2014-02-27 15:39:25 CET

2014-02-27 15:40:28 CET


English Finnish
Finnlines - Financial Statement Release

Finnlines Plc, INTERIM REPORT JANUARY – DECEMBER 2013 (unaudited)

Helsinki, Finland, 2014-02-27 15:39 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Finnlines Plc,
Stock Exchange Release, 27 February 2014 at 16:40 



January - December 2013

- Revenue EUR 563.6 million (EUR 609.3 million prev. year), decrease 7.5%

- Result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) EUR
83.7 million (EUR 89.8 million), decrease 6.8% 

- Result for the reporting period EUR 6.0 million (EUR -0.1 million)

- Earnings per share were 0.12 (0.00) EUR/share

October - December 2013

- Revenue EUR 130.3 million (EUR 138.4 million prev. year), decrease 5.9%

- Result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) EUR
20.2 million (EUR 11.6 million), increase 73.7% 

- Result for the reporting period EUR 9.9 million (EUR -5.3 million)

- Earnings per share were 0.19 (-0.11) EUR/share


MEUR                                        1-12    1-12  10-12 2013  10-12 2012
                                           2013*   2012*                        
Revenue                                    563.6   609.3       130.3       138.4
Result before interest, taxes,              83.7    89.8        20.2        11.6
 depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)                                         
Result before interest and taxes (EBIT)     18.1    23.7         5.3        -5.1
% of revenue                                 3.2     3.9         4.1        -3.7
Result for the reporting period              6.0    -0.1         9.9        -5.3
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR**             0.12    0.00        0.19       -0.11
Equity ratio, %                             35.7    29.0        35.7        29.0
Gearing, %                                 149.1   204.9       149.1       204.9
Shareholders' equity/share, EUR             8.98    9.14        8.98        9.14

Calculation of key ratios is presented under 'Calculation of ratios'.

* The result for January-December 2013 includes a non-recurring cost item of
about EUR 1.0 million related to general increases of the collective agreement
(see chapter “Changes in Essential Legal Proceedings”) and a sales profit of
EUR 3.0 million from the sales of MS Europalink, MS Transeuropa and MS
Translubeca. The result for January-December 2012 includes a non-recurring
compensation of EUR 3.4 million from the Jinling shipyard and one-time cost
items amounting to EUR 3.3 million mainly relating to the arrangements of
leased property and settlements with the personnel. 

** Key indicators per share have been adjusted with the share issue adjustment


Finnlines is one of the largest North-European liner shipping companies,
providing sea transport services mainly in the Baltic and the North Sea. In
addition to freight, the Company's ro-pax vessels carry passengers between five
countries and eleven ports. The Company also provides port services in
Helsinki, Turku and Kotka. The Company has subsidiaries in Germany, Belgium,
Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark and Poland. 


Based on the statistics by the Finnish Transport Agency for January-December,
the Finnish seaborne imports carried in container, lorry and trailer units
decreased by 3 per cent whereas exports increased by 6 per cent (measured in
tons) compared to the same period in 2012. According to the statistics
published by Shippax for January-December, trailer and lorry volumes
transported by sea between Southern Sweden and Germany increased by 4 per cent
compared to 2012. During the same period, private and commercial passenger
traffic between Finland and Sweden decreased by 1 per cent compared to 2012.
Between Finland and Germany the corresponding traffic decreased by 15 per cent
(Finnish Transport Agency). 


In the first quarter, the last of six ro-ro newbuildings (MS Finnwave) entered
service. The vessel flies the Finnish flag. 

In order to adapt to the current market situation, Finnlines chartered out MS
Finnarrow to the Grimaldi Group at market price in the second quarter. 

In the third quarter, Finnlines started new services in the Baltic Sea and the
North Sea. The expansion of the liner service network is a result of long-term
contracts made with key customers. 

Due to changes in the market circumstances, Finnlines restructured its vessel
capacity and updated schedules in the service with Aarhus and Rostock during
the last quarter. The newest ro-ro vessels in the Finnlines fleet were
operating two sailings a week in both directions linking Aarhus and Helsinki.
At the same time, when rescheduling this service, a new twice weekly connection
between Aarhus and Rostock was introduced. In addition, Finnlines sold the
vessels MS Translubeca and MS Transeuropa. MS Transeuropa was sold to the
Grimaldi Group at market price of EUR 27 million, which is slightly above the
book value of the vessel. MS Transrussia entered the Helsinki-Rostock route due
to the sale of MS Transeuropa. MS Translubeca was sold to an external party at
market price of EUR 11.6 million, which is also slightly above book value of
the vessel. 

During the fourth quarter, Finnlines operated on average 24 (24 in 2012)
vessels in its own traffic. 

The cargo volumes transported during January - December totalled approximately
632 thousand (628 thousand in 2012) cargo units, 66 thousand (72 thousand) cars
(not including passengers' cars) and 2,248 thousand (2,102 thousand) tons of
freight not possible to measure in units. In addition, some 556 thousand (598
thousand) private and commercial passengers were transported. 


