2011-05-05 13:31:39 CEST

2011-05-05 13:32:34 CEST


Suomių Anglų
Neomarkka - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Sales growth in all sectors - beginning of year negative for Avilon

Neo Industrial Plc      STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE        5 May 2011 at 2.30 pm

Sales growth in all sectors - negative beginning of year for Avilon

Comparable figures ( ) refer to last year's corresponding period unless
otherwise stated. 


- The Group's net sales were EUR 31.6 (16.6) million.
- Operating result -7.2 (-2.3) million.
- Cable business net sales grew from the previous year by 47%, EUR 24.5 (16.6)
- Cable business operating result was however negative, EUR -0.4 (-2.0) million.
- The domestic cable market was lively - business picked up also in Russia.
- Viscose Fibers business net sales were EUR 7.1 million.
- Viscose Fibers result was negative, EUR -6.6 million due to plant startup
costs as well as reduced capacity utilization due to temporary availability
problems of the main raw material. 
- The demand situation for Avilon's fiber is very good - the factory's pulp
supply is secure and the production can continue to be increased. 
- The Single Family Housing segment's net sales were EUR 22.5 million.
Profitability improved from the previous year. New orders received in Finland
grew 18%, sales also showed growth in the Baltic countries and Russia. 

Managing Director Markku E. Rentto:

- Neo Industrial's first quarter of 2011 was negative as expected, but sales
grew in all sectors. The Cable division's market situation has improved
significantly and its first quarter net sales were very good. The production
reorganizing which had been straining the profitability of Reka Cables in
Finland were brought to conclusion. The sector is ready for market growth,
which we expect on the basis of both offer and order backlog at the end of

Viscose fibers' first quarter in operation was eventful. Avilon's first steps
coincided with price increases and availability problems of dissolving pulp,
the main raw material for viscose fibers. Start of production was therefore
moved from December 2010 to mid January. As the factory started up and went
into production, Avilon prepared for a shutdown at the end of March due to a
shortage of pulp. Sourcing of pulp was again confirmed in April and the plant
resumed production on 21 April 2011. The main production line is now operating
at full capacity and pulp supplies are secured. After the initial difficulties,
Avilon's prospects look promising. 

The Single Family Housing business, our associated company Finndomo, increased
new orders in Finland during the review period by almost 20%. A change in
strategy means Finndomo now focuses on the domestic market as well as the
Baltic countries and Russia. Cost controls continue in the group and
alternative options for operations in Sweden will be sought. 


                                            1-3 /2011  1-3 /2010
Turnover, EUR million, of which                  31.6       16.6
- Cable business                                 24.5       16.6
- Viscose Fibers                                  7.1        0.0
- Other operations                                0.0        0.0
Operating result, EUR million, of which          -7.2       -2.3
- Cable business                                 -0.4       -2.0
- Viscose Fibers                                 -6.6        0.0
- Other operations                               -0.3       -0.3
Profit or loss for the period, EUR million       -7.5       -2.2
Earnings per share, EUR                         -1.26      -0.37
ROI, %                                          -11.1       -2.5
Equity ratio, %                                  22.7       47.5


Neo Industrial Group's net sales for January-March 2011 was EUR 31.6 (16.6)
million. Net income was a loss, EUR -7.2(-2.3) million. The main reason for the
negative result was the establishment of the Viscose Fibers business. Avilon's
launching costs included the delay of start up from December 2010 to the middle
of January 2011, as well as difficulties in raw material availability and the
associated reduction of capacity utilization at the end of the reviewed period. 

The Viscose Fibers business operating loss was EUR 6.6 million. The review
period was the segment's first quarter in which it had net sales (EUR 7.1

The Cable business net sales rose significantly from the previous year to EUR
24.5 (16.6) million, but the result was a EUR 0.4 million loss, although less
than the previous year (EUR -2.0 million). 

