2016-02-09 08:06:48 CET

2016-02-09 08:06:48 CET


Finnish English
SSH Communications Security Oyj - Financial Statement Release


Helsinki, Finland, 2016-02-09 08:05 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SSH COMMUNICATIONS

31, 2015 

October–December 2015: net sales decreased by -36.8 % compared to Q4 last year,
losses due to delays in closing software deals and continued investments to
future growth. Cash flow from operations positive, cash position remained

  -- Net sales totaled EUR 4.3 million, decrease by 
% year on year (EUR 6.7 million in 10
  -- Operating loss amounted to EUR -1.3 million (EUR 2.2 million in 10
/2014). Loss was EUR -0.9 million (EUR 2.3 million)
  -- Earnings per share EUR -0.04 (EUR 0.07).

January–December 2015: +16.4 % net sales growth, losses due to delays in
closing software deals, investments to future growth and high share of lower
margin service business. Cash flow from operations positive. Cash position
strengthened strongly due to convertible capital securities. 

  -- Net sales totaled EUR 18.9 million, up by 16.4 % year on year (EUR 16.2
     million in 1
  -- Operating loss amounted to EUR -4.4 million (EUR 0.2 million in 1
/2014). Loss was EUR -3.9 million (EUR 0.3 million)
  -- Earnings per share EUR -0.15 (EUR -0.00). 
  -- Cash flow from operations was positive EUR +0.3 million (EUR 1.8 million),
     total cash flow was positive EUR 5.1 million (EUR 2.1 million).

Equity ratio was good, being 66.8 % (63.3 %). Liquid assets were EUR 11.3
million (EUR 6.1 million). 

In 2016, SSH Communications Security estimates its revenue to grow
significantly compared to 2015. 

KEY FIGURES                                                                 
                                      10-12/  10-12/  1-12/  1-12/  Change %
                                        2015    2014   2015   2014          
Net sales (MEUR)                         4.3     6.7   18.9   16.2      16.4
Operating profit/loss (MEUR)            -1.3     2.2   -4.4    0.2  -2,243.4
-------------------------------------        -------------------------------
% of net sales                         -29.5    32.7  -23.2    1.3  -1,941.4
Profit/loss before taxes (MEUR)         -0.9     2.3   -3.9    0.4  -1,051.8
Profit/loss (MEUR)                      -0.9     2.3   -3.9    0.3  -1,292.3
Return on equity, %                                   -40.4    4.3  -1,045.6
Return on investment, %                               -39.9    2.7  -1,603.7
Liquid assets                                          11.3    6.1      85.3
Gearing (%)                                           -98.8  -77.3     -27.8
Equity ratio (%)                                       66.8   63.3       5.6
Earnings Per Share (EUR)               -0.04    0.07  -0.15  -0.00  14,398.5
Shareholders' equity per share (EUR)    0.36    0.25   0.36   0.25      43.2


Valued customers, partners, co-workers, and shareholders,

I want to extend my congratulations to you all on your contribution to
increasing security and stability in your respective roles during a challenging

Financially the year 2015 was challenging, with two major deals shifting away
from the year.  We continued major R&D efforts and invested in creating a
market, creating success stories in SSH key management, and increasing delivery
capability. We also invested substantially in enforcing our patents.
Nevertheless, cash flow and cash position remained strong. Our sales pipeline
looks promising and there is more customer interest on SSH key management than

We successfully completed a major, multi-year key remediation at one of the
world's largest banks. We are now in early stages of key remediation projects
with several other major global financial institutions.  We continue to be the
leader in SSH key management.  We see the market evolving but still being at an
early stage. 

We continued to invest in building our sales and support channel by making key
recruitments in the United States an Asia by opening an office in Japan and
certifying CryptoAuditor with multiple partners, including RSA Security
Analytics, McAfee, VCE vBlock System and Fujitsu. CryptoAuditor and SSH key
management support each other in the Identity and Access Management market,
e.g., in relation to securing 3rd party access. We will continue to expand our
role in that market through partnerships. 

