2017-05-02 08:30:28 CEST

2017-05-02 08:30:28 CEST


English Finnish
Kamux Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Kamux Oyj: Kamux Corporation has applied for its shares to be listed on the main market of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd

KAMUX CORPORATION         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE        2 May 2017 at 9:30 am

Not for publication, distribution or release, in whole or in part, directly or
indirectly, in or into the United States, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan,
New Zealand, South Africa or Singapore or any other country where it would be
against the law.

Kamux Corporation has applied for its shares to be listed on the main market of
Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd

Kamux  Corporation  ("Kamux"  or  the  "Company")  has today submitted a listing
application  with Nasdaq  Helsinki Ltd  ("Helsinki Stock  Exchange") to list the
Company's  shares first  on the  pre-list and  then on  the official list of the
Helsinki  Stock Exchange. Trading in  the shares is expected  to commence on the
pre-list of the Helsinki Stock Exchange on or about May 12, 2017 and on the main
market on or about May 16, 2017.

For further information

Juha Kalliokoski, CEO and Founder, Kamux Corporation, +358 50 544 5538

Matti Virtanen, Chairman of the Board, Kamux Corporation, +358 50 434 7676

Satu   Heikkilä,  Head  of  Communications  and  Marketing,  Kamux  Corporation,
+358 400 629 337

About Kamux

Kamux  is  a  retail  chain  specializing  in  the sale of used cars and related
integrated services that has grown rapidly. The first Kamux car showroom started
its operations in 2003 in Hämeenlinna, Finland and the Company currently has 37
car  showrooms in Finland, nine in Sweden and two in Germany. In addition, Kamux
aims  to  open  two  new  car  showrooms  in  Finland during May 2017. Since its
foundation,  the Company has sold more  than 140,000 used cars, of which 36,290
were  sold in  2016. Kamux's revenue  reached EUR  405 million in 2016. Adjusted
operating  profit[1]  was  EUR  18 million,  resulting  in an adjusted operating
profit margin(1) of 4.4 percent in 2016. Kamux employed 552 employees at the end
of 2016, of which 272 were permanent employees.

Kamux's business is based on professional procurement and sale of used cars, low
fixed  costs, rapid inventory turnover and sales of integrated services. Kamux's
business  model makes it possible  to offer affordable used  cars and the aim of
the Company is to continuously develop its operations to better address customer

In  accordance  with  its  business  model,  Kamux  also  offers  its  customers
integrated  services related with car sales,  enabling it to serve its customers
more  comprehensively. Kamux offers its customers financing products from third-
party  service providers  at all  of its  car showrooms  in Finland,  Sweden and
Germany. In addition, Kamux offers insurance products and a liability extension,
Kamux  Plus, to cover car repair costs in Finland and Sweden. A key component of
Kamux's  customer service concept in  Finland and Sweden is  the delivery of the
purchased  car  to  a  location  agreed  with  the  customer and, if needed, the
simultaneous pick-up of a possible trade-in car.

Kamux  acquires  used  cars  from  car  auctions,  leasing  companies, other car
dealers,  financing companies, importers, private individuals and other sources.
Kamux's  entire car selection is available to  all of its sales personnel at all
of  Kamux's  car  showrooms  in  Finland  as  well  as countrywide in Sweden and
Germany. In 2016, approximately 27 percent of the cars sold by Kamux were cross-
sold through another Kamux car showroom.

More   information   on   Kamux  is  available  on  the  Company  web  pages  at

Important Information

Neither   this   announcement  nor  the  information  contained  herein  is  for
publication,  distribution  or  release,  in  whole  or  in  part,  directly  or
indirectly,  in  or  into  the  United  States, Australia, Canada, the Hong Kong
special  administrative region  of the  People's Republic  of China,  Japan, New
Zealand,  South Africa or Singapore or any  other jurisdiction where to do would
constitute violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction.

This  announcement is not a prospectus for the purposes of Directive 2003/71/EC
(such  directive, as amended, together with any applicable implementing measures
in the relevant member state of the European Economic Area under such Directive,
the  "Prospectus Directive"). A  prospectus prepared pursuant  to the Prospectus
Directive  and approved by  the Finnish Financial  Supervisory Authority will be
published  prior  to  any  offering  of  securities  and, when published, can be
obtained  from Kamux  and other  places indicated  in the  prospectus. Investors
should  not  subscribe  for  or  purchase  any  securities  referred  to in this
announcement except on the basis of information contained in the prospectus.