Net sales of the Single Family Housing business (EUR 22.5 million during the
review period) is not included in the Group's net sales figure but is described
in the business review. The segment has been reported from May 2010, so
comparative figures for 2010 are not yet reported for 2011. Neo Industrial's
Single Family Housing business share of the Finndomo group result is reported
in the Consolidated Income Statement under the item “Share of the result of

At the end of the period under review, the balance sheet total stood at EUR
117.1 (107.1) million. Neo Industrial's liquidity situation has been tight due
to start-up investment requirements for Avilon Ltd and the multiplicity of the
related financing arrangements, as well as sharp price increases of metals and
plastics in the Cable business. 

Reka Cables' working capital is financed with a revolving bank credit of EUR
6.0 million and factoring credit of 9.5 million. EUR 0.4 million of the bank
credit was unused on 3 March2011. Of the factoring facility, EUR 1.7 million
was unused. Avilon has EUR 6.0 million factoring credit, which was not used
during the review period. 

This report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 requirements for
interim reports. The same principles have been followed as in the financial
statement for 2010. During the review period, the Group adopted new accounting
principles for handling Avilon Ltd's emission rights. Emission rights received
are recognized as intangible assets and deferred income. The handling of
emission rights is described further in the interim report accounting policies


Cable business

The Cable business sales grew significantly in the first quarter. Business
segment net sales for January-March 2011 was EUR 24.5 (16.6) million, an
increase of 47%. Operating loss decreased to EUR -0.4 (-2.0) million. The loss
includes 0.3 million non-recurring charges from the already completed Reka
Cables domestic production restructuring started at the beginning of the last
quarter of 2010. The impact on 2010 profitability from the Riihimäki factory
breakdown insurance case is however still pending. 

At the beginning of the year, the Cable market was vibrant, much improved from
the first quarter of the previous year, when the downturn was reflected in the
reduced demand. The biggest growth came from Finland and the Baltic countries
fueled by the growth in electricity wholesale markets. The company's offer and
order backlog at the end of the review period were both at a good level. 

The Russian market was as good as Finland in the first quarter, but the
competitive situation remained tight. The abolishment of the duty-free status
of metals in Russia this year requires a change in Reka Cables operating model
and alternatives were examined during the review period. Russian operations
during the review period resulted in a positive operating result. The negative
trend that started in fall 2008 has been halted, and the outlook is positive
for the whole of 2011. 

Raw material price increases and fluctuations still challenge the working
capital management of Reka Cables. Copper prices remain high, and aluminum
prices have risen even more than expected. Plastic raw material prices are
rising with the price of oil and will also be more expensive throughout. In
addition, the availability of raw materials remained challenging in some
places. Reka Cables strives to manage the situation with safeguards and good
working capital management. High demand in the first quarter gave Reka Cables
and the whole sector enhanced opportunities to increase prices to meet part of
the raw materials cost level. 

The capacity of Reka Cables' Hyvinkää and Keuruu factories during the reporting
period was, in the main, effectively used. At the medium and high voltage cable
manufacturing plant in Riihimäki, utilization due to the seasonal nature of the
products was of lower than other factories, but like other factories, the level
of its offer backlog at the end of the period was good. In the early spring,
Reka Cables recruited more than 25 new employees to Finnish manufacturing

Net sales of associate company, telecommunications and fiber optic cables
manufacturer Nestor Cables Ltd was EUR 3.3 (3.2) million. Net sales increased
5% from the previous year's corresponding period. First quarter earnings were
still negative as a long and harsh winter season depressed demand for optical
fiber underground cables. The installation season is delayed for the same
reason, but full-year demand is expected to grow significantly. 

Viscose Fibers

The Viscose Fibers business encompasses Avilon Oy, a Valkeakoski-based viscose
fiber plant that Neo Industrial acquired in the autumn of 2010. The Avilon Ltd
factory successfully started production on 13 January 2011. Net sales during
the review period were EUR 7.1 million. The operating result was a EUR -6.6
million loss. Start up costs increased with difficulties in raw material
availability and subsequent delay in start up from December 2010 to the middle
of January 2011 and, for the same reason, reduced capacity utilization in late

The demand for dissolving pulp increased with the historical peak in the
shortage of cotton from November 2010 onwards. At the end of 2010, Avilon
secured the pulp deliveries for the first quarter, but by the end of March,
supplies could no longer be guaranteed. Since operation below capacity is not
economic, Avilon made the decision at the end of the review period to
temporarily halt production until the raw materials supply was secured. In this
context, Avilon decided to start co-determination negotiations with personnel
to adjust operations in case of any shutdown. Avilon also announced plans for a
second production line to launch in the third quarter. Neo Industrial announced
this on 30 March 2011. 