The lowering of the corporate tax rate from 24.5 per cent to 20 per cent at the
end of the fourth quarter had a EUR 9.4 million non-recurring positive effect
on the result for the reporting period  January-December 2013 and also on the
result for October-December 2013. 

January - December 2013

The Finnlines Group recorded revenue totalling EUR 563.6 (609.3) million, a
decrease of 7.5 per cent compared to the same period in 2012. Shipping and Sea
Transport Services generated revenue amounting to EUR 538.6 (574.8) million and
Port Operations EUR 50.1 (58.5) million. The internal revenue between the
segments was EUR 25.1 (24.0) million. 

Result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) was EUR
83.7 (89.8) million, a decrease of 6.8 per cent. 

Result before interest and taxes (EBIT) was EUR 18.1 (23.7) million. The
comparable result before interest and taxes (EBIT) adjusted with non-recurring
items was EUR 16.1* (23.6) million. The result is affected by the seasonality
of the cargo volumes, which are typically on a lower level at the beginning of
the year. The number of passengers is also modest during the winter period
compared to the summer season. Financial income was EUR 0.5 (0.7) million and
financial expenses totalled EUR 25.3 (26.0) million. Result for the reporting
period was EUR 6.0 (-0.1) million and earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.12

October-December 2013

The Finnlines Group recorded revenue totalling EUR 130.3 (138.4) million, a
decrease of 5.9 per cent compared to the same period in 2012. Shipping and Sea
Transport Services generated revenue amounting to EUR 124.8 (130.5) million and
Port Operations EUR 11.6 (13.8) million. The internal revenue between the
segments was EUR 6.1 (5.8) million. 

Result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) was EUR
20.2 (11.6) million, an increase of 73.7 per cent. This improvement was
achieved by cutting costs and adjusting the fleet to meet the prevailing market
conditions both through the sale of vessels and efficient route planning. 

Result before interest and taxes (EBIT) was EUR 5.3 (-5.1) million. Financial
income was EUR 0.2 (0.0) million and financial expenses totalled EUR 6.1 (6.0)
million. Result for the reporting period was EUR 9.9 (-5.3) million and
earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.19 (-0.11). 


Interest-bearing debt decreased by EUR 216.4 million and amounted to EUR 673.0
(889.4) million. The equity ratio calculated from the balance sheet improved to
35.7 per cent (29.0) and gearing dropped to 149.1 per cent (204.9). Due to the
expansion of liner service network vessel lease commitments increased by EUR
17.9 million to EUR 24.7 million compared to the end of December 2012. 

At the end of the period, cash and deposits together with unused committed
working capital credits amounted to EUR 65.9 (41.3) million. 

The Board of Directors of Finnlines Plc decided on 7 May 2013, based on the
authorisation granted at the annual general meeting on 16 April 2013, on a
rights issue, in which the Company offered a maximum of 4,682,104 new shares to
be subscribed by the Company's existing shareholders. All offered shares were
subscribed for in the rights issue completed at the end of May. The net
proceeds raised by Finnlines in the rights issue were approximately EUR 28.4
million which were used to strengthen the Company's capital structure. 

In April, Finnlines' port subsidiaries sold four container cranes to a
financing company and rented them back with a five-year financing lease
contract. This arrangement released EUR 15 million working capital to the

During the latter half of the year, Finnlines sold two vessels, MS Europalink
and MS Transeuropa, to the Grimaldi Group and MS Translubeca to an external
party for a total amount of EUR 124 million. 

Net cash generated from operating activities after investing activities
improved markedly and was EUR 157.9 (-25.0) million. 


Finnlines Group's gross capital expenditure in the reporting period totalled
EUR 10.1 (67.1) million. Total depreciation amounted to EUR 65.6 (66.1)
million. The investments consist of normal replacement costs of fixed assets
and accrued dry-docking cost of ships. The investment programme of six ro-ro
newbuildings was completed in 2012 and there are no decisions on any new vessel


The Group employed an average of 1,861 (2,023) persons during the period,
consisting 918 (957) employees on shore and 943 (1,066) persons at sea. The
number of the  employees at the end of the year were 1,806 (2,009) in total, of
which 898 (963) on shore and 908 (1,046) at sea. The total number of persons
employed by the Group will decrease to 1,661 persons as a result of the actions
mentioned below. 

In the first quarter, the Finnsteve companies started statutory employee
co-operation negotiations in Helsinki with all personnel groups due to the
loss-making business in the ports. As a result of the negotiations, the number
of the port personnel decreased by 100 in the Finnsteve companies (Finnsteve Oy
Ab, Containersteve Oy Ab, FS-Terminals Oy Ab and FL Port Services Oy Ab) in

In the fourth quarter, the Finnsteve companies started new statutory employee
co-operation negotiations in Turku with all personnel groups due to the
loss-making business in the port. As a result of the negotiations, the number
of port personnel decreased by 61 employees. In Helsinki, at FL Port Services
Oy Ab the statutory employee co-operation negotiations ended in the dismissal
of 21 employees and closing down the company. 

