2010-05-21 15:59:24 CEST

2010-05-21 16:00:21 CEST

Rokiskio Suris AB - Other information

Regarding payout of dividends

The 30th April 2010 general meeting of shareholders of AB ”Rokiskio suris”
resolved to distribute dividends to the company's shareholders amounting to LTL
0,10 (before taxes) per one share of AB ”Rokiskio suris” of LTL 1 litas par
Dividends related to 2009 and paid to physical bodies resided in the Republic
of Lithuania as well as in foreign countries are subject to 20 per cent of
residential income tax. Dividends paid to juridical bodies of the Republic of
Lithuania as well as foreign countries are subject to 15 per cent of profit
Dividends will be paid to the shareholders who were shareholders of AB
”Rokiskio suris” at the end of property rights accounting date (May 14th). 
The dividends will be paid starting from May 24th 2010 and distributed in one
month from the day when it was resolved to pay out dividends. 
Dividends to the shareholders whose securities accounting is performed by
public exchange brokers will be paid out by the brokers. 
Dividends to other shareholders will be paid by the company's cashier (AB
„Rokiskio suris“ resided in Pramones str. 3, Rokiskis), or upon a written
request they will be transferred to the personal account. The requests may be
supplied in written and sent to the company's address (AB „Rokiskio suris“
Pramones str. 3, Rokiskis LT- 42150) or e-mail address
Residents of foreign countries with whom the Republic of Lithuania has made
international agreements in order to avoid double taxation may enjoy benefits
provided by such agreements if they present a request of a resident of foreign
country to decrease the enumerated tax, form FR0021 (DAS-1). 
Authorized persons of the company capable to provide additional information: 
Grazina Jankauskiene, ph. +370 458 55243.

Dalius Trumpa
Board Chairman
+370 458 55200