Demand for Avilon's viscose fiber exceeded the supply capacity of the plant,
which is limited by the above mentioned dissolving pulp availability. Quality
of the plant's products has been excellent. Viscose fibers were delivered to
both old and new customers. Avilon sold about 4,200 tons of production during
January to March. 

During the review period, Avilon also started manufacturing a special fire
retardant fiber product. The first deliveries were made to a U.S. customer and
test samples were also submitted in Europe. Fire retardant fiber demand
however, was low at the beginning of the year due to slow housing construction
in the U.S., the main market area. Fire retardant fiber applications are
however diversified and its use is growing in a number of areas with increased
fire safety legislation, leading to strong interest in Avilon's products. The
in-house developed technology of Avilon fire retardant fiber is less expensive
than competing solutions and a high performance product. Getting started in the
new heavily regulated, flame retardant textile market is, however, slower to
enter than the basic viscose fiber market. 

During the review period, Avilon made an agreement with the Finnish Berner
company to supply sodium sulfate, a viscose manufacturing by-product, to Berner
for further processing. By-product sales represent EUR 1 to 2 million in sales
revenue annually. 

Avilon's production of viscose fibers has significant growth expectations, as
viscose is the main substitute for cotton. Cotton cultivation is decreasing
leading to a global cotton shortage, which is expected to continue for at least
though to 2012. Estimates used by Avilon show that the demand for viscose
fibers in the total textile fiber market will grow 3.5% annually in the next
few years. 

During the review period, Avilon's emission rights were sold in entirety.

Single Family Housing

Finndomo sales increased in January-March from the previous year and stood at
EUR 22.5 million. Finnish business development was very positive. New orders
received in Finland was also a positive development, new orders received at the
beginning of the year increased by 18% compared to the previous year. The
winter months are traditionally the weakest quarter from both the profit and
sales point of view. 

Neo Industrial decided during the review period to make additional investment
in Finndomo together with the other principal owner. Neo Industrial's
proportion of the investment is EUR 2.8 million, which during the review period
is the form of a loan to be converted to an equity investment in the second

Growth in the single family housing market leveled off during the second half
of 2010 and was only a couple of percent at the beginning of 2011, but the
sector's sales are expected to continue to grow 5-10% this year. 

In the regional construction segment, the most significant events were the
Pakila single family house building permit approvals and winning the City of
Helsinki's Honkasuo area eco- and energy-efficient family house competition.
Finndomo will deliver the Pakila area houses during the fall of 2011. The
Honkasuo area is at the planning stage together with the city. Finndomo has
more than 300 family house projects in regional developments in Finland under
construction or planned. 

Finndomo has sharpened its strategy during the period. The Finndomo group will
focus on the house business, project construction and development of sales in
Finland, Russia and the Baltic region. In the Baltics and Russia, the sales
efforts made according to the new strategy brought results already during the
review period. The company will also continue efforts to improve profitability.
Under the strategy, the Group's Swedish operations will undergo local corporate
reorganization, filed by Finndomo AB on 23 February 2011. Neo Industrial
announced this on the same day. Investigation into the possible sale of the
Swedish business has started. The corporate reorganization does not apply to
Finnish business. 


At the end of March, the Viscose Fiber business, Avilon, was prepared for a
longer temporary shutdown that was avoided as the company ensured its pulp
supply. Avilon production restarted on 21 April 2011 and temporary layoffs were
avoided. Negotiations to safeguard future pulp deliveries are ongoing. Neo
Industrial announced this on 20 April 2011. 


The Group's investments totaled EUR 0.5 (0.3) million, of which EUR 0.1 million
was allocated to the Cable business and EUR 0.4 million to the Viscose Fibers
business. The Group's long-term leases of real estate are taken into account
according to IFRS under the provisions of fixed assets. 


