2010-04-03 14:22:50 CEST

2010-04-03 14:24:58 CEST


Lithuanian English
Zemaitijos Pienas AB - Notification on material event

AB „Žemaitijos pienas“ Board prepared draft decisions for the General Shareholder‘s meeting held on 16th April, 2010


AB „Žemaitijos pienas“ Board prepared draft decisions for the General
Shareholder‘s meeting held on 16th April, 2010 
1.1. to listen to the Company‘s annual report;
1.2. to listen to the Company‘s auditor report on Company‘s package of
financial statements and annual report; 
1.3. To approve the Company‘s audited financial statement package of 2009;
1.4. To approve Company‘s income (loss) distribution;

1. profit and loss brought forward at the beginning of financial year  - 38.002
thousand Litas; 
2. net profit (loss) of the financial year -  12.333 thousand Litas;
3. transfers from reserves -,
4. shareholder‘s contributions to cover losses (if the decision is that any or
all losses are to be covered by shareholders)-, 
5. profit and loss brought forward in total: 50.335 thousand Litas,
6. profit share allocated to other reserves -
7. company profit share allocated to the reserves for the purchase of own
shares of 
10.000 thousand Litas;
8. profit share, allocated to other reserves -,
9. profit share allocated to pay dividends-,
10.profit share allocated for annual payments (bonuses) for Management Board
and Supervisory Board members, staff bonuses and other purposes-, 
11. profit and loss brought forward at the beginning of financial year, moved
to next financial year - 40.335 thousand Litas. 

1.5. Acquisition of own shares to form the reserves of 10 ml. Litas (ten
million Litas); 
1.6. to set the Rules of acquisition of own shares:
6)	the purpose of share purchase - to maintain and to increase the Company‘s
stock price 
7)	the number of company‘s ordinary shares - up to 10 percent of Company‘s
share capital, i.e. up to 4 837 500 units.; 
8)	the period within the Company has a right to purchase its own shares - up to
18 months from decision-making; 
9)	to set the maximum price per share -  3 Lt, and to set the minimum price of
acquisition of one share equal to share minimal value, i.e. 1 Lt; 
10)	in accordance with the herein set rules and the requirements set in the
Companies Act, to grant the right to the Management Board to establish more
detailed procedures and conditions on acquisition of own shares in compliance 
11)	with the shareholders decision on criteria of acquisition of own shares and
other circumstances. By this decision the Company's Board is authorized to
perform other actions in relation with the acquisition of the Company's own
1.7. Other questions.

Gintaras Keliauskas
(+370-444) 22 208