The number of the sea personnel decreased due to selling of two vessels and
chartering out of a third one. 

The personnel expenses (including social costs) for the reporting period were
EUR 102.6 (109.0) million. 


Finnlines Plc is a Finnish listed company. At the end of the reporting period,
the Group consisted of the parent company and 25 subsidiaries. 

Finnlines is part of the Italian Grimaldi Group, which is a global logistics
group specialising in maritime transport of cars, rolling cargo, containers and
passengers. The Grimaldi Group comprises seven shipping companies, including
Finnlines, Atlantic Container Line (ACL), Malta Motorways of the Sea (MMS) and
Minoan Lines. With a fleet of about 100 vessels, the Group provides maritime
transport services for rolling cargo and containers between North Europe, the
Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea, West Africa, North and South America. It also
offers passenger services within the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. With 73.39
per cent  (at 31 December 2013)  of the shares, the Grimaldi Group is the
biggest shareholder in Finnlines Plc. 


The Company's registered share capital on 31 December 2013 was EUR 103,006,282
divided into 51,503,141 shares. A total of 2.2 (1.4) million shares were traded
on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki during the period. The market capitalisation of the
Company's stock at the end of December was EUR 386.3 (365.2) million. Earnings
per share (EPS) were EUR 0.12 (0.00). Shareholders' equity per share was EUR
8.98 (9.14). At the end of the year, the Grimaldi Group's holding and share of
votes in Finnlines was 73.39 per cent. 


In March 2010, the District Court of Helsinki rendered its judgment in the
action initiated by Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen (”Ilmarinen”)
against the Company, which was reversed by the Court of  Appeal of Helsinki in
favour of the Company in November 2011. The Supreme Court granted a leave to
the appeal of Ilmarinen on the decision of the Court of Appeal of Helsinki in
December 2012. The action initiated by Ilmarinen is the appeal against the
decision of Finnlines' Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2008 concerning
minimum dividend and claimed that the decision be amended in that the minimum
dividend paid should have been 17,181,000.00 euros instead of 180,216.39 euros.
 The process is still ongoing. 

In 2008, the Administrative Court of Helsinki rendered the decisions based on
which it can be argued that the Finnish Act on Fairway Dues in force until 1
January 2006 contained provisions which, according to the EU law, were
discriminatory. The Company has submitted a claim for damages and restitution
against the Finnish State for the years 2001-2004 at the District Court of
Helsinki. The amount of the claim is approximately EUR 8.5 million which has
not been recognised as revenue. The process is ongoing. 


The Finnish Parliament approved the amended Tonnage Tax Act (476/2002), as
amended by the Act 90/2012 which entered into force on 1 March 2012. Finnlines
Plc's board decided in December 2012 to enter into the tonnage taxation regime
as from 1 January 2013. In the tonnage taxation regime, the shipping operations
will be transferred from business taxation to tonnage-based taxation. 

The depreciation difference of EUR 215.1 million recorded in Finnlines Plc's
opening balance as per 1 January 2013 has been divided into two portions: the
depreciation difference of EUR 162.4 million (75.5 per cent) and deferred tax
liability of EUR 52.7 million (24.5 per cent). The depreciation difference of
EUR 162.4 million has been entered in to the retained earnings of Finnlines
Plc's equity. The deferred tax of EUR 52.7 million has been entered in the
deferred tax liability. The recording has no effect on the equity and the
deferred tax liability of the consolidated financial statements of the
Finnlines Group. 

The fixed assets subject to tonnage tax regime must be revalued in the
transition moment 1 January 2013 to their fair values. The fair value of
Finnlines Plc's fixed assets exceeded their net book values by EUR 7.0 million,
and out of this amount the company recorded a deferred tax liability of EUR 1.7
million (24.5 per cent). The fair value of the fixed assets exceeded their
group values by EUR 1.5 million, and the share of deferred tax liability out of
this amount was EUR 0.4 million. 

Under the tonnage tax regime, at the time of transition, from the value of
maximum amount entered as income determined to the fixed assets subject to
tonnage tax regime a maximum reduction of 1/9 can be made from the second year
onwards. The yearly maximum of deductible amount cannot exceed the maximum
value of the granted state subsidy. The deferred tax liability will decline
respectively according to the valid corporate tax rate. 

Finnlines Plc will record the reduction of deferred tax liability as from 1
January 2013, according to the above mentioned Tonnage Tax Act. 


