2012-06-06 09:00:00 CEST

2012-06-06 09:00:10 CEST


Finnish English
Panostaja Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Panostaja Oyj        Interim Report, June 6, 2012                       10:00


  -- Net sales for the first six months: MEUR 75.7, growth 10%
  -- Operating profit for the first six months: MEUR 2.3.
  -- Operating cash flow has continued to strengthen: growth of MEUR 6.0 was
     recorded during the six months period.
  -- In March, Panostaja announced that it was selling its entire shareholding
     in Lämpö-Tukku Oy to Onninen Oy.


  -- Net sales MEUR 38.0 (MEUR 35.6), growth 7%
  -- Operating profit MEUR 1.1 (operating profit MEUR 1.8)
  -- Profit before taxes MEUR 0.9 (MEUR 1.2)
  -- Earnings per share (undiluted) 0.9 cents (1.1 cents)
  -- Cash flow from business operations was MEUR 0.7 (MEUR -1.8), growth of MEUR

The MEUR 2.4 growth in net sales resulted from the operational development of
the Digital Printing Services and the organic growth of the Safety segment. The
impact of corporate acquisitions on the growth of net sales in the second
quarter stood at MEUR 0.4. 

The fall of MEUR 0.7 in operating profit for the second quarter was mainly
influenced by the considerable decline in the operating profit in the Takoma
segment (MEUR -0.9). The reason for the growth of Takoma operating loss was the
significant drop in demand from the shipbuilding industry. 


  -- Net sales MEUR 75.7 (MEUR 68.6), growth 10%
  -- Operating profit MEUR 2.3 (MEUR 2.5)
  -- Profit before taxes MEUR 1.4 (MEUR 1.4)
  -- Earnings per share (undiluted) -0.2 cents (0.7 cents)
  -- Equity per share EUR 0.60 (EUR 0.65)
  -- Equity ratio 35.8% (33.1%)
  -- Cash flow from business operations MEUR 5.8 (MEUR -0.2).

The MEUR 7.1 growth in net sales resulted primarily from the operational
development of the Digital Printing Services and Value-added Logistics segments
and from the organic growth of the Safety segment. The impact of the
acquisitions realized in the previous financial period on the increased net
sales for the first six months stood at MEUR 2.0. 

The decline in operating profit, MEUR -0.2, during the first six months was
mainly a result from the fall of operating profit in the Takoma segment. The
operating loss in the Takoma segment grew from MEUR -0.4 to MEUR -1.6. The
decline in demand from the shipbuilding industry and the delay in deliveries of
hydraulic cylinders resulting from moving into new factory premises were the
causes for the growth of Takoma six-month operating loss. 

The operating profit for the first six months was burdened by one-time costs
incurred from clearing up an error in Lämpö-Tukku Oy's inventory and by other
costs related to it (MEUR 0.3). In addition, Panostaja Group recorded a sales
loss of MEUR 0.5 relating to the reorganization of Oy Alfa-Kem Ab. The sales
loss is listed on the income statement row 'Profit from discontinued
operations'. A one-time item that affected the profit for the period was the
sales profit recorded from the sale of property by Panostaja's associated
company Pe Kiinteistörahasto I Ky. The effect of the sales profit for Panostaja
was MEUR 0.4. 

The total effect of one-time items on the interim report's profit/loss is
approx. MEUR -0.4. 

Panostaja will specify its result management procedures with regard to net
sales. During the 2012 financial year, the Group's comparable net sales are
expected to grow about 10-15% over the previous year and the Group's operating
profit is expected to increase. 

Previous result management: During the 2012 financial year, the Group's
comparable net sales are expected to grow about 9-16% over the previous year
and the Group's operating profit is expected to increase. 

The Annual General Meeting on January 31, 2012 approved the capital repayment
proposal made by the Board. EUR 0.05 per share of capital repayment was paid
from the invested unrestricted equity fund. The record date for the capital
repayment was February 3, 2012, with the payment date being February 10, 2012.
A total of MEUR 2.6 of capital was repaid to parent company shareholders. 

                                        6 months       6 months        12 months
Key figures                          11/11-01/12    11/10-04/11      11/10-10/11
Net sales, MEUR                             75.7           68.7            141.2
Operating profit, MEUR                       2.3            2.5              6.7
Profit before taxes, MEUR                    1.4            1.4              4.1
Earnings per share, undiluted,             -0.00           0.01             0.02
Equity per share, EUR                       0.60           0.65             0.65
Financial position and cash flow:  30 April 2012  30 April 2011  31 October 2011
Net liabilities, MEUR                       44.0           48.7             47.2
Gearing, %                                  96.2          102.0             99.6
Equity ratio, %                             35.8           33.1             33.4
Cash flow from business                      5.8           -0.2              4.4
 operations, MEUR                                                               

The income statement for discontinued operations during the review period has
been separated from the income statement for continuing operations and the
result for them is presented in accordance with the IFRS standard on row
‘Earnings from discontinued operations'.  Before separating the discontinued
operations in the income statement from continuing operations, the Group's net
sales for the six-month review period were MEUR 78.6, while the operating
profit stood at MEUR 2.3. Prior to separation, the net sales for the entire
2011 financial year were MEUR 163.2 and operating profit MEUR 5.9. 