Neo Industrial Plc's share capital is divided into A and B shares. The total
share capital including all shares stood at EUR 24,082,000 on 31 March 2011 and
the number of shares was 6,020,360. The number of shares includes 92,727 B
shares owned by Neo Industrial. The holding represents 1.5% of the company's
share capital and 1.1% of the votes. The company held no A-shares. Neo
Industrial Corporation B-shares (NEO1V) are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
Stock Exchange's Main List. 

Company shares                                      31.3.2011   31.3.2010
Company share capital (EUR)                        24,082 000  24,082,000
A shares (20 votes/share) B shares (1 vote/share)     139,600     139,600
B shares (1 vote/share)                             5,880,760   5,880,760
Total                                               6,020,360   6,020,360
B shares held by the company                           92,727      63,487

A total of 94 506 (65 128) of the company's Class B shares traded on the NASDAQ
OMX Helsinki in January-March, which corresponded to 1.6% (1.1%) of the total
number of shares. The share price on 31.03.2011 was EUR 6.99 (7.45) per share,
and the period average exchange rate January-March was EUR 6.74, the lowest
quotation was EUR 5.51 (5.91) and the highest EUR 7.99 (8.20). The company's
market capitalization was valued at EUR 41.1 (44.3) million on 31 March 2011. 


During the period, Neo Industrial did not exercise the authorizations of the
general meetings (10 June 2009 and 9 June 2010) to repurchase shares. The
Annual General Meeting on 30 March 2011 approved a new authorization. 


The company's Annual General Meeting was held in Helsinki on 30 March 2011.

The AGM confirmed the number of Board members is six (6) and re-appointed the
following members to the Board of Directors: Matti Lainema (Chairman), Pekka
Soini (Deputy Chairman), and as members, Ilpo Helander, Risto Kyhälä, Taisto
Riski and Raimo Valo. 

Decisions from the AGM were given a separate release on 30 March 2011.

Neo Industrial's audit committee members are Ilpo Helander, Taisto Riski and
Pekka Soini. The company's new, 30 March 2011 constituted audit committee
members are Taisto Riski, Pekka Soini and Raimo Valo. 

The company's Managing Director is Markku E. Rentto.


Neo Industrial Plc is the parent company of the group, which includes the Neo
Industrial wholly owned subsidiaries Novalis Plc, Alnus Ltd, as well as
Carbatec Ltd. and its subsidiaries and associated companies. Carbatec Ltd is
Avilon Ltd's parent company. The domicile of Neo Industrial is Hyvinkää. 

On 31 March 2011, Neo Industrial had 12,380 shareholders. The company's largest
shareholder, Reka Ltd, held 50.76% of shares and 65.77% of votes. Neo
Industrial Plc is thus part of the Reka Group. Reka Ltd is domiciled in

At the end of March, the combined holding of the ten largest shareholders was
60.7% of the shares and 72.7% of the votes. On 31 March 2011, Members of the
Board, CEO and CFO directly owned and controlled a total of 2,951,917 Neo
Industrial B series shares. 


During the review period, the Group employed an average number of 607 (512)
persons. At the end of March 2011, the Group had 625 (515) employees, of which
478 were in the Cable business and 133 in the Viscose Fibers business. 


Neo Industrials financial risks are currency, interest rate, commodity,
liquidity, credit and investment market risks. Financial risks and protection
measures are described in more detail in notes to the financial statements. The
company's future risk factors are related to the business development of the
portfolio companies. 

The Group's liquidity situation is tight. Previously promised funding,
connected to the decision on Avilon's acquisition and start-up, has not
materialized within the agreed timetable. In addition, it has not been possible
to take up part of Avilon Ltd's financing solution because the related loan
guarantee by the municipality is still pending appeal. The market price of the
Viscose Fiber business's main raw material, dissolving pulp, rose almost
vertically at the end of 2010 and remained at a high level during the review
period. The Cable business liquidity is particularly tight due to copper price

The Cable business's most significant risks are related to market development
as well as raw material prices and currency fluctuations. Elevated metals
prices and strong volume growth will increase the need for working capital
required for operational activities. This, together with strong seasonal
fluctuations, bring pressure to liquidity management. Reka Cables' Riihimäki
testing equipment failure in the summer of 2010 caused the company a reputation
risk, which the company is trying to control by bringing the flexibility of
production back to normal and ensuring good customer service. 