Finnlines applies the Finnish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies.
The Corporate Governance Statement can be reviewed on the corporate website:


During the fourth quarter the position of the President and CEO was taken over
by Mr Emanuele Grimaldi and at the same time he stepped down as the Chairman of
the Board.  The Board of Directors elected Mr Jon-Aksel Torgersen as the new
Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr Emanuele Grimaldi continues as the Board


Finnlines has continued to re-structure its fleet and organisation to improve
the cost-efficiency of its vessels and overall logistics system. Having sold
its last vessel, Finnlines Deutschland GmbH will end its shipowning operations
and concentrate on providing agency services to the Finnlines Group companies
and Russia liner services with chartered vessels. Finnlines has flagged a large
number of vessels in Finland as the company has entered the Finnish tonnage
taxation regime. 

The Finnlines Group's result before taxes is expected to improve as a
consequence of the measures taken: vessels have been sold to cut overcapacity,
the number of personnel has been reduced, fleet planning has brought cost
savings and the capital structure has been improved due to share issue and
reduction in the net interest bearing debt. 


The parent company Finnlines Plc's result for the period ended on 31 December
2013 was EUR 0.04 million negative. The Board of Directors will propose to the
Annual Shareholders' Meeting that no dividend be paid out for 2013 due to fact
that the Group's and  the parent company's result before taxes were


Finnlines Plc's Annual General Meeting will be held from 12.00 on Tuesday, 8
April 2014 at Scandic Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki. 

The annual report for 2013 will be published during the week commencing on 17
March 2014 at the latest and will be available at www.finnlines.com or at
Finnlines' headquarters, Komentosilta 1, 00980 Helsinki. 

The first interim report of 2014, for 1 January-31 March, will be published on
Tuesday, 6 May 2014. 

Finnlines Plc

The Board of Directors




- Reporting and accounting policies

- Consolidated statement of comprehensive income, IFRS

- Consolidated statement of financial position, IFRS

- Consolidated statement of changes in equity, IFRS

- Consolidated statement of cash flows, IFRS (condensed)

- Revenue and result by business segments

- Property, plant and equipment

- Contingencies and commitments

- Revenue and result by quarter

- Shares, market capitalisation and trading information

- Calculation of ratios

- Related party transactions


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.

Main media

This interim report is unaudited.


This interim report included herein is prepared in accordance with IAS 34
(Interim Financial Reporting) standard. The Company has adopted new or revised
IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations from the beginning of the reporting
period corresponding to those described in the 2012 Financial Statements. 

With effect from 1 January 2013, the Finnlines Group has adopted the revised
IAS 19 Employee benefits standard. The amendment has an impact on the Finnlines
Group's pension liability and equity on the balance sheet. Resulting from the
amendment, the Finnlines Group's consolidated statement of financial position
for 2012 has been updated in compliance with the requirements prescribed in the
revised standard. In consequence of the adoption of the revised IAS 19 Employee
benefits standard, the Group's equity in the 2012 opening balance will decrease
by EUR 1.2 million and in the balance sheet of 31 December 2012 by EUR 0.1
million due to actuarial losses recognised in equity in the consolidated
statement of financial position. 

Otherwise new or revised standards have not had an effect on the reported

Finnlines Plc entered into the tonnage taxation regime in January 2013. In
tonnage taxation, shipping operations transferred from taxation of business
income to tonnage-based taxation. 

In other respects, the same accounting policies have been followed as in the
previous annual financial statements. 

All figures in the accounts have been rounded and, consequently, the sum of
individual figures may deviate from the presented sum figure. 

The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the valuation of the
reported assets and liabilities and other information such as contingent
liabilities and the recognition of income and expenses in the income statement.
Although the estimates are based on the management's best knowledge of current
events and actions, actual results may differ from the estimates. The
uncertainties related to the key assumptions were the same as those applied to
the consolidated financial statements at the year-end 31 December 2012. 


