2017-02-16 08:00:02 CET

2017-02-16 08:00:02 CET


Finnish English
Cramo Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Financial information for 2016 according to new segment structure

Vantaa, Finland, 2017-02-16 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cramo Plc     Stock
Exchange Release 16 February, 2017 at 09.00 am (EET) 

Financial information for 2016 according to new segment structure

As of the first quarter 2017 Cramo has decided to publish its financial
information according to the new segment structure. The financial information
by the new segment structure for the financial year 2016 is provided below. 

Sales (EUR 1,000)                              1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  85,710  182,792  275,135  378,839
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   28,131   62,548  101,184  138,633
Equipment rental, Central Europe               13,795   33,915   57,584   77,888
Eliminations                                        0       -3      -25      -31
Equipment rental                              127,637  279,252  433,878  595,329
Modular space                                  28,014   55,680   86,027  117,603
Non-allocated & eliminations                 -215     -393     -518     -646
Group                                         155,436  334,539  519,387  712,287
EBITA (EUR 1,000)                              1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  10,783   26,766   45,683   60,867
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe     -495    4,648   15,217   21,667
Equipment rental, Central Europe               -3,381   -1,583    2,171    3,787
Eliminations                                       14      -99     -176     -162
Equipment rental                                6,920   29,732   62,895   86,159
Modular space                                   7,949   15,043   22,539   30,753
Non-allocated & eliminations               -1,911   -5,204   -6,933  -10,173
Group                                          12,958   39,570   78,501  106,739
EBITA margin                                   1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  12.6 %   14.6 %   16.6 %   16.1 %
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   -1.8 %    7.4 %   15.0 %   15.6 %
Equipment rental, Central Europe              -24.5 %   -4.7 %    3.8 %    4.9 %
Equipment rental                                5.4 %   10.6 %   14.5 %   14.5 %
Modular space                                  28.4 %   27.0 %   26.2 %   26.2 %
Group                                           8.3 %   11.8 %   15.1 %   15.0 %
EBIT (EUR 1,000)                               1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  10,183   25,620   44,035   58,726
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   -1,138    3,365   13,295   17,831
Equipment rental, Central Europe               -3,411   -1,642    2,083    3,670
Eliminations                                       14      -99     -176     -162
Equipment rental                                5,648   27,244   59,237   80,065
Modular space                                   7,937   15,019   22,503   30,705
Non-allocated & Eliminations               -1,911   -5,204   -6,933  -12,065
Group                                          11,674   37,059   74,807   98,705

EBIT margin                                    1-3/16  1-6/16  1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  11.9 %  14.0 %  16.0 %   15.5 %
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   -4.0 %   5.4 %  13.1 %   12.9 %
Equipment rental, Central Europe              -24.7 %  -4.8 %   3.6 %    4.7 %
Equipment rental                                4.4 %   9.8 %  13.7 %   13.4 %
Modular space                                  28.3 %  27.0 %  26.2 %   26.1 %
Group                                           7.5 %  11.1 %  14.4 %   13.9 %