The overall political development has opened a market in governmental segment
for a supplier from a neutral country. We are aiming to enter this segment
during 2016 with a next generation firewall product for protecting critical
infrastructure. In the past, we have supplied packet processing and encryption
technology for 100+ firewall, VPN, and telecom vendors. 

We continue enforcement of our patent rights.  We are expecting the first
rulings this year. 

During 2015, SSH Communications Security celebrated 20 years of success as the
inventor of the SSH protocol. The way the world is developing, the protocol is
more relevant today than ever. We could say that during 2015, cyber security
became an infinite game and a part of daily life. During 2016, the
understanding of the need to manage SSH keys in a proper manner will continue
to spread to auditors and board rooms. This is supported by NIST (US National
Institute of Standards and Technology) recommendations on how to manage your
SSH keys. 

This means committing ourselves even more resolutely to advancing the adoption
of secure solutions and practices in the public and private sector, as well as
devoting significant resources to innovation and product development. 

An indication of our growing commitment is the assignment of our founder Tatu
Ylönen as the Chief Operations Officer of SSH Communications Security. His
vision, experience and leadership qualities provide us with a unique
opportunity to apply scientific discovery and inquiry for the everyday benefit
of our customers and society in general. 

In summary, I have great confidence in and expectations for the year ahead. May
it prove inspiring, secure and prosperous for us all. 

Harri Koponen


Consolidated net sales for October–December totaled EUR 4.3 million (EUR 6.7
million), decrease by 36.8 %, year on year. 

Consolidated net sales for January–December totaled EUR 18.9 million (EUR 16.2
million), up by 16.4 %, year on year. Net sales grew in all regions. Recurring
revenue and especially professionally services grew strongly. Due to delays in
closing sw deals, sw fee declined. Share of service business was exceptionally

The Americas; Europe, Middle East and Africa market area; and the Asia Pacific
region accounted for 62.1 % (63.2 %), 26.7 % (25.7 %) and 11.2 % (11.2 %) of
reported net sales, respectively. 

SSH NET SALES                                                        
EUR million                    10-12/  10-12/  1-12/  1-12/  Change %
                                 2015    2014   2015   2014          
BY SEGMENT                                                           
AMERICAS                          2.1     4.6   11.7   10.2      14.3
APAC                              0.9     0.5    2.1    1.8      16.6
EMEA                              1.3     1.7    5.0    4.2      21.0
SSH Group Total                   4.3     6.7   18.9   16.2      16.4
BY OPERATION                                                         
Software fees                     1.6     3.4    5.1    5.8     -12.2
Professional services & other     0.6     1.7    6.1    4.1      50.5
Recurring revenue                 2.0     1.7    7.6    6.3      20.8
Total                             4.3     6.7   18.9   16.2      16.4

The majority of SSH Communications Security’s invoicing is U.S. dollar based.
During the reporting period, the U.S. dollar’s average exchange rate to euro
strengthened 16.5 % compared to the same period a year ago. With comparable
exchange rates 2014, net sales growth would have been 4.3 % compared with the
year 2014. 


Operating loss for October–December amounted to EUR -1.3 million (EUR 2.2
million), with net loss totaling EUR -0.9 million (EUR 2.3 million). 

Operating loss for January–December amounted to EUR -4.4 million (EUR 0.2
million), with net loss totaling EUR -3.9 million (EUR 0.3 million). Continued
investments to sales and product development and delays of closing sizeable
deals influenced profitability in addition to high share of professional
service sales. 

Sales, marketing and customer support expenses for the October–December
reporting period amounted EUR -3.3 million (EUR -1.8 million), while research
and development expenses totaled EUR -1.0 million (EUR -1.0 million) and
administrative expenses EUR -0.6 million (EUR -0.3 million). 

Sales, marketing and customer support expenses for the January–December
reporting period amounted EUR -10.0 million (EUR -7.3 million), while research
and development expenses totaled EUR -5.1 million (EUR -4.0 million) and
administrative expenses EUR -1.6 million (EUR -1.3 million). 