EUR 1,000                           1 Oct-31    1 Oct-31    1 Jan-31    1 Jan-31
                                    Dec 2013    Dec 2012    Dec 2013    Dec 2012
Revenue                              130,284     138,399     563,587     609,329
Other income from operations           2,693         479       5,329       5,702
Materials and services               -51,670     -58,532    -229,690    -247,237
Personnel expenses                   -24,158     -27,659    -102,584    -109,009
Depreciation, amortisation and       -14,915     -16,773     -65,583     -66,095
 impairment losses                                                              
Other operating expenses             -36,921     -41,044    -152,983    -169,030
Total operating expenses            -127,662    -144,008    -550,840    -591,371
Result before interest and taxes       5,314      -5,129      18,075      23,660
Financial income                         178          32         526         747
Financial expenses                    -6,126      -5,962     -25,335     -26,013
Result before taxes (EBT)               -633     -11,059      -6,734      -1,606
Income taxes                          10,513       5,727      12,744       1,539
Result for the reporting period        9,880      -5,333       6,011         -66
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Other comprehensive income to be                                                
 reclassified to profit and loss                                                
 in subsequent periods:                                                         
Exchange differences on                    1         -12          -9           2
 translating foreign operations                                                 
Changes in cash flow hedging                                                    
Fair value changes                                     4                      13
Transfer to tangible assets                        1,423                   3,178
Tax effect, net                           -1        -350           2        -782
Other comprehensive income to be           0       1,065          -7       2,411
 reclassified to profit and loss                                                
 in subsequent periods, total                                                   
Other comprehensive income not                                                  
 being reclassified to profit                                                   
 and loss in subsequent periods:                                                
Remeasurement of defined benefit        -399                    -399        -150
Tax effect, net                            1                       1           7
Other comprehensive income not          -398                    -398        -143
 being reclassified to profit                                                   
 and loss in subsequent periods,                                                
Total comprehensive income for         9,482      -4,268       5,606       2,201
 the reporting period                                                           
Result for the reporting period                                                 
 attributable to:                                                               
Parent company shareholders            9,876      -5,332       5,997         -27Non-controlling interests                  4          -1          14         -39
                                       9,880      -5,333       6,011         -66
Total comprehensive income for                                                  
 the reporting period                                                           
 attributable to:                                                               
Parent company shareholders            9,479      -4,267       5,592       2,241
Non-controlling interests                  3          -1          14         -39
                                       9,482      -4,268       5,606       2,201
Result for the reporting period                                                 
 attributable to parent company                                                 
 shareholders calculated as                                                     
 earnings per share (EUR/share):                                                
Undiluted / diluted earnings per        0.19       -0.11        0.12        0.00
 share **                                                                       
Average number of shares          51,503,141  47,343,662  49,782,370  47,343,662
Undiluted / diluted **                                                          

* restated due to revised IAS 19 Employee benefit standard.

** key indicators have been adjusted with the share issue adjustment factor


EUR 1,000                                           31 Dec 2013    Restated*
                                                                 31 Dec 2012
Non-current assets                                                          
Property, plant and equipment                         1,084,389    1,260,295
Goodwill                                                105,644      105,644
Intangible assets                                         5,836        6,629
Other financial assets                                    4,580        4,581
Receivables                                                  43          768
Deferred tax assets                                       1,370        1,792
                                                      1,201,861    1,379,709
Current assets                                                              
Inventories                                               8,832        9,759
Accounts receivable and other receivables                85,251       74,087
Income tax receivables                                        1           24
Cash and cash equivalents                                 2,508       16,282
                                                         96,592      100,151
Total assets                                          1,298,453    1,479,861
Equity attributable to parent company shareholders                          
Share capital                                           103,006       93,642
Share premium account                                    24,525       24,525
Fair value reserve                                            0            0
Translation differences                                     109          116
Fund for invested unstricted equity                      40,016       21,015
Retained earnings                                       294,641      288,652
                                                        462,297      427,951
Non-controlling interests                                   360          838
Total equity                                            462,658      428,788
Long-term liabilities                                                       
Deferred tax liabilities                                 57,560       71,444
Interest-free liabilities                                 3,242        1,325
Pension liabilities                                       3,982        3,710
Provisions                                                1,980        5,100
Interest-bearing liabilities**                          557,759      712,985
                                                        624,523      794,564
Current liabilities                                                         
Accounts payable and other liabilities                   72,815       74,504
Current tax liabilities                                      27          108
Provisions                                                3,715           48
Current interest-bearing liabilities**                  134,715      181,848
                                                        211,273      256,508
Total liabilities                                       835,796    1,051,072
Total  equity and liabilities                         1,298,453    1,479,861

* With effect from 1 January 2013, the Finnlines Group has adopted the revised
IAS 19 Employee benefits standard. The amendment has an impact on the Finnlines
Group's pension liability and equity on the balance sheet. Resulting from the
amendment,  Finnlines  consolidated statement of financial position for 2012
has been updated in compliance with the requirements prescribed in the revised
standard. In consequence of the adoption of the revised IAS 19 Employee
benefits standard, the Group's equity in the 2012 opening balance will decrease
by EUR 1.2 million and in the balance sheet of 31 December 2012 by EUR 0.1
million due to actuarial losses recognised in equity in the consolidated
statement of financial position. 

** The revolving credit facilities, of which the Company can unilaterally
postpone the final due date over one year after the reporting period, are
reclassified from current liabilities to non-current liabilities in accordance
with IFRS. 