Panostaja Group's business operations during the second quarter did not fully
meet expectations, and there was considerable variation in the development of
different segments. The Group's management focuses especially on improving the
profitability of these few weak segments to meet the set targets. During the
second quarter, the overall economic situation and atmosphere became more
uncertain as a result of the European financial crisis. Panostaja believes,
however, that the positive development trend will continue during the remaining
financial period, even though uncertainty exists. The situation on the
financial markets has become more challenging, particularly in the SME sector,
and the restraints on credit issue remain a clear risk to financial
development. The corporate acquisition market has revitalized after the slow
start of early 2012, and the number of potential targets has grown slightly. 



Panostaja Group's net sales in the second quarter were MEUR 38.0 (MEUR 35.6).

The MEUR 2.4 growth in net sales resulted from the operational development of
the Digital Printing Services and the organic growth of the Safety segment. The
impact of corporate acquisitions on the increase in net sales in the second
quarter was MEUR 0.4. During the quarter, net sales increased particularly in
the Digital Printing Services and Safety segments. 

Of the Group's ten segments engaged in business, seven exceeded the net sales
of the comparison year and three fell short of the comparison year's net sales
levels. The operating profit increased in four segments. The operating profit
improved in the following segments: Digital Printing Services, Value-added
Logistics, Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles and Carpentry Industry. 

In the second quarter, the Group's operating profit was MEUR 1.1 (MEUR 1.8) and
profit before taxes was MEUR 0.9 (MEUR 1.2). The operating profit margin was
3.0% (5.0%). The operating profit for the second quarter fell by MEUR 0.7,
primarily as a result of the fall of Takoma*s operating profit. Takoma's
operating profit fell during the second quarter from MEUR -0.1 to MEUR -1.0.
This was mainly due to a significant decline in demand from the shipbuilding
industry. The impact of corporate acquisitions on operating profit for the
second quarter stood at MEUR -0.2. 

In the second quarter, Panostaja Oyj recorded a profit of MEUR 0.4 from the
profit of associated companies, which was mainly a result of the sales profit
from the sale of a property recorded by PE Kiinteistörahasto I Ky at the start
of the year. 

NOVEMBER 2011 - APRIL 2012

Panostaja Group's net sales during the six-month period were MEUR 75.7 (MEUR
68.6). Export amounted to MEUR 6,1, or 8.1 %, of net sales. The corporate
acquisitions realized during the previous financial period affected the MEUR
7.1 increase in net sales by MEUR 2.0. 

Of the Group's ten segments engaged in business, six exceeded the cumulative
net sales for the comparative financial period and four segments exceeded the
operating profit levels during the first six-month period. The operating profit
improved in the following segments: Digital Printing Services, Safety,
Value-added Logistics and Supports. 

The operating profit was MEUR 2.3 (MEUR 2.5). The MEUR -0.2 decrease in
operating profit primarily originated from the Takoma segment. The operating
profit in the Takoma segment fell from MEUR -0.4 to MEUR -1.6. The reasons for
the fall in Takoma's operating profit were a decline in demand from the
shipbuilding industry and the delay in deliveries of hydraulic cylinders
resulting from moving into new factory premises. 

During the first six-month period, the loss from discontinued operations was
MEUR -1.4. In the 2011 comparison period, the corresponding loss was MEUR -0.7.
The Group's income statement does not include the income statement for
operations discontinued during the reference year, 2011. Instead, the result is
shown in the Group's income statement on row ‘Earnings from discontinued

Before separating the discontinued operations in the income statement from
continuing operations, the Group's net sales for the review period were MEUR
78.6, while the operating profit stood at MEUR 2.3. As far as the whole 2011
financial year is concerned, net sales from operations discontinued during the
review period were MEUR 22.1 and operating profit MEUR -0.8. Prior to the
separation of discontinued operations in the income statement from continuing
operations, the Group's net sales for the whole 2011 financial year were MEUR
163.2 and operating profit MEUR 5.9. 

The Group's net financial expenses for the six-month period were approximately
MEUR -1.4 (MEUR -1.3). The Group's liquidity was good and cash flow from
business operations (MEUR 5.8) was positive. 

                                            30 April     30 April     31 October
                                                2012         2011           2011
Average number of employees                    1,083        1,006          1,034
Employees at the end of the period             1,069        1,034          1,097
Employees in each segment at the end        30 April     30 April     31 October
 of the period                                  2012         2011           2011
Digital Printing Services                        319          309            325
Takoma                                           202          171            190
Safety                                           202          168            188
HEPAC Wholesale                                    0           37             37
Value-added Logistics                            134          131            131
Fittings                                          29           31             32
Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles                    39           32             35
Heat Treatment                                    63           61             64
Carpentry Industry                                30           32             32
Supports                                          15           15             16
Fasteners                                         26           25             25
Technochemical                                     0           12             12
Emoyhtiö                                          10           10             10
Group in total                                 1,069        1,034          1,097

In the preliminary ruling on the capital repayment in respect of Takoma Oyj
shares in spring 2008, the Tax Office for Major Corporations decided on the
basis of an overall assessment that Panostaja was a capital investor within the
meaning of Section 6, Subsection 1, Item 1 of the Finnish Business Tax Act. For
capital investors, capital gains from fixed asset shares are considered taxable

Due to the said preliminary ruling, the Tax Office for Major Corporations, in
its taxation by direct assessment in 2007, regarded Panostaja Oyj as a capital
investor in the aforementioned sense and taxed the company's certain capital
gains from fixed asset shares. Panostaja Oyj submitted a claim for adjustment
over the 2007 taxation to the Board of Adjustment claiming that the capital
gain from fixed asset shares should be exempt from tax. The Board of Adjustment
denied Panostaja Oyj's claim in August 2009. Panostaja Oyj appealed the
decision to the Administrative Court of Helsinki. 