The financial position of SSH Communications Security remained strong during
the reporting period. The consolidated balance sheet total on December 31, 2015
stood at EUR 21.8 million (EUR 17.5 million; December 31, 2014), of which
liquid assets accounted for EUR 11.3 million (EUR 6.1 million), or 51.6 % of
the balance sheet total. On December 31, 2015, gearing, or the ratio of net
liabilities to shareholders’ equity, was -98.8 % (-77.3 %) and the equity ratio
stood at 66.8 % (63.3 %). The capital securities of EUR 4 million issued in
December 2012 and interests were paid in April. During March, convertible
capital securities of EUR 12 million were issued. 

The reported gross capital expenditure for the period totaled EUR 2.6 million
(EUR 1.9 million). The reported financial income and expenses consisted mainly
of exchange rate gains or losses. Financial income and expenses totaled EUR 0.5
million (EUR 0.2 million). 

During January–December, SSH Communications Security reported positive cash
flow of EUR 0.3 million (EUR 1.8 million) from business operations, and
investments showed a negative cash flow of EUR -2.6 million (EUR -1.8 million).
Cash flow from financing totaled EUR 7.4 million (EUR 2.1 million). Total cash
flow from operations, investments and financing was positive EUR 5.1 million
(EUR 2.1 million). 

There were no short term investments by the end of the reporting period.


Research and development expenses for October–December totaled EUR -1.0 million
(EUR -1.0 million), the equivalent of 23.3 % of net sales (20.5 %). During
October–December company has capitalized R&D costs EUR 0.7 million (EUR 0.4

Research and development expenses for January–December totaled EUR -5.1 million
(EUR -4.0 million), the equivalent of 26.9 % of net sales (25.0 %). During the
reporting period R&D cost capitalizations amounted to EUR 2.1 million (EUR 1.4
million). Depreciation from R&D capitalization assets was EUR -1.2 million (EUR
-0.8 million). 


At the end of December, the Group had 109 employees on its payroll, up by 14
persons from the previous year, an increase of 15 %. Compared with previous
quarter, the number of employees stayed the same. 

At the end of the period, 40 % (38%) of the employees worked in sales,
marketing and customer services, 49 % (48%) in R&D, and 11 % (14%) in corporate


At the Annual General Meeting, March 25, 2015, Jukka Manner was elected and
Päivi Hautamäki, Timo Syrjälä and Tatu Ylönen were re-elected to directors of
the company. Timo Syrjälä was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors
in the board´s organizing meeting. 

The Authorized Public Accountants KPMG Oy Ab was re-elected as the auditor of
the company with Kirsi Jantunen, authorized public accountant, as the auditor
with the main responsibility. 


The reported trading volume of SSH Communications Security Corporation shares
totaled 8,389,611 (valued at EUR 37,714,802). The highest quotation was EUR
6.32 and the lowest EUR 2.52. The trade-weighted average share price for the
period was EUR 4.50 and the share closed at EUR 3.02 (December 30, 2015). 

The company’s principal owner Tatu Ylönen holds directly and through his
company, Clausal Computing Oy, 55.1 % of the company's shares, Juha Mikkonen
holds directly and through his company under his control, Assetman Oy, 7.8 %
and Timo Syrjälä holds directly or through his companies 6.7 %. More
information about the shareholding can be obtained from the company´s web site. 

Two new legal units belonging to SSH Corporation were established during 2015:
SSH Communications Security KK (Japan) ja SSH Technology Oy (Finland). 

No dividend or return of capital has been distributed during the reporting


The company’s registered share capital on December 31, 2015 was EUR 941,108.49
consisting of 31,370,283 shares. 

The Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to
authorize the Board of Directors to decide upon the issuing of a maximum of
4,000,000 shares as a share issue against payment or by giving stock options or
other special rights entitling to shares, in accordance with Chapter 10 Section
1 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, either according to the
shareholders’ pre-emptive right to share subscription or deviating from this
right, in one or more tranches. Based on the authorization, it can be either
issuing of new shares or transfer of own shares which the company possibly has
in its possession. Based on the authorization, the Board of Directors shall
have the same rights as the Annual General Meeting to decide upon the issuing
of shares against payment and special rights (including stock options) in
accordance with Chapter 10 Section 1 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies
Act. Thereby, the authorization to be given to the Board of Directors includes,
inter alia, the right to deviate from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights with
directed issues providing that the company has a weighty financial reason for
the deviation in respect of the share issue against payment. 

