2011-03-23 12:49:15 CET

2011-03-23 12:50:15 CET

Islandic English
BankNordik P/F - Managers' transactions

Insider's dealing

Trade ticker: B-Nordik

Issuer: P/F BankNordik

Date of announcement: 21.03.2011

Name primary insider: Keld Søndergaard Holm

Insider's relation with the issuer: Member of the board of directors

Date of transaction: 17.03.2011

Time of transaction: 16.27 CET

Type of financial instrument: Shares

Buy or Sell: Buy

Number of shares: 350

Price per share: DKK 125

Primary insider's holdings after the transaction: 2,600

Primary insider's option holdings after the transaction: 0

Related parties' holdings after the transaction: 0

Date of settlement: 22.03.2011

Summary of transactions

Following the settlement of the insider's delaings previously announced today,
Keld Søndergaard Holm holds 2,600 shares in P/F BankNordik. 


For further information please contact Investor Relation at BankNordik.
IR@banknordik.fo or te. +298 330 330.