CAPITAL EMPLOYED (EUR 1,000)                     3/16     6/16     9/16    12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                 385,670  383,714  387,354  372,409
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe  159,580  166,347  174,730  173,514
Equipment rental, Central Europe               85,061   89,789   92,318   92,871
Eliminations                                     -175     -290     -367     -353
Equipment rental                              630,136  639,560  654,035  638,441
Modular space                                 255,970  265,541  276,770  295,943
Non-allocated & Eliminations                  624   28,617   28,399   27,444
Group                                         886,730  933,718  959,204  961,828
ROCE                                           1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  12.0 %   14.0 %   15.3 %   15.6 %
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe    8.2 %    9.0 %    9.9 %   10.8 %
Equipment rental, Central Europe               -2.4 %   -0.2 %    1.9 %    4.0 %
Equipment rental                                9.1 %   10.7 %   11.9 %   12.7 %
Modular space                                  12.9 %   12.3 %   11.8 %   11.1 %
Group                                           9.0 %    9.7 %   10.6 %   10.6 %
Comparable EBITA (EUR 1,000)                   1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  10,783   26,766   45,683   64,548
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe     -495    4,648   15,217   22,312
Equipment rental, Central Europe               -3,381   -1,583    2,171    3,787
Eliminations                                       14      -99     -176     -162
Equipment rental                                6,920   29,732   62,895   90,485
Modular space                                   7,949   15,043   22,539   30,753
Non-allocated & eliminations               -1,911   -5,204   -6,933  -10,173
Group                                          12,958   39,570   78,501  111,065
Comparable EBITA margin                        1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  12.6 %   14.6 %   16.6 %   17.0 %
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   -1.8 %    7.4 %   15.0 %   16.1 %
Equipment rental, Central Europe              -24.5 %   -4.7 %    3.8 %    4.9 %
Equipment rental                                5.4 %   10.6 %   14.5 %   15.2 %
Modular space                                  28.4 %   27.0 %   26.2 %   26.2 %
Group                                           8.3 %   11.8 %   15.1 %   15.6 %
Comparable EBIT                                1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  10,183   25,620   44,035   62,407
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   -1,138    3,365   13,295   19,764
Equipment rental, Central Europe               -3,411   -1,642    2,083    3,670
Eliminations                                       14      -99     -176     -162
Equipment rental                                5,648   27,244   59,237   85,679
Modular space                                   7,937   15,019   22,503   30,705
Non-allocated & eliminations               -1,911   -5,204   -6,933  -10,173
Group                                          11,674   37,059   74,807  106,212
Comparable EBIT margin                         1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                  11.9 %   14.0 %   16.0 %   16.5 %
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   -4.0 %    5.4 %   13.1 %   14.3 %
Equipment rental, Central Europe              -24.7 %   -4.8 %    3.6 %    4.7 %
Equipment rental                                4.4 %    9.8 %   13.7 %   14.4 %
Modular space                                  28.3 %   27.0 %   26.2 %   26.1 %
Group                                           7.5 %   11.1 %   14.4 %   14.9 %

Comparable ROCE                               1-3/16  1-6/16  1-9/16  1-12/16
Equipment rental, Scandinavia                 12.0 %  14.0 %  15.3 %   16.6 %
Equipment rental, Finland and Eastern Europe   8.2 %   9.0 %   9.9 %   12.0 %
Equipment rental, Central Europe              -1.5 %   0.7 %   2.8 %    4.0 %
Equipment rental                               9.2 %  10.9 %  12.1 %   13.6 %
Modular space                                 12.9 %  12.3 %  11.8 %   11.1 %
Group                                          9.3 %   9.9 %  10.7 %   11.4 %

Additional information about sales

Sales by country (EUR 1,000)   1-3/16   1-6/16   1-9/16  1-12/16
ER Sweden                      67,036  144,383  217,090  298,595
MS Sweden                      13,315   28,573   42,849   57,576
Eliminations                     -166     -322     -437     -557
Sweden                         80,186  172,634  259,501  355,614
ER Finland                     20,612   45,227   71,723   98,160
MS Finland                      7,971   13,637   22,769   31,060
Finland                        28,584   58,865   94,492  129,221
ER Germany                     11,311   27,721   46,529   62,308
MS Germany                      1,664    4,077    6,284    9,148
Germany                        12,975   31,797   52,812   71,455
ER Norway                      14,341   28,986   43,578   60,273
MS Norway                       1,629    3,187    4,780    7,076
Norway                         15,970   32,173   48,358   67,350
Other countries                17,721   39,070   64,224   88,647
Group                         155,436  334,539  519,387  712,287

Calculation formulas

EBITA = Operating profit (EBIT) + amortisation and impairment on intangible
assets (purchase price allocations) arising from acquisitions 

Comparable EBITA = EBITA – items affecting comparability

Capital employed = Tangible assets + intangible assets + investments in joint
ventures + net working capital 

ROCE = EBIT rolling 12  months / average capital employed of starting balance
and ending balance 


Leif Gustafsson
President and CEO

Further information:

Mr Leif Gustafsson, President and CEO, tel: +358 10 661 10
Mr Aku Rumpunen, CFO, tel: +358 10 661 10, +358 40 556 3546
Mr Mattias Rådström, SVP, Communication, Marketing and Investor Relations, tel:
+46 70 868 7045 


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

Cramo is Europe’s second largest rental services company specialising in
construction machinery and equipment rental and rental-related services as well
as the rental of modular space. Cramo operates in fifteen countries and in
about 320 depots. With a group staff around 2,600, Cramo's consolidated sales
in 2016 was EUR 712 million. Cramo shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. 

Read more: www.cramogroup.com, www.twitter.com/cramogroup