This  announcement  does  not  contain  or  constitute  an  offer  to sell, or a
solicitation  of an offer to purchase, any  securities in the United States. The
securities  referred to herein may  not be offered or  sold in the United States
absent  registration or an exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities
Act of 1933, as amended. Kamux does not intend to register any of the securities
in  the United States or  to conduct a public  offering of the securities in the
United States.

This  announcement is  directed only  at: (A)  persons in  member states  of the
European  Economic  Area  who  are  "qualified  investors" within the meaning of
Article  2(1)(e) of the Prospectus Directive (the "Qualified Investors"); (B) in
the   United   Kingdom,  Qualified  Investors  who  are  persons  who  (i)  have
professional  experience in matters relating to  investments and who fall within
the  definition of "investment professionals"  in Article 19(5) of the Financial
Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the
"Order");  or (ii) are high net worth  entities falling within Article 49 of the
Order;  and (C) other persons to whom  it may otherwise lawfully be communicated
(all  such  persons  together  being  referred  to  as  "Relevant Persons"). Any
investment  activity to which this communication  relates will only be available
to  and will  only be  engaged with,  Relevant Persons.  Any person who is not a
Relevant Person should not act or rely on this document or any of its contents.

None of the Managers or any of their respective affiliates, directors, officers,
employees, advisers or agents accepts any responsibility or liability whatsoever
for/or  makes  any  representation  or  warranty,  express or implied, as to the
truth,  accuracy or  completeness of  the information  in this  announcement (or
whether  any information  has been  omitted from  the announcement) or any other
information relating to Kamux, its subsidiaries or associated companies, whether
written,  oral or in a  visual or electronic form,  and howsoever transmitted or
made  available  or  for  any  loss  howsoever  arising  from  any  use  of this
announcement or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith.

The  Managers  are  each  acting  exclusively  for  Kamux and for no-one else in
connection  with any  transaction mentioned  in this  announcement and  will not
regard  any other person (whether or not  a recipient of this announcement) as a
client  in relation to any  such transaction and will  not be responsible to any
other person for providing the protections afforded to their respective clients,
or  for advising  any such  person on  the contents  of this  announcement or in
connection  with any transaction referred to  in this announcement. The contents
of this announcement have not been verified by the Managers.

This  announcement does not constitute a recommendation concerning the offering.
The  price and value of securities and any  income from them can go down as well
as  up. Past performance  is not a  guide to future  performance. Information in
this  announcement or any  of the documents  relating to the  offering cannot be
relied  upon as a  guide to future  performance. There is  no guarantee that the
listing on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd will occur and you should not base your financial
decisions  on  Kamux's  intentions  in  relation  to  the listing at this stage.
Potential  investors should consult a professional advisor as to the suitability
of the offering for the entity concerned.

Each of the Managers and any of their respective affiliates, acting as investors
for  their own accounts,  may purchase shares  and in that  capacity may retain,
purchase,  sell, offer to sell or otherwise  deal for their own accounts in such
shares  and other securities of Kamux  or related investments in connection with
the offering or otherwise. Accordingly, references in the final prospectus, once
published,  to the  shares being  offered, acquired,  sold, placed  or otherwise
dealt  in should be read  as including any offer,  sale, acquisition, placing or
dealing  in the shares by any of the Managers and any of their affiliates acting
as  investors for their  own accounts. In  addition, certain of  the Managers or
their  affiliates may enter into financing  arrangements and swaps in connection
with  which they  or their  affiliates may  from time  to time  acquire, hold or
dispose  of shares. None of  the Managers intends to  disclose the extent of any
such  investment or transaction  otherwise than in  accordance with any legal or
regulatory obligations to do so.

No  representation or warranty, express or implied,  is given by or on behalf of
the  Managers or  any of  their respective  subsidiaries, affiliates,  agents or
advisers or any of such persons' affiliates, directors, officers or employees or
any  other person as to the  fairness, accuracy, completeness or verification of
the information or the opinions contained in this announcement, and no liability
is  accepted for any such  information or opinions. Each  of the Managers or any
such  persons' directors, officers, employees or  affiliates or any other person
disclaim  all and  any responsibility  and liability  whatsoever for any errors,
omissions  or inaccuracies in such information or opinions or for any loss, cost
or  damage suffered or incurred howsoever  arising, directly or indirectly, from
any  use of this  announcement or its  contents or otherwise  in connection with
this announcement.


[1] Operating profit adjusted for costs relating to the listing, special items
relating to strategic planning and strategy implementation, special items
relating to expansion of business and cash-settled share-based payments related
to redemption of treasury shares.
