2008-10-15 14:42:37 CEST

2008-10-15 14:43:37 CEST


Litauiska Engelska
Lifosa AB - Notification on material event

Unaudited results for the first nine months,2008

During January-September 2008 according to IFAS  the Company earned 
an unaudited net profit of 458 750 thou. LTL (132 863  thou. EUR).

During January- September 2007 according to IFAS the Company 
gained 140 995 thou. LTL (40 835  thou. EUR) net profit. 

During July-September 2008 according to IFAS the total net unaudited profit 
of the Company makes 192 923 thou. LTL ( 55 874  thou. EUR).

During July -September 2007 according to IFAS the total net profit of the
Company made 91 785 thou. LTL (26 583  thou. EUR).

Recorded Company's sales in September 2008 -  194 693  thousand LTL (56 387
For the same period last year the sales made 72 517 thousand LTL ( 21 002

Sales revenue for the products and services  of the Company during
January-September 2008 - 1 509 513 thou. LTL (437 185 thou. EUR), 
and 633 087  tons of the basic product DAP sold , 
earning 1 336 269  thou. LTL (387 010 thou. LTL).

Sales income during January-September 2007 - 642 285  thou.LTL (186 019 thou.
There were sold  604 216  tons of the DAP, earning 552 623  thou.LTL (160

During January-September 2008 net profit of the Company compared with an
appropriate period of 2007 increased 3.25 times, sales revenue increased 2.35
The key driver of the successful results in 2008 were high prices
of the basic product diammonium phosphate in the worldwide markets.

Regvita Ivanoviene
Chief Financial Officer
tel.: + 370 347 66 331