Viscose Fibers is a new business that is subject to the risks associated with
any business start-up. The main risks of the sector are market and competitor
development, currency fluctuations and raw material price fluctuations and
availability. The most important raw material is dissolving pulp. 

For the Single Family Housing business, the main risks of the industry are
demand and competitor development, production capacity and utilization level,
raw material price fluctuations and success of the restructuring. 


Although results for the first quarter of 2011 are negative due to the cable
business seasonality and Avilon start up expenses, the Group's earnings outlook
for 2011 is positive. 

Cable industry market conditions and profitability improved at the end of 2010.
Additionally, significant, non-recurring expenses caused by production
reorganization have been completed during the review period. Cable business
operating profit is expected to rise to be positive in 2011. 

Viscose manufacturing industry was successfully launched at the beginning of
the year. As the bulk of the production start-up investments were made in 2010
and the first quarter of 2011, we expect the operating profit to be positive on
the second half of the year. 

The market situation for the Single Family Housing business sector is expected
to continue to develop favorably. Finndomo's Finnish business operating margin
was positive for the second half of 2010 and restructuring has proceeded well.
Alternatives are being sought for the Swedish operations, currently under
corporate reorganization. 

As net sales double in the beginning of the year, liquidity is critical and
requires special attention throughout the year. In order to ensure liquidity
and to allow strong growth, in addition to the financing and payment term
negotiations, actions will be taken to boost inventory turnover and free up
capital assets. 

Helsinki, 5 May 2011

Neo Industrial Plc
Board of Directors

For additional information please contact:
Markku E. Rentto, Managing Director , tel. 020 720 9191
Sari Tulander, Financial Director, tel. 020 720 9192


Neo Industrial Plc's strategy is to invest mainly in industrial companies with
similar synergic benefits. The aim of investments is with active ownership to
develop the purchased companies and establish additional value. Returns are
sought through both dividend flow and an increase in value. Neo Industrial's B
shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange. 

Neo Industrial's segments are Cable (Reka Cables, Expokabel, Nestor Cables),
Viscose Fibers (Avilon) and Single Family Housing (Finndomo). 


EUR 1,000                                     1.1. - 31.3.2011  1.1. - 31.3.2010
Turnover                                                31,615            16,603
Change in inventories of finished products               5,095              -732
 and production in progress                                                     
Production for own use                                      14                37
Materials and services                                 -33,933           -10,663
Personnel expenses                                      -5,319            -3,163
Depreciation and impairment                             -1,275            -1,215
Other operating income and expenses                     -3,409            -3,124
                                                       -38,827           -18,860
Operating profit or loss                                -7,212            -2,257
Financial income                                           179               407
Financial expenses                                        -850              -295
Share of the result of associates                       -1,669                 0
Profit or loss before taxes                             -9,552            -2,146
Taxes                                                    2,057               -98
Profit or loss for the period                           -7,495            -2,244
Profit or loss attributable to                                                  
Equity holders of the parent                            -7,531            -2,180
Minority interests                                          37               -64
                                                        -7,495            -2,244
Earnings per share attributable to the                                          
 shareholders of the parent (EUR)                                               
before and after dilution, EUR                           -1.26             -0.37
Number of shares                                     5,928,483         5,956,873
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE                                         
Profit or loss                                          -7,495            -2,244
Other comprehensive items                                                       
Translation differences related to foreign                 163             1,751
Total                                                      163             1,751
Total comprehensive income                              -7,332              -494
Total comprehensive income attributable to                                      
Equity holders of the parent                            -7,314              -531
Minority interest                                           37                37
                                                        -7,278              -494
Equity / share                                            4.39              7.31