In June 2011, Panostaja Oyj was informed that the Administrative Court of
Helsinki had rejected the appeal. The Administrative Court considers Panostaja
Oyj as a capital investor within the meaning of the Finnish Business Tax Act.
Panostaja Oyj has applied to the Supreme Administrative Court for the right to
appeal the decision. 


In December 2011, Panostaja implemented an arrangement, through which Spectra
Yhtiöt Oy acquired a 100% holding in Oy Alfa-Kem Ab by means of share exchange.
Previously, Oy Alfa-Kem Ab formed Panostaja Group's Technochemical segment.
Panostaja Oyj's holding in the corporate entity is 32%, which Panostaja will
report as an associated company as of January 2012. Oy Alfa-Kem Ab's prior
parent company Annektor Oy merged with Panostaja Oyj on February 29, 2012. 

In March, Panostaja announced that it was selling its entire shareholding in
Lämpö-Tukku Oy to Onninen Oy. Lämpö-Tukku Oy was a subsidiary of Eurotermo
Holding Oy, a company in which Panostaja owns a 63.3% share. The compensation
paid to Panostaja Group comprised of the purchase price and repayment of
internal loans, and totaled some MEUR 2.4. Panostaja did not record any sales
profit or loss from the transaction. The conclusion of the transaction required
the approval of the Finnish Competition Authority. At the beginning of April,
Panostaja announced that the Finnish Competition Authority had approved it and
that the deal had been concluded. 

During the current financial period, Panostaja Group has discontinued two
reporting segments, Technochemical and HEPAC Wholesale, as a result of
corporate divestments. In the previous financial period, the Group reported its
business operations in thirteen segments. 


Panostaja Group's business operations for the period under review are reported
in eleven segments: Digital Printing Services, Takoma, Safety, Value-added
Logistics, Fittings, Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles, Heat Treatment, Carpentry
Industry, Supports, Fasteners and Other (parent company + associated


Net sales in the Digital Printing Services segment grew from MEUR 15.2 to MEUR
17.2 and operating profit from MEUR 1.7 to MEUR 2.6. The increase in net sales
and operating profit was a result of the continued positive development of

Net sales in the Takoma segment increased from MEUR 13.8 to MEUR 15.2. The
segment's operating loss increased from MEUR -0.4 to MEUR -1.6. The decline in
demand from the shipbuilding industry and the delay in deliveries of hydraulic
cylinders resulting from moving into new factory premises were the causes of
the growth of Takoma's operating loss in the six-month period. During the
January-March period, the volume of orders in the global shipbuilding industry
fell by more than 50% from last year. The Takoma segment's order book remained
at the previous year's level of MEUR 12. 

Net sales in the Safety segment grew from MEUR 11.8 to MEUR 14.7 and the
operating profit remained at about MEUR 0.6. The growth in net sales was a
result of continued strong organic growth in the segment throughout the
six-month period. The strong investment in growth made in the early part of the
period was evident in increased costs in the segment, which restrained the
growth in operating profit. 

Net sales in the Value-added Logistics segment increased from MEUR 7.5 to MEUR
8.5, while the reference-period operating loss of MEUR -0.1 improved to MEUR
0.3. The volumes from customers in technology industries increased during the
review period. The segment also succeeded in developing its operations, which
had a positive impact on net sales and operating profit. 

Net sales in the Fittings segment declined from MEUR 5.7 to MEUR 5.4, and the
operating profit remained at the comparison year's level (MEUR 0.3). 

The contraction of co-operation with Abloy had a negative effect on net sales,
but the segment nevertheless succeeded in keeping its operating profit at the
previous year's level. New product launches are yet to compensate for the drop
in net sales resulting from the contraction of co-operation with Abloy. 

Net sales in the Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles segment grew from MEUR 4.5 to
MEUR 4.9, while the operating profit remained at MEUR 0.4. Demand for original
spare parts continued to increase in comparison with the comparison year. The
market in the segment has generally slowed down. 

Net sales in the Heat Treatment segment declined from MEUR 4.2 to MEUR 3.9, and
the MEUR 0.9 operating profit dropped to MEUR 0.6. The segment's service
functions remained at the level of the comparison year. The start-up of new
technology industry projects was delayed, which had a negative effect on the
net sales and the operating profit of the Swedish company in particular. 

Net sales in the Carpentry Industry segment fell slightly in the review period
from MEUR 3.1 to MEUR 3.0, while the operating profit remained at MEUR 0.6. The
segment continued to strengthen the market position of its own brand in the
selected distribution channels. 

Net sales in the Supports segment increased from MEUR 1.7 to MEUR 1.9. The
breakeven result from the previous year increased to operating profit of MEUR
0.1. The growth in net sales and operating profit resulted from increased
demand for the segment's products and good profit development. 

Net sales in the Fasteners segment remained at the level of the comparison
year, MEUR 1.4, while operating loss fell to MEUR -0.2 from the MEUR -0.1 of
the comparison year. Competition in the segment intensified further on the
technology industry market, and customer demand has remained low. These trends
adversely affected profit in the segment. 