CONSOLIDATED statement of changes in equity 2013, IFRS

EUR 1,000                   Equity attributable to parent company shareholders  
                             Share       Share   Translation   Fund for invested
                           capital       issue   differences        unrestricted
                                       premium                            equity
Reported equity 1 January   93,642      24,525           116              21,015
Effect of IAS 19 Employee                                                       
 benefits standard                                                              
Restated equity 1 January   93,642      24,525           116              21,015
Comprehensive income for                                                        
 the reporting period:                                                          
Exchange differences on                                   -9                    
 translating foreign                                                            
Changes in cash flow                                                            
 hedging reserve                                                                
Fair value changes                                                              
Transfer to fixed assets                                                        
Tax effect, net                                            2                    
Total comprehensive                                       -7                    
 income for the reporting                                                       
Share issue                  9,364                                        19,001
Equity 31 December 2013    103,006      24,525           109              40,016

EUR 1,000                                   Equity        Non-controlli    Total
                                       attributable to     ng interests   equity
                                        parent company                          
                                       Retained    Total  
Reported equity 1 January 2013          289,990  429,289            838  430,127
Effect of IAS 19 Employee benefits       -1,338   -1,338                  -1,338
Restated equity 1 January 2013          288,652  427,951            838  428,788
Comprehensive income for the                                                    
 reporting period:                                                              
Result for the reporting period           5,997    5,997             14    6,011
Exchange differences on translating                   -9                      -9
 foreign operations                                                             
Changes in cash flow hedging reserve                                            
Fair value changes                                                              
Transfer to fixed assets                                                        
Remeasurement of defined benefit           -399     -399                    -399
Tax effect, net                               1        3                       3
Total comprehensive income for the        5,599    5,592             14    5,606
 reporting period                                                               
Share issue                                       28,365                  28,365
Changes in non-controlling interests        390      390           -491     -102
 without change in controlling                                                  
Equity 31 December 2013                 294,641  462,297            360  462,658

CONSOLIDATED statement of changes in equity 2012, IFRS

EUR 1,000                 Equity attributable to parent company shareholders    
                        Share      Share  Translatio       Fair         Fund for
                       capita      issue           n      value         invested
                            l    premium  difference   reserves     unrestricted
                                                   s                      equity
Reported equity 1      93,642     24,525         114     -2,409           21,015
 January 2012                                                                   
Effect of IAS 19                                                                
 Employee benefits                                                              
Restated equity 1      93,642     24,525         114     -2,409           21,015
 January 2012                                                                   
Comprehensive income                                                            
 for the reporting                                                              
Exchange differences                               2                            
 on translating                                                                 
 foreign operations                                                             
Changes in cash flow                                                            
 hedging reserve                                
Fair value changes                                           13                 
Transfer to tangible                                      3,178                 
Tax effect, net                                            -782                 
Total comprehensive                                2      2,409                 
 income for the                                                                 
 reporting period                                                               
Equity 31 December     93,642     24,525         116          0           21,015

EUR 1,000                         Equity attributable  Non-controlling     Total
                                  to parent company          interests    equity
                                    Retained    Total  
Reported equity 1 January 2012       290,017  426,905              877   427,782
Effect of IAS 19 Employee             -1,195   -1,195                     -1,195
 benefits standard                                                              
Restated equity 1 January 2012       288,822  425,710              877   426,587
Comprehensive income for the                                                    
 reporting period:                                                              
Result for the reporting period          -27      -27              -39       -66
Exchange differences on                             2                          2
 translating foreign operations                                                 
Changes in cash flow hedging                                                    
Fair value changes                                 13                         13
Transfer to tangible assets                     3,178                      3,178
Remeasurement of defined                -143     -143                       -143
 benefit plans                                                                  
Tax effect, net                                  -782                       -782
Total comprehensive income for          -170    2,241              -39     2,201
 the reporting period                                                           
Equity 31 December 2012              288,652  427,951              838   428,788


EUR 1,000                                         1 Jan-31 Dec      1 Jan-31 Dec
                                                          2013              2012
Cash flows from operating activities                                            
Result for reporting period                              6,011               -66
Non-cash transactions                                   61,609            65,526
Unrealised foreign exchange gains (-) /                     19               -34
 losses (+)                                                                     
Financial income and expenses                           24,790            25,300
Taxes                                                  -12,744            -1 539
Changes in working capital:                                                     
Change in accounts receivable and other                 -6,402             2,606
Change in inventories                                      927              -856
Change in accounts payable and other                      -170           -28,247
Change in provisions                                       379                16
Interest paid                                          -22,366           -20,829
Interest received                                          192               339
Taxes paid                                                -423              -650
Other financing items                                   -3,645            -4,448
Net cash generated from operating activities            48,175            37,118
Cash flows from investing activities *                                          
Investments in tangible and intangible                 -10,960           -63,121
Sale of tangible assets                                120,647               957
Proceeds from sale of investments                                              2
Dividends received                                          12                25
Net cash used in investing activities                  109,699           -62,136
Cash flows from financing activities *                                          
Proceeds from issue of share capital                    28,365                  
Loan withdrawals                                       263,772           282,772
Net increase in current interest-bearing               -14,198           -34,602
Repayment of loans                                    -449,914          -211,377
Acquisition of non-controlling interest                   -102                  
Increase / decrease in non-current                         429               237
Net cash used in financing activities                 -171,647            37,030
Change in cash and cash equivalents                    -13,772            12,012
Cash and cash equivalents 1 January                     16,282             4,263
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                     -2                 7
Cash and cash equivalents 31 December                    2,508            16,282

* Activities related to revolving credit facilities, of which the company can
unilaterally postpone the final due date over one year after the reporting
period, have been reclassified from current liabilities to non-current
liabilities within the Cash flows from financing activities group in accordance
with IFRS. 