EUR 1,000                                          31.3.2011  31.12.2010
Non-current assets                                                      
Goodwill                                               3,795       3,624
Other intangible assets                                7,838       7,765
Tangible assets                                       42,902      43,719
Holdings in associates                                 3,000       4,668
Receivables                                              149           1
Derivative contracts                                       0          66
Deferred tax assets                                    5,153       3,040
Total non-current assets                              62,837      62,883
Current assets                                                          
Inventories                                           22,720      17,529
Sales receivables and other receivables               26,775      19,880
Tax receivables from the profit                            0          17
Derivative contracts                                   1,008       1,174
Other financial assets                                 2,900       2,894
Cash and cash equivalents                              1,341       2,734
Total current assets                                  54,744      44,229
Total Assets                                         117,582     107,112
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                    
Shareholder's equity                                                    
Share capital                                         24,082      24,082
Premium fund                                              66          66
Reserve fund                                           1,221       1,221
Own shares                                              -599        -599
Translation differences                               -1,076      -1,239
Retained profit                                      -18,969     -11,492
Other unrestricted equity                             21,327      21,327
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent     26,051      33,366
Minority interest                                        610         573
Total shareholders´ equity                            26,661      33,939
Non-current liabilities                                                 
Deferred tax liabilities                               4,034       4,047
Provisions                                               849         839
Interest-bearing liabilities                          25,842      25,905
Non-interest-bearing liabilities                       1,584       1,584
Current liabilities                                                     
Tax liabilities from the profit                           98          24
Short-term interest-bearing liabilities               25,605      16,314
Accounts payable and other liabilities                32,908      24,459
Total liabilities                                     90,920      73,172
Shareholders' equity and liabilities                 117,582     107,112


EUR         A     B    C     D       E       F       G        H      I       J  
Shareho  24,082  66  1,221  -382  -2,013  21,327     -308  43,993  1,445  45,437
Transla                            1,751                    1,751          1,751
Result                                             -2,282  -2,282     37  -2,245
Dividen                                                         0      0       0
ds paid                                                                         
Acquire                      -22                              -22            -22
d own                                                                           
Minorit                                               120     120   -219     -99
Shareho  24,082  66  1,221  -403    -263  21,327   -2,470  43,560  1,263  44,823
EUR         A     B    C     D       E       F       G        H      I       J  
Shareho  24,082  66  1,221  -599  -1,239  21,327  -11,491  33,366    573  33,939
Transla                                0                        0              0
Result                               163           -7,478  -7,315     37   7,278
Dividen                                                         0              0
ds paid                                                                         
Acquire                                                         0              0
d own                                                                           
Minorit                                                         0              0
Shareho  24,082  66  1,221  -599  -1,076  21,327  -18,969  26,051    610  26,661

Letter code explanations:
A Share capital
B Premium fund
C Reserve fund
D Own shares
E Translation differences
F Other unrestricted equity
G Retained profit
H Total
I Minority interest
J Shareholders' equity


EUR 1,000                                     1.1. - 31.3.2011  1.1. - 31.3.2010
Cash flows from operating activities                                            
Payments received from operating activities             36,012            12,327
Payments paid on operating activities                  -41,686           -14,580
Paid interests and other financial expenses               -515                97
Interests received and other financial                      92                23
Direct taxes paid                                           -1               -44
Net cash provided by operating activities               -6,097            -2,176
Cash flows from investing activities                                            
Investments in tangible assets             
Sales of tangible assets                                  -373              -249
Investments in intangible assets                          -164                -4
Loans granted                                           -2,182              -250
Net cash provided by investing activities               -2,719              -503
Cash flows from financing activities                                            
Acquisition of own shares                                    0               -21
Increase in loans                                        7,669             1,109
Decrease in loans                                            0              -102
Payments of finance lease activities                      -257              -187
Net cash provided by financing activities                7,412               799
Change in cash and cash equivalents                     -1,404            -1,880
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of                2,734             2,797
 the period                                                                     
Exchange rate differences                                   11               103
Change in cash and cash equivalents at the               1,341             1,020
 end of the period                                                              


This report has been drawn up in accordance with IAS 34 requirements for
interim reports. 


The interim report applies the same principles as in the financial statement
for 2010. 