There were no significant changes in the net sales of the Other segment. In the
period under review, three associated companies issued reports: Ecosir Group Oy
and PE Kiinteistörahasto I Ky as well as, as of January 2012, Spectra Yhtiöt
Oy. The profit/loss of the reported associated companies in the review period
was MEUR 0.4 (MEUR 0.1), which is presented on a separate row in the Group's
income statement. The growth in the profit of associated companies resulted
from the sale of a property by PE Kiinteistörahasto I Ky. 


The Group's liquidity was good and cash flow from business operations, MEUR
5.8, was positive (MEUR -0.2). The Group's liquid assets were MEUR 8.8 (MEUR
16.0). A total of MEUR 7.8 of the parent company's and the merged Annektor Oy's
debts, including the convertible subordinated loan, was paid off on March 1,
2012. In this connection, loans in the amount of MEUR 6.3 were reorganized. The
Group's gross capital expenditure in the review period ended was MEUR 2.7 (MEUR
5.9). The Group's equity ratio was 35.8% (33.1%) and interest-bearing net
liabilities totaled MEUR 44.0 (MEUR 48.7). Of the net liabilities (MEUR 20.6),
Panostaja Oyj's convertible subordinated loan amounted to MEUR 15.0. The return
on equity was -0.7% (4.3%) and the return on investment 2.2% (4.2%). 

Financial position:                                                             
MEUR                               30 April 2012  30 April 2011  31 October 2011
Interest-bearing liabilities                57.3           69.0             66.2
Interest-bearing receivables                 4.5            4.3              4.4
Cash and cash equivalents                    8.8           16.0             14.6
Interest-bearing net liabilities            44.0           48.7             47.2
Equity (belonging to the parent             45.7           47.8             47.4
 company's shareholders as well                                                 
 as minority shareholders)                                                      
Gearing ratio, %                            96.2          102.0             99.6
Equity ratio, %                             35.8           33.1             33.4
Return on equity, %                         -0.7            4.3              5.0
Return on investment, %                      2.2            4.2              5.6

The Annual General Meeting of January 31, 2012 approved the capital repayment
proposal made by the Board. EUR 0.05 per share of capital repayment was paid
from the invested unrestricted equity fund. The record date for the capital
repayment was February 3, 2012, with the payment date being February 10, 2012.
A total of MEUR 2.6 of capital was repaid to parent company shareholders. 


During the six-month period, Panostaja Oyj's share closing rate fluctuated
between EUR 0.87 and EUR 1.05. In the six-month period, the exchange of shares
totaled 4,908,045 shares, 9.6% of the share capital. The April share closing
rate was EUR 0.88. The market value of the company's share capital at the end
of April was MEUR 45.5 and the company had 3,782 shareholders (3,922). 

Development of share exchange  2Q/2012  2Q/2011  1-2Q/2012  1-2Q/2011
Shares exchanged, 1,000 pcs        656      720      4,908      2,732
% of share capital                 1.3      1.5        9.6        5.6

Share                       30 April 2012  30 April 2011  31 October 2011
Shares in total, 1,000 pcs         51,733         51,733           51,733
Own shares, 1,000 pcs                 577            622              602
Closing rate                         0.88           1.22             1.06
Market value, MEUR                   45.5           63.1             54.8
Shareholders                        3,782          3,922            3,826

On December 19, 2011, Panostaja Oyj received two notifications pursuant to
Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act concerning changes to
holding in the company. 

Matti Koskenkorva's share of Panostaja Oyj's total number of shares was below
10%. Maija Koskenkorva's share was 4,411,873 shares, 8.52% of Panostaja Oyj's
share capital and number of votes. Treindex Oy's (former Koskismatti Oy) share
of Panostaja Oyj's total number of shares exceeded 5%. Treindex's share was
3,400,000 shares, 6.57% of Panostaja Oyj's share capital and number of votes.
Treindex Oy's shareholders are Minna Kumpu, Hanna Malo and Mikko Koskenkorva. 


Panostaja Oyj's Annual General Meeting was held on January 31, 2012 in Tampere.
Jukka Ala-Mello, Satu Eskelinen, Hannu Martikainen, Hannu Tarkkonen, Mikko
Koskenkorva and Eero Eriksson were re-elected to Panostaja Oyj's Board of
Directors. In the Board's organizing meeting held immediately after the General
Meeting, Jukka Ala-Mello was elected Chairman of the Board. Hannu Tarkkonen was
elected Vice Chairman. Authorised Public Accountant Markku Launis and
Authorised Public Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy were selected as
general chartered accountants, with Authorised Public Accountant Janne
Rajalahti as the responsible public accountant. 

The General Meeting approved the closing of the November 1, 2010-October 31,
2011 accounts as well as the proposal by the Board to transfer the profit of
the financial period to the profit funds and that capital repayment be paid at
a rate of EUR 0.05 per share. The record date for capital repayment was
February 3, 2012 and the payment date February 10, 2012. In addition, the
Annual Meeting authorized the Board to decide, at its discretion, on the
potential distribution of assets to shareholders, the company's financial
status permitting, either as dividends from profit funds or as distribution of
assets from the invested unrestricted equity fund. The maximum distribution of
assets performed on the basis of this authorization totals EUR 5,200,000. The
authorization includes the right of the Board to decide on all other terms and
conditions relating to the said asset distribution. The authorization will
remain valid until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. 

