2015-12-03 15:05:17 CET

2015-12-03 15:05:17 CET


Liettua Englanti
Lietuvos Dujos - Notification on material event

Due to establishment of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” and incorporating AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” into the Baltic Main list of NASDAQ Vilnius stock exchange

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015-12-03 15:05 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- By this notice it
is informed about the following plan of actions, regarding reorganization of AB
LESTO (hereinafter – LESTO) and public limited liability company “Lietuvos
dujos” (hereinafter – LD): 

- On 10 December, 2015 - at the end of the trade in shares session of 10
December, 2015 it is planned to stop the trade in shares of LESTO and LD shares
in NASDAQ Vilnius Stock Exchange; 

- 11 December, 2015 - it is planned to register AB “Energijos skirstymo
operatorius” (hereinafter – ESO) in the Register of Legal Entities of the
Republic of Lithuania; 

- 31 December, 2015 - it is planned to finish the transfer of the assets,
rights and obligations of LESTO and LD to ESO; 

- 4 January, 2016 - it is planned to deregister LESTO and LD from the Register
of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania; 

- Until 12 January, 2016 - it is planned to start the trade in the shares of
ESO on NASDAQ Vilnius Stock Exchange. 

Due to some factors non-depending from LESTO, LD and ESO, plan of actions may
change. If some major changes of the plan will occur, LESTO, LD and/or ESO will
inform additionally. 

More information about reorganization of LESTO and LD is given on internet
sites of the companies http://www.lesto.lt/ and http://www.lietuvosdujos.lt. 

This notice is deemed non-confidential.

         Head of communications Laura Šebekienė, tel. +370 633 99940