During the review period, the Group adopted a new accounting principle due to
Avilon Ltd's treatment of emission rights. Emission rights received are
recognized as intangible assets and deferred income. Emission rights are valued
at current fair or otherwise probable value. If the emission rights market
value drops significantly below the book value and the decline is considered
permanent, it is recognized as an impairment loss, which the Group does not
intend to use internally. Deferred revenue is recognized in other operating
income during the period for which the corresponding rights are granted. Actual
emissions are corresponding expenses in the income statement under other
operating expenses and appear in the balance sheet reserves. Emission rights
and related provisions are derecognized when they are submitted to cover
obligations or sold. Any gains or losses are recognized in the income


          31.3.2011   Cable   Viscose     Single      Eliminations and    Group 
                              Fibers      Family      other operations    total 
EUR 1,000                                                                       
Turnover             24,485     7,130             0                   0   31,615
Segment's operating    -391    -6,570             0                   0   -6,961
Unallocated items         0         0             0                -251     -251
Operating profit       -391    -6,570             0                -251   -7,212
Share of the result                          -1,669                       -1,669
 of associates                                                                  
Unallocated items                                                   914      914
Profit or loss for                                                        -6,150
 the period                                                                     
Segment's assets     83,041    19,856         3,000                      105,896
Unallocated items                                                11,686   11,686
Total assets         83,041    19,856         3,000              11,686  117,582
Segment's            62,992    26,434             0                       90,920
Unallocated items                                                 1,494         
Total liabilities    62,992    26,434             0               1,494   90,920
Assets -             20,049    -6,579         3,000              10,191   26,661
Investments              72       420             0                  42      534
Depreciations        -1,004      -266             0                  -4   -1,274
          31.3.2010   Cable   Viscose     Single      Eliminations and    Group 
                              Fibers      Family      other operations    total 
EUR 1,000                                                                       
Turnover             16,603         0             0                   0   52,707
Segment's operating  -1,958         0             0                       -1,958
Unallocated items                                                  -299     -299
Operating profit     -1,958         0             0                -299   -2,257
Share of the result       0                                                    0
 of associates                                          
Unallocated items                                                    13       13
Profit or loss for                                                        -2,244
 the period                                                                     
Segment's assets     80,601         0             0                   0   80,601
Unallocated items                                                13,709   13,709
Total assets         80,601         0             0              13,709   94,310
Segment's            55,519         0             0                   0   55,519
Unallocated items                                                -6,032   -6,032
Total liabilities    55,519         0             0              -6,032   49,487
Assets -             25,082         0             0              19,740   44,822
Investments             257         0             0                   3      260
Depreciations        -1,223         0             0                   0   -1,223

Cable business turnover per product group  1-3/2011  1-3/2010
LV energy                                      10.4       7.0
Power cable                                    14.1       9.6
Others                                         24.5      16.6
Cable business turnover per sales area     1-3/2011  1-3/2010
EU-countries                                   20.1      13.2
Non-EU-countries                                4.4       3.4
Total                                          24.5      16.6

The cable division's three largest customers are Onninen, Rexel and Sonepar.
Each accounted for more than 10% of net sales. 

Cable business turnover per sales area  1-3/2011  1-3/2010
EU-countries                                 1.5       0.0
Non-EU-countries                             5.6       0.0
Total                                        7.1       0.0



In April 2010, Neo Industrial invested on 30% share of prefabricated single
family house manufacturer Finndomo Ltd. Below is the purchase price allocation

EUR 1,000                                Share of  Fair value and  Fair value
                                        acquirees   recalculation            
                                       book value     adjustments            
Net assets acquired                                                          
Intangible assets                             104           4,787       4,891
Tangible assets                             8,032           1,099       9,131
Inventories                                 8,157               0       8,157
Deferred tax receivables                      732           3,878       4,610
Current receivables                         3,986               0       3,986
Cash in hand and at bank                      803               0         803
Available for sale assets                      19           1,416       1,435
Provisions                                    -10               0         -10
Current liabilities                       -12,397               0     -12,397
Non-current liabilities                   -18,204               0     -18,204
Deferred tax liabilities                     -162          -1,905      -2,067
Total net assets acquired                                                 337
Share of the net assets of associates                                     337
Goodwill                                                                5,663
Total cost of acquisition                                               6,000


EUR 1,000                                  01-03/2011  01-12/2010
Book value at the beginning of the period      43,719      32,978
Investment                                        372      15,448
Decrease                                            0        -944
Depreciations                                  -1,271      -4,224
Translation differences                            82         461
Book value at the end of the period            42,902      43,719


