2008-04-02 12:45:00 CEST

2008-04-02 12:45:01 CEST


English Finnish
Cramo Oyj - Notice to general meeting


Cramo Plc    Company announcement 2 April 2008, at 1.45 pm Finnish time (GMT+2) 


Shareholders of Cramo Plc are invited to attend the annual general meeting of   
the company on Wednesday, 23 April 2008, commencing at 10:00 am in the Terrace  
auditorium of the Finlandia Hall, Mannerheimintie 13 e, Helsinki (entrance from 
doors M4 and K4). Shareholder registration will begin at 9:00 am.               

The following matters stipulated in article 8 of the company's articles of      
association, and other matters, will be on the agenda:                          

Presenting of the financial statement, annual report and the auditor's report   

Adopting of the financial statements                                            

Use of the profit shown on the balance sheet                                    

The board of directors proposes to the annual general meeting that a dividend of
EUR 0.65 per share be paid.  The dividend will be paid to shareholders who are  
registered in the company's shareholder's register maintained by the Finnish    
Central Securities Depository Ltd on the record date, 28 April, 2008.  The board
proposes that the dividend be paid on 6 May 2008.                               

Granting of discharge from liability to the members of the board of directors   
and the managing director                                                       

The remuneration of the members of the board and the basis of compensation for  
their travel expenses                                                           

The shareholders' nomination and compensation committee proposes that the       
chairman of the board be paid EUR 60.000 per year, the deputy chairman of the   
board EUR 40.000 per year, and the other members of the board EUR 30.000 per    
year. The board proposes that 40 per cent of the remuneration shall be paid in  
shares of Cramo Plc and 60 per cent shall be paid in cash. In addition, an      
attendance fee of EUR 1.000 will be paid for attendance at each meeting of the  
audit committee and the nomination and compensation committee. Reasonable travel
expenses will be refunded in accordance with an invoice.                        

The number of the board members                                                 

The nomination and compensation committee proposes that the number of members of
the board be confirmed as seven (7) ordinary members.                           

Election of the members of the board                                            

The nomination and compensation committee proposes that, subject to their       
consent, the following current members of the board be re-elected: Mr. Stig     
Gustavson, Mr. Gunnar Glifberg, Mr. Eino Halonen, Mr. Hannu Krogerus, Mr. Esko  
Mäkelä and Mr. Juhani Nurminen, and that Mr. Fredrik Cappelen be elected as a   
new member, all to serve for a term ending at the end of the next annual general
meeting. The curriculum vitae of the proposed new member of the board of        
directors is available from 2 April 2008 onwards on the Internet at             

The remuneration of auditors                                                    

The board of directors proposes, on the recommendation of the audit committee,  
that the auditors be paid remuneration in accordance with the auditors' invoice.

Election of auditors and deputy auditor                                         

The board of directors proposes, on the recommendation of the audit committee,  
that APA Tomi Englund and the firm of authorized public accountants Ernst &
Young Oy, which has appointed APA Erkka Talvinko as responsible auditor, to be  
appointed as auditors to serve for a term ending at the end of the next annual  
general meeting. The auditors proposed herein have given their consent for the  

Authorization of the board of directors to decide on the acquisition of own     

The board of directors proposes that the general meeting authorize the board of 
directors to decide on the acquisition of own shares as follows:                

A maximum of 3,066,000 shares can be acquired in one or several tranches. The   
company, together with its subsidiaries, cannot at any time own more than 10 per
cent of all its registered shares.                                              

The shares are to be acquired in public trading and such acquisition will       
therefore be carried out as a directed acquisition, i.e., not in proportion to  
the holdings of the current shareholders. The acquisitions of own shares will be
carried out through the OMX Nordic Exchange (Helsinki) and in compliance with   
its rules and guidelines. The consideration paid for own shares acquired must be
based on the share's price as it is quoted in public trading. The minimum       
consideration thus corresponds to the lowest price quoted for the share in      
public trading and the maximum consideration, correspondingly, to the highest   
price quoted for it within the validity period of this authorization.           

The board of directors decides on other terms for the acquisition of the        
company's own shares. Derivatives may be used in the acquisition of own shares, 
inter alia.                                                                     

Own shares may be acquired using the company's unrestricted equity only.        
Therefore, the acquisition of own shares reduces the company's distributable    
unrestricted equity.                                                            

The authorization is proposed to be in force until the next annual general      
meeting, however not later than until 23 September 2009.                        

