2008-04-01 11:34:09 CEST

2008-04-01 11:35:09 CEST

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English Islandic
Atorka Group hf. - Managers' transactions

- Date of transaction 31.3.2008

Payment of 35% dividends in the form of shares in Atorka Group hf., of the
value of 8,1, in accordance with a decision of the Annual General Meeting of
Atorka Group hf., on the 11th of March 2008. 

Issuer                    Atorka Group hf.
Trade Ticker              ATOR
Date of Transaction       31.3.2008
Kind of Transaction       Buy
Price pr. share           8,1

Name of primary insider: Þorsteinn Vilhelmsson
Insider's relation to the issuer: Chairman
Number of shares to the permanent insider: 1,158,923
Number of shares to related parties: Skessa 15,871,486, Harðbakur ehf.
13,091,377, Ránarborg 12,186,469, Mávur 4,420,797, Þóra Hildur Jónsdóttir
100,480, Stefán Ernir 4,785 
Call options granted: 0
Permanent insider's share holdings: 29,212,519
Related parties' share holdings: 1,102,731,461

Name of primary insider:  Karl Axelsson
Insider's relation to the issuer: Member of the board
Number of shares to the permanent insider: 62,201
Number of shares to related parties: Ránarborg 12,186,469, Mávur 4,420,797,
Call options granted: 0
Permanent insider's share holdings: 2,186,717
Related parties' share holdings: 400,945,738

Name of primary insider:  Hrafn Magnússon
Insider's relation to the issuer: Member of the board
Number of shares to the permanent insider: 52,025
Number of shares to related parties: 0
Call options granted: 0
Permanent insider's share holdings:: 1,256,031
Related parties' share holdings: 0

Name of primary insider:  Ólafur Njáll Sigurðsson
Insider's relation to the issuer: Member of the board
Number of shares to the permanent insider: 104,842
Number of shares to related parties:0
Call options granted: 0
Permanent insider's share holdings: 2,531,193
Related parties' share holdings: 0

Name of primary insider:  Örn Andrésson
Insider's relation to the issuer: Member of the board
Number of shares to the permanent insider: 0
Number of shares to related parties: Eagle Investments Holdings S.A 7,698,702, 
Fjárfestingarfélagið Ernir 147,427
Call options granted: 0
Permanent insider's share holdings: 0
Related parties' share holdings: 189,427,453

Name of primary insider:  Magnús Jónsson
Insider's relation to the issuer: CEO
Number of shares to the permanent insider: 0
Number of shares to related parties: : Magn-Capital 2,153,128, Skessa 15,871,486
Fjárfestingarfélagið Móatún 2,028,625
Call options granted: 40,000,000
Permanent insider's share holdings: 0
Related parties' share holdings: 484,141,183

Name of primary insider:  Benedikt Olgeirsson
Insider's relation to the issuer: Managing Director
Number of shares to the permanent insider: 0
Number of shares to related parties: Eignarhaldsfélagið Hnota ehf. 1,674,655
Call options granted: 12,000,000
Permanent insider's share holdings: 0
Related parties' share holdings: 40,430,853

Name of primary insider: Arnar Már Jóhannesson
Insider's relation to the issuer: Managing Director
Number of shares to the permanent insider:: 0
Number of shares to related parties: Molar fjárfestingar ehf. 3,367
Call options granted: 12,000,000
Permanent insider's share holdings: 0
Related parties' share holdings: 81,289