2017-11-20 15:31:06 CET

2017-11-20 15:32:08 CET


Islandic English
Orkuveita Reykjavíkur - Financial Statement Release

OR returns good operating results through Q3

Orkuveita Reykjavíkur‘s (OR; Reykjavík Energy) operating expenses through Q3 2017 were less than during same period in 2016. External operating factors have also been favorable and bottom-line profits amounted to ISK 10.5 billion in the first nine months of year 2017. OR consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors today.

Lowering operating expenses

The operating expenses of OR in the first nine months of year 2017 were, in real terms, lower that in the same period in year 2016. Furthermore, according to OR’s financial forecast for year 2018, published October 20th, it is forecast to decrease further in year 2018. This prudence is returned to customers through regulated tariffs, as tariffs for potable water has already been decreased in year 2017 and tariffs for electricity distribution been lowered twice.

Increased price of aluminum

A sizeable portion of power sales by ON Power, one of OR´s subsidiaries, is connected to the price of aluminum. Increased price of the metal has thus returned increased revenues. Furthermore, the increased price is calculated for the duration of long-term contracts, so possible future benefits are also presented in the interim financial statements.

Key financial figures on OR’s web

OR has in recent years published Key Financial Figures along with the company’s financial statements. They can now be found on the company’s website at https://www.or.is/english/finance#page-8068. The web also comprises interim and annual financial statements for recent years.

Managers’ Overview 

All amounts are in ISK million Q3 2013 Q3 2014 Q3 2015 Q3 2016 Q3 2017
Revenues 28,806  26,960  28,768  29,921  31,310 
Operating expenses  (9,794)  (9,195)  (10,535)  (11,785)  (11,744)
   thereof energy purchases and transmission  (3,902)  (3,644)  (4,645)  (4,555)  (4,238)
EBITDA 19,012  17,766  18,234  18,136  19,566 
Depreciation  (6,251)  (6,510)  (7,172)  (7,584)  (7,051)
EBIT 12,762  11,256  11,061  10,551  12,515 
Income tax  (620)  (2,257)  (3,421)  (3,593)
Results of the period 5,972  7,879  3,093  9,368  10,512 
Cash flow statement          
Received interest income 176  442  377  146  278 
Paid interest expense  (3,448)  (3,420)  (3,181)  (2,600)  (2,990)
Net cash from operating activities 16,934  17,885  18,126  17,305  18,625 
Working capital from operation 14,973  12,677  14,734  14,853  15,080 
Investment in property, plant, equipment and intangible assets  (2,196)  (3,565)  (7,323)  (8,422)  (9,567)
Repayments of interest bearing debt  (20,561)  (13,913)  (11,977)  (12,681)  (13,835)


         Bjarni Bjarnason
         +354 516 6100