Authorization of the board of directors to decide on transfer of treasury shares

The board of directors proposes that the general meeting authorize the board of 
directors to decide on the transfer of own shares as follows:                   

Under the authorization, a maximum of 3,066,000 shares can be transferred. The  
treasury shares may be transferred in one or several tranches. The board of     
directors decides on other terms for the transfer of the company's treasury     

The transfer of the treasury shares may be carried out in deviation from the    
shareholders' pre-emptive right (directed share issue), provided that there is  
weighty financial reason for the company to do so. The board of directors can   
act on this authorization in order to grant option rights and special rights    
entitling to shares, pursuant to Chapter 10(1) of the Companies Act. However,   
under this authorization, the board of directors is not authorized to resolve   
upon the personnel option plan.                                                 

The authorization is proposed to be in force until the next annual general      
meeting, however not later than until 23 September 2009.                        

Authorization of the board of directors to decide on share issue and option     
rights and other special rights entitling to shares                             

The board of directors proposes that the general meeting authorize the board to 
decide on share issue and option rights, convertible bonds and other special    
rights entitling to shares, pursuant to Chapter 10(1) of the Companies Act as   

Under the authorization a maximum of 6,132,000 new shares of the company can be 
issued. The shares or special rights entitling to shares can be issued in one or
more tranches.                                                                  

Under the authorization, the board of directors may resolve upon issuing new    
shares to the company itself. However, the company, together with its           
subsidiaries, cannot at any time own more than 10 per cent of all its registered
shares. The shares issued to the company itself can, among other things, be     
transferred under the authorization of the board of directors to decide on      
transfer of treasury shares.                                                    

The board of directors is authorized to resolve on all terms for the share issue
and granting of the special rights entitling to shares. However, under this     
authorization, the board of directors is not authorized to resolve upon the     
personnel option plan. Based on this authorization, the board of directors is   
authorized to resolve on a directed share issue in deviation from the           
shareholders' pre-emptive right and on the granting of special rights, provided 
that there is weighty financial reason for the company to do so.                

The authorization is proposed to be in force until the next annual general      
meeting, however not later than until 23 September 2009.                        

Documents on display for the shareholders                                       

The proposals of the board of directors and the annual accounts will be         
available for the shareholders starting on Tuesday 15 April 2008 on the         
company's Internet pages, at www.cramo.com/investors and at the company's head  
office at Kalliosolantie 2, 01740 Vantaa, Finland. As of the same date,         
shareholders may request copies of the documents either by e-mail to            
paivi.dahlqvist@cramo.com or by phone, tel. +358 (0)10 661 1241. The documents  
can also be viewed at the annual general meeting.                               

Participation in and registering for the general meeting                        

The right to attend the annual general meeting is held by a shareholder who is  
registered as the company's shareholder in the shareholder register, maintained 
by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd, on Friday 11 April 2008. A    
shareholder whose shares are nominee-registered and who wants to attend the     
general meeting must temporarily register with the shareholder register on      
Friday 11 April 2008 at the latest.                                             

In order to be entitled to attend the general meeting, the shareholder must     
notify the company of his intention to attend no later than on Wednesday, 16    
April 2008 at 4:00 pm either                                                    

a) by mail to Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd, Antti Rintakoski, PO Box 233,   
00131 Helsinki, Finland,                                                        

b) by telefax, +358 (0)20 7765 001 / Antti Rintakoski                           

c) by e-mail to antti.rintakoski@castren.fi, or                                 

d) by telephone, +358 (0)20 776 315 / Antti Rintakoski, weekdays Mon-Fri at 9:00
am to 4:00 pm.                                                                  

Notifications by letter, telefax or e-mail must reach the company before the end
of registration on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 at 4:00 pm.  Shareholders wishing to
vote by proxy should submit their forms of proxy to reach the company before the
above deadline.                                                                 

Vantaa, 2 April 2008                                                            

CRAMO PLC                                                                       
The board of directors                                                          

Further information                                                             
Vesa Koivula, President and CEO, puh. +358 40 510 5710                          

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Major media                                                                     