on 9 October 2008.                                                              

Settlement agreement concerning Unikko trademark                                

In a stock exchange release dated 14 October 2008, Marimekko announced that     
Marimekko Corporation, Dolce & Gabbana S.r.l. and Dolce & Gabbana Industria     
S.p.A. had signed a settlement agreement concerning the Unikko trademark        
dispute, referred to in Marimekko's stock exchange release dated 2 July 2008.   
The parties agreed on the handling of already manufactured products and the fee 
to be paid to Marimekko. The parties further agreed that they will withdraw all 
the legal proceedings concerning the matter, including the invalidity           
proceedings at the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM)       
against Marimekko's Unikko trademark.                                           

OUTLOOK FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2008                                               

Marimekko racks up its strongest earnings and net sales growth in the last two  
quarters of the financial year. In recent years, exports have increasingly been 
driving Marimekko's net sales growth. In Marimekko's field of industry, changes 
in the business climate are reflected in consumption demand.                    

Because of the rapid weakening of the international economic outlook,           
Marimekko's business growth outlook is accompanied with a higher level of       
uncertainty than before, both in Finland and the export market. This was already
evidenced in the third quarter by slower growth in the number of incoming       

Nevertheless, based on current business estimates, the forecast for 2008 remains
unchanged: the Group's net sales growth and relative profitability for 2008 are 
expected to remain at 2007 levels. Growth and earnings trends for the remainder 
of 2008 will be supported by a substantial promotional delivery in Finland and  
the opening of two new Marimekko concept stores in Japan. Sales trends in       
Marimekko's own retail stores will have a substantial impact on the Group's net 
sales and earnings in the final quarter of the year. Because of the             
uncertainties in the business environment resulting from the weaker economic    
outlook, sales trends for the last quarter are difficult to predict.            

Helsinki, 5 November 2008                                                       

MARIMEKKO CORPORATION                                                           
Board of Directors                                                              

GENERAL CLAUSE                                                                  

This interim report contains forward-looking statements that are based on the   
factors and assumptions currently available to Marimekko's management as well as
on the company's current decisions and plans. Forward-looking statements contain
assumptions that are subject to uncertainties. Actual results may therefore     
deviate substantially from these assumptions. Uncertainty factors include       
changes in general economic trends, the market situation, competition, currency 
exchange rates and the company's own business operations.                       

APPENDICES TO THE INTERIM REPORT                                                
Consolidated income statement                                                   
Consolidated balance sheet                                                      
Consolidated cash flow statement                                                
Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity                       
Key indicators                                                                  
Consolidated net sales by market area and product line                          
Segment information                                                             
Quarterly trend in net sales and earnings                                     

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   

(EUR 1,000)             7-9/     7-9/     1-9/      1-9/     1-12/              
                        2008     2007     2008      2007      2007              

NET SALES             21,913   20,699   59,046    54,608    77,264              
Other operating                                                                 
 income                   17       21       41        56        74              
Increase or decrease                                                            
 in inventories of                                                              
 completed and                                                                  
 unfinished products    -528      204    2,036     1,128       642              
Raw materials and                                                               
 consumables           8,749    8,625   25,500    22,670    31,626              
Employee benefit                                                                
 expenses              3,946    3,745   13,154    11,985    16,799              
Depreciation             328      327      983       982     1,338              
Other operating                                                                 
 expenses              4,632    4,262   13,375    13,050    17,730              

OPERATING PROFIT       3,747    3,965    8,111     7,105    10,487              

Financial income          52       34      153       116       153              
Financial expenses       -53      -68     -140      -154      -198              
                          -1      -34       13       -38       -45              

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES    3,746    3,931    8,124     7,067    10,442              

Income taxes             971    1,019    2,112     1,836     2,725              

NET PROFIT FOR                                                                  
THE PERIOD             2,775    2,912    6,012     5,231     7,717              

 To equity holders of                                                           
 the parent company    2,775    2,912    6,012     5,231     7,717              

Basic and diluted                                                               
 earnings per share                                                             
 calculated on the                                                              
 profit attributable                                                            
 to equity holders of                                                           
 the parent                                                                     
 company, EUR           0.35     0.36     0.75     0.65       0.96              

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      

(EUR 1,000)                  30.9.2008    30.9.2007     31.12.2007              


NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
Tangible assets                  9,807       10,242          9,956              
Intangible assets                  380          279            411              
 investments                        20           20             20              
                                10,207       10,541         10,387              

