2011-01-10 08:35:00 CET

2011-01-10 08:35:02 CET


Finnish English
Westend ICT Oyj - Company Announcement


Innofactor Plc Stock Exchange Release 10 January 2011 at 9:35 Finnish time


Innofactor Plc has renewed its strategy. The central parts of the new strategy
are presented below. 

Innofactor Plc's mission is

•         to help its customers to offer their customers even better services
and to improve their own operations 

•         to import and modify global Microsoft solutions into a whole that
fits its customers' needs 

•         to develop new innovative and globally competitive software and
components for the Microsoft cloud 

•         to offer its employees and partners an innovative and supportive
environment in which they can continue their development 

Innofactor Plc's vision is

•         to try to continually operate on markets whose size does not set
restrictions to Innofactor's growth 

•         to grow both organically and through acquisitions as Microsoft's most
important integrator in Finland and, in the future, also in the surrounding
areas in such a manner that Innofactor will be clearly larger in 2015 than it
is now 

•         to utilize the radical change offered by the cloud technology in such
a way that Innofactor can implement for the Microsoft cloud globally
competitive software and components, which will help to create significant
business for Innofactor in the global markets by 2015 

Innofactor Plc's strategy is to be a leading Microsoft solution provider and
the most important strategic choices related to this are 

•         maintaining in the markets the best ability to innovate new solutions

•         operating with intense customer-orientation

•         offering the customers a leading, comprehensive Microsoft solution
from a single provider 

•         operating in a cost-effective manner, for example, utilizing
modifiable product lines and available resources in an optimized way 

Innofactor Plc's values are

•         accountable: Innofactor offers its customers a solution that is most
suitable and works best for them, takes responsibility for the success of its
deliveries, and takes environmental values into consideration. 

•         committed: Innofactor creates long-term partnerships that look into
the future and are based on trust, being heard, and open communication. 

•         communicative: Innofactor provides correct and adequate information
at the right time, offers the possibility to take part in developing the
services, and provides solutions that help the customers to communicate better. 

•         collaborative: Innofactor knows its customers' operating environments
and their individual needs and adapts its own operation, products and services
to these needs 

Innofactor Plc's financial goal is profitable growth

•         to achieve in 2011-2015 the annual growth on average 30 % through
both organic growth and acquisitions 

•         to achieve in 2011-2015 an annual business profit on average 15 % in
relation to the net sales 

•         to keep the cash flow positive and secure good financial standing in
all situations 

Innofactor Plc has published today the above mentioned central parts of the
strategy, information about shares, corporate governance, notifications,
publications and reports, investor's calendar, information on the annual
general meeting, investor contact information, and other information about
Innofactor in Finnish on its web site at
www.innofactor.fi/sijoittajat(official) and will publish the same information
in English at www.innofactor.com/investors on 17 January 2011. 

Espoo, 10 January 2011


Board of Directors

Additional information:CEO Sami Ensio     Tel. +358 (0) 50 584 2029




Main media
