2008-07-18 15:22:46 CEST

2008-07-18 15:23:46 CEST


Lithuanian English
Utenos Trikotazas AB - Notification on material event

AB ,,Utenos trikotažas” results of activity for 2008 m. II quarter and I-st half-year

AB Utenos trikotažas company sales of the second quarter of 2008 reached 22.4
mln. LTL (6.5 mln. EUR) and was by 36.2 % less than of the same period in 2007
(30.5 mln. LTL or 8.8 mln. EUR). Total sales of the company of the first half
of 2008 reached 52.9 mln. LTL (15.3 mln.EUR) and was by 12.7 % less than of the
same period in 2007. 

„We are the players in the international market and we are feeling the common
decline of Europe retail market, that decide the decrease sales of most
company‘s large customers. In the lattest quarter the customers cutted down the
stock, performed sell-outs, ordered less additions of collections of
sring-summer. European retailers are expected to be more active in the second
half of 2008, whith the begining autumn-winter season collections“, - the
situation in the market was commented by Managing Director of AB Utenos
trikotažas Gintaras Pileičikas. 

Despite of unfavourable situation in the retail market, AB Utenos trikotažas
significantly increased the production and sales of ecological products in
2008. Sales in the first-half of 2008 reached 7.8 mln. LTL (2.3 mln. EUR) and
was by 13% higher than of the same period in 2007. The company successfully
develops the co-operation with the customers of the higher level - “Triumph”,
“Hugo Boss”, “Esprit” and other. 

Managing Director Gintaras Pileicikas tel. 8-389-51445