Furthermore, the authorization includes the Board of Directors’ right to decide
upon who are entitled to the shares and/or stock options or special rights in
accordance with Chapter 10 Section 1 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies
Act as well as upon the related compensation, subscription and payment periods
and upon the registering of the subscription price into the share capital or
invested non-restricted equity fund within the limits of the Finnish Limited
Liability Companies Act. 

The authorization will be valid until the next Annual General Meeting, but will
however expire at the latest on June 30th, 2016. 

The Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to
authorize the Board of Directors to decide upon the acquiring of a maximum of
2,000,000 own shares of the company with assets belonging to the company’s
non-restricted equity. This amount corresponds approximately to 6.5 % of all
the shares of the company. The shares can also be acquired otherwise than in
proportion to the holdings of the existing shareholders (targeted repurchase).
The maximum compensation to be paid for the acquired shares shall be the market
price at the time of purchase, which is determined in the public trading. 

The authorization for the acquiring of the company’s own shares will be used,
inter alia, to strengthen the company's capital structure, to finance and
realize corporate acquisitions and other arrangements, to realize the
share-based incentive programs of the company or otherwise to be kept by the
company, to be transferred for other purposes or to be cancelled. The
acquisition of shares reduces the company’s distributable non-restricted

Decision concerning the acquiring of own shares cannot be made so that the
combined amount of the own shares which are in the possession of, or held as
pledges by, the company or its subsidiaries exceeds one-tenth of all shares.
The Board of Directors shall decide upon all other matters related to the
acquisition of shares. 

The authorization will be valid until the next Annual General Meeting, but will
however expire at the latest on June 30th, 2016. 


SSH Communications Security's Board of Directors will propose to the Annual
General Meeting on March 16th, 2016 that no dividend or return of capital shall
be distributed. It is proposed that the loss of the financial year shall be
entered to the shareholders’ equity in the profit/loss account. 


Most significant risks that might impact the profitability of the company have
remained by and large the same as in previous reporting period and are listed
below. Other risks, which are currently either unknown or considered immaterial
to SSH Communications Security may, however, become material in the future. 

Largest risks:
- continuing uncertainty of the macroeconomic environment
- delays on product development and closing new business
- competitiveness of the product portfolio including intellectual property (IPR)
- litigation, especially in U.S. market
- competitive dynamics in the industry
- ability of the organization to scale up operations with the growth
- large portion of the company revenue is invoiced in USD currency so possible
large fluctuation in USD currency rates during 2016 could have unpredictable
effects for profitability that are at the time difficult to estimate. Currently
USD currency position is not hedged, and company decides hedging of USD based
contracts case by case. During 2015, USD currency positions have not been

Utilization of the company´s patent portfolio may have significant positive
and/or negative impacts. 

Principles and organization of risk management of SSH Communications Security
can be read from company´s webpage: www.ssh.com. 


In 2016, SSH Communications Security estimates its revenue to grow
significantly from 2015. 


Clausal Computing Oy, a fully owned company of SSH Communications Security
Corporation’s Chief Operating Officer Tatu Ylönen, has delivered the company
mainly R&D services valued in total EUR 0.4 million during January–December
2015. Tatu Ylönen subscribed EUR 0.5 million of the hybrid capital securities
issued by the company on March 30th. The interests and capital securities of
EUR 4 million issued in December 2012 and subscribed by Tatu Ylönen, were paid
in April. During the reporting period, there have not been any other
significant transactions with related parties. 


As announced on January 4, 2016, SHH Communications Security signed a frame
agreement with CINIA and introduced its new firewall solution The SSH
Communications Security management is not aware of any other significant
transactions after the reporting period. 


