2014-03-03 08:00:02 CET

2014-03-03 08:00:08 CET


Tieto Oyj - Company Announcement

Tieto's comparison figures for 2013 based on IFRS 11

Tieto Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 3 March 2014, 9.00 am EET

Tieto will adopt the new IFRS 11, ‘Joint arrangements' as of 1 January 2014.
Proportional consolidation of joint ventures is no longer allowed and the
results will be reported as one line above operating profit (EBIT). The first
interim report for 2014 to be published on 25 April will be prepared in
accordance with the new standard. 

Equity accounting will decrease the Group's annual net sales by around 4%. The
change mainly affects the Industry Products (around 12% negative) and Managed
Services (around 2% negative) service lines. Of industry groups, the change
mainly affects Financial Services (around 10% negative) and Public Healthcare
and Welfare (around 7% negative). EBIT is affected by the amount corresponding
to Tieto's share of joint ventures' financial items and taxes, and there might
be a slightly positive impact, if any, on EBIT margin. The company's net profit
for the period is not affected. 

Tieto's financial reporting for 2013 has been adjusted to account for the
changes. The tables below are also available in Excel format at

Changed key figures                                                             
                       2013         2013         2013          2013         2013       1-3          4-6          7-9         10-12         1-12
Return on              11.5         13.6         12.1          16.8         16.8
 rolling, % *)                                                                  
Equity ratio,          43.2         44.0         46.7          49.3         49.3
Interest-beari         18.3         81.1         52.6          15.5         15.5
ng net debt,                                                                    
 EUR million                                                                    
Gearing, %              3.7         16.8         10.2           3.0          3.0
*) When calculating Return on capital employed for the year 2013,  the balance  
 sheet items concerning year 2012 in the 12-month average denominator are not   
 restated according to the IFRS 11 Joint arrangements.                          

Income statement, EUR million                                                   
                                              2013   2013   2013   2013     2013
                                               1-3    4-6    7-9  10-12     1-12
Net sales                                    423.9  416.7  361.1  405.1  1 606.8
Other operating income                         4.0    3.1    4.5    6.5     18.1
Employee benefit expenses                    248.5  244.7  199.8  230.7    923.7
Depreciation, amortization and impairment     21.2   28.6   19.3   20.6     89.7
Other operating expenses                     131.4  133.8  123.5  144.4    533.1
Share of profit from investments accounted     2.5    2.1    1.3    1.4      7.3
 for using the equity method                                                    
Operating profit (EBIT)                       29.3   14.8   24.3   17.3     85.7
Financial income and expenses                 -1.5   -1.8   -1.7   -1.6     -6.6
Profit before taxes                           27.8   13.0   22.6   15.7     79.1
Income taxes                                  -6.4   -5.6   -4.2   -0.7    -16.9
Net profit for the period                     21.4    7.4   18.4   15.0     62.2

Balance sheet, EUR million                                                      
                                                 2013     2013     2013     2013
                                               31 Mar   30 Jun   30 Sep   31 Dec
Goodwill                                        383.9    374.8    376.7    372.3
Other intangible assets                          51.1     45.9     40.3     44.1
Property, plant and equipment                   100.3     98.1     96.4     94.6
Investments accounted for using the equity       18.1     20.2     20.2     21.5
Other non-current assets                         36.6     38.1     34.6     31.5
Total non-current assets                        590.0    577.1    568.2    564.0
Trade receivables and other current assets      482.6    463.1    439.8    416.5
Cash and cash equivalents                        93.1    126.4    150.6    114.1
Total current assets                            575.7    589.5    590.4    530.6
Assets classified as held for sale               47.3        -      2.0        -
Total assets                                  1 213.0  1 166.6  1 160.6  1 094.6
Total equity                                    488.7    483.9    513.5    514.2
Non-current loans                                 3.8    102.1    101.0    103.1
Other non-current liabilities                    61.2     58.0     58.5     56.8
Total non-current liabilities                    65.0    160.1    159.5    159.9
Trade payables and other current liabilities    468.6    379.8    343.9    341.8
Provisions                                       26.6     28.3     32.5     44.2
Current loans                                   118.5    114.5    111.0     34.5
Total current liabilities                       613.7    522.6    487.4    420.5
Liabilities classified as held for sale          45.6        -      0.2        -
Total equity and liabilities                  1 213.0  1 166.6  1 160.6  1 094.6

