2017-11-14 08:00:00 CET

2017-11-14 08:00:02 CET


Anglų Suomių
Outokumpu Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Outokumpu changes its segment reporting: Ferrochrome to be reported as a new reportable segment as of January 1, 2018

Outokumpu Oyj
Stock exchange release
November 14, 2017 at 9.00 am EET

Outokumpu will change its segment structure as of January 1, 2018 by separating Ferrochrome operations from Business Area Europe as a new reportable segment. In the new structure, Outokumpu will have four reportable segments – Europe, the Americas, Long Products and Ferrochrome. Outokumpu’s financial reporting will be changed accordingly as of the first-quarter interim statement 2018.

Ferrochrome operations are an integral part of Outokumpu’s business, and will be managed separately. Coupled with Kemi mine, ferrochrome production gives us clear competitive advantage. The change in reporting practices will also increase transparency to our operations.

The segments’ key comparison figures (sales, adjusted EBITDA, adjustments to EBITDA and EBITDA) for 2016 and January-September 2017 are included in the attached table. The full set of comparison data for 2016 and 2017, including quarterly figures, will be published during the first quarter of 2018.

For more information: 

Investors: Tommi Järvenpää, tel. +358 9 421 3466, mobile +358 40 576 0288

Media: Reeta Kaukiainen, tel. +358 50 522 0924

Outokumpu Group

Outokumpu is the global leader in stainless steel. We aim to be the best value creator in stainless by 2020, through our competitive edge of customer orientation and efficiency. The foundation of our business is our ability to tailor stainless steel into any form and for almost any purpose. Stainless steel is sustainable, durable and designed to last forever. Our customers use it to create civilization’s basic structures and its most famous landmarks as well as products for households and various industries. Outokumpu employs 10,000 professionals in more than 30 countries, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland and shares listed in Nasdaq Helsinki. www.outokumpu.com      outokumpu.com/stainless-news      choosestainless.outokumpu.com


Business Area key figures    
EUR million 2016 I–III/17
Europe total 3,767 3,188
of which intra-group 93 66
Americas total 1,325 1,201
of which intra-group 21 23
Long Products total 487 442
of which intra-group 153 131
Ferrochrome total 371 458
of which intra-group 269 354
Other operations total 567 387
of which intra-group 289 204
Group total sales 5,690 4,898
Adjusted EBITDA    
EUR million 2016 I–III/17
Europe 295 367
Americas -27 22
Long Products -1 13
Ferrochrome 80 161
Other operations and intra-group items -38 -13
Group total adjusted EBITDA 309 549
Adjustments to EBITDA    
EUR million 2016 I–III/17
Europe -26 -
Americas 21 -
Long Products 19 -
Ferrochrome -0 -
Other operations and intra-group items 32 31
Group total adjustments to EBITDA 47 31
EUR million 2016 I–III/17
Europe 270 367
Americas -6 22
Long Products 18 13
Ferrochrome 80 161
Other operations and intra-group items -6 18
Group total EBITDA 355 580
Depreciation and amortization -226 -164
Impairments -26 -1
Group total EBIT 103 415