2010-12-09 19:45:48 CET

2010-12-09 19:46:37 CET


Eik Banki P/F - Niðurstöður hluthafafunda

Minutes of extraordinary general meeting

Thursday 9 December 2010 at 6.00 p.m. Faroese time, at the Company
Headquarters, Yviri við Strond 2, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, the Extraordinary
General Meeting was held according to the previously announced agenda: 

• The proposed change of the Company name from Eik Banki P/F to EB of 30
September 2010 P/F was passed. Furthermore, all secondary names are deleted
from Article 1.1 in the Articles of Association 

• The proposed change to the object of the Company was passed, and the amended
wording is: 

”The object of the Company is to terminate the Company activities that are
withstanding after the sale of the Company financial activities in accordance
with the conditional transfer agreement between the Company and the Danish
Financial Stability Company A/S.” 

The amendments of the Articles of Association are required due to the
finalisation of the conditional transfer agreement that Eik Banki entered into
with the Financial Stability Company A/S on 30 September 2010 in accordance
with the Financial Stability Act. As a consequence of this agreement, the
Company has transferred its activities (except share capital and other
subordinated capital) to a subsidiary of Financial Stability Company A/S. 

• The Board of Directors was authorised with power of delegation to report the
resolutions to the authorities and furthermore, to make changes that may be
required by the Faroese Company Registration Authority, VP Securities A/S,
Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S or other authorities as a condition for registration
or approval. 

Enclosed are the Articles of Association for EB of 30 September 2010 P/F in
Faroese, Danish and English. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Yours sincerely

Odd Bjellvåg, Chairman