                          1 Oct-31 Dec  1 Oct-31 Dec  1 Jan-31 Dec  1 Jan-31 Dec
                                  2013          2012          2013          2012
                           MEUR      %   MEUR      %   MEUR      %   MEUR      %
Shipping and sea          124.8   95.8  130.5   94.3  538.6   95.6  574.8   94.3
 transport services                                                             
Port operations            11.6    8.9   13.8    9.9   50.1    8.9   58.5    9.6
Intra-group revenue        -6.1   -4.7   -5.8   -4.2  -25.1   -4.5  -24.0   -3.9
External sales            130.3  100.0  138.4  100.0  563.6  100.0  609.3  100.0
Result before interest                                                          
 and taxes                                                                      
Shipping and sea            8.2          -1.3          27.9          34.0       
 transport services                                                             
Port operations            -2.8          -3.8          -9.8         -10.4       
Result before interest      5.3          -5.1          18.1          23.7       
 and taxes (EBIT) total                                                         
Financial items            -5.9          -5.9         -24.8         -25.3       
Result before taxes        -0.6         -11.1          -6.7          -1.6       
Income taxes               10.5           5.7          12.7           1.5       
Result for the reporting    9.9          -5.3           6.0          -0.1       


EUR 1,000         Land  Buildin    Vessels  Machiner          Advance    Total *
                             gs                y and     payments and           
                                            equipmen     acquisitions           
                                                   t            under           
Reporting period                                                                
31 Dec 2013                                                                     
Acquisition cost    72   76,466  1,597,437    79,690              991  1,754,655
 1 Jan 2013                                                                     
Exchange rate                                    -11                0        -11
Increases                   102      8,861       542               31      9,536
Disposals                -1,298   -233,934    -7,104             -214   -242,549
Reclassification                       406         5             -410          0
Acquisition cost    72   75,271  1,372,769    73,122              398  1,521,632
31 Dec 2013                                                 
Accumulated             -15,047   -429,028   -50,285                    -494,360
 and write-offs                                                                 
1 Jan 2013                                                                      
Exchange rate                                     10                          10
Cumulative                1,295    112,727     7,325                     121,348
 depreciation on                                                                
ns and disposals                                                                
Depreciation for         -2,564    -57,566    -4,111                     -64,240
reporting period                                                                
Accumulated          0  -16,316   -373,866   -47,060                0   -437,243
 and write-offs                                                                 
31 Dec 2013                                                                     
Book value 31       72   58,955    998,903    26,061              398  1,084,389
 Dec 2013                                                                       

* Finnlines has sold the vessels MS Translubeca and MS Transeuropa. MS
Transeuropa was sold to the Grimaldi Group at market price, which is slightly
above the book value of the vessel. MS Translubeca was sold to an external
party at market price, which is also slightly above book value of the vessel.
The sales will have a minor positive effect on Finnlines' result in the last
quarter of 2013. 


EUR 1,000         Land  Buildin    Vessels  Machiner          Advance    Total *
                             gs                y and     payments and           
                                            equipmen     acquisitions           
                                                   t            under           
Reporting period                                                                
31 Dec 2012                                                                     
Acquisition cost    72   76,758  1,401,930    90,543          130,588  1,699,892
 1 Jan 2012                                                                     
Exchange rate                                     15                          15
Increases                   533      8,212       263           57,830     66,837
Disposals                  -848       -110   -11,131                     -12,089
Reclassification             23    187,405                   -187,427          0
Acquisition cost    72   76,466  1,597,437    79,690              991  1,754,655
31 Dec 2012                                                                     
Accumulated             -12,916   -372,235   -56,435                    -441,586
 and write-offs                                                                 
1 Jan 2012                                                                      
Exchange rate                                    -13                         -13
Cumulative                  656        110    10,935                      11,701
 depreciation on                                                                
ns and disposals                                                                
Depreciation for         -2,787    -56,902    -4,772                     -64,461
reporting period                                                                
Accumulated          0  -15,047   -429,028   -50,285                0   -494,360
 and write-offs                                                                 
31 Dec 2012                                                                     
Book value 31       72   61,419  1,168,409    29,405              991  1,260,295
 Dec 2012                                                                       


EUR 1,000                           2013   2012
Vessel leases (Group as lessee):               
Within 12 months                  14,007  3,285
1-5 years                         10,644  3,468
                                  24,651  6,753