Cash flow, EUR million                                                          
                                                2013   2013   2013   2013   2013
                                                 1-3    4-6    7-9  10-12   1-12
Cash flow from operations                                                       
   Net profit                                   21.4    7.4   18.4   15.0   62.2
      Depreciation, amortization and            21.2   28.6   19.3   20.6   89.7
       impairment charges                                                       
      Share-based payments                       0.4    0.1    0.1    0.2    0.8
      Profit/loss on sale of fixed assets and    0.1    0.0   -1.3   -0.2   -1.4
      Share of profit from investments          -2.5   -2.1   -1.3   -1.4   -7.3
       accounted for using the equity method                                    
      Other adjustments                          1.2   -4.9   -0.3   -5.2   -9.2
      Net financial expenses                     1.5    1.8    1.7    1.6    6.6
      Income taxes                               6.4    5.6    4.2    0.7   16.9
   Change in net working capital                -0.2  -19.6    7.6   36.2   24.0
   Cash generated from operations               49.5   16.9   48.4   67.5  182.3
   Net financial expenses paid                  -3.0   -1.9   -1.1   -6.1  -12.1
   Dividends received from investments           7.6      -      -      -    7.6
    accounted for using the equity method                                       
   Income taxes paid                            -4.1   -4.3   -6.5   -3.9  -18.8
Net cash flow from operations                   50.0   10.7   40.8   57.5  159.0
Cash flow from investing activities                                             
   Acquisition of Group companies and           -0,0      -   -1.7      -   -1.7
    business operations,                                                        
   net of cash acquired                                                         
   Capital expenditures                        -13.3  -15.7  -11.7  -17.8  -58.5
   Disposal of Group companies and business     -0,0  -19.5    0.5    1.7  -17.3
   net of cash disposed                                                         
   Sales of fixed assets                         0.0    0.0    0.3    0.9    1.2
   Change in loan receivables                   -0.4    1.4    0.3    0.8    2.1
Net cash used in investing activities          -13.7  -33.8  -12.3  -14.4  -74.2
Cash flow from financing activities                                             
   Dividends paid                                  -  -59.7      -      -  -59.7
   Exercise of stock options                     1.2    5.7    0.0    0.2    7.1
   Payments of finance lease liabilities        -2.8   -0.6   -1.1   -0.9   -5.4
   Change in interest-bearing liabilities       -5.7   95.1   -3.5  -79.9    6.0
Net cash used in financing activities           -7.3   40.5   -4.6  -80.6  -52.0
Change in cash and cash equivalents             29.0   17.4   23.9  -37.5   32.8
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of   75.8   93.1  126.4  150.6   75.8
Foreign exchange differences                     2.0    2.2    0.3    1.0    5.5
Assets classified as held for sale             -13.7   13.7      -      -      -
Change in cash and cash equivalents             29.0   17.4   23.9  -37.5   32.8
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of         93.1  126.4  150.6  114.1  114.1

Segment information                                                             
Customer sales by service line, EUR million                                     
                                          2013    2013    2013     2013     2013
                                           1-3     4-6     7-9    10-12     1-12
Managed Services                           120     125     117      129      492
Consulting and System Integration          108     108      92      102      410
Industry Products                          109     105      91      111      416
Product Development Services                86      79      60       63      289
Group total                                424     417     361      405    1 607
No internal sales occur between service lines as in the management accounting,  
 revenue and costs are booked directly to the respective customer projects in   
 the service lines.                                                             
Customer sales by country, EUR million                                          
                                          2013    2013    2013     2013     2013
                                           1-3     4-6     7-9    10-12     1-12
Finland                                    190     184     168      188      729
Sweden                                     143     141     126      146      555
Other                                       91      92      67       71      322
Group total                                424     417     361      405    1 607
Customer sales by industry group, EUR million                                   
                                          2013    2013    2013     2013     2013
                                           1-3     4-6     7-9    10-12     1-12
Financial Services                          80      84      77       89      331
Manufacturing, Retail and Logistics         76      78      70       81      305
Public, Healthcare and Welfare             107     102      90      105      403
Telecom, Media and Energy                   74      74      63       68      279
Product Development Services                86      79      60       63      289
Group total                                424     417     361      405    1 607

Operating profit (EBIT) by service line, EUR million                        
                                             2013    2013   2013    2013    2013
                                              1-3     4-6    7-9   10-12    1-12
Managed Services                              0.7     5.4    3.7     0.4    10.2
Consulting and System Integration             3.8     2.8    4.0    -1.6     9.0
Industry Products                            17.6    15.4   19.9    28.3    81.2
Product Development Services                  9.3    -2.6    3.0    -1.3     8.4
Support Functions and Global Management      -2.1    -6.1   -6.3    -8.5   -23.0
Operating profit (EBIT)                      29.3    14.8   24.3    17.3    85.7
Operating margin (EBIT) by service line, %                                      
                                             2013    2013   2013    2013    2013
                                              1-3     4-6    7-9   10-12    1-12
Managed Services                              0.6     4.3    3.2     0.3     2.1
Consulting and System Integration             3.5     2.6    4.3    -1.6     2.2
Industry Products                            16.1    14.7   21.9    25.5    19.5
Product Development Services                 10.8    -3.4    5.0    -2.0     2.9
Operating margin (EBIT)                       6.9     3.5    6.7     4.3     5.3
The new operating model taken into use 2013 is steered based on project         
 performance and direct costs are linked to the deliveries in the service lines.
 The calculation of operating margin percentages is based on only customer sales
 by service lines as the internal invoicing between the legal entities based on 
 transfer pricing requirements is reported within Support Functions and Global  