This financial statement release is prepared according to IAS 34. Financial
statement release follows the same principles and standards as the previous
financial statement release.  Additionally, the effective changes in IAS/IFRS
standards during the reporting period have been adopted. These changes have no
material impact on the interim report. The information presented in this
interim report has not been audited. 

SSH Communications has redefined sales reporting by operations. New reporting
is Software (previous license sales excluding monthly subscription fees),
Professional services & other (previous consulting & other) and Recurring
revenue (previous maintenance and monthly subscription fees).  The impact for
comparison figures of 2014 and fourth quarter 2015 interim report is

SSH Communications Security has changed the operational mode into global
operational mode and ceased to report regional segments during 2015. 


COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT                                                  
EUR million                                         10-12/  10-12/  1-12/  1-12/
                                                      2015    2014   2015   2014
   Net sales                                           4.3     6.7   18.9   16.2
   Cost of goods sold                                 -0.6    -1.5   -6.5   -3.3
   Gross profit                                        3.7     5.3   12.4   12.9
   Other operating income                              0.0     0.0    0.0    0.0
   Sales, marketing and customer support costs        -3.3    -1.8  -10.0   -7.3
   Product development expenses                       -1.0    -1.0   -5.1   -4.0
   Administrative expenses                            -0.6    -0.3   -1.6   -1.3
   Operating profit/loss                              -1.3     2.2   -4.4    0.2
   Financial income and expenses                       0.3     0.1    0.5    0.2
   Profit/loss before taxes                           -0.9     2.3   -3.9    0.4
   Taxes                                              -0.0     0.0   -0.1   -0.1
   Net profit/loss for the financial period           -0.9     2.3   -3.9    0.3
   Non-controlling interest                            0.0     0.0    0.0    0.0
   Other profit and loss account items:                                         
   Items which might be later transferred to P/L                                
   Foreign subsidiary translation differences         -0.1    -0.4   -0.4   -0.4
   Net change in fair value of available-for-sale                               
   financial assets                                                             
---------------------------------------------------        ---------------------
                                               0.0     0.0     0.0    0.0       
   Total comprehensive income                         -1.0     1.9   -4.3   -0.1
   Net profit/loss attributable to:                                             
   Owners of the Company                              -1.0     1.9   -4.3   -0.1
   Non-controlling interest                            0.0     0.0    0.0    0.0
   EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                           
   Earnings per share (EUR)                          -0.04    0.07  -0.15  -0.00
   Earnings per share diluted (EUR)                  -0.04    0.06  -0.15  -0.00

BALANCE SHEET                                                                   
EUR million                                                                     
                                                          31.12.2015  31.12.2014
   Non-current assets                                                           
   Tangible assets                                               0.3         0.2
   Intangible assets                                             4.6         3.8
   Investments                                                   0.0         0.0
   Total non-current assets                                      4.9         4.0
   Current assets                                                               
   Trade and other receivables                                   5.5         7.5
   Short-term financial assets                                   0.0         0.0
   Cash and cash equivalents                                    11.3         6.1
   Total current assets                                         16.8        13.6
   Total assets                                                 21.8        17.5
   LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         
   Shareholders' equity                                                         
   Equity attributable to the parent company                    11.4         7.9
   Non-controlling interest                                      0.0         0.0
   Shareholders' equity total                                   11.4         7.9
   Non-current liabilities                                                      
   Provisions                                                    0.0         0.0
   Non-current interest-bearing liabilities                      0.0         0.0
   Total long-term liabilities                                   0.0         0.0
   Current liabilities                                          10.3         9.7
   Liabilities total                                            10.3         9.7
   Total equity and liabilities                                 21.8        17.5

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                        
EUR million                            1-12/2015  1-12/2014
   Cash flow from business operations        0.3        1.8
   Cash flow from investments               -2.6       -1.8
   Cash flow from financing                  7.4        2.1
   Increase(+) / decrease(-) in cash         5.1        2.1
   Cash at period start                      6.1        3.8
   Effect of exchange rate                   0.1        0.1
   Cash at period end                       11.3        6.1