In addition, the Annual General Meeting granted exemption from liability to the
members of the Board and to the CEO. It was decided at the Annual Meeting that
the Chairman of the Board be paid EUR 40,000 as an annual compensation for the
term that begins at the end of the Meeting and ends at the end of the 2013
Annual General Meeting, and that the other members of the Board be paid an
annual compensation of EUR 20,000. It was further resolved at the Annual
General Meeting that approximately 40% of the compensation remitted to the
members of the Board be paid on the basis of the share issue authorization
given to the Board, by issuing company shares to each Board member if the Board
member does not own more than one percent of the company's shares on the date
of the General Meeting. If the holding of a Board member on the date of the
General Meeting is over one percent of all company shares, the compensation
will be paid in full in monetary form. 

In addition, the Annual General Meeting resolved to cancel the authorization
concerning the acquisition of the company's own shares given at the General
Meeting of January 27, 2011, and authorized the Board of Directors to decide on
the acquisition of the company's own shares so that the company's own shares
will be acquired in one or several installments and, on the basis of the
authorization, a total maximum of 5,100,000 of the company's own shares may be
acquired. By virtue of the authorization, the company's own shares may be
obtained using unrestricted equity only. 

The company's own shares may be acquired at the price in public trade arranged
by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy on the date of acquisition or otherwise at the
prevailing market price.  The Board of Directors will decide how the company's
own shares are to be acquired. The company's own shares may be acquired not
following the proportion of ownership of the shareholders (directed
acquisition). The authorization shall be valid until July 31, 2013. 

The Board of Directors has not used the authorization granted by the Annual
Meeting to acquire its own shares during the review period. 


At the close of the period under review, Panostaja Oyj's share capital was EUR
5,568,681.60. The total number of shares is 51,733,110. 

The total number of shares held by the company at the end of the review period
was 577,112 individual shares (at the beginning of review period: 601,875). The
number of the company's own shares corresponded to 1.1% of the number of shares
and votes at the end of the entire review period. 

In accordance with the decision of the General Meeting of January 27, 2011 and
the Board, Panostaja Oyj relinquished a total of 12,000 individual shares as
meeting compensation to the members of the Board on December 16, 2011. As per
the decisions of the General Meeting of January 31, 2012 and the Board, 12,763
shares were relinquished. 


At the end of the review period, EUR 15,000,000 of the 2011 convertible
subordinated loan remained. The interest on the loan is 6.5% and the loan
period February 7, 2011-April 1, 2016. The original share exchange rate is EUR
2.20, and the loan shares may be exchanged for no more than 6,818,181 company
shares. The total number of loan shares is 300, and they are available for
public trade on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki stock exchange. The share exchange rate
will be entered into the company's invested unrestricted equity fund. 

The loan period for the 2006 convertible subordinated loan ended on March 1,
2012. The loan was repaid as a single installment on the end date of the loan
period. A fixed 6.5% annual interest was paid for the loan. The interest was
paid for the last time at the end of the loan period. 


The most significant risks of Panostaja Group have been described in the
financial statements. The near-future risks the Group faces are mainly tied to
the uncertainty resulting from the crisis in the eurozone and the global
economic situation as well as their potential impact on achieving the goals set
for the various segments. The instability of the overall economic situation may
lead to a decline in customer demand as well as the postponement of major
investments, particularly in segments serving the technology sector, which may
result in a need for consolidated goodwill write-downs. In the current
financial period, credit loss risks continue to represent a significant factor
of uncertainty in some of the segments. The weakening in the liquidity of the
financial markets and the potential restraints on credit issue may hamper the
realization of corporate acquisitions and the availability of finance for
working capital. Currently, Panostaja's financial situation is solid and the
loan portfolio well-diversified, so the potential negative effect of the
expansion of the Greek crisis on the financial markets does not jeopardize
Panostaja's business operations. 


Panostaja expanded its Value-added Logistics segment when, at the beginning of
May, its subsidiary Vindea Group Oy acquired the entire shareholding of HSG
Logistics Oy, a company supplying packaging and logistics services. In 2011,
HSG Logistics Oy had net sales of MEUR 12.0 and employed 125 staff. The
combined net sales in 2011 of the newly-formed company was some MEUR 27 and it
employs a total of 260 people. Jouni Arolainen, Managing Director of Vindea Oy,
will continue as the Managing Director of the new company and also as a major
shareholder. As part of the reorganization, HSG Logistics Oy's shareholders are
also continuing as minority shareholders in the new entity. Since the
reorganization, Panostaja Oyj's shareholding in Vindea Group is about 54%. 

Hannu Tarkkonen, Managing Director of Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company,
announced that he would resign from Panostaja's Board of Directors on May 10,
2012. According to Panostaja Oyj's Articles of Association, the company's Board
of Directors must comprise at least three (3) and no more than six (6) ordinary
members, according to which the Board will continue with five (5) members. 