CURRENT ASSETS                                                                  
Inventories                     18,958       17,785         18,281              
Trade and other                                                                 
 receivables                     7,309        7,771          5,533              
Current tax assets                 220          325            220              
Cash and cash equivalents        5,704        3,147          6,269                    32,191       29,028         30,303              

ASSETS, TOTAL                   42,398       39,569         40,690              

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                            
AND LIABILITIES                                                                 

EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY                                                   
HOLDERS OF THE PARENT COMPANY                                                   
Share capital                    8,040        8,040          8,040              
Translation differences             17            3              3              
Retained earnings               22,138       18,866         21,352              
Shareholders' equity, total     30,195       26,909         29,395              

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities          712           644            676              
Financial liabilities             185           370            185              
                                  897         1,014            861              
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                             
Trade and other payables        7,659         7,305          8,810              
Current tax liabilities            12             -             18              
Financial liabilities           3,635         4,341          1,606              
                               11,306        11,646         10,434              

Liabilities, total             12,203        12,660         11,295              

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                                                        
LIABILITIES, TOTAL             42,398        39,569         40,690              

The Group has no liabilities resulting from derivative contracts, and there are 
no outstanding guarantees or any other contingent liabilities which have been   
granted on behalf of the management of the company or its shareholders.         

(EUR 1,000)                    1-9/2008     1-9/2007     1-12/2007              

CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                                        

Net profit for the period         6,012        5,231         7,717              
 Depreciation according to plan     983          982         1,338              
 Financial income and expenses      -13           38            45              
 Taxes                            2,113        1,836         2,725              
Cash flow before change                                                         
 in working capital               9,095        8,087        11,825              
Change in working capital        -3,596       -4,098          -598              
Cash flow from operating                                                        
 activities before                                                              
 financial items and taxes        5,499        3,989        11,227              
Paid interest and payments                                                      
 on other financial expenses       -132         -141          -207              
Interest received                   168          141           150              
Taxes paid                       -2,101       -2,309        -3,094              

CASH FLOW FROM                                                                  
OPERATING ACTIVITIES              3,434        1,679         8,076              

CASH FLOW FROM                                                                  
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                            

Investments in tangible                                                         
 and intangible assets             -803       -1,164        -1,519              

CASH FLOW FROM                                           
INVESTING ACTIVITIES               -803       -1,164        -1,519              

CASH FLOW FROM                                                                  
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                            

Short-term loans drawn            4,600        4,000         4,150              
Short-term loans repaid          -2,100       -1,400        -4,000              
Long-term loans repaid             -470         -471          -941              
Finance leasing debts paid            -          -60           -60              
Dividends paid                   -5,226       -5,226        -5,226              

CASH FLOW FROM                                                                  
FINANCING ACTIVITIES             -3,196       -3,157        -6,077              

Change in cash and                                                              
cash equivalents                   -565       -2,642           480              

Cash and cash equivalents                                                       
 at the beginning of the period   6,269        5,789         5,789              
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       
 at the end of the period         5,704        3,147         6,269              


       Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company              

(EUR 1,000)                                          Shareholders'              
                   Share    Translation   Retained         equity,              
                 capital    differences   earnings           total              

 1 Jan. 2007       8,040                    18,861          26,901              

 differences                          3                          3              

Net profit for                                                                  
 the period                                  5,231           5,231              

Dividends paid                              -5,226          -5,226              

 30 Sept. 2007     8,040              3     18,866          26,909              

 1 Jan. 2008       8,040              3     21,352          29,395              

differences                          14                         14              

Net profit for                                                                  
 the period                                  6,012           6,012              

Dividends paid                              -5,226          -5,226              

 30 Sept. 2008     8,040             17     22,138          30,195              

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  
                             1-9/     1-9/     Change, %     1-12/              
                             2008     2007                    2007              

Earnings per share, EUR      0.75     0.65         14.9       0.96              
Equity per share, EUR        3.75     3.35         12.2       3.66              
Share of exports and                                                            
 international operations,                                                      
 % of net sales              29.9     28.0                    26.5              
Return on equity (ROE), %    26.9     25.9                    27.4              
Return on investment                                                            
 (ROI), %                    33.8     31.5                    35.0              
Equity ratio, %              71.8     68.1                    72.7              
Gross investments,                                                              
 EUR 1,000                    803    1,164       -30.9       1,365              
Gross investments,                                                              
 % of net sales               1.4      2.1                     1.8              
Contingent liabilities,                                                         
 EUR 1,000                 16,843   13,957        20.7      18,710              
Average personnel             410      402         2.0         405              
Personnel at the end                                                            
 of the period                409      406         0.7         411              
Number of shares                                                                
 at the end of                                                                  
 the period (1,000)         8,040    8,040                   8,040              
Number of shares                                                                
 average (1,000)            8,040    8,040                   8,040              