STATEMENT ON                                                                    
 CHANGES IN                                                                     
EUR      Share    Fair     Other  Transla    Fund  Non-con   Unrestricted  Total
 milli  capita   value    fund +     tion     for  trollin   equity funds       
on           l  reserv     other  differe     own        g   and retained       
                    es    equity      nce  shares  interes       earnings       
                            fund                         t                      
Shareh     0.9     0.4       4.1     -1.3     0.0      0.0            3.3    7.4
Jan 1,                                                                          
Change     0.0     0.4       0.0     -0.4                                    0.1
Net                                                                   0.3    0.3
Shareh     0.9     0.9       4.1     -1.7     0.0      0.0            3.6    7.9
Change     0.0     0.5       7.6     -0.4                            -0.1    7.5
Net                                                                  -3.9   -3.9
Shareh     0.9     1.4      11.7     -2.1     0.0      0.0           -0.5   11.4

KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS                                                          
EUR million                                                         1-12/  1-12/
                                                                     2015   2014
Net sales                                                            18.9   16.2
Operating profit/loss                                                -4.4    0.2
Operating profit/loss as % of net sales                             -23.2    1.3
Profit/loss before extraordinary items and taxes                     -3.9    0.4
Profit/loss before extraordinary items and taxes as % of net sales  -20.4    2.5
Profit/loss before taxes                                             -3.9    0.4
Profit/loss before taxes as % of net sales                          -20.4    2.5
Return on equity (%)                                                -40.4    4.3
Return on investment (%)                                            -39.9    2.7
Interest-bearing net liabilities                                    -11.3   -6.1
Equity ratio (%)                                                     66.8   63.3
Gearing (%)                                                         -98.8  -77.3
Gross capital expenditure                                             2.6    1.9
% of net sales                                                       13.7   11.5
R&D expenses                                                          5.1    4.0
% of net sales                                                       26.9   25.0
Personnel period average                                              102     97
Personnel period end                                                  109     95

Calculation for key figures and ratios are presented in 2014 financial
statement and annual report. There have been no changes in calculation rules. 

PER SHARE DATA                                                
EUR                                              1-12/   1-12/
                                                  2015    2014
Earnings per share undiluted*                    -0.15   -0.00
Earnings per share diluted*                      -0.15   -0.00
Equity per share                                  0.36    0.25
No. of shares at period average (thousand)      31,068  30,817
No. of shares at period end (thousand)          31,370  30,974
Share performance                                             
Average price                                     4.50    2.85
Low                                               2.52    2.31
High                                              6.32    3.74
Share price period end                            3.02    2.51
Market capitalization period end (EUR million)    94.7    77.8
Volume of shares traded (million)                  8.4     3.6
Volume of shares traded as % of total             27.0    11.7
Value of shares traded (EUR million)              37.7    10.3
Price per earnings ratio (P/E)                    neg.    neg.
Dividend per share                                0.00    0.00
Dividend per earnings, %                          0.00    0.00
Effective return on dividend, %                   0.00    0.00

* equity per share is impacted by unpaid interest of hybrid capital securities

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                               
EUR million                                    31.12.2015  31.12.2014
Hybrid Loan, Interest                                 0.7         0.6
Rent security deposits                                0.1         0.1
Leasing commitments outside the balance sheet                        
Maturing within 1 year                                0.5         0.4
Maturing between 1 and 5 years                        0.5         0.8


The content in this report is provided by SSH Communications Security
Corporation ("SSH") and its third party content providers for your personal
information only and does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase any
securities. Nor does it provide any form of advice (investment. tax. legal)
amounting to investment advice. Or make any recommendations regarding
particular investments or products. SSH does not provide investment advice or
recommendations to buy or sell its shares or the shares of others. If you are
interested in investing in SSH, please contact your financial adviser for
further details and information. Past performance of SSH shares is not

SSH Communications Security Corporation will release its interim report of the
first quarter of the year in April 21st, 2016. 

Helsinki, February 9th, 2016


Board of Directors

Harri Koponen

For further information, please contact:
Harri Koponen, CEO. tel. +358 20 500 7000
Jyrki Lalla, CFO, tel. +358 45 340 4641

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

SSH_4Q15 ENGv10.pdf