A corporation acquisition took place in the Safety segment 29, May 2012, the
Group purchased the business operations IP - Valvonta from Helsinki. The Safety
segment acquired expertise, knowledge and resources to develop video monitoring


In accordance with its business strategy, Panostaja Group focuses on increasing
shareholder value in the business areas owned by the Group. The development of
shareholder value will be constantly monitored as part of a changing operating
environment, and decisions on the development or divestment of business areas
will be made with the maximization of shareholder value in mind. Active
development of shareholder value, the effective allocation of capital and
financial opportunities create a solid foundation for significant operational
expansion. The need for ownership arrangements in SMEs enables both expansion
into new business areas and growth in existing ones. 

Economic trend expectations in the fields of existing business areas are
strongly tied to the prospects of customer enterprises. The current economic
trend expectations are uncertain, and the growth forecast has generally been
cut due to the credit crisis in the eurozone and decelerated economic growth.
In the various business areas of Panostaja Group, prospects still vary from
cautiously positive to neutral. An exception to these is Takoma's prospects, as
Takoma's customer demand for the post-holiday period is difficult to forecast.
The market still provides sufficient opportunities for corporate acquisitions,
and Panostaja Group aims to implement its growth strategy by means of
controlled acquisitions. In addition, the divestment of certain business areas
is being considered in order to release capital for new projects. 

Panostaja will specify its result management procedures with regard to net
sales. During the 2012 financial year, the Group's comparable net sales are
expected to grow about 10-15% over the previous year and the Group's operating
profit is expected to increase. 

Previous result management: During the 2012 financial year, the Group's
comparable net sales are expected to grow about 9-16% over the previous year
and the Group's operating profit is expected to increase. 

Panostaja Oyj

Board of Directors

For further information, contact CEO Juha Sarsama: tel. +358 (0)40 774 2099.

Panostaja Oyj

Juha Sarsama

All forecasts and assessments presented in this interim report bulletin are
based on the current outlook of the Group and the Management of the various
business areas with regard to the state of the economy and its development, and
the results attained may be substantially different. 

The information in the interim report has not been audited.

INCOME STATEMENT                         02/12-  02/11-  11/11-  11/10-         
                                          04/12   04/11   04/12   04/11     2011
(EUR 1,000)                                                                     
Net sales                                38,017  35,577  75,747  68,617  141,152
Other operating income                      299     159     428     389      901
Costs in total                           35,879  32,513  71,253  63,796  130,277
Depreciations, amortisations and          1,305   1,439   2,574   2,695    5,041
Operating profit                          1,132   1,784   2,348   2,515    6,735
Financial income and costs                 -630    -717  -1,394  -1,255   -2,812
Share of associated company profits         384     103     434     164      205
Profit before taxes                         886   1,170   1,388   1,424    4,128
Income taxes                               -199     244    -224     256     -524
Profit/loss from continuing operations      689   1,414   1,164   1,680    3,604
Profit/loss from discontinued              -460    -420  -1,316    -706   -1,388
Profit/loss for the financial period        229     994    -152     974    2,216
Attributable to                                                                 
the shareholders of the parent company      442     477    -111     329      937
to the minority shareholders               -213     517     -41     645    1,279
Earnings per share from continuing                                              
EUR, undiluted                            0.018   0.020   0.024   0.021    0.046
Earnings per share from continuing                                              
EUR, diluted                              0.018   0.020   0.024   0.021    0.046
Earnings per share from discontinued                                            
EUR, undiluted                           -0.009  -0.008  -0.026  -0.014   -0.027
Earnings per share from discontinued                                            
operations EUR, diluted                  -0.009  -0.008  -0.026  -0.014   -0.027
Earnings per share on continuing and                                            
operations EUR, undiluted                 0.009   0.011  -0.002   0.007    0.019
Earnings per share on continuing and                                            
operations EUR, diluted                   0.009   0.011  -0.002   0.007    0.019
EXTENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT                                                      
Items of the extensive income statement     229     994    -152     974    2,216
Translation differences                      14       3      68      13     -135
Extensive income statement for the          243     997     -84     987    2,081
Attributable to                                                                 
the shareholders of the parent company      456     520     -34     342      802
to the minority shareholders               -213     477     -51     645    1,279

BALANCE SHEET                               30 April     30 April     31 October
                                                2012         2011           2011
(EUR 1,000)                                                                     
Non-current assets                                                              
Goodwill                                      35,571       36,561         36,529
Other intangible assets                        5,012        5,138          5,049
Property, plant and equipment                 19,367       21,193         20,061
Interests in associates                        3,899        2,700          2,740
Other non-current assets                      14,277       11,857         13,097
Non-current assets total                      78,126       77,449         77,476
Current assets                                                                  
Stocks                                        19,113       25,839         24,005
Trade and other non-interest-bearing          22,002       24,968         26,307
Cash and cash equivalents                      8,828       16,017         14,643
Current assets total                          49,943       66,824         64,955
Assets in total                              128,069      144,273        142,431
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Equity attributable to parent company                                           
Share capital                                  5,569        5,569          5,569
Share premium account                          4,646        4,646          4,646
Translation difference                          -101          -44           -169
Invested unrestricted equity fund             16,497       18,998         19,023
Retained earnings                              3,930        4,295          4,047
Total                                         30,541       33,464         33,116
Minority interest                             15,206       14,296         14,270
Equity total                                  45,747       47,760         47,386
Deferred tax liabilities                       1,464        1,821          1,520
Equity convertible subordinated loan          14,347       19,800         19,895
Non-current liabilities                       33,494       42,901         32,679
Current liabilities                           33,017       31,991         40,951
Liabilities total                             82,322       96,513         95,045
Equity and liabilities in total              128,069      144,273        142,431

