2010-04-22 08:00:00 CEST

2010-04-22 08:00:02 CEST


Finnska Enska
GeoSentric Oyj - Notice to general meeting


GEOSENTRIC OYJ      STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE April 22, 2010 at 09.00              

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF GEOSENTRIC OYJ                                        

The Board of Directors of GeoSentric Oyj (“GeoSentric” or the “Company”) has    
decided to convene the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders on Friday, May
14, 2010 at 9:30 am. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at Hotel Kämp, in 
Pohjoisesplanadi 29, Helsinki. The reception of notified registered shareholders
will begin at 9:00 am.                                                          

The following matters shall be handled in the meeting:                          

1. Matters belonging to the Annual General Meeting according to Article 8 of the
Company's Articles of Association and Chapter 5 Article 3 of the Companies' Act:

1.1 Handling and confirming the Annual Accounts 2009                            

1.2 Handling of the result                                                      

The Board of Directors proposes that the loss from the period shall be booked on
the previous years' profit/loss account and that no dividend is paid.           

1.3 Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the
Managing Director from liability                                                

1.4 Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and 
the Auditor                                                                     

The Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee's proposal for the Board of   
Directors' meeting fees will be published separately before the Annual General  

The Board of Directors proposes the remuneration of the auditor to be paid      
according to a reasonable invoice.                                              

1.5 Resolution on the number of the members of the Board of Directors and       
election of members of the Board of Directors                                   

The Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee's proposal for the number of  
Board members and nominees will be published separately before the Annual       
General meeting.                                                                

1.6 Election of auditors                                                        

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting to re-elect Ernst & Young Ltd., CPA Mr. Erkka Talvinko acting as its responsible auditor, as the  
Company's auditor and PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. as deputy auditor.            

2. Amendment of the Articles of Association                                     

The Board of Directors proposes the Annual General Meeting to amend the         
paragraph 7 provision on the notice of a General Meeting to the effect that the 
provisions on the publication date of the notice corresponds to the amended     
provisions of the Finnish Companies Act and to allow the publication of the     
notice in the same manner as the other official disclosures of the Company.     

3. Authorizing the Board of Directors to decide on increasing share capital, and
issue of shares, option rights and special rights entitling to shares           

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting would authorize 
the Board of Directors to decide upon issuance of new shares, option rights and 
special rights entitling to shares as defined in Chapter 10 Article 1 of the    
Finnish Companies Act, against or without payment, in one or more installments  
such that the maximum number of new shares issued would be 400,000,000. In      
addition the Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting would decide to     
grant an authorization to the Board of Directors to decide upon the increase of 
the Company's share capital by maximum aggregate amount of EUR 4,000,000. The   
authorization would entitle to increase the share capital by means of using the 
premium fund or invested unrestricted equity fund for the increase.             

The authorization would entitle the Board of Directors to deviate from the      
pre-emptive right of shareholders and also accept set-off or other consideration
in kind as a payment for the shares or special rights. The Board of Directors   
would have the right to decide the terms of any issuance by virtue of the       
authorization for all other parts.                                              

The authorization would be valid for two (2) years from the date of the Annual  
General Meeting. The authorization would replace the existing authorization.    

4. Authorizing the Board of Directors to commence negotiations on divesting     
Company's mobile handset business                                               

The Board of Directors proposes the Annual General Meeting to grant the Board an
authorization to commence negotiations for divesting the Company's mobile       
handset business that is not in the focus area of the new strategy. The         
authorization would entitle to Board to negotiate and approve the deal terms at 
its discretion.                                                                 

Documents on view                                                               

Copies of the documents concerning the financial statements and the proposals of
the Board of Directors are available for shareholders to view from April 22,    
2010 onwards at the Company's office in Salo, at the address Meriniitynkatu 11, 
24100 Salo, Finland and on the Company's website www.geosentric.com. The Company
shall provide copies of the said documents to shareholders upon request against 
reimbursement of reasonable copying and delivery costs.                         

Total number of shares and votes                                                

On April 20, 2010, the date of the invitation to the General Annual Meeting,    
GeoSentric Oyj had 897,926,354 shares, which are all of the same series. Each   
share entitles its owner to 1 vote and accordingly the total number of votes by 
all shares is 897,926,354.                                                      

Right to participate                                                            

Shareholder, who has been registered in the Company's shareholder register,     
maintained by the Euroclear Finland Ltd (formerly the Finnish Central Securities
Depository Ltd.), on May 3, 2010 has the right to participate in the Annual     
General Meeting. In order to attend the Annual General Meeting, shareholders who
hold their shares under a name of a nominee must contact their custodian to be  
temporarily recorded in the shareholder register. The recording must be made    
effective no later than May 3, 2010.                                            

Notice of participation                                                         

Shareholder that wishes to participate in the Annual General Meeting must notify
his/her participation by May 7, 2010 at 12.00 at the latest to Company's head   
office by telephone +358 (0)20 7700800 (Minna Suokas), by telefax at +358 (0)2  
7332633, in writing to GeoSentric Oyj, PL 84, 24101 Salo, Finland, or by email  
to msuokas@gypsii.com. Proxies are requested to be delivered by the end of the  
above registration period.                                                      

A holder of nominee registered shares is advised to request without delay       
necessary instructions regarding the registration in the shareholder's register 
of the company, the issuing of proxy documents and registration for the Annual  
General Meeting from his/her custodian bank. The account management organization
of the custodian bank will register a holder of nominee registered shares, who  
wants to participate in the meeting, to be temporarily entered into the         
shareholders' register of the company at the latest on May 12, 2010 by 10.00    

GEOSENTRIC OYJ                                                                  

Board of Directors                                                              

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
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