2013-09-24 22:34:41 CEST

2013-09-24 22:35:42 CEST


Islandic English
Íbúðalánasjóður - Changes board/management/auditors

Notification of the appointment of a new Board of Directors for the Housing Financing Fund

Eygló Harðardóttir, Minister of Social Affairs and Housing, has appointed a new
Board of Directors for the Housing Financing Fund. Chairman of the Board is
Ingibjörg Ólöf Vilhjálmsdóttir, Attorney at Law, who will be taking over from
Jóhann Ársælsson. 

According to amendments made to the Housing Act in July 2012, the CEO and the
Board of Directors must meet the eligibility assessment conducted by The
Financial Supervisory Authority. 

The Board of the Housing Financing Fund is composed of the following members:

Ingibjörg Ólöf Vilhjálmsdóttir, Attorney at Law, Chairman of the Board

Hrund Hafsteinsdóttir, Attorney at Law, Vice-chairman

Haukur Ingibergsson, former Director General of Registers Iceland

Kristrún Heimisdóttir, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the
University of Akureyri 

Stefán Ólafsson, Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University
of Iceland 


Kristinn Dagur Gissurarson, business administration

Jóhann Birgisson, banker

Halldóra Hauksdóttir, Attorney at Law

Margrét Rósa Sigurðardóttir, high school teacher

G. Valdimar Valdimarsson, IT professional

Ingibjörg Ólöf Vilhjálmsdóttir, Attorney, Land Lögmenn (Land International
Legal Services) 

Ingibjörg received a Master's degree (LLM) in international and comparative law
from the George Washington University Law School in 2003. She passed her Bar
exam before the Icelandic Bar Association in 2000. Ingibjörg passed her final
exams (Cand. Jur.) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Iceland in 1998.
Ingibjörg is an Attorney at Law and one of the founders and partners at Land
Lögmenn a international legal services firm. Ingibjörg's areas of speciality
include international investment and business contracts, free-trade agreements,
consultancy services to start-up companies, administrative law and agricultural
legislation. She supervised legal consultancy services for the investment
company IVC S.A. in Switzerland and worked for the Trade Relations Division at
the European Free Trade Association in Geneva. Ingibjörg was previously
employed as a Head of Division for the Ministry of Agriculture and was an
Officer with the office of the District Commissioner in Seyðisfjörður. In
addition, she was a part-time lecturer at the University of Bifröst. Ingibjörg
has been a member of and chaired numerous committees appointed by the
Government Offices of Iceland since 1999. 

Hrund Hafsteinsdóttir, Attorney, ETNA Lögmannsstofa (ETNA Legal Services)

She completed her final exams (Cand. Jur.) in law from the University of
Iceland and is a founder of ETNA Legal Services, operating in Reykjavík and
Brussels, focusing on international trade, strategic communications, EU law and
consultancy services in public administration. Hrund has worked in
international organisations in Brussels for 10 years, was for a while employed
by the Foreign Ministry and is a District Attorney. She has been a member of
numerous committees and Boards of Directors, including Síminn hf. and the
Competition Council. She has also been on the election board for elections to
the Church Congress. 

Haukur Ingibergsson, former Director General of Registers Iceland

He received a cand.mag degree in history from the University of Iceland in 1973
and a BA in history and geography from the University of Iceland in 1973. As of
1986, Haukur has been employed in various positions of responsibility within
the administrative branch, including Managing Director of the Icelandic Motor
Vehicle Inspectorate, Managing Director of the Icelandic Budget Bureau, Office
Manager at the Ministry of Finance and Director General of Registers Iceland.
Haukur has been a member of numerous committees both inside and outside the
administrative branch as well as being a Board member in many companies,
including Icelandic Vehicle Inspection (Bifreiðaskoðun Íslands hf.),
Stofnfiskur hf., Board of Icelandic Alloys and the University Council of the
Iceland University of Education. 

Kristrún Heimisdóttir, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the
University of Akureyri 

She received a law degree (Cand. Jur.) from the University of Iceland in 1998.
Kristrún also studied philosophy at the University College in Cork in Ireland.
She was appointed Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University
of Akureyri from 2012 and was assistant to the Minister of Economic Affairs and
Commerce (2010-12), legal consultant to the Minster of Social Affairs (2009-10)
and assistant to the Foreign Minister (2007-9). Previously, she was an attorney
at Lex Legal Services (2006-7), with the Federation of Icelandic Industries
(2001-6), Managing Director of the Reykjavík Academy (1999-2001) and attorney
for the Althingi Ombudsman (1998-9). She also lectured in the law faculties of
the Icelandic universities concurrently with other work. 

Stefán Ólafsson, Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University
of Iceland 

Stefán has a doctorate in social and economic science from Oxford (1982) and an
MA degree in sociology from the University of Edinburgh (1976). Stefán has been
employed in the University of Iceland since 1980 and has been both a lecturer
and held administrative positions. He has written a number of published books
and numerous research and scientific papers that have been published both in
Iceland and abroad. Stefán was Chairman of the Board of Icelandic Alloys
1992-2004, a member of the Board of Spölur hf. from 1999-2004, Chairman of the
Board of Háskólabíó from 2000 and is at present Chairman of the Board of
Tryggingastofnun ríkisins (Social Insurance Administration), from 2007. 

Further information will be supplied by the Chair of the current Board of
Directors of the Housing Financing Fund, Ingibjörg Ólöf Vilhjálmsdóttir,
e-mail: iov@landlogmenn.is.