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                    04/2012  04/2011     2011
(EUR 1,000)                                                     
Operating net cash flow                  5,796     -179    4,354
Investment net cash flow                -2,023   -5,908   -6,782
Loans drawn                              7,169   22,102   19,437
Loans repaid                           -13,637  -15,450  -17,743
Share issue                                  0    6,053    6,053
Disposal of own shares                      24      918      942
Dividends paid and capital repayments   -3,169   -2,812   -2,853
Financing net cash flow                 -9,613   10,811    5,836
Change in cash flows                    -5,840    4,724    3,408


(EUR 1,000)         Share    Share     Invested  Transla  Profit  Minori   Total
                   capita  premium  unrestricte     tion   funds      ty        
                        l  reserve     d equity  differe          intere        
                                           fund     nces              st        
Equity              5,529    4,646       11,574      -57   6,497  13,923  42,112
1 November 2010                                                                 
Profit for the                                               328     646     974
 financial period                                                               
Profit and costs                                             328     646     974
 recorded during                                                                
 the financial                                                                  
 period, total                                                                  
Dividends paid                                            -2,555    -265  -2,820
Share                  40                   276                              316
Share issue                               5,738                            5,738
Disposal of own                             918                              918
Equity component                            481                              481
 of convertible                                                                 
Reward system                                11                               11
Translation                                           13                      13
Changes in                                                    25      -8      17
Other changes in       40                 7,424       13  -2,530    -273   4,674
 equity, total                                                                  
Equity              5,569    4,646       18,998      -44   4,295  14,296  47,760
30 April 2011                                                                   
Equity              5,569    4,646       19,023     -169   4,047  14,270  47,386
1 November 2011                                                                 
Profit for the                                              -111     -41    -152
 financial period                                                               
Profit and costs                                            -111     -41    -152
 recorded during                                                                
 the financial                                                                  
 period, total                                                                  
Dividends paid                                                      -619    -619
Repayment of                             -2,557                           -2,557
Disposal of own                              25                               25
Reward system                                 6                                6
Translation                                           68      -6              62
Changes in                                                         1,596   1,596
Other changes in                         -2,526       68      -6     977  -1,487
 equity, total                                                                  
Equity              5,569    4,646       16,497     -101   3,930  15,206  45,747
30 April 2012                                                                   

KEY FIGURES                                                                     
                                                       04/2012  04/2011  10/2011
Equity per share, EUR                                     0.60     0.65     0.65
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR                         -0.00     0.01     0.02
Earnings per share, undiluted, EUR                       -0.00     0.01     0.02
Average number of shares during financial period,       51,144   49,118   50,128
Number of shares at end of financial period, 1,000      51,733   51,733   51,733
Share issues/CL exchanges during financial period,           0    4,330    4,330
Number of shares, 1,000, diluted                        57,962   59,248   60,258
Return on equity, %                                       -0.7      4.3      5.0
Return on investment, %                                    2.2      4.2      5.6
Gross capital expenditure                                                       
To permanent assets, MEUR                                  2.7      5.9      9.1
% of net sales                                             3.6      8.6      6.4
Interest-bearing liabilities                              57.3     69.0     66.2
Equity ratio, %                                           35.8     33.1     33.4
Average number of employees                              1,083    1,006    1,034

(MEUR)                           Q2/12  Q1/12  Q4/11  Q3/11  Q2/11  Q1/11  Q4/10
Net sales                         38.0   37.7   38.6   33.9   35.6   33.1   34.1
Other operating income             0.3    0.1    0.3    0.1    0.3    0.2    1.6
Costs in total                   -35.9  -35.3  -36.1  -30.3  -32.7  -31.3  -32.3
Depreciations, amortisations      -1.3   -1.3   -0.8   -1.5   -1.4   -1.3   -1.5
 and impairment                                                                 
Operating profit/loss              1.1    1.2    2.0    2.2    1.8    0.7    1.9
Financing items                   -0.6   -0.7   -0.7   -0.8   -0.7   -0.5   -0.6
Share of associated company        0.4    0.0    0.1   -0.1    0.1    0.1    0.0
Profit before taxes                0.9    0.5    1.4    1.3    1.1    0.3    1.3
Taxes                             -0.4    0.0   -0.1   -0.6    0.2    0.0    0.1
Profit from continuing             0.5    0.5    1.2    0.7    1.4    0.3    1.4
Profit from discontinued          -0.3   -0.8   -0.5   -0.1   -0.4   -0.3   -2.0
Profit for the financial period    0.2   -0.4    0.7    0.6    1.0    0.0   -0.6
Minority interest                 -0.2    0.2    0.3    0.3    0.5    0.1    0.4
Parent company shareholder         0.4   -0.6    0.4    0.3    0.5   -0.1   -1.0


(EUR 1,000)                                     04/2012  04/2011    2011
Guarantees given on behalf of Group companies                           
Enterprise mortgages                             40,321   40,720  41,394
Pledges given                                    50,746   59,225  59,019
Other liabilities                                 1,691      680   1,549
Other rental agreements                                                 
In one year                                       7,121    5,450   7,160
In over one year but within five years maximum   17,570   13,623  17,543
In over five years                                3,695    4,115   3,162
Total                                            28,386   23,188  27,865