Operating profit (EBIT) excl. one-off items by service line, EUR million
                                          2013  2013  2013   2013   2013
                                           1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Managed Services                           0.3   5.7   6.0    9.0   21.0
Consulting and System Integration          5.1   9.6   9.6    7.7   32.0
Industry Products                         17.6  16.6  20.1   28.5   82.8
Product Development Services              10.0   2.0   4.8    2.7   19.4
Support Functions and Global Management   -2.0  -3.3  -3.0   -5.8  -14.2
Operating profit (EBIT)                   31.0  30.6  37.5   42.0  141.2
Operating margin (EBIT) excl. one-off items by service line, %          
                                          2013  2013  2013   2013   2013
                                           1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Managed Services                           0.3   4.6   5.1    6.9    4.3
Consulting and System Integration          4.7   8.9  10.4    7.6    7.8
Industry Products                         16.1  15.8  22.1   25.7   19.9
Product Development Services              11.6   2.6   7.9    4.2    6.7
Operating margin (EBIT)                    7.3   7.3  10.4   10.4    8.8
Personnel by service line, end of period                               
                                           2013    2013    2013    2013
                                            1-3     4-6     7-9   10-12
Managed Services                          3 088   3 138   3 147   3 090
Consulting and System Integration         4 289   4 136   4 152   3 986
Industry Products                         3 108   2 923   2 928   2 919
Product Development Services              4 113   3 543   3 360   3 193
Service Lines total                      14 598  13 739  13 588  13 188
Industry Groups                             430     415     408     390
Support Functions and Global Management     817     778     782     740
Group total                              15 845  14 933  14 778  14 318
Personnel by service line, average                                     
                                           2013    2013    2013    2013
                                            1-3     4-6     7-9   10-12
Managed Services                          3 094   3 104   3 115   3 112
Consulting and System Integration         4 297   4 280   4 238   4 192
Industry Products                         3 089   3 076   3 022   2 996
Product Development Services              4 200   4 034   3 827   3 673
Service Lines total                      14 680  14 494  14 201  13 973
Industry Groups                             440     432     426     418
Support Functions and Global Management     792     795     789     780
Group total                              15 911  15 720  15 416  15 170

Non-current assets by country, EUR million                                      
                                                    2013    2013    2013    2013
                                                  31 Mar  30 Jun  30 Sep  31 Dec
Finland                                            104.5   101.1    96.9   101.5
Sweden                                              35.0    31.9    29.7    28.0
Other                                               11.9    11.0    10.0     9.2
Total countries                                    151.4   144.0   136.7   138.7
Non-current assets classified as held for sale      47.3     0.0     2.0     0.0
Total non-current assets                           198.7   144.0   138.7   138.7
Goodwill is allocated to the Cash Generating Units, which include several       
 countries and therefore goodwill is not included in the country specific       
 non-current assets shown above.                                                
Depreciation by service line, EUR million                                       
                                             2013    2013    2013    2013   2013
                                              1-3     4-6     7-9   10-12   1-12
Managed Services                             17.3    17.0    15.9    16.9   67.1
Consulting and System Integration             0.2     0.3     0.3     0.3    1.0
Industry Products                             0.2     0.1     0.1     0.1    0.5
Product Development Services                  0.2     0.2     0.2     0.1    0.7
Support Functions and Global Management       2.3     2.2     2.0     2.3    8.8
Group total                                  20.1    19.8    18.4    19.7   78.1
Amortization on allocated intangible assets from acquisitions by service line,  
 EUR million                                                                    
                                             2013    2013    2013    2013   2013
                                              1-3     4-6     7-9   10-12   1-12
Managed Services                              0.5     0.4     0.5     0.4    1.8
Consulting and System Integration             0.2     0.1     0.1     0.2    0.6
Industry Products                             0.2     0.2     0.2     0.2    0.9
Product Development Services                  0.1     0.1     0.1     0.1    0.4
Support Functions and Global Management       0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    0.0
Group total                                   1.0     0.8     0.9     0.9    3.7
Impairment losses by service line, EUR million                        
                                         2013  2013  2013   2013  2013
                                          1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12  1-12
Managed Services                          0.0   0.1   0.0    0.0   0.1
Consulting and System Integration         0.0   2.6   0.0    0.0   2.6
Industry Products                         0.0   1.3   0.0    0.0   1.3
Product Development Services              0.0   3.6   0.0    0.0   3.6
Support Functions and Global Management   0.0   0.4   0.0    0.0   0.4
Group total                               0.0   8.0   0.0    0.0   8.0

For further information, please contact:
Tanja Lounevirta, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 50 321 7510,
tanja.lounevirta (at) tieto.com 


NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
Principal Media

Tieto is the largest Nordic IT services company providing full life-cycle
services for both the private and public sectors and product development
services in the field of communications and embedded technologies. The company
has global presence through its product development business and global
delivery centres. Tieto is committed to developing enterprises and society
through IT by realizing new opportunities in customers' business
transformation. At Tieto, we believe in professional development and results. 

Founded 1968, headquartered in Helsinki, Finland and with approximately 14 000
experts, the company operates in over 20 countries with net sales of
approximately EUR 1.6 billion. Tieto's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX in
Helsinki and Stockholm. Please visit www.tieto.com for more information.