2012-11-13 14:25:15 CET

2012-11-13 14:26:14 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

On the intended procurement of the financial service, related to purchase of LNG

Klaipėdos Nafta AB (hereinafter, the “Company”) hereby informs that it intends
to purchase the service on provision of credit line in the amount of USD 100
mill., designated to ensure payment obligations to the suppliers of the
liquefied gas by way of public procurement. 

For this purpose on 13 November 2012 the Company has announced the draft of the
technical specification of procurement of the aforementioned financial service. 

The Company would like to note that by announcing the draft of technical
specification the procurement procedure is not being initiated, the aim of
notifying on this draft is to provide the possibility to market participants to
present their remarks and suggestions regarding the draft of the technical
specification of procurement, which is intended to be executed. 

Upon initiation of the procurement procedure, the information, indicated in the
draft of the technical specification may be specified. 

         Mantas Bartuška, Finance Director, 8 46 391 763