NET SALES                      02/12-04/12  02/11-04/11  11/11-04/1  11/10-04/11
(EUR 1,000)                                                                     
Digital Printing Services            8,879        8,170      17,203       15,183
Takoma                               7,478        7,207      15,177       13,801
Safety                               7,326        6,021      14,652       11,804
Value-added Logistics                4,105        3,789       8,545        7,544
Fittings                             2,723        2,996       5,437        5,737
Spare Parts for Motor                2,467        2,240       4,915        4,454
Heat Treatment                       1,925        2,156       3,878        4,163
Carpentry Industry                   1,584        1,525       2,996        3,114
Supports                               960          885       1,907        1,722
Fasteners                              735          764       1,414        1,466
Other                                   16           14          32           29
Eliminations                          -181         -190        -407         -400
Group in total                      38,017       35,577      75,749       68,617
OPERATING PROFIT                                                                
(EUR 1,000)                                                                     
Digital Printing Services            1,442        1,149       2,597        1,737
Takoma                              -1,044         -105      -1,582         -351
Safety                                 352          444         633          602
Value-added Logistics                  119          -23         278         -107
Fittings                               164          221         270          284
Spare Parts for Motor                  192          191         371          394
Heat Treatment                         223          418         636          902
Carpentry Industry                     373          317         569          629
Supports                                 2           53         133           -3
Fasteners                              -93           -6        -161          -38
Other                                 -598         -875      -1,396       -1,534
Group in total                       1,132        1,784       2,348        2,515

Net sales (MEUR)                2Q/12  1Q/12  4Q/11  3Q/11  2Q/11  1Q/11  4Q/10
Digital Printing Services         8.9    8.3    8.5    7.8    8.2    7.0    6.7
Takoma                            7.5    7.7    7.4    6.3    7.2    6.6    6.8
Safety                            7.3    7.3    7.0    5.8    6.0    5.8    6.3
Value-added Logistics             4.1    4.4    4.0    3.9    3.8    3.8    3.8
Fittings                          2.7    2.7    3.0    2.7    3.0    2.7    3.1
Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles    2.5    2.4    2.8    2.4    2.2    2.2    2.4
Heat Treatment                    1.9    2.0    2.7    2.2    2.2    2.0    2.0
Carpentry Industry                1.6    1.4    1.3    1.3    1.5    1.6    1.3
Supports                          1.0    0.9    1.2    1.0    0.9    0.8    1.1
Fasteners                         0.7    0.7    0.8    0.8    0.8    0.7    0.8
Other                             0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.1
Eliminations                     -0.2   -0.1   -0.1   -0.3   -0.2   -0.1   -0.3
Group in total                   38.0   37.7   38.6   33.9   35.6   33.1   34.1
Operating profit (MEUR)         2Q/12  1Q/12  4Q/11  3Q/11  2Q/11  1Q/11  4Q/10
Digital Printing Services         1.4    1.1    1.3    1.1    1.1    0.6    1.0
Takoma                           -1.0   -0.5   -0.6   -0.4   -0.1   -0.2   -0.6
Safety                            0.4    0.3    0.3    0.4    0.4    0.1    1.2
Value-added Logistics             0.1    0.1    0.3    0.2    0.0   -0.1    0.0
Fittings                          0.2    0.1    0.0    0.0    0.2    0.1    0.2
Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles    0.2    0.2    0.4    0.3    0.2    0.2    0.3
Heat Treatment                    0.2    0.4    0.7    0.5    0.4    0.5    0.1
Carpentry Industry                0.4    0.2    0.1    0.3    0.3    0.3   -0.1
Supports                          0.0    0.1    0.2    0.2    0.1   -0.1    0.1
Fasteners                        -0.1   -0.1   -0.1    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
Other                            -0.6   -0.7   -0.6   -0.4   -0.9   -0.7   -0.3
Group in total                    1.1    1.2    2.0    2.2    1.8    0.7    1.9

Panostaja is an investment company developing Finnish SMEs in the role of an
active majority shareholder. The company aims to be the most sought-after
partner for business owners selling their companies as well as for the best
managers and investors. Together with its partners, Panostaja increases the
Group's shareholder value and creates Finnish success stories. 

Panostaja Oyj currently operates in ten business areas. Flexim Security Oy
(Safety) is a specialist in security technology and services, locking, door
automation and access control products and solutions. Heatmasters Group (Heat
Treatment) offers thermal treatment services for metals in Finland and
internationally, and produces, develops and markets heat treatment technology.
KL-Varaosat (Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles) is an importer, wholesale dealer
and retailer of original spare parts and supplies for Mercedes Benz and BMW
cars. Kopijyvä Oy (Digital Printing Services) is one of Finland's largest
companies offering digital printing services. Suomen Helakeskus Oy (Fittings)
is a major wholesale dealer concentrating on construction and furniture
fittings. Suomen Kiinnikekeskus Oy (Fasteners) is a supply shop in the fastener
field. Matti-Ovi Oy (Carpentry Industry) manufactures and markets, as its main
product, solid wood interior doors. Takoma Oyj (Takoma) is a machine shop group
with an entrepreneur-driven business model and is registered on the stock
exchange. Toimex Oy (Supports) works in the HEPAC field, manufacturing and
selling supports. Vindea Oy (Value-added Logistics) is an enterprise
specialized in value-added logistics services for the Finnish metal industry.