EUR 1,000                          2013    2012
Vessel leases (Group as lessor):               
Within 12 months                  2,356   6,251
1-5 years                         7,457  17,742
                                  9,812  23,993

EUR 1,000                                               2013    2012
Other leases (Group as lessee):                                     
Future minimum lease payments from other leases due:                
Within 12 months                                       6,107   6,496
1-5 years                                             17,948  17,176
After five years                                      12,358  16,123
                                                      36,413  39,795

EUR 1,000                                                        2013       2012
Other leases (Group as lessor):                                                 
Within 12 months                                                  350        211
                                                                  350        211
EUR 1,000                                                        2013       2012
Collateral given                                                                
Loans secured by mortgages                                    561,245    786,395
                                                              561,245    786,395
Vessel mortgages provided as guarantees for the above       1,121,000  1,254,000

EUR 1,000                             2013   2012
Other collateral given on own behalf             
Pledged deposits                              471
Corporate mortgages                    606    606
                                       606  1,077

EUR 1,000                                                            2013   2012
Other obligations                                                   2,375  1,932
EUR 1,000                                                            2013   2012
Guarantees given by the parent company on behalf of the             6,000  6,913
EUR 1,000                                                            2013   2012
VAT adjustment liability related to real estate investments         6,756  7,927

Open derivative instruments:

                             Fair value              Contract amount    
1,000 EUR             31 Dec 2013  31 Dec 2012  31 Dec 2013  31 Dec 2012
Currency derivatives                         0                         0

The Group has no outstanding hedging or other financial instruments at the end
of the reporting period, which would be classified in category 2 or 3 in the
fair value hierarchy described in Note 30 to the 2012 Financial Statements. 


MEUR                      Q1/13  Q1/12  Q2/13  Q2/12  Q3/13  Q3/12  Q4/13  Q4/12
Shipping and sea          126.0  135.4  143.6  155.8  144.2  153.2  124.8  130.5
 transport services                                                             
Port operations            14.3   15.8   12.8   15.2   11.4   13.7   11.6   13.8
Intra-group revenue        -6.4   -6.2   -6.7   -6.4   -5.9   -5.6   -6.1   -5.8
External sales            133.9  145.0  149.7  164.6  149.7  161.3  130.3  138.4
Result before interest                                                          
 and taxes                                                                      
Shipping and sea           -3.6    2.4    9.8   16.5   13.5   16.4    8.2   -1.3
 transport services                                                             
Port operations            -2.2   -2.7   -3.0   -1.8   -1.8   -2.1   -2.8   -3.8
Result before interest     -5.8   -0.2    6.9   14.7   11.7   14.3    5.3   -5.1
 and taxes (EBIT) total                                                         
Financial items            -6.2   -6.9   -6.5   -6.3   -6.2   -6.2   -5.9   -5.9
Result before taxes       -12.1   -7.1    0.4    8.4    5.6    8.1   -0.6  -11.1
Income taxes                1.2    1.3    0.5   -2.7    0.6   -2.8   10.5    5.7
Result for the reporting  -10.9   -5.8    0.9    5.7    6.1    5.3    9.9   -5.3
EPS (undiluted /          -0.23  -0.12   0.02   0.12   0.12   0.11   0.19  -0.11

*Key indicators per share have been adjusted with the share issue adjustment


                                    31 December 2013  31 December 2012
Number of shares                          51,503,141        46,821,037
Market capitalisation, EUR million             386.3             356.2

                                  1 Jan - 31 Dec 2013  1 Jan - 31 Dec 2012
Number of shares traded, million                  2.2                  1.4

              1 Jan - 31 December 2013 
             High   Low  Average  Close
Share price  7.97  5.76     6.86   7.50


Earnings per share (EPS), EUR :

Result attributable to parent company shareholders
Weighted average number of outstanding shares

Shareholders' equity per share, EUR :

Shareholders' equity attributable to parent company shareholders
Undiluted number of shares at the end of period

Gearing, %:

Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and bank equivalents
---------------------------------------------------------- X 100
Total equity

Equity ratio, %:

Total equity
--------------------------------- X 100
Assets total - received advances

Income tax expense is recognised based on the best estimate of the
weighted-average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year.
In January 2013, the shipping operations of Finnlines Plc transferred to
tonnage-based taxation as described in more detail in the Tonnage Taxation
chapter on page 6. 


In September 2013, Finnlines sold MS Europalink to the Grimaldi Group at the
market price of EUR 86 million. The vessel had been chartered out since
November 2012 and was sailing in Grimaldi traffic in the Mediterranean Sea. 

Finnlines has cut its fleet overcapacity in the second quarter by chartering MS
Finnarrow for five years to the Grimaldi Group. 

In November 2013, Finnlines sold MS Transeuropa to the Grimaldi Group at the
market price of EUR 27 million. 

Otherwise there were no material related party transactions during the
reporting period. The business transactions were carried out using market-based