Earnings per share (EPS), EUR:                                                  
(Profit before extraordinary items - taxes (excl. of taxes on extraordinary     
items)) / Number of shares (average for the financial period)                   

Equity per share, EUR:                                                          
Shareholders' equity / Number of shares, 30 Sept.                               

Return on equity (ROE), %:                                                      
(Profit before extraordinary items - taxes (excl. of taxes on extraordinary     
items)) X 100 / Shareholders' equity (average for the financial period)         

Return on investment (ROI), %:                                                  
(Profit before extraordinary items + interest and other financial expenses) X   
100 / (Balance sheet total - non-interest-bearing liabilities (average for the  
financial period))                                                              

Equity ratio, %:                                                                
Shareholders' equity X 100 / (Balance sheet total - advances received)          

Gearing, %:                                                                     
Interest-bearing net debt X 100 / Shareholders' equity                          

NET SALES BY MARKET AREA AND PRODUCT LINE                                       

BY MARKET AREA, JULY-SEPTEMBER                                                  

(EUR 1,000)            7-9/2008   7-9/2007   Change, %   1-12/2007              

Finland                  15,776     14,876         6.1      56,826              
Other Nordic countries    2,561      2,558         0.1       8,581              
Rest of Europe            1,316      1,284         2.5       4,725              
North America               964      1,104       -12.7       4,067              
Other countries           1,296        877        47.8       3,065              
TOTAL                    21,913     20,699         5.9      77,264              

BY PRODUCT LINE, JULY-SEPTEMBER                                                 

(EUR 1,000)            7-9/2008   7-9/2007   Change, %   1-12/2007              

Clothing                  8,016      7,797         2.8      30,036              
Interior decoration       9,847      9,367         5.1      35,813              
Bags                      4,050      3,534        14.6      11,415              
TOTAL                    21,913     20,699         5.9      77,264              

BY MARKET AREA, JANUARY-SEPTEMBER                                               

(EUR 1,000)            1-9/2008   1-9/2007   Change, %   1-12/2007              

Finland                  41,413     39,319         5.3      56,826              
Other Nordic countries    7,809      6,423        21.6       8,581              
Rest of Europe            3,767      3,708         1.6       4,725              
North America             2,877      2,817         2.1       4,067              
Other countries           3,180      2,341        35.8       3,065              
TOTAL                    59,046     54,608         8.1      77,264              

BY PRODUCT LINE, JANUARY-SEPTEMBER                                              

(EUR 1,000)            1-9/2008   1-9/2007   Change, %   1-12/2007              

Clothing                 23,367     22,900         2.0      30,036              
Interior decoration      24,812     23,194         7.0      35,813              
Bags                     10,867      8,514        27.6      11,415              
TOTAL                    59,046     54,608         8.1      77,264              

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             

(EUR 1,000)            1-9/2008   1-9/2007   Change, %   1-12/2007              

Net sales                                                                       
 Finland                 41,413     39,319         5.3      56,826              
 Other countries         17,633     15,289        15.3      20,438              
Total                    59,046     54,608         8.1      77,264              

 Finland                 42,108     37,709                  39,094              
 Other countries          2,056      1,860                   2,469              
 Eliminations            -1,766     -1,804                    -873              
Total                    42,398     39,569                  40,690              

 Finland                    803      1,102                   1,303              
 Other countries              -         62                      62              
Total                       803      1,164                   1,365              

QUARTERLY TREND IN NET SALES AND EARNINGS                                       

(EUR 1,000)                  7-9/       4-6/       1-3/     10-12/              
                             2008       2008       2008       2007              

Net sales                  21,913     18,539     18,594     22,656              
Operating profit            3,747      2,540      1,824      3,382              
Earnings per share, EUR      0.35       0.23       0.17       0.31              

(EUR 1,000)                  7-9/       4-6/       1-3/     10-12/              
                             2007       2007       2007       2006              

Net sales                  20,699     16,997     16,912     20,142              
Operating profit            3,965      1,643      1,497      3,776              
Earnings per share, EUR      0.36       0.15       0.14       0.35