EUR 1,000                            31.3.2011  31.12.2010
Debts with corporate mortgages                            
Loans from financial institutions       10,379      10,520
Granted corporate mortgages             21,820      21,820
Debts with securities or guarantees                       
Loans from financial institutions       13,533      13,533
                                         5,400       5,400
Book value of pledged securities        25,712      25,712
Granted guarantees                      18,933      18,933
Other collaterals                                         Guarantees and payment commitments       4,849       3,173
Debts with corporate mortgages           2,784       2,894
Loans from financial institutions        3,000       3,000


Sales receivables, which were EUR 8.9 million on 31.3.2011 (EUR 6.0 million on
31.12.2010), are surety for factoring credit, which was EUR 7.8 million on
31.3.2011  (EUR 3.6 million on 31.12.2010) 


Investment commitments on tangible non-current assets on 31 March 2011 were 0.1
million euros (0.4 million euros on 31 December 2010). 


EUR 1,000    Positive   Negative     Current  Current net    Nominal     Nominal
              current    current  net values       values     values      values
               values     values   31.3.2011   31.12.2010  31.3.2011  31.12.2010
Forward             0         -9          -9          -26      1,545       1,545
Metal           1,008          0       1,008        1,240      3,945       4,366
Total           1,008         -9                                                
Long-term derivatives deducted                                                  
Short-term      1,008         -9                                                


Neo Industrial Plc and therefore Neo Industrial Group belongs to Reka Group.
Reka Ltd had a 50.76% (50.76%) holding of shares and 60.77% (60.77%) of votes. 


Related party events with Reka group

EUR 1,000                                                     1-3/2011  1-3/2010
Sales                                                                5         4
Other purchases                                                   -429      -349
Interest revenues                                                    5         0
Sales receivables and other receivables at end of the period     1 495     1,344
Finance leases (activated on the balance sheet)                -10 567    -8,301
Other debts at end of the period                                    -5       -52

Other related party events

EUR 1,000                                                     1-3/2011  1-3/2010
Interest revenues                                                   50        29
Loan receivables                                                 1 200     2 000
Sales receivables and other receivables at end of the period        50         8

The Managing Director of Neo Industrial has significant controlling power in
SAV Rahoitus Plc. 

Other related parties consist of companies that have connection through owner
having significant controlling power. Transactions with other related parties
consist of transactions with SAV Rahoitus Plc. Loan receivables consist of
short-term corporate loans, which have been made in 2009 after comparing
different possibilities to invest cash funds with better revenues than what
could be got with temporal bank deposits. Loans have collaterals. 

Return on           =  Profit before taxes + interest and other financial  x 100
 investment (ROI)       expenses                                                
                       [Balance sheet total - obligatory provisions and         
                        non-interest bearing liabilities]
Equity ratio, %     =  Shareholders' equity + minority interest minus      x 100
                        deferred tax liabilities                                
                       Balance sheet total - advances received                  
Earnings/share      =  Profit for the period belonging to equity holders        
 (EPS), EUR             of the parent                                           
                       Number of shares adjusted for share issues               
Equity/share, EUR   =  Shareholders´ equity - minority interest minus           
                        deferred tax liabilities                                
                       Number of shares adjusted for share issues at the        
                        end of the financial period                             

Comments made in this report that do not refer to actual facts that have
already taken place are future estimates. 

Such estimates include expectations concerning market trends, growth and
profitability, and statements that include the terms believe', assume', will
be', or a similar expression. Since these estimates are based on current plans
and estimates, they involve risks and uncertainty factors which may lead to
results differing substantially from current statements. Such factors include
1) operating conditions, e.g. continued success in production and consequent
efficiency benefits, availability and cost of production inputs, demand for new
products, changing circumstances in respect of the acquisition of capital under
acceptable conditions; 2) circumstances in the sector such as the intensity of
demand for products, the competition, current and future market prices for the
Group's products and related pricing pressures, the financial situation of the
Group's customers and competitors, competitors' possible new competing products
and 3) the general economic situation such as economic growth in the Group's
main geographical market areas or changes in exchange rates and interest rates.